HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-02-04, Page 22Times -Advocate, February 4, 1987
SERVE HOT DRINKS Christina Glanville, Julia Obre, Susan Raiz and John Brown were serving hot
chocolate during Wednesday's winter carnival at Stephen Central School. T -A photo.
The Winter Carnival
by Room 9
Wednesday we had our winter car-
nival. We did eight events. It was tun.
We did log -sawing, tobogganning, ski-
ing, snow -shoeing, tug-of-war, three-
legged race, snow tower
building and a hot chocolate.
and rest station. When our group was
doing the toboggan racing, Mr. Brand
went on one tobaggan with our team
and Mrs. Thornton went on the other.
We won with Mr. Brand.
Shannon Wuerth
Our winter carnival was on
Wednesday. There were a lot of
--events._ We hadfuu_lgot my picture.
taken for the Exeter paper. We went
to every event.I liked my leader. His
name was Justin. He won almost all
the events.
Greg Glanville
At our winter carnival my team lost
only three games. We won five. We
are going to win them all next year.
I hope we do. If we get strong, we
might. -
Tommy Connor
At our winter carnival we did Jots
of things like skiing, sculpturing, and
snow shoeing. It was fun. I liked it. It
was too cold outside, but we had some
hot chocolate. It was good and
Melissa Thiel
I was on team five at winter car-
nival. We -went skiing first. It was
hard because the skiis broke. We
were having fun. We won a lot 'of
events. the whole day was fun.
Derek Sweitzer
My favourite event was the snow
sculpturing. We lost every event, ex-
cept one was a tie. Next time we'll do
better, but we had fun.
Jacob Weber
Wednesday we had winter carnival.
I was on team two, blue. When we
went to the snow building we had to
see who could build it the highest. We
won three games.
Amanda Weigand
My group was five. white at winter
carnival. We won every game except
one. When we had to pile snow we
won. The other team's tower was one
metre. Our's was 1.30 metres. Then
it was hotdogs for lunch.
►.f Judd Desjardine
The carnival was fun. I like the hot
chocolate. 1l was really cold out. We
won lots. It was really fun. I loved the
winter carnival.
Christopher Wilhelm
• My team for the carnival was
seven. We won five events but lost at
the three-legged race, the skiing and
- Robert Elder
For the winter carnival we were
busy. I like the tug-of-war best. I lik-
ed the hot chocolate because it warm-
ed us up the most.
Denise Parsons
Wednesday our school had car-
nival. We won Tots of events.
David Rammeloo
We had eight events at our winter
carnival. It was fots of fun. We got hot
chocolate. It was good.
Peggy Brownlee
At winter carnival there were eight
jobs. The kids in each group played
the games against another group, It
was fun. We loved it.
Connie Durward and Ethan Smith
I liked the winter carnival. My
favourite part was the tug-of-war. I
could do it the best.
Meagan Ratz
Our blue two team won the snow
shoeing at the carnival: At the log -
sawing it took us two minutes, 22
seconds. I liked the Carnival.
Trista Werrett
Wednesday was the viinter car-
nival. We had hot chocolate. It was
hot. We played tots of games. I was
on team whit& eight. 1 had fun.
Jo Dee Grasdahl
It was winter carnival. There were
eight'events. 1 was on team white.
four. My team won four events. 1 had
eight people on my. team.
Julie Weber
Wednesday we had winter carnival.
We tried to win. We had fun. We did
Tammy Everest
Toys Tell Tales
Room 8 read a story called Toys
Tell Tates. We brought old or sQecial
toys topresent. The names of the toys
were interesting. Toys are fun. Each
day a few people introduced the toys
they chose and we reported on our
choices for that day.
The toy tliked best was Alisha's. It
Tiger limes...
Stephen Central
was called Speak and Math: It is like
a calculator but it talks to you. If you
• push the wrong button•it will tell you.
When Alisha tried it she was right. It
is a neat toy.
Mathew Hagler
Lisa brought in a ,parrot who's
name is Polly. You would press a but-
ton in its wing. Then it would beep
three times. When Lisa said "liello"
the parrot repeated what Lisa said. -
Lynette I leywood
I liked Jeff's toy. It was called Mr.
ALachine. _It can move, whistle and
move its mouth. It has a lot of plastic -
gears you can watch through the
Clear plastic hiZy: JefN ays-he'has
. had Mr. Machine since he was one. 1t
is a really old toy now..Mr. Machine
is neat.
