HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-12-03, Page 255' r 6 `)f..1 VICes CUSTOM COMBINING Quality work and reasonable rates ALVIN M. BECKER RR 1 Dashwood Phone 237-3239 36tfn "PRETTY PETS" By Marie PET GROOMING 235-0415 * 235-2662 38tfn 'WALLPAPERING *PAPER PARTNERS* Diane Eagleson Carrie Anne McAlpine 235-2524 293-3057 PHONE FOR ESTIMATES Monday to Friday after 6 p.m. 38tfn BRANDER STEEL Pipe - Beam - Plate Rebar - Rounds Angles - Etc. WELDING SUPPLIES CASTER WHEELS NEW & USED Main St. S. Exeter 235-1462 41tfn DAVE'S DECOR INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING - PAPERING Walicovering Designs for every taste Zurich 236-4941 42tfn PARKER'S BACKHOE SERVICE Owned and operated by Kevin Parker, Crediton Make arrangements now for winter snow relnoval PHONE 234-6303 46t fn McBRIDE BROS. Machine and Repair (r/< mile west of Kippen) - Precision Machining and Milling - Custom Built Trailer and Truck Boxes Combine and Tractor Repairs NEW SHOP No. 262-3020 Brad 262-2687 Dennis 262-2616 16tfnc JOHN HAYTER PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Free Estimates call JOHN or KATHY 237-3298 • '14, Wri 46tfnc PROFESSIONAL PAINTING top quality work with best value prices Special Winter Rates 10% DISCOUNT FOR CONtRACTORS FIRST JOB CALL RICK WEBER 235-1086 or 235-0477 days 49tfx JERRY'S DRYWALL APPLIED TAPE AND TEXTURE Contact Gerald Morgan 228-6724 FREE ESTIMATES 47-50c ATTENTION AL1. LOGGER'S. Top prices paid for White Ash. Special pricing on clear, longer lengths. Cash on delivery. Call Elgin Handles Ltd., 21 Kains St., St. Thomas for more information 519-631-0330. 47-50c 7 Livestock PUREBRED DUROC, York Boars, ROP test. Also bred and open guilts. Govern- ment health inspected. Also a good selec- tion of Yorkshire Gilts bred Landrance. Ted Schendera, 225-2734. 24ftn 8 Farm Machinery SILO UNLOADER, 20 foot Butler, 7 h.p. motor, new in October 84; two 14 0. silo 'unlaaders 5 h.p. motors, one motor new in October '84. Blown high moisture corn only. All three complete with tripods, winch, cable, power cords and switches. 50 ft. Butler conveyor, motor, new in October' '84. 100 foot Butler overhead feeder with 65 0. conveyor. 60 foot Patz chainfeeder or stable cleaner. Badger tripod, winch and 170 0. cable. 15 foot conveyor. Two 10 ft .x 4 ft. steel swinging gates. 13 ft x 4 0 steel swinging gate. Call 293-3440 between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Call 293-3062 weekends and nights. Ask for Jerry. 49:SOc 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 1984 YAMAHA 200, 3 wheeler, good con- dition. Phone 294-6764. 49' 11 Cars, Trucks 01 DI'R USFI ('ARS and trucks. Give us a call. Town Linc Collision. 228-670.0 "34tfn_ PERFORMANCE and CUSTOM EQUIPMENT For Cars, Trucks and Vans available at EXETER PRECISION . MACHINE and WELDING 168 Thames Rd. W. Exeter, Ontario Phone 235-1035 , Itfn 1972 CHEVE:I.LE, 4 -door, 350 mechanically excellent. needs body work S500.00 or best offer. 229-8194. 32tfnc SPORTY MONZA, 1979, V-6, air, sunroof, AN1-I•M cassette, p.s., p.h., hat- chback, light blue, 51990. Phone 235-0555 after 5. - 4ltfn 1979 CIIINETTE TWO -DOOR automatic, low milage, good condition. Asking 52,400 certified. Telephone 235-2919 after 6 p.m. 49SA 1978 iX)DGE PICK-UP. 6 cylinder, stan- dard transmission. 52,500.00 caroled. 235-0667. 47-49c� 1978 AMC CONCORD, good,conditioa, certified. $1050. Phone 461-1529. 49SA 1976 COUGAR - Great for winter car. Ask- ing or best offer. As is. Call 284-49anytime.S1039 A WINTER CAR. 1965 Chevrolet, 4 -door, body very good. Selling as is. Phone 235-1507. 49:50• 1975 FORD VAN converted to camper. Needs body work. Interior would fit any Ford Van. Selling as is. Best offer. 262-3525 for more information. 