HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-01-28, Page 17Revival Centre Doug Butler led the worship service Sunday morning. Rev. Roger Mason, from James 4:6 stressed that pride can be a trait that is a sin. The Bible tells us God hates pride. Proverbs 16:18 warns that pride goes before destruction. Mark 7:22 lists pride as a sin. Pride caused satan to rebel against God. Because every sin that is commit- ted is based on a lie, the pride of superiority is a lie. Jonah believed he was superior and first refused to go to preach to the Ninevites. Ninevah was a very sinful harsh city Jonah hated, so he did not want to see the people repent. Jonah ran away from God, thinking he was superior to the sinful Ninevites,. until God brought him to repent and go to Ninevah. The pride of suffering can cause people to think they can be more hum- ble, holy, and godly, because they are poor. They think they are supei;ior to godliness because they suffer. Pover- ty is not a virtue. • Pride of non repentance is the most common form of pride. even among Christians. They find it hardlo admit they are wrong. Facing the respon- sibility of admitting wrong can be painful. Unwillingness to admit wrongdoing is the opposite to repen- tance. Yet repentance is the -key to victory over sin. A person repents of sin to become aChristian. He must admit his.pride is wrong, repent of it, and se�dtk God's forgiveness. Doug Butler led the singing for the evening service. Rev. Roger Mason ministered from Mark 2:1-12. When people carried a paralyzed man to the house where Jesus was, for healing. they could not get in for the crowd. They carried the man up on the roof. There they tore up the roof tiles, and let the man down on his pallet in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw the faith of these men, He declared the paralyzed man's sins forgiven. These four men went to a lot of trouble to get their friend to Jesus. Sometimes there is opposition to get people to Jesus. If we want to see men exposed to the message- of the gospel, we have to take the trouble to do so. As God, Jesus exercised His divine authority to forgive this man's sins. Jesus' ministry was teaching, preaching, and healing. Jesus gives this ministry to His followers. The scribes - present were offended at Jesus' forgiving the man, as they knew only God could forgive sins. They reasoned "How can this man Jesus forgive sins?" This was con- sidered blasphemy. They looked at-- Jesusas a common man. Jesus discerned their thoughts, and ques- tioned them, by asking which was easier to declare' a man's sins forgiven, or heal him. . When peoplequestiorj esus' abili- ty to forgive sins, thiy struggle with guilt. When they study the scriptures they find Jesus truly forgives their sins. setting them free from guilt. February 21, Teaching for Chang- ed Lives Seminar, with the Seminar fon Youth by Brian and Angela Richardson. February 22, Sunday evening, Rev. Darrell Shaule will be ministering. Bowling scores Tuesday 1'.B.(. David Wilcox 210, Desmond Rodger 17, Jeremy Jemec 169, Chad Hotson 168, Michael Daubs 167. Chris Smith 162, Scott Smith 160. Matthew Dickey 152. C'olleen's Jan Capitano 265-690. Sheila Hodgins 244-654, Pat Bloxam 275-635, Elaine McNair 263-625, Val Neil 242-617, Lou Ifayter 287, Margie Austin 259, Toni Gil 256, Lori Quinn 225. Janice Dauncey 221. ' Medway: Cal Carmichael 272-731. Shirley Bosley 250-646. Ken Weir 2'/,5.627, Helma Sorenson 214-604; Cora Smibert 227, Myrt Hastings 224, Marg Carmichael 237. Senior Citizens: Viola Higgs 238-661. Frank DeBlock 214, Howard Currie 214, Helen McDonald 211. Charlie Grieve 210, Edie Burl 206, Muriel Kennedy 204, Norah Wissell 198, Marion Noels 198, Cord Higgs 192. Wednesday Y.B.C. David Damen 176. Tammy Graham 144, Robert Densmore 144, Chris Goddard 128, Wesley Hollings 124,. Sarah Culbert 120; Jennifer Corless 120. Lisa Hietalahti 109, Sara Lynn Dauncey 105. Wednesday mixed: Don Wallis 263-646, Tom Dobinson 220-626, Bob Pipe 262-602, Roger Brown 290, Denise Guilbault 248, Cheryl Riordan 239. Larry MacGregor 238. Brenda Suchard 227, Jackie Arnold 220. Thursday men: Jeff Park 325-776, Wayne Smith 332-754, Bob Taylor 288-746, John Jansen 274-745, Brian Ankers 379-741, Jeff Van Haarlem 277-713, Bob Pipe 246-6991 Ron Dickey 249.692, Dave Smith 215-689, Kevin Lightfoot 257-679, Bob Smith 243.676, Doug Ilalladay 228-666, Roger Horuk 304-655, Dorn Stoddart 303-654, Al Gillian 267-652, Dave Mawdsley 258-648, Jim Burt '252-646. Friday nixed: Wayne Smith 276. 