Times-Advocate, 1987-01-21, Page 27NEW DASHWOOD LUTHERAN MINISTER --- Vicar Larry Stojkovic was inducted as the new minister
at Zion Lutheran Church in Dashwood Wednesday night. Above, chairman of elders Earl Keller and con-
gregation chairman Gordon Kraft welcome Vicar Stojkovic. At the right is Pastor Dennis Bylund of
Seebach's Hill who was in charge of the induction service. T -A photo
At Thames Road
YC sermon on full service
Rev. Robert Matheson was in
charge of the Second Sunday After
Epiphany church service on Sunday
morning. We sang Jesus Loves Me
and Rev. Matheson told the children
a story entitled "Jesus Does The En-
tire .lob'•. The scripture lesson was
read from Isaiah 49:1-7, 1 Corinthians
1 : 1-9, John 1:29-34. The sermon was
entitled "Full Service".
A great (finny of us who have been
'liberated' by the energy crunch of the
late sixties and early seventies have
started to give more and more use to
self -serve gas bars. When we stop al
a different filling station where there
is full service we don't know what to
do or how to answer when the atten-
dant asks if we want hint or her to
check the oil level:
Do you remember the days when
there were no super markets? When
it was very seldom we visited a
cafeteria and when a machine which
distributed food or beverages was
unheard of tet alone a machine at a
bank which would allow you to make
withdrawals when the bank was
We are told that the 'service in-
dustries' are the expanding part of
our economy and yet service is not
what it used to be.
This morning all three of our scrip-
ture lessons speak about service.
They speak of the service of God and
all God has done and continues to do
for his people. What's more all three
passages point to Christ as God's One
Special Servant. God's Servant who
1..sttttttll ums. \
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give His All so we might have life - we
might share the light he brought to the
world at the lime of his birh!
The Explorer Girls will meet on
Thursday evening January 22 in
Play euchre
at Centralia
In last week's issue the names of
Glena Tripp, Verda Lightfoot and
Marian Abbott were omitted as tak-
ing part in the UCW church service.
Sorry girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Caslick and
Gregory spent the weekend with their
parents' in the Cargill area.
The euchre at the Community Cen-
tre, January 12 had 13 tables playing
with prizes going to the following.
High scores Lois Hodgins, Jack
Dickins; lone hands Mary Kooy and
Oliver Jaques; low score Lydia
Regier, Roy Swartz; special prizes
went to Jean Walper and Jack
Next party is January 26 and will be
convened by Roy and Lily Swartz and
Cleve and Ielene Pulman.
Tom and I were dinner guests
Saturday evening of Mrs. Helen Mac-
Donald, Lucan when she entertained
in honour of Tom's birthday on Fri-
day evening our son Clayton, Alice
and friends entertained us at Keegans
Inn to celebrate dad's birthday.
Nard Times
Sympathy is extended to the
families of the late George Sass, RR
5 Crediton. Mr. Sass was the father of
Mrs. Reg. (Pauline) Finkbeiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Preszcator
visited Wednesday with Mrs. Harold
McCallum in Seaforth Hospital and
were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Hubley and evening guests
with Mrs. Earl Steele, all of Seaforth.
Crediton and District Social club
held their January Hard Times dance
Saturday evening. Blenders provided
the music.
Happy birthday was sung to Jane
Dearing. The door prize was won by
Joe and Annie Ondrejicka.
At the New Years dance Charles
Thames Road Church at 7 p.m.
the annual congregational meeting
will be held on Sunday January 25
following the regular church service
and pot luck dinner.
Ladies of the United Church
Women don't forget the annual
meeting of the Huron -Perth
Presbytery of the United Church
Women to be held in Mitchell United
Church on Monday January 26.
Registration is to be at 9:30 a.m.
Don't forget a bag lunch.
Miss Barbara Miller, Toronto spent
the weekend at her home here.
Mrs. Jack Stewart returned home
recently after having spent a week
with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stewart
and infant son Matthew in
Glen Stewart has been a patient in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London having
undergone surgery, and Mrs. Ray
Cottle is a patient in University
Hospital. Get well wishes are extend-
ed to both.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett visited
Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Mrs. Rob Baxter, Jeremy and
Lesley, Mitchell were Sunday supper
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan
and Floyd.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kernick and Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Passmore spent the
weekend snowmobiling near
at Crediton
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Browning Sr. was presented with his
life membership and at the monthly
meeting Stan Preszcator was
presented with his life membership.
A delicious lunch of wieners and
beans was prepared by Gerald and
Irene Lynn and Jack and Marion
The sermon topic at Zion United
Church was taken from Jeremiah
6:16-21 and Matthew 11:25-29 titled
"What Is the Old -Time Religion?"
Choir practice will be held Wednes-
day evening at 8 p.m. in the Sunday
School rooms.
Mrs. Lorne Barnes Thedford,
visited Saturday with her dad and I.