49c 1982 CHEV CELEBRANT. p.s., p.b., automatic, front wheel drive. In good shape. Buy as is 54,000.00 or best offer. 238-2734. 49,50• 1980 BUICK LA SABRE LTD, 2 door, ful- ly loaded, excellent condition, certified. Phone after six 234-6420. 49:50• 1979 FORD MUSTANG, 6 cylinder, automatic, p.s., p.b., sun roof, cassette. 235-1976. 49:50c 1980 OLDS CUTLASS, two door, no rust, p.s., p.b., AM -FM radio, tilt steering, power windows, console, bucket seats, air conditioning, excellent condition. 54650 certified. Phone 235-0555 after 5 and weekends. 49tfx 1981 OMNi 50,000 miles, clean. no rust, certified, AM -FM stereo 51950 or best of- fer. Phone 229-6574. 49SA 12 Pets TO GiVE AWAY, beagle male dog, two years old. Phone 235-1668. 48,49c PUPPIES - border collie beagle cross, small dog. Phone 237-3402. 48tfx FREE TO GOOD HOME, black lab pup - 15 weeks old. Phone 234-6424. 49c 13 Musical Instruments BONTEMPI CHORD ORGAN, like new, excellent condition, Good for Beginners music lessons, or pleasure 482-9297 after 5 p.m. 3tfn.nc ORCANA ORGAN, 2 keyboards. Phone 236-4367. 47-51c. VANTAGE ELECTRIC GUITAR (6) string with case cord and strap. Is in mint condition. Asking $275. Phone 235-1595. 48:49c GOOD TONE 3/4 size cello. Priastro strings and newly haired bow. Violin 1/2 size Suzuki outfit new. Phone 235-0963. 49' . ORGAN - 2 keyboard, automatic rhythms and chords, roll top cover, $1600. Phone 229-6411 evenings. 49:50c LOWRY "FIESTA" ORGAN with Magic Genie chords, excellent condition. Please call at noon or after 5 p.m. 273-1542.49-51c 14 Appliances, Television ELECTROLUX SAL,VS' SERVICE. Us- ed and new vacuums. Estimates on Repairs. Call Centralia 228-6531. 48tfnc FREEZER, 22 cu. ft. Viking, white; Hot Point dishwasher, Harvest gold. Both in ex- cellent condition. Asking $200 each or best offer. Phone 284-2488 after 5. 49A 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934 or 345-2536. 48tfn DATES GALORE: For all ages and unat- tached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances call toll free 1-800-7,61-9163 hours noon til 8 p.m. 49x MEET SOMEONE NEW. Since 1927, we have introduced thousands for friendship or marriage. Write Personal Acquaintance Service, 249 Bronson Ave., Ottawa KIR 6H6. 49x CUBA! FRIENDLY!! AFFORDABLE!!! Join our Agricultural Study Tour to Cuba, March 7-14, 1987. A unique destination. For details call Clare Burt Travel 1-800-268-3090. 49x JOIN THE ROUND -UP! Clare Burt Travel presents. Farmers' Winter Holiday to Texas, February 19-27, 1987. An in- teresting combination of adventure and relaxation. Call 1-800-268-3090. 49x 16 For Sale ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rental, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 94 Main St. 235-1840. 21t FIREWOOD, well seasoned, delivered by cord or larger truck loads. 236-4457 or 238-8454. 38tfn NEW.VERTICAL BLINDS, 751/2"x 80" long. Beige, brown, 5300.00 or best offer. Phone 1-236-7212 before 6 p.m. 49SA VIDEO DISC PLAYER, ask for Don Webster, 235-1118. 49SA NEW DANBY GAS RANGE, almond 24", sleek, black glass door. Older apart-. ment size gas range. Gas dryer in good con- dition, folding bed with firm matress. 235-2187, 2687... 49SA CEDAR ROPING SPECIAL. 75 ft. coil 513.50 with 510.00 purchase. Compare $19.50, Country Spire. 229-6341. 47tfnc RAILROAD SET, large HO model, 100's of trains, cars, buildings, trhnsformers, etc. Large 6'x17' table included. Phone 235-1936. 49-51c MUST SELL - 10 ft. Satellite, complete, system. Phone 296-4432. 49tfn WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing New Technology for treating wells and cisterns, offering source to faucet protection throughout entire water system. Rusty ... Smelly ..., Bad tasting .. water, bacteria, staining, and more. No Salt or Messy Chemicals ... mainenance free. See the results for yourself with our 6 month trial offer. Call now tollfree 1-800-268-2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, No.203 - 1030 Kamato Rd. Mississauga, Ont. !.4W 4E46. Area code 807 call I_(416)-624-4344. (collect) 49x SPRING LAMB - the ideal treat on your barbecue this summer. Get one now for your freezer and be ready to treat your family and guests royally. Call Bill Batten at 235-1331. 