289, 294-859, Pat Holland 251-745, Paul Smith 264.682, Dave Smith 240.660, Sharon Martens 240-659, Al Robicheau 234-641, Ray McRobert 291-641. Chris Anderson 220-622, Jim Burt 253-618. Lynn Smith 214-603. Sunday mixed: Jim Smith 296-690, Doug HaIladay 254-681. Cheryl Smith 262-661, Eugene Webber 227-649, Geo. Wilson 238-628, Basil Short 277-618, ' Rick McKinnon 245-616, Glena Tripp 219-609, AI)dy McIntyre 238-608, Kathy Mason 238-600, John Jaques 216-600. C.A.W. Jim Smith- 269-744, Joan Finkbeiner 280-671, Gary Dunlop 267650, Larry Smith 250-639, Geo. Wilson 257-638, Cheryl Smith 270-637, Lynn Smith 229-636, Greg McAuslan 213.607, Bill (3hadwick 245, Sue Wilson 240, Luanne I terbert' 240. SOLO SKATERS -- A number of area skating clubs were represented th Huron Rec Centre sponsored by the r the left are Jennifer Cronin , Exeter: and K? sty MitchellofParkhill. - T -A photo in Sundays show at the S Exeter precision clubs. 4i! Corey Wilson, Luca Lucan and district news Susan took 227.4911 � 6 Friendship Unit meets The Friendship Unit met January 21 with 14 members present. Gwen Lynn's group opened with a worship of "Back to business but not as usual." She said Jesus wants you to stay wherever your daily task re- quires and "praise God for all you have seen and heard" and to declare how much God has done for you. "As we return to our work routine after the Christmas rush, -let us go glorify- ing and praising God with new con- fidence and hope. There followed a study of the Bible as the "Book that stands" when other teachings have passed. A reading " "Who reads God's Word" was read, accictvd by Dorothy Lankin, Irene _Lynn, Florence Young and Marguerite McRoberts -reading let- ters from Job, King Solomon, King Nebuchadnezzar and Peter express- ing different• opinions of God's qualities, it was shown how God is the author of the Bible. Through daily walk.4ith Him, He wilt reveal' Himself to you. - Ruth Butler chaired the business portion. A thank you for the flowers from Rev. Jewell ShaWe was read. Karen Dickie reported the Lunch Out for seniors was successful. It was decided to continue to convene the Lunch Out, but to draw from. more members of the congregation. Two requests to cater to weddings were accepted. Dates to remember - are Presbyterial meeting February 12 at First St. Andrews Church, World Day of Prayer, March 6 at Lucan U.C. and Hot Beef Supper. April 9. The annual meeting is to be held February 1 at 5:30 p.m. Kentucky Fried Chicken will be served at $5:a person or $10. a family. Tickets to be purchased in advance from board members The Compassion Child payment is due in February, the Thankful jars are to be brought 'to February - meeting for this purpose Times -Advocate, January 28, 1987 Page 11 Four accidents in OPP area -Four motor vehicle accidents were included in the 31 general occurrences investigated this week by officers of the Ontario Provincial Police detach- ment at Lucan. Monday at 5:55 a.m., _vehicles driven by Floyd Riley, Huron Park and Mary Farquhar, Exeter collided on Highway 4. Constable Wilson listed damages at $8,000. Constable Vance set damages at $1,000 when an unattended vehicle, was struck by an unknown vehicle sometime Friday on Nicoline Avenue in Lucan. Vehicles operated by Donald Vance, Lucan and Murray Shoebot- tom, Denfield were involved in an ac- cident at 2 p.m., Friday on the Main street. of Lucan. Damages were estimated at $4,000 by Constable Stables. At 4:44 p.m., Saturday vehicles driven by Susan Young, Hyde Park Seniors need help with .cards, crafts A good number of seniors braved prize, Surprize ) Kay Armstrong con- thecold weather to attend the. ducted a few games of bingo. meeting Thursday afternoon held in The meeting then adjourned to play the scout and guide hall. All were euchre -and make crafts. High; score: welcomed by the president. Helen MacDonald and Harry Noels, The minutes were read and lone hands: Lily Dobbs and Chris adopted. Harry Noels .gave a short Hessells,-low score: Wilma Hessells report on the seniors games meeting and Laurence Hirtzel, craft winner held in St. Marys. He also said that Kay Amstrong. . they can not get a grant this year so Harry made a motion seconded by - Help Wanted - The craft group are Laurence Hirtzel that we give adona- asking all members to save all your . tion of $25. towards the games. greetings cards, they can be any kind The games are held at Seaforth this as long as they have a picture on the year for two days. • front, so bring inthe fronts of all your. Marv. Davis gave a reading (Sur -old cards for the craft ladies to use. United church news This Sunday morning at Lucan United Church the importance of building up the family of God was the theme used by Rev. Jewell Shaule, in her hymn choices. "Getting used to the Family of God" was followed by "Oh, How He Loves You and Me" to "Tell Me the Old Old Story". The Old Old Story, may be old in terms of time - but new and very rele- vant in terms of comfort and God's assured love. The children's story ,vas a measur- ing tape = How the .children have