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Times-Advocate, 1987-01-28, Page 12
Page 12 Times -Advocate, January 28, 1987 Wins for Novice The Hensel! Novice team worked hard last week and had three victories to show for their efforts. January 19 they defeated the Goderich Orange team by a score of 91. Dan Taylor had three goals, and scoring singles for Hensall were Jason Campbell, Ryan 'manse, (;reg Keys, Chris Taylor, Blair Moir and Brock Weiss. On 'Thursday the 22nd Hensel' travelled to Goderich to play their Blue team and came home with a 10-0 Blair Moir scored four goals. Ray Beirling had a pair, and one apiece for Jamie Campbell. Greg Keys. Chris Taylor and Dan 'Taylor. 's2: _;, GOOD COOKIES - -- Dawn Corbett (left), Gordon Radford and Becky Corbett hold the gingergread men they helped make when the kindergarten class from Het salt Public School visited the Hensoll Cooperative Nursery School. Heart canvass soon and Tyke teams To top off a perfect week the Novices beat Exeter 7-1 in Exeter. Mark Bell had three goals for Hensall, Blair Moir two, Dan Taylor one, and Chris Taylor one. There was great goal -tending in all three games by Lance Weiss and Philip Ingram. The Tyke team travelled to Clinton on Saturday to defeat .Clinton by a score of 6-3. Mark Bell scored four goals. Jeff Campbell and Brock Weiss scored singles. Shuffleboard Ladies high scores were Betty Grenier - 444, Irene Finlayson - 336 and Emma Campbell - 333. Men's high scores were Dave Kyle - 477, Walter Spencer - 396 and Percy Campbell - 377. Canvass Your heart and stroke canvasser will be calling at your home soon so please be generous, as they are work- ing for a very worthwhile cause. Nursery school Mrs. Joyce Preszcator and Miss Pam Bell brought the kindergarten class from Hensall Public School to the nursery school last Tuesday: The children really enjoyed showing their new teachers around and the entire group made and ate gingerbread cookies. On Thursday the N.S. students en - ONE LITTLE, TWO LITTLE ... Henson kindergarten teacher Joyce Preszcator leads kindergarten and nursery school pupils in a song about gingerbread men during a visit by the kindergarten class to the,. Hensall Cooperative Nursery School. In thebackground ore nursery school teacher Liz Jay, left and parent helper Cindy Reaburn. HITACHI WINTER (0)coy MR -7920 Microwave 1.2 cu. ft. • Temperature probe • 6 Power settings • Dual Dimension $4S5 i TRK 6800 AM/FM/MW Stereo Cassette Recorder • 1.2 watts per channel x 2 (THD 10°."s) • Speaker Size: 10 cm. x 2 • Headphone & Microphone Jack Only TRK 9100 AM/FM/SW1/SW2 Stereo Cassette Recorder • Detachable speokers • 5 watts per channel (THD 10%) • Soft touch controls • Rewind Auto Play mechanism • Dolby"' Noise Reduction SystemlOnly ZIMMER'S TV t)ASHWOOD 2 t7 3428 Air Kippen • By MARGARET HOGGARTH Congratulations go out to Rosemary and Bill MacGregor on the birth of daughter, Allison Jane, born January 18. Proud grandparents Ronald and Mildred MacGregor and great grandmother Sophia MacGregor, all reside in the Kippen area. The Kippen community extends congratulations to Evelyn Wright on her marriage to Rodger Venner on Friday January 16. Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Venner will reside in Kippen. The "Energetic Eight" gathered together for the first time this winter on Tuesday January 20 to help celebrate Bev and Doris Hamilton's 21st wedding anniversary. Bob and Frances Kinsman were hosts. A game of euchre was enjoyed by all, winners were: Ladies high - Phyllis Parsons, ladies low, Doris Hamilton, and Margaret Hoggarth tied for this prize. Al lloggarth cap- tured the men's high, and Bev Ilamilton received the low. The lucky draw was won by Doris Hamilton. Kippen United Church On Sunday January 25 Rev. Lorne Keays preached the first of a series of sermons based on the letters found in Revelation written to seven of the early churches. The Kippen congregation is reminded of the annual meeting to be held on Sunday February 22. Marlene Bell put a quilt up 4n her home on Monday January 19. The following ladies helped with the quilting - Gertie Moir, Florence Hyde, Elizabeth Faber, Pearl Taylor, Joyce Willert, Beatrice Richardson, Jeanette Turner, Doris Cantelon, Em Campbell and Marlene Bell. Proceeds of the quilt to go to the P.C.W. group of Carmel Church, Hensall. joyed two films about Cinderella, one traditional and one called Cinderella Penguin. Talent wanted Are their any adults out there who would be willing to share their musical talents with the N.S. children? If you play an