24tfx USED CAR AND TRUCK PARTS. Phone 228-6214. McStephen Auto Wreckers. - 33-53° FIREWOOD - mixed hardwood, delivered, free kindling. Leslie C-udmore, 235-1267. _ 35-50• LONDON AiR COMPRESSOR, Ford major diesel engine, 85 Ib. concrete breaker with 2 bits, 75 ft. of hose. All with trailer. •. Phone 236-4678. 4ltfn WOODSPLITTER, 3 point hitch model, .cylinder, valve, all hoses included. Phone 262-2224 after 8 p.m. 49SA' YOUTH BED, antique butternut with custom built mattress, 5225. Phone 284-1274. 49SA ANTIQUE BED, oak Quebecois extra long, 48"w x 61/2'Iong S150. Phone 284-1274. 49SA WICKER CRADLE, Quebecois antique with detachable stand. 5225. Phone 284-1274. 49SA PIONEER TS6930 speaker; two way 6"x9", 60 watt asking 590. Pioneer tune ups asking 565. Phone 235-1595. 48:49c MATCHING SOFA and chair. Ideal for rec room or cottage. S I50 or text offer. Call 215-2632. 46c PATIO FURNITURE WA open Friday and Saturday, 71 Forest. Last chance for great savii * , ins Dec. 13th. Watch for Spring opo (519) 786-4405. CHRISTMAS TREES - individually or quantities. 5 kilometers south of Grand , Bead on Hwy. 21. Jerry Vanleeu 49e 238-2757. y LARGE ROUND BALES of hay straw. Will deliver. Phone 228-6288.49: PERFECT FOR CHRISTMAS, Mahogany desk for the busy student or a4 that kitchen desk you have always wanted.: Single pedestal. Will hold until Christmas $200. Phone 238-8941. 49:50c CHESTERFIELD and chair. avocado green and gold print on creamy background. 5200; GE portable hair dryer, like new 515; floor polisher 515; large skidoo helmet 550. Phone 235-2858 be�- ween 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. ' 49• SEWING MACHINE Whyte console model 13 fancy stitches, darner and all at- tachments, hardly used, excellent condition. 5225. Phone 293-3196. 49SA ANTIQUE FOOTED TUB. 12' kitchen uppers; 3 accoustics guitars; miscellaneous other items. Phone 228-6144 after 6 or try days. 49SA' FILTER QUEEN vacuum cleaner with power nozzle, roll away bed, GMC 1979 pickup with topper. Phone 228-653I.49SA SNOWBLOWER, 8 h.p: John Deere, one year old; Vic 20 computer with all com- ponents, 801 Madrix printer. Phone 262-2814.11 49-5)c ANTIQUt CHINA CABINET, claw feet, must be seen to be appreciated. Call after 6 p.m. 237-3742. 49c DOUBLE BED, triple dresser with mirror, night table. Phone 229-6824. 49e FRAME BUILDING -'12'x24', lined and insulated. Good workshop or snowmobile building. Phone 235-1681. 49c CHRISTMAS TREES - Scotch pine and spruce. Cut your own 58.00 each. Conces- sion 4, Stephen Township, 1/2 mile south of highway 83. Saturdays 1-4 p.m. Phone 235-1681. 49c COMBINATION hutch and buffet approx. 50 in. )gide x 76" high. Glass shelves in ex- cellent condition. Also Dominion piano. Phone 284-3894. 49SA EXERCISE CYCLE, Sears S70 or best of- fer. AJAY Octagym combination rower 5180 or best offer. Phone 284-1231.49SA ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, • Acrylic Paints, Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30tfnx YARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands, Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. 32tfn VISSCHER FARMS COUNTRY MARKET APPLES MACS CORTLANDS SPARTANS EMPIRES RED DELICIOUS GOLDEN DELICIOUS MUTSU SPYS ALSO 'Fresh Cider `Pumpkins `Onions *Turnips *Potatoes *Cabbage 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy 83 " OPEN Daily 9 a.riT:-fb' 5 fr.m. CLOSED Suhdajrs• Phone 237-3442 46tfn COOPER SKATES, boys size one, like new 525. Phone 235-2724 after 8:30 p.m.36tfx NEW & USED STEEL. Hamilton's Machine Shop 235-1655. 