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Times-Advocate, 1987-01-21, Page 23
6 Ser vices SIGN WRITING By Mel Centralia, Ont. PHONE 228-6946 361 CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R.R. 1 Centralia Open 6 Days A Week Truck Boxes, Portable Welding Wrought Iron Railings and Hog'& Cattle Stabling 229-6542 8t SEPTIC TANKS WEEPING BEDS Installed, Repaired,- Pumped Butler Bros. Lucan 227-4312 or 227-4254 30 Years Experience • Backhoe service, • Scrap purchased 16tfn Johnson SANITATION SERVICE PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS Septic tanks and holding tanks pumped and installed. PH: 294-6954 Parkhill Zenith No. 89220 2910 R&R FABRICATING Welding and Repairs, Custom built land rollers Truck boxes, - Log splitters Cushion truck bumpers Farm Tractor and Truck Repair Licenced Mechanic P H : 236-4501 Zurich, Ont. 5tfn CUSTOM BULLDOZING We take down tower silos, ...no dynamite Bush work, Rernosal of old buildings All types of used building materials for sale BOB MORRISSEY 234-6783 MIKE DIETRICH 762-5472 5tfn "PRETTY PETS" By Marie PET GROOMING 6 Services 235-0415 * 235-2662 38tfn WALLPAPERING *PAPER PARTNERS* Diane Eagleson Carrie Anne McAlpine 235-2524 293-3057 PHONE FOR ESTIMATES Monday to Friday after 6 p.m. 38tfn TRIEBNER'S MACHINE SHOP Welding, Fabricating, Lathe, Milling, Press Work, Steel & Welding Supplies PH: 237-3724 or 235-1993 OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 18tfn DAVE PASSMORE PLUMBING & HEATING RR 1 WOODHAM 235-2708 30t Inc WAYNE SHAPTON CONSTRUCTION INC. R.R. 1 Exeter Homes and Farm Buildings Additions, Renovations, Repairs Roofing, Siding and Soffit Phone 237-3739 20t fn MILLER'S Welding, Lathe and Fabricating RR 2 Dashwood Portable Welding Wrought Iron Railings General Repair OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Earl Miller - 237 -3365 181 DON BENDER ELECTRIC LTD. Dashwood For all your electrical repairs & installations Industrial, Commercial, Residential & Farm Winco Standby Generators Soles 8 Installations PH: 237-3575 29t D&F SNOW REMOVAL Do all driveways Have reasonable rates 235-1108 McBRIDE BROS. Machine and Repair (1/4 mile west of Kippen) Precision Machining and Milling - Custom Built Trailer and Truck Boxes Combine and Tractor Repairs NEW SHOP No. 262-3020 Brad Dennis 262-2687 262-2616 16tfnc GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK Exeter Hensall Grand Bend Clinton Goderich 235-2420 262.2119 238-8484 482-9747 524-2118 SOS 'SALTON OK Realty & Insurance Inc. NEW LISTING EXETER - 2250 sq. ft. raised ranch, located in the sub- division near schools. All electric. Both levels finished, features 4 bedrooms, dinette area w/patio doors to deck, dining room, 2 baths, 12' x 12' laundry room w/rear en- trance, rec room w/woodstove, single garage and fenc- ed rear yard. 5 years old in excellent condition. Call to- day to view this one. Dwayne Tlnney Murray Keys Blll Fuss 435-1408 435-4898 262-2946 0 0 0 7t 0 0 G Gl 7j K GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK Y O O 1 1 1 Eli Dirk Coolman • 235-1950 414 MAIN ST., (CENTRE MALL) EXETER 1 1 LVV EVVV SHERWOOD CRESC. 