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Times-Advocate, 1986-12-03, Page 26
Page 10A , December 3, 1986 20 Property F or Rent INDUSTRIAL or WAREHOUSE space for rent. Call 235-0141. 16tfnc PRIME RETAIL or OFFICE space available. Call 235-0141. l6tfnc TO SUBLET 3000 sq. ft. cold warehous- ing complete with loading dock. Call 235-1425. 39tfn ZURICH, 1 bedroom apt. no pets, available now. Phone 236-7207. 44tfn FOR SUBLET, HURON PARK. Available January 1, large 2 -storey, semi-detached house, 3 bedrooms, formal dining room, fireplace in living rootn, 2 bathrooms, hardwood floors throughout,.gas heated. Rent S33I.00 monthly plus utilities. Please call 228-6781 after 5 p.m. 49SA IN DASHWOOD. Upstairs apartment, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom with shower. Available December 1. Phone 237-3531. 47tfnc ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT, fridge and stove. Main St. Laundry and parking. 235-1497. 47tfnc TWO BEDROOM APARMENTS. Ap- pliances included S250. per month plus utilities. Phone 238-5576 or 238-5659.48tfnc AVAILABLE DECEMBER I, new one and two bedroom apartments. Carpeted, appliances and security system. Non- smokers preferred. References requested. Phone 235-1900 or 235-2557. 48,49c FURNISHED 4 -BEDROOM DELUXE living, choice private area S650.00 per month. Available December 1 to June 30, 1987. Could be extended. 238-2795.48,49c 21 For Rent THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium for rentals including weddings, meetings, banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact Ellison Travel, 235-2000. 8tfn ROOM FOR RENT. Available Sept. 3, kit- chen privileges. Phone 238-8742 Grand Bend. 35tfi. STORAGE 10,000 sq. ft. new building 14 ft. clearance CARS - BOATS - MACHINERY 229-6472 Call after 6:00 p.m. JACK TAYLOR 40tfnc FARM - Dashwood Zurich area, 70 acres, good corn or bean land. Reasonable rent. 296-4750. 49c 22 For Sale or Rent KIPPEN - 3 bedroom house, attached garage. Phone 262-5513. 49• 23 Wanted To Rent IN EXETER - A quiet sleeping room for approximately four months, kitchen privileges. Phone 229-8229. 48:49c 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS • All claims in the Estate of URBAN OT - TO MILLER, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 2Ist day of August, 1986 must be filed with the undersigned Solicitor on or before the 31st day of December, 1986; thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated this 20th day of November 1986. William B. Hagarty Executor, P.O. Box 561 Term "13" London, Ontario N6A 4W8 - (5I9)-434.6063 4850c 28 Auction Sales SATURDAY, December 6, 11 a.m. Pro- perty of Morgan Driveaway, Lindsay. 19 -5th Wheel Floats for house trailers, buildings or many uses. Shop tools and equipment, office equipment. Information 1(705)324-2783. McLean Auction. 49x MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS: Workshirts 52.75, workpants S3.50, workboots S15. For catalog, send S2 (reim- bursed first order): Military Surplus, Box 243, St. Timothee, Quebec JOS IXO. 49x Scott Real Estate Ltd. Stratford, Ont., 271-2668 OPEN HOUSE - Sunday, Dec. 7th 1.3 p.m. Do you need elbow room? Take the opportunity to view this lovely 3 bedroom bungalow with stone fireplace, full basement, and two baths, north of St. Joseph on highway 21. Your hostess is Liz Adams, 237-3498. r THINKING OF A COTTAGE INDUSTRY? Commercially zoned roomy 3 bedroom bungalow on highway 21 in Grand Bend. This is your opportunity for a combination residence arid business. For viewing call Liz Adams at 237-3498. • ©Q© .w•+. 4.111 wen, We limey eh. etas -el • geed ..ig►boaheed. 4 f° Booze is major. cause About 70 per cent of all drivers in- volved in fatal motorized snow vehi- cle accidents last year were im- paired, Ontario's Minister of Transportation and Communications Ed Fulton announced recently. "Of the 17 fatalities, 12 of the snow vehicle drivers were described as "ability impaired" or "had been drinking," Fulton said. "The statistics prove that, whether it be an automobile or a snowmobile, driving while impaired kills," Fulton added. "The time has come for all of us to take the potential for casualty much more seriously." During the period between November, 1985 and April, 1986, there were a total of 558 on and off-highway accidents involving snow vehicles. "These figures reflect a 15 per cent increase over last year's 487 ac- cidents," Fulton said. "It is im- perative that we work towards lower- ing the figures next year. "It is also important we realize motorized snow vehicles are not toys. Their operation is no less important