grown since birth, a possible 21" when . born to the great height of whatever. The children thought this great fun, but Rev -Darrell Shaule's intent, was to point . out, the importance of spiritual growth. The Bible, as the tape measure, just how each one had progressed in that area. The sermon taken from Joshua 6:1-27, Psalm 32 and Mark l:26-56 was entitled "Take Courage, It is I, Do not ' afraid." mark 6:50. irst of all were the instructions given to Joshua concerning this wall, the instructions he obeyed -without hesitation or question. The battle plan. seemed foolish and totally in- adequate but the Bible does not tell of any dissenters. These orders stret- ched their faith but they obeyed. They carried God with them and so they were Rev:- Jewell- Shaufe cl6sedk with' ` victorietls.prThe second incredible occurrence cakekeeor. A swdelell wasus ser of birthday recorded in Mark, was Jesus walking for Jewell was served. -044eu the water - a bad storm came up - it's three o'clock in the morning and they are tired. Perhaps they felt they were seeing an illusion but it was Jesus and He calmed the storm; got in the boat and brought them safely to the shore. The third miracle was the healings, TWO SKATING SOLOS Tammy Ward of Lucan and Barbara Tiernan performed solo numbers at Sunday's skating show sponsored by the Exeter precision clubs. - T -A photo Saintsbury- - By MRS tiEBER DAvIS Rev. Braby was in charge of mor- ning communion service. Mrs. Tom Kooy was pianist and Mrs. Roll -Car- roll was reader. Following the service the congrega- tion met in the Parish hall for a pot luck lunch followed by the' vestry meeting. Rev. Braby opened with prayer; Margaret Carroll vestry clerk read the minutes of last year's - meeting. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: Nadine Bedell, rectors warden; Bob MacGillivray, peoples warden; Nadine volunteered to be lay delegate to Synod and Wayne Carroll ;vas elected Sab. lay delegate: Margaret Carroll, vestry clerk; Hazel Davis, treasurer and board of management. hose Cunningham. Nadine Bedell, Bob MacGillivray. Margaret Carroll, Hazel Davis, Hugh Davis, etc. A vote of appreciation was moved to Rev. and Mrs. Braby for their leadership .and' devotion, reports showed a very favourable year. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis had their niece Julie Foran, Centralia as their guest Saturday and they and Crystal and Marley were Sunday din- ner guests with Mrs. I). Dietrich. Dashwood. Miss Marylou Tindall, Petrolia spent a couple of daysaecently with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall and Robert and her mother accom- panied her home to Petrolia Monday. any one who touched His clothes was healed. Truly He was the Son of God: We know all. these stories to be true and we also know God will not withhold His power from us, whatever our need may be, if we but -ask for His help. and Henny Engle, Ailsa Craig collid- ed on Middlesex road 16. Constable Roby set damages at $4,000. During the week. two persons were charged with impaired driving and two driving suspensions of 12 hours were issued: Other charges included two of wilful damage and one each of break and enter, theft under $1,000 and making an obscene phone call. Plan extension to 4rain plan Doug Reycraft, MPP for tlyd- dlesex, has urged corn, soybean and barley growers to take advantage of the extension to the grain stabilization plait,The Minister of Agriculture and Food, the Honourable Jack Riddell, - announced recently. that due to adverse harvest conditions last fall. applications for the 1986 Grain Stabilization Plan wiltbe accepted un. til January 31. Stabilization payments aremade when the past year's market price of . grain in the plan falls below the sup- port price. The support • price i i calculated by using 95 percent of the previous five-year average market price. with adjustments made for cash costs. - . - " - - - "I am very pleased that the Minister has recognized that many graiq producers had to change their plans for- harvesting last year's crop because of the heavy September rains", Mr. Reycraft said._ "This ex- tension will allow many moi e farmers to benefit from the stabiliza- tion plan- and to get financial assistance to- offset depressed com- modity prices." in the store Sale ends January 31.'87 3,Tetticirnt pule Tables' ISI; ear Main St., Lucan 227-4883 Now gest instant cashat almost any money machine in Canada! Now, more than ever, your TOTAL Card'' is all you need when you need instant cash from your National Trust account. As a member of the•Interac®. Circuit® and CIRRUS® Networks, your TOTAL Card TM can give you instant cash from over 16,000 money machine locations 'T virtually anywhere in Canada and the U.S.! 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