3 bedroom ranch, attached garage,, separate dining room, full basement, gas heat. Asking $80,000. Park and Listen to FM 104.1. BUILDING LOTS residential, close to downtown. Priced right 1 1 at $24,000. ,JAMES ST., EXETER $43,900, 3 or 4 bedrooms, 1 .4 storey separate dining room, 2'I;aths, requires work. ANDREW ST. - 4 bedrooms, $42,500, nicely decorated, gas heat. , II North end. Parkin front and listen to FM 104.1, COMFORT9LE 2 BEDROOM $45,500, brick frame, Sanders St. 1 im E., economical living. Park in front and listen to FM 104.1. • GIDLEY ST. $84,900_3 bedroom brick, garage, fireplace, cen- ▪ tral , air, '/4 acre lot and much, much mere. Excellent family • home. Park and listen. ' NEW 3 BEDROOM -BRICK -$73,200, well insulated, full base- ment, 2 baths, park and listen. Devon Dr. OUT OF TOWN 10 ACRES 3 or 4 bedroom brick home ,full basement, modern , kitchen, gorgeous setting. Highway location, 7 miles eget of Ex- 1 I eter. Only $59,000. lil•fl mamNumosoon mum nofl•Nomum El 1 6 Services BRANDER STEEL Pipe - Beam - Plate Rebar - Rounds Angles - Etc. WELDING SUPPLIES CASTER WHEELS NEW & USED Main St. S. Exeter 235-1462 41tfn DAVE'S DECOR INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING - PAPERING Wallcovering Designs for every taste Zurich 236-4941 42tfn PARKER'S BACKHOE SERVICE Owned and operated by Kevin Parker, Crediton Make arrangements now for winter snow removal PHONE 234-6303 46tfn JIM KERSLAKE CONSTRUCTION General Carpentry Home & Barn Additions Repairs and Renovations PHONE 235-0469 53-3c JERRY'S DRYWALL APPLIED TAPE and TEXTURE Contact Gerald Morgan 228-6724 Free Estimates 1tfnc ALLAN STUBBS SATELLITE & ANTENNAS • Full Service • Sales • Installations Attache - T.V. VHS Recorders, Camcorders 786-4848 296-5565 2tfnc WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. Hopper & Sons Ltd. 4 MODERN ROTARY RIGS Phone Seaforth Neil 527-1737 Durl 527-0828 Jim 527.0775 18tfn GLAVIN SANDI3CASTING Houses, Machinery, etc. FREE ESTIMATES Call Jack Glavin 237-3707 l9tfn POWER HOUSE ELECTRIC MOTORS 31 Thames Rd. W. 235-1319 Complete farm motor service Power Tool Repairs 43tfn JACK'S PLUMBING and HEATING For all your plumbing and heating installations Rural, Residential, Commercial Water Heaters, Softeners and Pumps Jack Mayer 235-0581 51 t fn DON HEYWOOD *PAINTING *WALLPAPERING *FLOOR SANDING Ph: 235-2914 FREE ESTIMATES 16tfn JOHN HAYTER PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Free Estimates call JOHN or KATHY 237-3298 46tfnc 6 Service. PAT'S DOG GROOMING '& BOARDING KENNELS RR 2 Dashwood I mile west of Dashwood on Hwy. 83 Phone 237-3779 29t f n TRIEBNER'S RENTAL SERVICE Tools, lawn & garden equipment Concrete equipment, Standby power etc. PH: 237-3724 or 235-1993 RRI Exeter OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 18tfn 7 Livestock PUREBRED DUROC, York Boars, ROP test. Also bred and open guilts. Govern- ment health inspected. Also a good selec- tion of Yorkshire Gilts bred Landrancc. Ted Schendera, 225-2734. 24fttl 11 Cars, Trucks PERFORMANCE and CUSTOM EQUIPMENT For Cars, Trucks and Vans available at EXETER PRECISION MACHINE and WELDING 168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter, Ontario Phone 235-1035 Itfn 1972 CHEVELLE, 4 -door, 350 mechanically excellent, needs body work 5500.00 or best offer. 229-8194. 32tfnc 1980 MERCURY ZEPHYR, 2 tone blue, 2 dr. 6 cyl., auto., p.s., p.b., air, new ex- haust, rust checked, good body, good con- dition, will certify. Asking 52250. (negotiable) Phone 284-1653. 3SA 1977 CHEV I/2 ton, 6 cyl. standard, 5450 also OZSO topper 5125. Call 283-6392.3SA 1981 GRAND PRIX BROUGHAM, w/Landau roof, loaded, excellent condi- tion. Asking 56,995.00. 293-3197 evenings. 3c 1978 GMC TRUCK, 14 ft. cube van, ex- cellent condition. 54,000 certified. Please call 236-7165. 3* 1981 CHEVETTE, 2 door hatch back automatic. Asking 52,100.00 as is. Call after 6 p.m. 238-8622. 