Sunday, family and friends held a
birthday party for Mrs. Della Sims
who was 96 on Monday, January 19.
They were Mr. and Mrs. Claire
Sparling and Doug, Walkerton; Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Morlock, Kitchener;
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Morlock, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Finkbeiner, Suzanne Finkbeiner,
Allan Brand, Mr. and Mrs. Stan
Preszcator, Crediton and Mrs.
Valerie Whilsmith and friend, Lon-
don. A delicious pot luck supper was
held with cake and ice cream. Della
thanked everyone for the gifts she
Communion service was held Sun-
day morning with Rev. F. Braby in
charge. Bob MacGillivray read the
lessons and the hymns were played by
Mary Davis.
Next Sunday service is planned for
11 a.m., eleven o'clock followed by the
Vestry meeting with a pot luck lunch.
Mrs. Heather MacGillivray was
hostess Monday, evening for the ACW
meeting. There were eight members
present. President Rose Cunningham
opened the meeting with the
members prayer in unison. Prayers
were offered for the absent members,
the sick, for the church and Sunday
School. .
Nadine Bedell gave the treasurer's
report and Mary Jefferies the
secretary's report. Plans were made
for a dinner Thursday evening and
the pot luck lunch following the
Vestry meeting next Sunday. At the
close of the meeting the hostess serv-
ed a delicious lunch and a social hour
was enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Greta Gibson, Mrs. Mabel
Needhatrl and Mary Davis. Lucan en-
joyed lunch with their cousin Mrs.
Alma Godbolt in Exeter, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacGillivray and
girls entertained Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Davis and Mary Davis to dinner
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee were
dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Greenlee, Derek, Qebbie and
Chad. Sunday evening Debbie was
,,celebrating her birthday.
I am pleased to report that Mrs.
Eileen Carroll has returned home
from hospital.
Mrs. Viola Atkinson, Centralia, Ms.
Marguerite Greenlee and Mary
Davis, Lucan spent a couple of days
recently at the home of Mrs. Janett
Barker, quilting.
Times -Advocate. January 21, 1987 Page 13A
Dashwood women's groups meet
Mrs. Nancy Rader opened the
meeting of the Ladies Aid and Vicar
Larry Stojkovic followed with prayer.
His topic was on baptism. He read a
letter from a father to his daughter of
the day of her baptism.
The meeting will be Wednesday
afternoon during February. A collec-
tion for the Lutheran Hour will be held
at the next meeting. Visiting commit-
tee will be Mrs. Florence Martene
and Mrs. Frieda Keller. Also Mrs.
Elda Koehler and Mrs. Jill Stojkovic.
Cards of thanks were received from
Lorne Devine, Theda 'Bruce,
Margaret Nadiger and Lovina Miller.
Ten copies of Strength for the Day
were ordered. The name Ladies Aid
was changed to Ladies Guild. A good
sum will be sent to our former stu-
dent, Les Hohner.
Mrs. Arnold Becker read from
cards "Take time to be kind; In His
Footsteps". Mrs. Howard Datars had
closing devotions. Mrs. Jill Stojkovic
joined the Ladies Guild and will be on
group one.
Flowers in Zion Lutheran church
Sunday were from the funeral of
Garnet Weiberg, Kitchener.
Samuel Edward Datars, infant son
of Peter and Irene Datars was baptiz-
ed in Zion Lutheran church Sunday by
Clandeboye news
The January meeting of
Clandeboye Women's Institute was
held at the home of president Jean
Hodgins, in Lucan with 14 members
and two visitors answering the roll
call, "A Hobby for Retirement
Mary Scott, convener of Educa-
tional and Cultural Activities, gave a
reading, "Culture in your Farm Kit-
chen", and then introduced the
speaker, Olive Simpson, who gave a
most interesting travelogue on her re-
cent trip to Australia and New
She also showed post cards of the
many places they toured. Hazel Cun-
ningham gave a reading "Hats off to
the Women's Institute."
Correspondence included informa-
tion on the Community Outreach
Seminar to be held in Southwold
Public School, February 28 sponsored
by the Elgin West Women's Institute,
also registration forms for the
Federated Wcimen's Institutes of On-
tario 90th anniversary convention, to
be held in North Day in July, any WI
members interested, contact the
president. •
The Farm Show prize list was read,
dso intormanon aoout me 196/
Western Fair WI display competition,
the theme bing, "The Family Room".
The president asked the members
to be thinking of a way to com-
memorate the 80th anniversary of
Clandeboye Women's Institute, which
is this year. Hazel Williams and Mary
Scott were lunch conveners and a
social time followed the meeting.
Pastor Bylund Sponsors were A skit entitled "Each One Win One"
Elizabeth Datars and Teresa was presented with Mrs. Mildred
Williams. Kellerman, Mrs. Don Gaiser and Mrs
Mark event
On Sunday, January 11 a worship
service celebrating the 25th anniver-
sary of United Church Women was
held in Calvary United church. The
lighting of three candles was a signifi-
cant part of the service. Mrs. Everett
Heist lit the candle for the past, Mrs
Clayton Merner for the present and
Mrs. Harold Hendrick for the future.
