HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1987-01-28, Page 13DIRECTORS --- The 1987 executive of the Zurich and area agricultural society was elected at the annual meeting. Seated (left) are secretory -treasurer Margaret Deichert, past president Norm Eckel, president Leo Hoffman and 2nd v/p Diane Thiel. Behind are directors Irene Hoffman, Anne Flaxbard, Claire Deichert, John Geiger and Gerald Thiel. Missing: 1st v p Gerald Shantz. Ag Society asks for more involvement in annual fair More. community involvement is needed if the Zurich Fair is to con tinue. This was the consensus among those attending the annual meetinglJl— the Zurich and area agricultural society, sponsors of -the Fair, which will mark its 122nd birthday this year. All committee heads reported they could use more help. Last year's attendance and gate receipts were abotlt the same as the year before. The baby contest and the wrist -wrestling competition are the two biggest crowd pleasers. The ladies' section attracted a number of new exhibitors in 1986. especially in the arts and crafts category. - -The 1987 Fair -will again be a three- day event. once more featuring a mid- western horse show on the Sunda John Geiger said this year's show will be shorter. beginning at noon rather than 10:00 a.m. Directors are optimistic the appeal for help will he answered. and are making plans for the F'air's 125th bir- thday in 1990. Acquiring a crest and drafting a constitution were discussed. As a number of directors were ab- sent, no theme has yet been establish- ed for the 1987 Fair. The new ex- ecutive will meet again next week. Leo Hoffman was elected president First v/p is Gerald Shantz. second v p may::,,. Diane 'Thiel, and Margaret Deichert Femains as secretary -treasurer. ormer resident and a past presi- dent. Vince Doyle. heard about the meeting and dropped in to renew ac- quaintance \v ith old friends. olden It was wishfulihinking to dream of - having a storm -free January. However, now that we have had a few blustery days and January is almost over, the hot sun beaming through the windows makes a person feel that the worst of winter may be over. Movies were shown on Monday evening, followed by refreshments. On Tuesday evening, the ladies of Mount Carmel Catholic church spon- sored the January birthday party. They presented a musical program which was enjoyed by everyone. With the coming of the new year, so come New Year's Resolutions such as "I'll never pick up another cigarette again"; "when another Science test 4 comes up I won't fail it," and "I'11 never lot those brownies keep me out of that size 13". Usually these pro- mises are broken but they do give us a sliver of hope for the up -coming year ahead. There are teachers all over the world who probably wish that their students would follow -- some of these resolutions: bring in their homework; bring in their homework finished; never play tricks on them - (teachers) ; never shoot "spit balls", never talk in class; never fly airplanes in class; answer in class. Of course there are a few odd million left on the list. But that's the gist of it. On the first week of school the teachers realized that their ultimate dream was shattered when they saw "herds" of wild children stampeding through the doors of knowledge. Of course from the students' point of view being without school for even a short time is so heavenly, and then to have reality fire a bombardment of books, pencils, and the piercing eyes of teacher is more than disappointing. But the drudgery of school is forgot- ten once our volley -ball team trots on- to the court. The outstanding players. on the girfs' team are Debbie Regier, Lori Coeck, Tammy Rader, Joanne Regier, Carrie -Lynn Ducharme, Loretta Regier, Amy Wildfong, and Charlene Regier. And from the boys' team: Danny Masse, Mark Keller, Josh Masse, Matt Hartman, Rob Ducharme, Jody Laporte, Terry Genttner and Chris Watson. Not only the athletes get a spot in our article, so do the most thoughtful, polite and respectful students. The student from each class who portrays the above qualities is chosen for the "Student of the Month Award". We would like to congratulate Aimee Gelinas, Josh Masse, Michelle Ducharme, Justin Regier, David Creces, Peggy -Lynn Ducharme, Jason Jeffrey, Kevin Regier and Suzy Gushie who have won this month's award. For a real award winner wait to see the ewly-revised addition of "The Magic Beanstalk" performed live in a once in a life -time appearance by the actors/actresses in grade five to eight. Well the Christmas holidays are over. There is nothing anyone can do about it except trying not to fail another science test, avoid the piers-. ing eyes of a teacher and wait for the March break. By Aimee Gelinas and Carol -Ann vud SURPRISE — Zurich Chamber