3SA 1980 MAZDA, black, 50,000 kms. 5 speed, new tires, alloy tint windows, hatch p. antenna, bra., excellent condition $5,500.00 firm. Phone 228-6854, ask for Tony. 3• 12 Pets BEAGLES, good running rabbit hounds, one male, one female, 2 years old, reg. good bloodlines. 5150 each or 5250 for the pair. Will also trade for 22 Ruger rifle. Phone Dashwood 237-3520 ask for Fred after 5 p.m. SA2* BORDER COLLIE, medium size, to give - -away to good farm, house trained, -I -year old. 228-6736. 3c MALE PUPPIES free to a good home. Phone 228-6557, mornings or evenings.3• 13 Musical Instruments BONTEMPI CHORD ORGAN, like new, excellent condition, Good for Beginners music lessons, or pleasure 482-9297 after 5 p.m. 3tfn nc FARFISA PORTABLE TWO KEYBOARD ORGAN, with foot pedals and speaker, 5300.00. B flat trumpet with case, 5200.00. Call 237-3498. 1-3• GRAND PIANO - Heintzman upright 5500. Great for children practicing lessons. Phone 235-1280. 3:4c TRUMPET with carrying case. Excellent condition. 5300. Phone 349-2323 evenings. 3SA 14 Appliances, Television 24" DELUXE ELECTRIC STOVE, like new. 5200.00.284-2174. 3SA 15 Personal IS YOUR NEW YEAR'S Resolution to lose weight? Come join TOPS to Take Off Pounds Sensibly. Call a member 229-6677, 235.1264. Meetings Exeter Legion Auxiliary 7 p.m. Tuesdays. 3• Elizabeth Court Apartments 1 - 2 & 3 Bedrooms available Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities includ- ed. Located at 176 Oxford St., Hensall Ontario Phone 262-2846 Ask about special bones Two Bedroom Apartment for Rent Ideal for newlywed or retired couple. Stove and refrigerator, fully broadloomed, laundry facilities, cable TV and heating. One year lease. THIRD FLOOR APARTMENT $376.00 per month, plus hydro SD Realty Limited 235-2208 Times -Advocate, January 21, 1987 15 Personal II- YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934 or 345-2536.. 481111 DATES GALORE: For all ages and unat- tached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call toll free 1-800-263-9163hours noon til 8_p.m.3x WHISTLER VALE ('ONIX)S. Midweek Package. Tull condo - 6 p 5135, Loh suite 4 p 585. resin Suite 2 p 540. Great Skiing best price. Call 1-604-932-3913. _ 3x LO('HAVI:N INN Excellent European Cuisine in a relaxed country setting. Skating, cross-country skiing, snowmobil- ing. Discount Week -end packages- January' 25- and February' 7. Ask about our Tues- day - free program. Call (705)754-3531.3,, 16 For Sale SPRING 1.A%1R - the ideal treat on your barbecue this summer. Get one now for your freezer and he ready 10 treat your tamily and guests royally. ('all Rill Batten at 235-1331. 24( ix YOUTH BED, antique butternut with custom built mattress, 5225. Phone 284-1274. 3SA ANTIQUE 13E1), oak Quebecois estra long, 48"ss s 6s:'long 5150. Phone 284-1274. 3S:\ • WICKER CRADLE. Quebecois antique with detachable stand. 5225. Phone 284-1274. 3SA FARMERS - CORN BURNING STOVES. Phone (519)-229-8965. 53ttn SNOWBLOWER FOR SAH:. Phone 235-0518. 3SA Rob Dale Motors Quality Used Vehicles at reasonable prices 1976 Chevelle 6 cyl, 4 dr. auto., P/S, P/B, radio, like new, rustproof. Asking only '1895 cert. 1978 Mercury Cougar XR7 302 auto, P/S, P/B, AM/FM stereo, extra nice automobile. Asking only '2495 cert. 1984 Ford Escort Practical transportation, 4 cyl., auto., 4 dr. hatchback, AM/FM stereo, waxed, rustproof, Dunlop radial tires, 1 year 20 K powertrain warranty. Asking only '4425 cert. "Before you buy give Rob a try" 235-1399 235-1699 Page 9A 16 For Sale I LEC'TROLUX VACUUM in excellent condition with power nozzle and all at- tachments. Only 1195. ('all Centralis 228-6531. 