Other members taking part were
Mrs. Don Gaiser, Mrs. Mildred
Kellerman, Mrs. Syd Neeb and Mrs.
Eben Weigand.
The January meeting of Dashwood
U.C,W. was held on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Clayton Merner opened with a
new year message. Mrs. Eben
Weigand shared an appropriate
reading, "A New Year, .A New Day,
A New Life" followed by prayer.
Bill Chandler taking part. The wor-
ship portion of the meeting closed by
singing "Ring Out the Old"
Pastor Bob Sinasac presided for the
installation of officers for 1987. Presi-
dent Mrs. Don Gaiser extended a
warm welconig to 16 members and
one guest. Re orts were read as well
as card of appreciation and letters
from charitable organizations.
acknowledging donations.
Upcoming events of interest; .The
20th annual meeting of Huron -Perth
Presbyterial will be held in Mitchell
United church on January 26; our
church will be host to the World Day
of Prayer on March 6.
The Sunshine committee are Mrs.
Ralph Astle and Mrs. Don Geiser. The
meeting closed by repeating the Miz
pah Benediction.
FRIEDSBURG CONTEST WINNER --Josh Becker was the winner of
the balloon lift-off contest at the 1986 Friedsburg Days in Dashwood.
Above, he receives his Walkman prize from Kathy Hayter and Tom
Hayter. The balloon landed in Patterson, New York which is 55 miles
north of New York City and 100 miles south of Albany.
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and your 1987 Municipal and School Taxes
Regional Assessment Offices located throughout Ontario are responsible
for assessing all real property for the purposes of municipal and scb of
The resulting Assessment Rolls are delivered to municipalities which
use them to set their mill rates and compute municipal property tax bills.
The amount of property tax you pay on your home or business depends
on the assessed value and the mill rate set by your municipality. The
assessed value multiplied by the mill rate will determine your 1987
property taxes.
Open House Sessions
Open Houses are your opportunity to fully
understand your assessment and to evalu-
ate its equity.
Open Houses are held in every municipal-
ity at convenient times and locations to pro-
vide you with the opportunity to discuss your
assessrtlent with staff of the Regional Office.
An assessor will be pleased to explain the
basis of your property assessment and is
authorized to amend any inaccurate informa-
tion prior to the delivery of the Assessment
Roll to your municipality. •
If you have any questions but are unable to'
attend the Open House, please contact your
Regional Assessment Office at the address
or telephone numbershown below.
Assessment Notice
Property owners and tenants will receive an
Assessment Notice only if information relat-
ing to their property or assessment was
changed during the past year, if the
assessment was appealed last year, or if
there has been a general reassessment in
the municipality. If you receive an Assess-
ment Notice, it may reflect changes you have
requested in your school support designation,
in the amount of your assessed value, or other
recorded information on last year's Notice.
Appeal Procedure
If, after attending your local Open House, you
are still dissatisfied with your assessment,
you have the right to appeal it to the Assess-
ment Review Board. The Assessment Review
Board conducts informal hearings and is
responsible for determining whether the
assessment under appeal is fair and equitable
with the assessments of similar properties
in the vicinity or neighbourhood, and may
alter your assessment accordingly.
Appeal Deadline
The final date for appealing yourassess-
ment is February 26, 1987.
Your appeal must be forwarded, either on a
Notice of Appeal Form or as a letter, to the
Regional Registrar of the Assessment
Review Board on or before February 26, 1987,
noting your property add-ess, roll number
and the reason for the appeal.
To assist you, Notice of Appeal forms and
the address of the Regional Registrar of the
Assessment Review Board are available at
Open Houses, your Regional Assessment
Office, or your municipal office.
Schedule of Open Houses
Town of Exeter Tues. Jan. 278 Wed. Jan. 28,_1 m. - 8 p.m., Exeter Town Municipal Office
Village of Hensen Thurs. Jan. 29, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m., HHd8hsall Village Municipal Office
Village of Zurich Wed. Jan. 28,1 p.m. - 8 p.m., Zurich Municipal Office
Township of Hay Wed. Jan. 28,1 p.m. - 8 p.m., Zurich Municipal Office
Township of Stanley Mon. Jan. 26, 1 p.m. - 8 .m., Stanley Township Municipal Office. Varna
Township of Stephen Thurs. Jan. 29, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m., Stephen Township Municipal Office. Crediton
Township of Tucksremith Mon. Jan. 28, 1 p.m. - 8 p.m., Tuckersmith Township Municipal Office, Vanastra, RR5, Clinton
Township of Usborne Wed. Jan. 28 8 Thurs. Jan. 29,1 p.m. - 8 p.m., t jborne Township Municipal Office. Concession 3
Township of Hibbert Mon. Jan. 26.1 p.m. - 8 p.m., Township Office, ublin
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