36tfn TRILIGHT TABLE LAMPS, small girl's bike; cash -register; electric heaters; set ofgolf clubs; ironing board; amplifier with record player; horse -yoke; Hoover vacuum cleaner; skis; aluminum door; furnace fan; floor polisher; bathroom sink; well pump. 228-6236. 49SA APPLES Spys, Delicious, Macintosh Saturdays Frank Sawyer Crediton Sideroad No. 4 Hwy O 4Itfnc $SS SACRIFICE SACRIFICE SSS Buildings priced for immediate liquidation. All items in stock. 28x40x14 53,996, 40x60x14 56,500, 46x80x14 59,250, 70x90x24 521,789. Various sizes available up to 120 0. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery call toll free 1-800-387-2115 or 1 (416) 858-2446.44-49x SHUFFLEBOARD, 10 ft. long; complete with lights, mirrors, electric score board. Excellent condition. Also wall mounted gas furnace. Phone 235-0768. 49SA ONE NATURAL MINK STOLE, excellent condition. One black persian Iamb jacket. Size 14-16. 284-1590. 49SA NEW SNOW BLADE FITS 100 and 200 series John Deere riding tractor. Multi posi- tional S175.00 or best offer. 284-3318.49SA APPLE BUTTER. Lennis Gingerich, no Sunday sales. 237-3287. 48,49' BRANDER STEEL iND. LTD. 493 Main St. S. Exeter, Ont. 235-1462. All steel pro- ducts. 48tfn OVEN READY GEESE, average 10-12 Ib. 51.60 per Ib. Phone 237-3721. 48,49c YEAR OLD HENS, still laying. Phone 237,3339 after 5 p.m. 48,49c NEW & USED 1 -beams; Hard hats 55.00; clear face shields 510.00; Drafting Machine 5100.00; Canox Welding Supplies; Sprockets, chain, pulleys, shafts, tools, etc. etc. Hamilton's Machine Shop Hwy 83. 235-1655. 48tfnc SHARP ELECTRONIC. CASH REGISTER. ER -2381. Only year old. Phone 236-4388 or 236-7240. 48,49c CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine, 5-7 feet William Vanden Bygaart Parkview Crescent RR 2 GRAND BEND (next to zoo) 238-2697 x -10 GREENHOUSE 5 149. 1000 W NRtal halide 5193. Plus 10.000 gardening info - pock". Western Wdects. Great eser Farms, 1244 Seymour St. Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9. (604)682 6636. 49x q -Z PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDINGS. New types,'steel and wood, quonset, clad - For true value, action and answers (41 6)626-1794. Leave message or collect 6 p.m. Week -ends. Ask for Wally. I'rec brochures. 49x STEEL BUILDING WINTER WORKS SPECIAL. Help us kap factory busy dur- ing slow winter months • Save thousands - avoid up -coming prioe increases - limited steel Picone Pioneer/Econospaa. 1-800-387-6896. 49x WINTER WORKS PROGRAM. Keep the factory.busy during the winter months and save, thousands. Example 25x34 53,299, 40x40 55,399. Other sizes available. Call Miracle Span toll free 1-800-387-4910.49x LOTTO PLAYERS! Curious about systems promising lottery riches? New report exposes five hottest sellers, tells beat ways to increase odds! Five complete systems only 55, would cost 535 separate- ly. Free Bonus: "Building Fortunes from Free Collectibles", 52 ordered separately. Money back guaranteed. Winter, 1497-1/2 Queen St..W-71, Toronto, M6R 1A3.49x -. WRECKING SALVAGE: Available at our wrecking site; No. 2 Terrace St., London or contact Lumley Wrecking, 519-542-4088. • 400 sheets of 5/8" fir plywood • 5,000 planks 2"x10"x16' • 1,000 planks 2"x12"x12' • 5,500 square ft. of ▪ corrugated steel roofing • 59 overhead, sliding, swing, and bi-fold industrial doors ' 153 steel sash windows approx. 48,' square • 15,000 feet of all sizes of steel beams' Open web bar joists ' 700 fluores- cent tights • overhead heaters • exhaust fans ' adjustable loading docks • 100 ton of pipe up to 6" dia. • 21/2" angle iron • 4" chan- nel • 8 electrical transformers • 36" cyclone mill exhauster • cement blocks • crushed red tile. 49c AIR 0 MATIC COMPRESSOR, piston type, 2 cyl. 11 gal. tank on wheels, 2 yrs. 220 or 110 volts 5400.00. 