Danny Gielnik
For Toys Tell Tales I brought a
-mechanical dinosaur. The dinosaur is
made by fitting together small plastic
joints. The neck, legs and head move
from side to side. It walks very slow-
ly. In the control ship the hood swings
off. 1 think the dinosaur is neat.
Shawn McCurdy
-Kim brought in a beautiful doll. It
wore a ruffled old-fashioned dress.
Kim was bridesmaid for her Aunt
Maryanne in a dress like it. Her aunt
gave her this doll for being a member
of the wedding party.
Melanie Neil
By Room 10, grade 1
Paintings by Ross Beatty -
Ross made a painting. Then 1 wrote
a story. It was about Curious George.
Ile went to space.
Our ('lass Mouse
By heath Palen
We have a class mouse. Mr. Mark
tried to catch the mouse. Ile caught
six mice.
Winter Carnival
By Melissa Ilayter
We had a winter carnival. -We went
on a toboggan race and then I had a
tug-of-war. We won one game and lost
one. We got to try out the snowshoes.
We then went inside for hotchocolate.
We had lots of fun.
('lass Mouse
by Nicholas Ilopps ail(' David Gover
Our mouse is eating Mrs. Hogarth's
lunch and he is snoopy. We have two
traps to catch him.
A Sneaky Mouse -
By Steven Averill
The mouse ate Mrs. Hogarth's
lunch. .
The Winter Carnival - -
By-Keriann O'Rourke
We had races, tobogganning and
snowshoeing, and also a tug-of-war.
We were Team White Six.
The Mouse
lis Jason Erickson
We have a mouse in our classroom.
We lives behind the desk. He eats
Mrs. Hogarth's lunch. We set up
traps. We haven't got him yet.
Our ('lass Mouse
Ity Jacques Brown
The mouse likes us and it is very
fast. We look at him run away.
School Mouse
By John Durward
- In our school there is a mouse. He
eats wieners and he ate -Mrs.
Hogarth's lunch. Ile ran over my foot.
Winter -- ' i'nival
By Brett,) ergens
—1 -vent -to -the -winter carnival--I-lik—
ed the toboggan race.
Making Models
by Dean Obre
Jeff and I made a skier and then we
made skis on a piece of paper. We
made it out of white playdough.
The Mouse
By Kerry Brownlee
We have a mouse in our class. The
grade eights set a trap to catch him.
He is tricky. Kristy saw him in the
corner. I like mice. -
Winter Carnival
By Christine Pertschy
First we.went snowshoeing. It was
fun. Next we went to the tug-of-war.
We then went to the three-legged
race. It was fun. We went to the tobog-
gan race. A big grade 8 boy pulled us .
Winter Carnival
by Lisa Clarke
I went on the snowshoes, tobbogan
and played tug-of-war. and three -
Church holds annual
Chief talks to Staffa WI
The congregation of Hibbert United
C'hur'ch met in the Family Life Cen-
tre Sunday, January 25 for their an-
nual meeting.
Pastor Deborah Hoekstra was
elected congregational chairperson
for 1987. Robert Norris was re-elected
congregational secretary.
The following is a list of the officers
for the current year. Elders: Mary F.
Dow, Florence McPhail, Spencer Jef-
fery, Donald Johns, Gwen Harburn,
Jack Christie, MargaretChristie, Ar-
thur Kemp.
Board of Stewards: Jim Hocking,
Freda Kerslake. Allan Butson,
Elizabeth Harburn, Elgin Dearing,
Bill Docking, Irene Finlayson
Marjorie Drake, Allan'
Fuller. Elmer Dow. - -
Trustees: Calvin Christie, Donald -
• ilocking. Harvey Dow. Arthur Kemp,
A.II. Daynard, Ross McPhail, Jack
Butson. Staffa Cemetery Committee:
Mrs. Cameron Vivian. -Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Kemp, Mr. Harvey Hambley,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fell, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert 1. Norris; Mr. and Mrs.
Spencer Jeffery.
Roy's' Cemetery Committee: Mr.
and Mrs: Calvin Christie, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Dow, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Hocking, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Pridham, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Do.y-,
1l.-. Itoger'Dow.