instrument and would be willing to offer a couple of hours next week please call Janis Bisback at 262-3505. Dust off your fid- dles and accordions, come out and en- joy the children. What better way to brighten up a dull winter day? Personals Mr. and Mrs. Randy Pollock, Lon- don were recent visitors with their grandmother Mrs. Laird Mickle. Dr. Robert Mickle from Toronto visited Monday with his mother, Mrs. Laird Mickle. ?ueeniwa, On Monday, January 19 even though there was a super snowstorm, the tremendously brave ladies from the Bethel Reformed Church came in despite the weather and delivered a very entertaining afternoon of bingo and sing -songs. Thank you ladies!! Tuesday morning was once more upon us, and so was our favourite activity -exercising. In the afternoon Rev. Bob Matheson came in to pro- vide our weekly church service. Rev. Matheson was accompanied on the piano by Rhoda Rohde. • Wednesday morning was again time for our second aerobic work-out for this week. Wednesday afternoon, with the help of the auxiliary, was designated for an arts and crafts session. This - month's specialty was "food col- lages". Everyone did a super job on their respective collage. We would like -to thank the auxiliary for their time. Thursday morning we got together. for our monthly baking club: This month's recipe was white -cake with frosting. It turned out well, thanks to all the helpful hints and tips from the residents. Good stuff!! Well, that is it for this week. hope your week goes well, and we'll talk to you next week. Keep smilin'. Quote of the week: "I am extraor- dinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end". -Prime Minister Margaret Thatchers - Filter ueen 1"IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA' 482-7103 Hensall Arena Events Wed. Jan. 28' 2:30 -3:30 -Moms & Tots 5:15 p.m -Hensall Minor Hockey 7:20 p.m.- Milverton vs. Pee Wees Thurs. Jan. 29 5:30 p.m.-Ringette 8:15 p.m. -Exeter Mohawks 10:00 p.m -Open Ice Fri. Jan. 30 5:15 p.m.-Hensall Figure Skating 8:00 p.m.-Hensall Old Timers Sat. Jan. 31 7:45-12:45 p.m.-Hensall Minor Hoc- key 1:00-3:00 p.m -Public Skating 5:15 p.m.-Ringette 8:45 p.m. -w.0 A.A. Play -Oft Game Zurich vs Pee Wees Sun. Feb. 1 1:00-3:00 p.m -Public Skating 4:30 p.m -Hensall United Church Skating 5:45.6:45 p.m -Open Ice 7:00-10:00 p.m -Rec Hockey Mon. Feb. 2 5:15 p.m.-Hensall Minor /lackey Tues. Feb. 3 5:15 p.m -Hensall Figure Skating 8:30 p.m-Broomball This advertisement sponsored by qe r4ale PatIe 112 Kim Sr. - Heel Clinton ICommunity O 374 Main St., Box 126 Exeter, Ont. NOM 150 You can rest assured one of our RRSP`s is working for you HIGH RATES NO FEES *Insured 100%* 1 yr. 8% 4 yr. 91/4% 2 yr. 81/2% 5 yr. 9'4% 3 yr. 9% Variable 8% A As >- -: THEY LOOK GOOD -- Nursery School student Kevin Munn and Hen- sall kindergarten pupil Samantha Funston admire the gingerbread men parent aide Janis Bisback has just pulled from the oven. Susan'Hartr1an 262-2449 E3uoineii !©©ft o ACCOUNTANT-PUBLIC orris �muLh Taylor • Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 1690, 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NCM 1S0 (519) 235-0101 WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street St. S., Exeter, Ontario Resident' Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. 235-0120 519-235-0345 KIME, DITCHFIELD. MILLS & DUNLOP CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS GERALD W. MILLS, C.A. Managing Partner JOSEPH F. DARLING, C.G.A. 347 -MAIN STREET EXETER ONTARIO NOM 1S0 AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years of experience of complete sole service Provincially licensed Conduct soles of any kind • any plIce We guarantee you more To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 Ontario Auction Service Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Soles Service Auctioneers and Appraisers "Sue" Edginton RR 2 Luton, Ont. "Bud" McIver (519) 227-4210 REPAIRS SOWIllg Mashiae Repairs to all makes Free estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Saw and Sava Canty Ltd 149 bownleSt., Stretford Closed Monday Phone 271.9660 NORM W'4ITING LICENSED A _TIONEER 8 APPRAISER Prompt Courteous'Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE ANYWHERE via give complete sale service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collbct 233.1964 EXETER Bob Heywood Licensed Auctioneer Specializing in household and estate auctions Reasonable rates Bob 235-0874 Laverne 235-1278 INVESTMENTS Debentures, G.1.C. s, R.R.S.P.s Contact Joan Love RR 3, Parkhill, Ontario NOM 2K0 Phone Grand Bend 238.2644 r