HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-02-04, Page 17f,t..1.•.
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.KNEADING BilI Ferguson
on bread -making. -.
prepares for the first of a number of classes being held at Ferguson Apiaries
The Sea tort h-Tuc•k(•rsmith landl ill
committee is not proceeding any tar
Cher %Villi the Kootstra properly. just
outside ot Clinton.
The committee made that decision
following a meeting with llinisir•y ul-
iicials last week. who told then' there
We have had a super. busy week at
Queensway that we would like to
share with you. So without delay. here
we go. --
Monday we began our week playing
bingo with the help of our Auxiliary
ladies. We had a super hour of bingo.
and for that we would like to thank the
Auxiliary for their time and effort.
Tuesday morning it was time for
our morning exercises. which we
always look forward to doing. Then in
the afternoon Pastor Keupfer came in
The quill that was put up in aid 01
the P.(' W. group ot 1lensall. at the
home ot Marlene Bell, hastow been
completed. It was "shook out” on
Monday. January 26. Gert Moir. Em
Campbell. Beatrice Richardson and
Marlene Bell put in the final stitches
•Kippen .1;1140_('hurch__ ---
on Sunday ebruary 1 at S1. An-
drews. Barbara Cooper accompanied
the hymns at the organ. Rev. Lorne
Keays' sermon was entitled "Is our
church like this one''" It was based on
one of the seven churches mentioned
in Revelation. the church that w• s
hard- up.
Rev. Keays reminded the •on-
gregation that they all 1 ething
to share with others. besides money.
Time. talents, food. understanding
and friendship are just a few of the
things one possesses and can share
with others. 4.
. Kippen congregation will hold their-
heirannual meeting on Sunday. February
22 after a pot luck lunch. sandwiches.
etc. which will follow the worship
Kippen 1-11 -
Barb Moffatt and Pat Predhomme
attended a 4-H workshop January 27
at Wesley Willis Church. Clinton. The
spring club is on "surviving with
_Any girl or boys interested in tak-
ing this club contact -the leader. Each
must be 12 before January 1. 1987 up
to 21 nears old.
as am we Ns me as ow ow
1 Representing many trust
companies. highest rates
IN usually available.
1 For more information
contact John R. Consltt
=at 236-4381 or 236-4360
Hensall. Arena
Wed. Feb. 4
2:30-3:1Op m. -Moms,& Tots
5:15 p.m.-Hensall Minor Hockey
8:30 p.m.-W.O.A.A. Playoff lunch
Bantam •
Thurs. Feb. 5
5:30 p.m.-Ringettc •
8:15 p.m. -Kinsmen Rcr Tournament
Fri. Feb. 6 • -
5:15-7:15 p.m -Hensall Figure Sakting
7:30 p.m. -Kinsmen Rcc Tournament
Sat. Feb. 7
8:00 a.m..kinsmen Tournament
Sun. Feb. 8
9:00 a.m.-Kinsmen Rec Tournament
7:00 - I0-.00 p.m. -Rei. Hockey
Mon. Feb. 9
5:15 p.m-Hensall Minor Hockey
Tues. Feb. IA
5:15 p.m -Hensall Figure Skating
8:30 p.m.-Broomball
w•wyw tow. %e••.. ..... r...
of fMf ff. eHI SIP me •..a.
site put
would be no provincial fundingol the
landfill available at this time.
"We thought there night be some
funding ter the monies we've spent to
date •investigating the site." said
Sealorth Mayor r Alt Ross. But they've
tolyl us there is none.
to deliver our Tuesday church ser --
vice., and was accompanied by
Phillipa Steckle on the piano.
Our monthly. _resident council
meeting took place Wednesday Mor
fling. then in the afternoon while some
went bowling, the rest of us enjoyed
being part of a discussion group call-
ed. "The Sharing of Stories". We
reminisced about the good of days as
well as compared the difference bet-
ween today and yesterday.
On Thursday afternoon it was once
again.time•for the monthly birthday
.parly. It was a smashing success. and
we would like to thank Mahle Shirray
for helping us out. Also. at this time
we want to wish Mrs. Ethel Alexander
and Mrs. Mary Parlmer who both
celebrated their birthday on January
17. Thursday evening we enjoyed
'games hour and had a super time.
We ended our week with our exer-
cises once again to get "limbered" up
for the weekend. _
Well folks, that's it for this week
thanks for looking us up. and we'll see
you next week, same time. same
on hold
''11.s very disappointing but.. this
landfill thing is getting prell%
frustrating. said Maor Ross. add-
. ding the Kootstra site hadn't even
been given final approval by the
Ministry of Environment.
"W'e•ve'slopped. W'e're not going to
spend any more money until we gel
some dillerent guidance."
Mayor Russ added the committee
+cill continue to investigate and work
with the Ministry of Environment.
and other landfill owners to find a
solution, but said it was pointless to
spend any more nneney on an •site.
which could possibh 4til� Iturned
down. until they r n decide how it will
be finished.
The couunittee said it is hoping to
receive a temporary solution to its
- landfill problem. at least. tintij,lhe
Count y of Huron finishes a feasibili-
ty stu(h it is conducting on the crew •
lion of a count -wide landfill.