and dangerous than the operation of automobiles and the regulations governing their operation must be strictly adhered to at all times." Of the 558 accidents, 282 were on - highway and 276 were off-highway. The number of fatal accidents re- mained the same at 16 with 17 fatalities. Personal injury accidents increased 24 per cent from 316 to 391 Elizabeth Court Apartments 1 - 2 & 3 Bedrooms available Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry -facilities, all utilities includ- ed. Located at 176 Oxford St., Hansell Ontario Phone 262.2846 Ask about special bonus For Rent Four bedroom ex- ecutive house in Dashwood Hardwood floors throughout. Fireplace in Targe Iivingroom. Dining room, den and kitchen on main floor. Full basement. $525.00 per month. 237-3677 or 237-3510 v and persons injured increased 22 per cent from 396 to 485. During the 1965/86 season, three drivers and one passenger were kill- ed when they drove their vehicles in: to open water or broke through thin ice. Last year only two drivers and one passenger drowned the same way. Of the 282 on -highway accidents, 57 per cent took place on weekends and 70 per cent of those took place at night. Most ... 77 per cent occurred on icy or packed snow. There were a total of 311 snow vehi- cle drivers involved m on -highway ac- cidents. Of those, five were under the age of 12, even though in Ontario, the law requires a driver to be 16 years of age to operate a snow vehicle near a highway. And, 17 per cent of the snow vehi- cle drivers involved in on -highway ac- cidents did not hold a valid driver's licence or a motorized snow vehicle operator's licence. Of those drivers, 18 were under the age of 16 and five were under the age of five. Of the 276 off-highway accidents, there were 10 fatal accidents, 185 per- sonal injury accidents and 81 proper- ty damage -only accidents. Eleven people were killed and 230 people were injured. • A total of 52 per cent of the ac- cidents, including three fatalities oc- curred on private property, in fields or parking lots and six of the fatal ac- cidents' occurred on lakes or rivers. Of the off-highway accidents, 66 per cent took place during weekends. There were 323 snow vehicle drivers involved in off-highway ac- cidents; 22 per cent were under the age of 20; 10 per cent were under 16 and five drivers were under the age of 12. From: Public and Safety Information Branch 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8 Telephone: (416)248-3501 Maplewood Manor 13 Church St., Seaforth, Ont. Gracious retirement liv- ing, featuring both private and semi -private accommodation ' (couples welcome) For more information Please call (519) 527-1440 Canada Trust Realtor E] J. The Canada Trust Company 515 Wharncliffe Road at Commissioners London, Ontario N6J 2N1 Telephone 673-6911 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW S74,900 - LUCAN Clean, well kept, one owner home in pleasant family neighbourhood. Landscaping is tasteful backing onto wide open country property. Inside you'll find a spacious kitchen with separate dining area, o comfortable formal living room, 3 bedrooms with patio doors off of one to a cedar deck. The lower level has a comfortable and entertaining family room with another room quite suitable for a games room or office. CALL TO VIEW 673-6911 TERESA ONDREJICKA 227-1068 EXTATE REALTY INC. .431 Main St. S...Exeter 235-1621 Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5, Sat. 10 - 2 Heather Rogers Dawson Hayter 235-1732 228.6939 NEW LISTINGS SPACIOUS BUNGALOW Main floor consists of kitchen, din- ing room, Iivingroom, 3 bedrooms and 4 pc. both. Lower level includes kitchen, large familyroom, bar, laundryroom and 3 pc. bath. 2 car garage, and above ground pool. All this plus a Targe lot. Possible to duplex. LUCAN AREA 96 acres well drained. Buildings well maintain- ed barns with 3 silos, set up for. beef. Driving shed and workshop. Renovated 1'/2 storey brick home, 3 bedrooms Targe eat -in kitchen, familyroom, Iivingroom, dining room and 2 bathrooms. This quality farm is located in the township of Biddulph. 2-50 ACRE PARCELS. 1 with 35 acres workable and barn, the other 41 acres workable. Remainder acres include river and bush. Excellent for building lots. 70 ACRES 54 workable, tiled, with renovated large 2 bedroom brick home. Small barn. MOBILE HOME 2 miles west of Exeter consists of kitchen Iiv- • ingroom, family room, 2 bedrooms, 4 pc. bath, 14' x 8'5" addi- tion plus wood deck. You can own for less than most rent. EXETER TWO BEDROOM BRICK HOME with attached single garage. Partly finished basement. Just 3 blocks from downtown in at- tractive neighbourhood. TWO BEDROOM FRAME bungalow just one block from downtown. Separate diningroom. TWO BEDROOM sided bungalow near hospital. Attractive yard. ARE YOU SINGLE and would like to own for aboutthesame cost to rent. Then call now and ask about this unique renovated cottage. THREE BEDROOM BRICK RANCH 3 blocks from downtown. 