of Commerce members Chuck Erb (left) and Doug McBeath share a laugh after hearing the name of the January winner, drawn by guest speaker Scott Tousaw, in the Chamber's trip -of -the -month draw. Erb Brothers' Garage wins a week in California. Hay Township Fanners' Mutual Fire' Insurance Company NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The 112th Annual Meeting of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Township Hall, Zurich, on Wednesday the 18th day of February; 1987 at 2 p.m., for the presentation of the Annual Report, to elect three direc- tors to replace those whose terms expire, and to transact all business as may be done at a general meeting of the policyholders. The Directors whose term of office expire are Howard Dators, Dashwood; Jan McAllister, Zurich; and Carl Turnbull, Dashwood; who are eligible for re-election. Please note: By -Law No. 21 - Qualifications of -Directors (d) "Any person wishing to seek election or re-election os a Director must file his intention to stand for election in writing with the Secretary of the Corporation at least ten days in advance of an Annual Meeting -or Special General Meeting called for -the purpose of electing Directors." ... President, Howard Dotars ' Secretary- Manager, John R. Consitt Mrs. Cors! Swssney Phone: 236-4702 limpiei followed by delicious refreshments. Residents having birthdays and receiving gifts, courtesy of the Ladies Auxiliary were: Mr. John Cor- nish, Mr. Jake Deichert, Mr. Irvin Eckstein, Mrs. Mary Gerber, Mrs. Marie Hess, Mrs. Marie Oesch and Mrs. Dorothy Watson. Although the weather is not ideal for the residents to get outside, still a few do take strolls around the driveway, and if nothing else, put their heads outside for a few deep breaths of fresh air. Perhaps that is one of the reasons there has not been a flu epidemic so far, as the papers seem to be reporting elsewhere. Shuffleboard, crokinole, pool and some very exciting card games oc- cupy a number of the residents dur- ing the day, while any who can be in, terested in the hobby shop are kept bush durtnt the -•fifternoons. T ai'bnia of the cooktbs baked• bn Wednesday afternoon draws more and more people to the scene hoping to be able to sample the product. Bingo was held on Friday evening as usual, regardless of the weather. followed by refreshments. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Richard Hawley of Exeter United Church. The services of the ministers from the dif- ferent denominations in the area are very much appreciated for conduc- ting the Sunday evening chapel services. Golden Agers Zurich Golden Agers met Monday afternoon, January 19 for their January meeting with 2.3 in atten- dance, including one visitor. Presi- dent Ed Strachan opened the meeting with singing of 0 Canada, which was followed by the Lord's Prayer. Verda Baechler. Secretary, Bar- bara Strachan Treasurer. and card convener Eileen Consitt gave their reports. Happy birthday was sung for Harvey Rohner, Annie Finkbeiner, Frieda Moore, Marie Gelinas, Agnes Regier and Gertie Fleischauer. Myr- tle Deitz won the door prize. A delicious lunch was served by Marie Gelinas and her January group. Games of euchre were enjoyed with high prize being won by Flo Mur- ray and low to Gertie Fleischauer O&E GG DP JS PP S RD AO T&C 116 BB IIA HS HT Bowling ,Monday Night Ladies T. Rooseboom 721 J. Bailey 700 B. Reschke 627 Z. Inthout 550 B. Schenk 605 P. Miller 614 S. Dickert 703 C Smith 641 S. Campbell 681 1. Reid 596 I. Becker 510 C. Overholt 534 B. Beierling 225 S. Dickert 425 T. Rooseboom 880 81 74 47 29 92 65 im; 62 77 81 69- I5 Current Rates 1 year 8 3/s% omp No Fee R.R.S.P. S year 9112% 14o Fee R.R.S.P. RON KEYS VARNA Representing Trust Companies across Ontario 262-6273 Times -Advocate, January 28, 1987 Page ' 3 Skaters)bring home medals Congratulations to two members of the Zurich and area figure skating club who took part in the Great Lakes skating competition this past week end in London, held at the Earl Nichols arena. Chrystal Jones received a silver medal for coming in second place. Kathy Merner did well also coming in fifth place out of a large group of contestants. Congratulations to Lisa Bedard on winning a bronze medal recently at a figure skating competition in Windsor. This past Sunday three girls from our club performed in the Exeter Precision Skating Club ice show at the rec centre. Those taking part ;ere Kathy Merner, Jennifer Overholt and Alyshia Denomme. Several members from the Zurich club will also be travelling to Glencoe on February 14 to compete in the "Sweetheart Competition". Good luck. As a means to raise some money for the skating club, the kids are now selling "pay -what -you -pull tickets". When they come around, take a chance you may win a colour T.V. set' They