Times -Advocate, February 4 1987
Page 5A
Various events at Christian School
Activities at the Clinton and District
Christian -School have been
numerous and varied in the month
of January. Volleyball is the sport for
recesses, as both the girls' and boys'
teams are preparing for the tourna-
ment. planned for February 7.
The girls' team participated in an
invitational tournament held at St.
Joseph's Separate School. Clinton.
January 17. Our victorious team.quite
happily brought home their trophy
Stormy weather conditions postpon-
ed the boys' competitions planned for
January 24.
Skating for our students has resuni
ed at .the l'linton arena on Mondays:
3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Many students are
able to participate; we are DIeased to
see many parents come out to lend a
helping hand to younger student and
also to enjoy some skating.. •4*'' ' •
llot dogs and chocolate milk are the.
lunch menu on Fridays for those v.M
to order them. W'e thank the`.
volunteers who prepare the' food so
of fiei�rnlh .•
Our World Book Encyclopedia
Readathon has ended very suc-
cessfully. The 113 students who par-
ticipated read a total of 1576 books.
This raised a sum of $3.221. paid by
their sponsors. World Book matched -
that sum with $1,610.50. The total
funds were spent in the purchase of:
six sets of encyclopedia for grades
three to,eight. six sets of Childcraft
for Kindergarten to grade four. three
sets of dictionaries. and a set of
Science encyclopedia. Another set of
Science encyclopedia was earned by
the• grade four class for having the
highest average -of nooks read per
We are very pleased with the Read-
a-thon results and want to thank all
who participated - readers._ parents
and sponsors! World Book tells us
that our record is the highest achiev-
ed in Canada so far. •
School was closed January 23: staff
was on hand to work in classrooms
and group projects. With interim
reports scheduled for February 6. we
pray that our activities may continue
from day to day in spite of winter
PRESENTATION Hensall Spring Fair board president Bevan
Kinsman left) presented John Baker with the 1987 service award for
his many years of volunteer help
with the Fair.
Susan Hartman
FINAL RESULTS -- Yvonne Hendrick (left) and Barb Dundas package
some of .the yeast products they produced. The two were among a
bread -making class taught by Bill Ferguson at Ferguson Apiaries.
More classes are scheduled.
Now theres a Rent Registry for
all private rental units in Ontario.
One of the most significant features of Ontario's new rent review system is the
establishment of a computerized, province wide Rent Registry.
-Until now, it was often difficult for tenants to verify that their rents were legal.
The new Rent Registry will record the maximum legal rent which can be
charged for every private rental unit in the province.
When the registration process is complete, this information will be available
free of charge to tenants, prospective tenants and landlords.
Rent information will be
updated annually..
Landlordls of all primite rental units in
the prol'intr mill Ix' ri juired to register their
rents with the new Registry.
When the landlord's units are properly
registered, the Registry computer will automati-
cally update the rents each year.
The Registry will record rent increases
for each unit of either the Guideline amount
announced annually or by the amount decided
upon in a rent review decision.
soon receive
t Landlords of rental plexes with more
than six units are being sent gistratibn kits
with the necessary forms to completed.
landlords who have not ceived a regis-
tration kit by Ftebruary 2.1987. should phone or
visit their local Rent Review Office.
Landlords of smaller complexes can also
obtain registration kits by calling their local
North -Bay
Landlords of residential
complexes with more than
six rental units must register
by May 1,1987.
• l.tindlords of complexes containing more than
I six rental units have until May 1. 1987. to regis-
ter information about their units with the new
Rent Registry.
• Landlords of smaller complexes containing six
units or less, as well as boarding houses and
lodging houses. will be notified by the Ministry
of Housing of a specific. registration deadline
at a later date. Thcese landlords are encou-
raged to file with the Rent Registry as early
as possible.
• landlords are required to file with the
Registry the actual rent that was charged on
,July 1, 1985, for every rental unit in their
• Most landlords will only he required to -
register once.
4 -
How tenants can verify
their rents. -
• 117ren the rents for a building have been
registered, the Ref islry -trill notify the landlord
and the tenants of the rrnl information which
has been reerirdt'(1 for their units. '
• 77,,' llepsten will also adriw' the landlord (ln(1
tenants of Na' time limits for making a/lpli(rl-
tions to challenge or(rrtif'the actual rent that
has /leen reMlYled.
Registry informatioV will be
easy to obtain.
As there are more than one million rental
units in the province. rent registration will take
some time.
When the registration.process is full- com-
pleted. information from the Registry will be •
availahle by toll-free telephone or. by visiting a
local Rent Review Office.
For more information and land-
, lord registration forms, call toll-
free 1-800-387-9060, or phone
your local Rent Review Office.
Ontario Hon. Alvin Curling, Minister
21 Rent Review Offices across the province:
(705) 737-2111
(416) 528-8701
(613) 548-6770
-(519) 579-5790
(519) 673-166(1
(416) 270-3280
(705) 476-1231
(416) 723-8135
Ottawa (613) 230-5114
Owen Sound (519) 376-3202
Peterborough (705) 743=9511
St. Catharines (416) 684;6562
Sudbury (705) 675-4373
Thunder Bay (807) 475-1595
Timmins (705) 264-9555
Windsor (519) 253-3532
� �
City of 'Ibronto (416) 964-8281
East York (416) 429-0664
Etobicoke and '
York (416) 2.36-2681
North Nark (416) 224-7643
Scarborough (416) 438-3452