Times-Advocate, 1986-12-17, Page 31Page 10A Times -Advocate, December 17, 1986
Communion Christmas Eve
Oood attendancef�r annual concert at Thames Road church
welcomed everyone. Christmas Story was read by Tom Jests' birth adds dimension to our be- Lynn's father the late. Harvey Skin -
Deanne Ballantyne read a story Passmore. Everyone sang Jingle ing instead of taking it away. The tier, Tuesday, December 9 at Exeter area.
"The Little Star." The kindergarten Bells and Santa Claus arrived to help passage in Isaiah 35 speaks of what Villa Nursing Home.
class sang several numbers among distribute gifts from under a well will happen when the Messiah comes. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
them Frosty the Snowman with ac- laden decorated tree. In Matthew 11 Jesus explains the Gerry Morgan on the birth of their son
tions. The teachers are Mrs. Rick Rev. Matheson spoke a few words evidence of his identity to the Paul Gerald in South Huron Hospital,
Etherington and Mrs. Barry E. of thanks to the Sunday School disciples of John the Baptist. The ac Monday. They returned home Sunday
Miller. Jayne Ballantyne sang "A teachers and students. It was a real tivities of the Messiah - of Christ - all afternoon.
Bright Star". The primary class did good concert and well done and well teT its there is more to this world than Michele Riehl of London and Mr.
a number "Love Reached Out". Their worth attending. meets our physical perception. Note and Mrs. Bill Rohde were Friday
teachers are Mrs. Ted Kernick and that all deeds spoken of in these two evening supper guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Rick Parker. A reading "The Church Service passages do not occur at any par- Mrs. Ross Hodgert and Alan.
Legend of the Christmas Star" by Rev. Robert Matheson took charge ticular time of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan spent
Patrick Jeffery. of the Third Sunday in Advent church The Christmas Eve Communion the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Den -
A solo "0 Holy Night" was sung by service Sunday morning. He lit the Worship Service will be held on nis Duncan and Doug of Ottawa.
Cheryl Ballantyne. The junior class third candle in the Advent Wreath. December 24 at Elimville at 8 p.m. Mrs. Pat Fogarty and Linda and
did a dialogue "Visions of Sugar The first candle was the Peace Can- Personals friend, Woodstock visited Sunday
Plums". Their teachers are Mrs. Don dle. The second one was the Hope Pre -Christmas guests a week ago with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kernick and
Richardson and Mrs. Gerry Morgan. Candle and the third one was Candle Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jef- girls and then they attended the Sun -
Miss Agnes Bray and Rebecca of Joy.. fery were Mr. Mark Jeffery, Miss day School Christmas Concert at the
Miller played a piano duet. A The choir sang two Christmas an- Sheila McLeod, Walkerton; Shawn church Sunday evening.:
thems accompanied by the organist Jeffery, Farquhar; Nancy Jane Jef-Mr. and Mrs. John Miner, Brenda
Miss Agnes Bray. The scripture fery, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Gary and Susan returned home Thursday
lesson was read from Isaiah 35:1-10, Thompson, Roxanna, Brandon and to Vibank, Saskatchewan after
James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11. The Caroline, RR 8 Parkhill; Mr. and
sermon was entitled -Running the Mrs. Doug Rivers, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Maze". Lanthier, Paul and Lisa, Mr. and
You're buying a Christmas gift Have you ever looked closely at the Mrs. Rob Dunlop, Travis and
face's of last minute Christmas shop- Willithu, London; Mr. and Mrs. Doug
orpers. The later in the advent season Jeffery, Scott and Robbie, Windsor;
and the later the hour of day the more Mrs. Kay Cann, Exeter and Mr. and
Choosing something for yourself for the party it shows on the faces of shoppers. It Mrs. Robert Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs.
causes us to wonder if we are really Paul Jeffery and Marshall, Tara and
shopping to share the goodwill of Todd Hunking.
Christmas or if we are just running Mrs. Arnold Cann returned home
• through the same maze (like mice in Wednesday from Victoria Hospital
a laboratory) every Christmas London. Get well wishes are
season. extended.
It doesn't have to be like that. The sympathy of the community is
Jesus' birth actually calls us out of the extended to Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn
maze of our journey through life.
The annual Christmas Concert was
held Sunday evening with a good at-
tendance. In the absence of
superintendent Mrs. Dave Passmore
who was sick, Mrs. Ted Kernick
visiting relatives for two weeks in this
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and family in the passing of Mrs.
Staffs Institute meets
By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN Personals
A bountiful pot -luck dinner preceed- A good crowd attended the card
ed the Christmas meeting of the Staf- party on Saturday evening in the
fa Women's Institute on Wednesday township hall, honouring Mr. and
noon in the township hall. The presi- Mrs. Stan Pullman on their 40th wed -
dent Mrs. Kay Smale, presided for the ding anniversary.
meeting opening with some thoughts
on Christmas. John and Roberta Templeman
Mrs. Ruth Ann Grey demonstrated entertained their neighbours on Fri -
several interesting items for day evening at their home. Present
Christmas giving, an arrangement to were Mrs. A. Visscher, Albert and
hang, a basket to hold toiletries or Theresa Visscher, Jacob and Marie
jams, a serviette or wine holder and Visscher, Robin and Joan Daynard,
how to make bows for the finishing Bob and Bernice Norris, Mrs. 0. Nor -
touch to a gift. Ruth Ann was thank- ris, Al and Dianne Fuller, Arthur and
ed by Kay Smale. Margaret Kemp and Russell and
Mrs. Margaret Daynard also Margaret Miller.
demonstrated how to make little Rob, Bev, Carrah and Cain
angels from macaroni to hang on the Templeman visited on Saturday with
tree or use as favours. Margaret was Mrs. Dorothy Ebel, who is a patient
thanked by Joyce Vivian. in Goderich Community Hospital.
There were 17 members and 10
guests present and roll call was
answered by What you would like to SNOW FALLS .DOWN
do for a shut-in at Christmas time.
Mrs. Roberta Templeman gave a By Tina Glavin
few thoughts on peace as 1986 is In- Precious Blood
ternational Year of Peace. - Snow falls down and very,
Secret pals for 1986 were revealed Very slowly it melts away with
and gifts exchanged. Rain and sunshine again.
• Clad Tidings
Now that the
holidays are here, it
is our joy to say a
'special "thanks" to
• all those we hold
dear. Your
• friendship has
made us proud.
Plumbing &
To the Ratepayers of Stephen
- 1
peace On earth
In the spirit of
friendship and good
• faith, we offer our very
special thanks to you
this holiday season.
Reeve - Tom Tomes
Deputy -Reeve - Ken McCann
Councillors - Gary Baker, Bill Weber, Andrew Robertson
Clerk -Treasurer - Wilmar D. Wein
Road Sup't. . Eric Finkbeiner
/4rena Manager - Frank Funston
Rtiagiio►ws►oisslsa bio••••4•cels
for our issue of Wed.Dec. 24
is Fri., Dec. 19 at 1 p.m.
This is the issue to use for Boxing
Day Values and after Christmas
Clearance Sales
& North Lambton Since 1873