228-6377.49,50c REFRIGERATOR, 3 cu. 0. - 5160.00; 65" screen for slides 530.00; guitar 510.00. Sauldering set 515.00; projector with stand (needs attention) 515.00. 236-4067.49,50' ELAINE'S WOOL SHOP clearance sale. 40 percent off. 150 Alice St., Lucan. 49c HORSE LOVERS Yes we still have some odds & ends left in western wear and tack at drastically reduced prices. Check us out for stocking stuffers.. SCOTT'S LEATHER & TACK SHOP 120 Sanders St. W. Exeter Phone 235-0768 1:00 p.m. - 9 p.m. December 1-24 49-51c 48,49c CHRISTMAS SPECIAL. Buy 2, Get one Free. Never forget to turn your headlights off again! Make your car more visible on the road without the worry of a dead bat- tery. Great stocking stuffer! The headlight reminder simply plugs into fuse panel S9.95 plus tax include 52 shipping/handling. Visa/MC Call 1-800-263-3735. Weekdays 9-9. Stewart Specialty, Box 905, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4'4. Orders shipped same day. 49x HEY CURLERS! Our Board -game in- troduces curling's rules and strategy to kids by using playing -cards and miniature stones, house, and scoreboard. Book of 400 curling jokes and cartoons included. Ideal Christmas gift! Seven-day money -back guarantee. 524.95 postpaid. For C.O.D. add S3 Bruce Lobay Curling Novelties, 410 Washington, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2K 11.8. • 49x 17 Wanted To Buy SCRAP CARS OR TRUCKS. Highest prices paid. Phone 228-6214. 33-53' OLD WRISTWATCHES WANTED, Any make, mens only. One or one hundred. Old Rolex wristwatches wanted. Also wanted Eaton's "Quarter Century" square wristwatches (25 years service). Wi11 pay 5750 and up for this watch. Will also buy straps, crystals, parts etc. for old wristwat- ches. (416) 365-7240 or write B. Walsh, 173 Queen St. E. Toronto, Ont. M5A IS2.49x FARM MACHINERY. Part lots of farm machinery preferably farts tractors and one -ton truck with hoists. Must be reasonably priced for cash. Apply to Box 19M, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter, NOM iSO. 46-49' POSTCARDS WANTED. Private postcard collector will visit your home and pay top prices for postcards. Paul McWhin- nie, 44 Colquhoun Cr., Hamlton, L9C HW8, (416)383-8727. 49x POOL TABLE, good condition. 262-2928. 49,50c UPRIGHT PIANO in good condition.. Must be able to be tuned to pitch. Call 284-3272 or contact the Friendship Centre, 217 Park St., St. Marys. 49SA 18 Wanted SANTA CLAUS NEEDS help to find a us- ed riding pedal tractor for a couple of young farmers. Call soon so he can repaint before Christmas, if necessary. Will con- sider tractors that need repairs. 235-1628. 49SA RIDE from North London to Centralia. Mon. to Fri. starting Dec. 15. Will share expenses. Please call 228-6624 ext. 205 days or 685-9810 evenings, 49:50c 19 Property For Sale CENTRALIA Convenience store - or anything you wish to change it to with at- tached 3 bedroom apartment . Owner ill. Only variety store in town. Reduced to S38,800 or best offer. Phone 228-6236. 49SA YES THE GARDEN OF EDEN is for sale. 3 bedroom bungalow. Big ret room, new double garage. All rooms newly panelled. New septic tank, deep well. Forced air -gas heat on nearly I acre. Great place for kid- dies. School bus at door. Reduced to 549,700 or best offer. Phone 228-6236. 49SA HOUSE. 2 or 3 bedrooms, large eat -in kit- chen, full basement, large rec room on large lot. Close to hospital and schools. Contact 235-0323 after 6 p.m. 47-49c 20 Property For Rent THREE LARGE 2 -bedroom apartments presently being completely renovated. Will be ready for December 1 occupancy. Located in Clandeboye area on No. 4 Hwy. Monthly rental 5293.50. Water and heat in- cluded. Call Larry at 227-4621. 