Nominating Committee: Pal
,McKinnon, Sandra - Kemp.—Valerie .
Scott. Landscaping Committee: Bar-
bara Pullman, Linda Butson, Elaine
Colquhoun. Presbytery Rep: Verle
Mahon. Seni Droast ( Alt.) Auditors
for 1987: Robin Daynard, Alvin Dow.
Patora 1 Relations Committee: Mur-
ray Christie, Joost Droast, Doris Jef-
fery, Freda Kerslake, Verle Mahon,
Florence McPhail.
Reports were • received and ac-
cepted from the various organizations
• within the church. All indicated a
busy and successful 1986.
A congregational dinner is planned
for March 22, following the regular
service. The meal will be a pot luck
_affair and. a_program-oLgamesto--
follow dinner.
Barb Templeman and Scott
Bonikowsky, Rexdale, spent the
weekend with Barb's family.
Melissa Dearing, Dana Worden.
and Carrah Templeman, all
members of the Brownie Pack in Mit-
chell, participated in the pie social.
Saturday afternoon.
Police chief Bob Mitchell was guest
speaker at the Safety meeting of the
Staffa Women's Institute. hosted by
Mrs. Bill Mahon at her home,
Wednesday afternoon.
Chief Mitchell spoke on
legged race. I was cold and hungrey.
I got hot chocolate. It warmed me up.
The Mouse
by Stephen Keller -
The mouse is hungry. He got into
Mrs..Hogarth's lunch when we went
TRY SNOWSHOES — Taking port in the snowshoe race at Wednes-
day's winter carnival at Stephen Central School were Chantelle Crobe
and Doug Jones. T -A photo.
Crimeproofing, listing many ways
that you can crimeproof yourself, and
to take the necessary steps to ensure
a safe lifestyle. He was introduced by
Mrs. John Templeman and thanked
New minister
at Centralia
The euchre at the community en-
trke January 26 had 14 tables plt ring.
Prizes went to high score Brenda
Morgan, Earl Morgan, lone hands
Freda Rollings. Allen Pfaff. Low
score Margaret Cook, Dorothy
Bullock t playing a mans card t.
Closest birthdays Ruth. Guest and
Tom Kooy.
Next party is February 9 at 8 p.in.
and will be convened by Margaret
Cook and Harvey and Lois Hoditins
and family.
The new minister at the United
Church Rev. Debra Carter is moving
into the manse this week and is ex-
pected to take the service next Sun-
day February 8. We welcome her to
the village and wish her every success
in het new parishes.
The U.C.W. of the United Church
will hold their February meeting on
Thursday evening of this week
February 5 at 8 p.m. and the annual
meeting will be held on Sunday
February 15 following the church ser-
vice with a -pot- luck dinner.
Friday evening visitors with Tom
and 1 were Helen McDonald and
Howard Dolan and Saturday evening
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Caslick and
Gregory and Mr. and Mrs. Terry
Morgan and Melissa.
by Mrs. Bill Mahon.
On the absence of the president
Mrs. Kay Smale; Mrs. Templeman
presided, opening with a New year
poem, the Institute Ode and Mary
Stewart Collect.
Fifteen members answered roll call
by describing a change already
made, or that should be made to pro-
mote the safety of handicapped per-
sons. Mrs. Bill Kerslake gave some
excellent comments on hard hats and
helmets. During business thank you's
were read from Optimist Home and
the Children's Aid.
Information was read regarding the
90th anniversary of the F.W.1.0. to be
held in North Bay from July 6-9, 1987,
also a Safety work shop to be held on
February 14; fees to be $5.00 per per-
son and registration to be by
February I1. Mrs. Art Smale,
reported on the banquet served in
Decent bey.
Mrs. Charles Douglas, Mrs. Hazel
llarburn and Mrs. Bill Mahon
volunteered to be a kitchen commit-
tee. Mrs. Mahon conducted a contest
on safety signs.
Following the closing. lunch was
served by the hostess, Mrs. Cameron,
Vivian and Mrs. John 'Templeman.
Mr. Rob Templeman and baby son
Robert Cohen, arrived home from
Stratford General Hospital on
Monday. -
Spencer Jeffery is recuperating at
his home following surgery, after a •
fall on the ice while walking his dog.
Mr. and. Mrs. Don Ellison and Sean,
Goderich, visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. John Templeman and
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