4t fn QUALITY USED CARS 1980 PONTIAC PARRS 529, Certified No. T8707A 1981 OLDS CUTLAS LS:5495 Certified No. 1B986A 1981 DODGE ARIES :2995 Certified No. C8650A 1982 PONTIAC 6000 87495 Certified C86136A 198301N CAP CLASSIC $8395 Certified C8740A 1984 COLT 84695 Certified 7131186 WINTER SPECIALS 1916 CHEV BELAIR :999 Certified C86114A 1979 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 8999 Certified T8'21B 1978 FORD FIESTA $199 As is C86134C USED TRUCKS 1919 DODGED150CLUBCAB Certified T8673A $2795 1982 FORD BRONCO 4 x 4 Certified C8726A $7495 1985 DODGE 8250 MAXI VAN Certified T8728A $ EXETER CHRYSLER GUARANTEED /1 IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION_ 136 MAIN STREET NORTH 1. SAtIS_ -" =�•-" EXETER LLuRv " "' • 235-1525 - ' i Chry,I.r • lost lullt. Bost Bockad Home For Sale In Exeter - - Completely renovated home - 26 ft. deck - Open staircase - Full basement - 2 car garage Lot size 66' x 196' PRICED TO SELL Stoneyridge Developments Inc. Call Jack Taylor after 6:00 229-6472 1 REALTY INC.- - 'r POWELL Int A t r 1 • ©®N R. R. 3, ILDERTON, (666-1010) STEPHEN TOWNSHIP - 95 ACRES Sandy loam, 92 acres workable, partially tiled, vacant land with barn. Call ARDEN SHANTZ - Res. 227-1290, Page 663-1141 ID • 1473. ABATTOIR Concrete block construction consists of'srroke house, retail area, holding pins, slaughter floor, 3 cooler/freezers. All equip- ment included. Has great summer trade potential. Asking $99,900. Coll JOHN MATHERS - Res. 455-7309. CREDITON 20 Acres (downtown) Ideal for present or future subdivision, draft plan stage, could be 44 lots. Land could Be formed until subdivl. - d. Water and gas at lot line. Greot opportunity at $27, t E all JOHN MATHERS - Res. 455-7309. EXTATE 4 431 Main St. S., Exeter 235-1621 Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5, Sat. 10 - 2 Heather Rogers Dawson Hoyter 235-1732 238-5891 EXETER TWO BEDROOM FRAME bungalow just one block from downtown. Separate dining room. SPACIOUS BUNGALOW in large lot, 3 bedrooms, lower level includes kitchen, large family room. TWO BEDROOM ',RICK HOME with attached single garage, partly finished basement just 3 blocks from downtown in at- tractiveneighbourhood. THREE BEDROOM BRICK RANCH 3 blocks from downtown, 1'/2 baths, over 2,200 sq. ft., main level, family room with fireplace. MOBILE HOME 2 miles west of Exeter. Consists of kitchen, liv- ing room, family room, 2 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath, 14' x 18'5" ad- dition plus wood deck. You can own for less than most rent. HENSALL ONE ACRE 4 bedroom home near Hensall. Two baths, over 2300 sq. ft., double garage: Well insulated. Combination furnace. Wood stove." FOUR BEDRO0M BRICK RANCH on Hwy. 4 south of Hensall. Central air, hi -efficiency gas furnace, kitchen appliances included. • DASHWOOD 2 STOREY 4 + bedroom home with large living room and large kitchen. Franklin stove, above ground pool, small cottage in rear. Reduced to $48,000.00. SIX BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE 11 rooms, 2 baths. Natural wood wainscotting, stained glass doors. Previously was 2 bedroom apartments. • FARMS LUCAN AREA 96 acres well drained, buildings well maintain- ed, barns with 3 silos; set up for beef. Driving shed and workshop. Renovated 11/2 storey brick home, 3 bedrooms large eat -in kitchen, .family room, living room, dining room, and 2 bathrooms. 2 - 50 ACRES PARCELS 1 with 35 acres workable and born, the other 41 acres workable. Remainder acres include river and bush. Excellent for building lots. 70 ACRES. 54 workable, tiled, with renovated Idrgb 2 bedroom home. EXCELLENT BUSINESS opportunity, tremendous location, Hwy. 4, full gas service operation.