48tfnc PORT FRANKS - One bedroom apartment with stove and fridge. Phone 235-0537. • 48:49' TWO OR THREE BEDROOM HOME, for rent close to downtown Exeter. Available immediately, 5400 per month plus utilities. References a must. Call 1-519-653-6055. 49,50• GRAND BEND - fully winterized 2 bedroom home. Available immediately. No pets. Phone 238-2046 after 6 p.m.49:50c SEMI-DETACHED three bedroom home with garage. One block from downtown. Apply to Box 21 P, Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter NOM ISO with references. 49c 2 BEDROOM HOME for rent. Newly renovated. Immediate occupancy. Apply to Box 696, Exeter, Ontario. 49tfn 3 BEDROOM townhouse, Simcoe St. Ex- eter. Available immediately. Phone 236-4230. 49tfn 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW Bayfield. Available immediately. Phone 236-4230. 49tfn FARM HOUSE - 3 bedroom, 7 miles east of Exeter on Hwl'y. 83. Phone 229-8804. 49:50c FARM HOME, newly decorated. 21/2 miles west of Hensall, available immediately. Phone 262-2928 or 235-2302. 49:50c ONE BEDROOM APT. in a quiet area close to downtown. Call 235-286 after 7 p m. 49c Times -Advocate, December 3, 1986 DAN WILD SOWS service Smell Engine Repelrs i Sharpening. Sellae 153 Victoria St. E.. *edition Phone 2344339 ' Steve Schroeder Design Build General Carpentry New homes, additions .and renovations Architectural Drafting Dashwood PH: 237.3789 after 6 p.m. Larry Fulton Plumbing and Electric • Rural, residential, commercial Plumbing and Electric • General Backhoe work, Septic Tank and weeping bed installation RR 3 Exeter 229-6289 Repair Shop Equipment Sales & Service Cecil Squire FARM SERVICE 92 Waterloo Street, Exeter, Ontario Phone 235-0465 Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill day Wednesday ✓ �I Dashwood 237-3677 Auto Repair 4449 Maln ., x•t•r (a.hlnd StSh.t.e,E) • Professional repairs • Guaranteed Mufflers • Full Road Hazard Insurance on tires • 10% discount for seniors 235-2277 eve de Page 9A A. DENOMME CONSTRUCTION Ltd. Custom Homs • Aluminum & Vinyl • Siding • Roofing- • Additions Doshwood237.3516 • Rowe Electric & - Plumbing RR 1 Woodham • Rural - Residential Commercial • Repairs & Service Dennis Row, 235-0906 229-6284 CUSTOM KILLING and SLAUGHTERING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializing in home cured - and smoked meat Veal s MII T MA' 233-1123 BUILDING SYSTEMS INC. Don Wayne Randy Kevin ' Residential • Commercial • Farm ZURICH 236-4092 GLANVILLE AUTO WRECKERS R.R. 1, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S0 234.6243 Quality repairs and parts at -1 reasonable prices. Call today! SYSTEMS I. PECK APPLIANCES 'IN THE HEART 0E DOWNTOWN VARNA' • FILTER OUEEN SALES a SERV ICE • VACUUM CLEANERS (Sotos a Sorvlto t0 Most Molest, • FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (For Form a Rwlns,$) • WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES • WOODS FREEZERS • CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS • WHIRLPOOL end SHARP MICROWAVES •GIFTS a MANY MORE ITEMS VARNA, ONT. 482-7103 RUST:CHECI CE:iN"1'RE For Appointment call 284-2888 Hunter-Duvar Auto Body 665 James St. N. St. Marys Quality Grain Storage Drying & Handling Products DESIGN ♦ SALES•e SERVICE AL -MAR GRAIN SYSTEMS LTD. %'a'•1 283 YAM ST N . P 0 SOX 550 Sen (5191235-1919 EXETER, ONTARIO M*4 ISO Re, (5191345-22814 41 FIomRite Eavestroughing SEAMLESS TROUGH Farm - Residential • Comma tial Boom Tru available • FLEAFSCREENING problr'm of plugged ughs and down -pipe able metal screening vers entire top of trough Eugene Glavin Jack Glavin 228-6801 237-3707 A -LIFT SERVICES 229-6741 R.A. 6 St. Marys LI Coll Bob McLoughlin Local Service & Local Price 24 HOUR REPAIR SERVICE ON FORK LIFTS AND TRUCK CRANES -- AU. HYDRAULIC REPAIRS FOR HURON AND PERTH (AND TRENCHING) Ken Triebner 83 Gidlev St., Exeter 235-1756 't