11/2 baths, over 2,200 sq. ft., main level. Family room with fireplace, THREE BEDROOM HOME on quiet street close to downtown., 1'/, baths, central vacuum, ext, to ae garage. WHERE ELSE CAN YOU GET A BR" HOME with newer fur- ttrce, 1'/, bates, 3 bedrooms, updai rion, deep lot and dose to schools for just $57,900.00. HENSALL ONE ACRE, TWO BATHS three miles I Hen,all, four bedrooms, five bedrooms possible, priced 1 M._ sixties. FOUR BEDROOM BRICK ranch on Hwy. 4 south of Hensall. Cen- tral air, Hi -efficiency gas furnace, kitchen appliances included. INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. almost 13,000 sq. ft. heated. DASHWOOD 2 STOREY 4 plus bedrooms home with large living room and large kitchen. Franklin stove, above ground pool, small cottage in rear. Open to offers, $50,900.00. EXTRA LARGE HOUSE on extra large lot, 6 bedrooms, easily duplexed. - SIX BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE 11 rooms, 2 baths, natural wood wainscotting, stained glass doors. Previously was 2 bedroom apartments. FARMS 70 ACRES in Stephen Twp. 6 km from Exeter completely renovated 11/2 storey brick home. 62.5 ACRES could be suited to market gardening. A garage as well as several other structures, spacious renovated and redecorated home is one of the property's main features. LOTS THREE VACANT LOTS first -with lake view in Ashfield Twp., second -in Centralia 12 acres water pipe line available. Third - in Crediton approx. 53 x 59,ENT A RARE OPPORTUNITY to rent or rent to own this 3 bedroom brick home close to downtown on deep lot. References essential. k "The :• Talking 1 1 House" GK GK (5 (5 (5 (0 (5 K GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK Exeter 235-2420 Hensall 262-2119 Grand Rend 238.8484 Clinton 482-9747 Goderich 524-2118 INIty & IElllslrreale• OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, DEC. 6, 1986 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. MIAMI Inc. 88 King St. Hensall, Ontario Your Host: Dwayne Tinney 235-1408 GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK 0 7C Gr Exeter Hensall Grand Bend Clinton Goderich 235-2420 262-2119 238-8484 • 482-9747 524-21-18 NEW LISTINGS EXETER New 3 bedroom 1200 sq. ft. home on 50'x125' lot. 2 baths forced air electric heat. Full basement. Low 70's. HENSALL 21/2 storey, 4 bedroom family home. Excellent con- dition. Private diningroom. 2 baths. Main floor laundry. Gas heat. Under 60. Dwayne Tlnney Glenn Robinson Murray Keys Jltn Boars 235-1408 235.2307 435-2898 235-2984 ')f' 11::'1 .1.- )1. we in is is um No m am me so IN IN au - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Park and tune your radio to 104.1 FM (range) An exclusive new conkept to help sell your home at NO EXTRA COST to you, the homeowner. - Park in front - tune in FM to 104.1 (range) - Listen to a pre-recorded message of the features this home has to offer - Operational 24 hours a day. Just think of the advantages: - Like having a 24 hour a day open house. - immediate information to all real estate agents giving you complete coverage - Prospects can get the information they require any time, night or day. VISIT THESE TALKING HOUSES TODAY 77 Gidley St. E.. 248 Sanders St. E. 140 Andrew St. N. ONLY 2 LEFT BUILDING LOTS on John St. Exclusive area. 63' frontage - all underground services. COMPARE Brand new - ready to move into - 1200 sq. ft., 6" insulation in walls, 2 baths, full basement. Low 70's. Devon Dr. Exeter WELL LANDSCAPED modern, 3 bedroom angelstone home features heatilator fireplace, and an attached garage. Located on Highway No. 21 north of Grand Bend, this one acre ravine lot with creek has over 200 ft. hwy. frontage and is priced to sell at ONLY $79,000.00. 10 ACRES just east of Exeter on Hwy. No. 83, Targe, 3-4 bedroom brick home, eat in kitchen, main floor family room, and combination wood - oil furnace in good condition, on a beautiful set- ting that will delight the most discriminating buyer! This exclusive property is only $59,900.00. NEW LISTING - INCOME PROPERTY HENSALL 29 year old brick building with income over $800/mo. Asking $47,500. Coll for details. Pug sesoweowalmeEiINuseaseinEi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ei1• Ei Ei Ei Ei Eli• Eiis � � Ei1• Eli•