are also planning a dance on Saturday February 21 at the Com- munity Centre. Tickets are now available from club members at $25.00 per couple and 25 cash prizes will be won on draws. F'arewell to postmaster Farewell to our local postmaster, Murray McAdams, who has accepted a similar position in Ilderton and is working there now. We will miss him as he was always friendly, helpful and cooperative. All his friends wish him "Good Luck" in his new endeavor. Hockey annual The annual fun night and hockey game between the Clare Masse families and the Joe'Regier families was enjoyed on Saturday evening at the arena. with the Regiers in the lead 6-1. Everyone enjoyed getting together at the hotel afterwards. Baptism The twin daughters of Mike and Wendy Masse were baptized on Sun- day January 25 at St. Boniface Church by Father Mooney. God- parents for Ashley Cecilia were Doug and Audrey Meidinger of London; godparents for her sister Allison Lucielle were Don and Elaine Beauchamp, Zurich. Following the ceremony a get together was held at the habies'home. .1 good turn -out t and good weather) was had on Sunday for the annual meeting after the morning worship service at 10:00 a.m. which was followed by a delicious pot luck lunch. The Zurich United Church also held their congregation's annual meeting and luncheon on Sunday morning with a good attendance. Newcomers Welcome to town to Miss Margaret Card party winners Mousseau who moved over the week Winners of the card party at St end into the apartment across from Peter's parish on Sunday were: tligh Shaws on Main street. Also welcome man - Joe Regier; High lady - Lori to Leonard, Donna and Missy who Masse; Most lone hands - Gerard recently moved to the apartment Ducharme. beside Seyler's on Mill street t they are formerly from HensaIl • Paperdriye The monthly paper drive is this Thursday, January 29 please have bundles ready for pick up by 6:30 by the Torch Bearers boys club and their helpers. Auxiliary members to the Home. They would like to invite everyone out to the meeting especially all the past executive and members. Heart rangy ass February is heart month - so your heart and stroke canvasser will he calling at your home soon. Please be generous, as they are working for a very worth while cause. Bingo winners The mystery prize. a T. V. set, was won by Mrs. Mildred Hirtzel of Cen- tralia. The jackpot worth $750.00 went to Bev Cunningham of Exeter Auxiliary meet The ladies Auxiliary of the Blue Water Rest Home will he holding their monthly meeting on Tuesday. February 3 at 7:00 p.m. They will be celebrating their 20th anniversary as Personals Mary Erb is home after being a pa- tient in Victoria hospital. London. Congratulations to Ron and Diane Ducharme on the occasion of their 20th wedding anniversary on January 28. A belated happy 62nd wedding an- niversary to our neighbours, Henry and Arnie Becker. on .January 24. • Everyone is welcome to St. Boniface's Parish Valentines dance on Saturday, February 14 at tiny Zurich Community Centre with the hand. "Hite Spot" playing from Woodstock. Admission is only $8.00 a couple !at the door'. Conveners Don and Elaine Beauchamp are planning a fun night with spot dances -and door prizes to be won. Ladies are to please bring -sand- wiches for lunch. St. Boniface C.W.L. is also hosting the "World Day of Prayer" this year on March 6. FOR UGANDA -- St. Boniface K of C Grand Knight Doug Debus (left) Father Mooney and Mike Miller display some of the blankets and light clothing collected for the Canadian Food for Children for Ugan- da. Last year food was collected for the same organization. EXECUTIVE — The 1987 executive of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce was elected at the January meeting. They are (from left) secretary Doug Oesch, treasurer Doug McBeath, president Chuck Erb, v/p Lou Schilbe and past president Fred Hoberer. OFFIIIIt Plus: IT CN CUT YOUR FARM DEBT INTERESI' T0 8% The Ontario Family Farm interest Rate Reduction program (OFFIRR Plus) is designed to reduce your farm debt by covering part of the interest costs. OFFIRR Plus, a $246 million direr- . year program, applies to both long-term and operating debt. It can reduce the interest rate 'on farm loans to as low as 896. And it can cover as much as $360,000 worth of farm debt annually. OFFIRR Phu Also includes an Adverse Weather Assistance provision to assist those who suffered c;ro,p losses because of adverse weather in 1486. To fmd out more about OFFIRR Plus - and the Adverse Weather Assistance provision - contact any Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food office. Agriculture Or call collectat ' �y d (416) 96S-7661. ® and Food ONTARIO ' Completed applications: no later than May 18, 1987. wwr, Non Jack R,dAM O.unw. Non baa seta son