HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-12-03, Page 13Village amenities praised by planner torec,argreaeciottfresacilamcongities antleProximidesirabietY slaatlytisegiviiinlapolicomciprehes. Aensbaicvkgroue profilendeommFitherittee. explained that the sooner amenities to be found in Zurich. of the village was carried out earlier pthelaceTteadesdoosenecrond4rmy uniplacnipaiilitifyi Tousaw said Zurich was the first this year. municipality in the county,to prepare On hand to assist with any questions will qualify for government grants for and pass a secondary plan 12 years were Reeve Bob Fisher, Councillor such items as sidewalk upgrading and ago. The Comity planning act requires Ray McKinnon and Hay Reeve Lionel streetlight installation. a review every five years to review Wilder and Stephen Reeve Tom McKinnon opened the discussion and update these plans, and bring Tomes, both members of the Huron period by stating that council was them into conformity with current County planning and development responsible for providing a satisfac- tory plan, and now was the time for stating opinions. In response to a question about the policy on mobile homes. Fisher said singles will be confined to a mobile home park. Pitched roofs will still be required for doubles erected in the village, to make them compatible with the surrounding residences. Rick Fisher, a partner in Fisher Abattoir, wanted to know what pro- cedure was required to change the abattoir's zoning from commercial to industrial. Tousaw explained that to change the present legal nonconfor- ming designation would require amendments to both the plan and the zoning bylaw. These proposed changes would mean public meetings, circulation of the amendments and .county approval as part of the pro- cedure. Speaking as a private businessman, Bob Fisher announced his intention of pursuing this matter further. Gordon Philips, who had driven from Mississauga to attend the meeting, questioned the absence of designated green space on the current land use map showing subdivision land he owns in the village's southeast corner. "That's only after you build", Fisher remarked. The Reeve went on to elaborate on the fact that most vacant land for "Zurich has a lot going for it", HuronCounty planner Scott Tousaw assured about 30 residents who turn- ed out Tuesday for a public meeting which provided a forum for comment on revisions to the village's secondary plan. Tousaw listed the housing, the chur- ches and schools, 23 businesses in the core area, the three local industries, Rest Home marks 20th birthda A nice warm sunny day on Sunday A surprise 60th birthday party was enabled a good turn out for the 20th held for Herb Turkheim a week ago anniversary celebration and official Friday (November 21) with his fami- opening of the new auditorium at the ly, when they went out for supper at Blue Water Rest Home. Members of Oakwood then returned to the home the ladies auxiliary helped served of his son, Doug and Mary Lou refreshments Turkheim to find some friends A nice little surprise 50th birthday waiting for him. party was held for Jeanne Hay on Fri- Then on Saturday was little Bradley day afternoon at the home of her Turkheim's 4th birthday so a little daughter, Kim Crete which was at- party was held for him also. Mrs. Luella Willert spent the last tended by some of her friends and family.three weeks visiting with her sons, Sylvia Mittleholtz, Marion Coleman Carl and Marg Willert and family in • and Janice and Lynn Alderdice Olds, Alberta, and Edgar and Ruth recently enjoyed spending four days Willett and son Adam in Innisfail, in Las Vegas. Alberta. A delicious turkey dinner with all Frieda Moore won $100.00 at the the trimmings was enjoyed by the seniors bowling day Thursday -after - staff and their spouses on Wednesday noon through the Vegas tickets that evening of the Rest Home when they are being sold with the profits going held their Christmas dinner and par- to help out the local bowling associa- , ty at the Zurich Community Centre tion at our alleyi. which was catered to by Jerry Rader Saturday was the first Christmas and his staff. part , (dinner and dance)_ at the 4 5 Cr,‘4, •,,, ' Offiryi, f gp,mi, * , } .0. ..,.. • \ 4 ---- -- SERVICE AWARDS Nurse's aide Dorothy Dietrich (left) and secretary -receptionist Laurene Corriveau received engraved silver trays to mark 20 years of employment at the Blue Water Rest Home. :'; ) , 1 NIN,1 PRESENTATION — MP Murray Cardiff presented a picture of the Queen to the Blue Water Rest H o me as part of a ceremony marking the Home's 20th anniversary. Shown with him are Ian McAllister, chairman of the board of management and vice-chairman Michael O'Connor. . UNVEILED --- Taking part in o memorial plaque unveiling to official- ly open the Elmer Lowson auditorium during celebration of the Blue Water Rest Home's 20th anniversary ate Mrs. Fern Love, sister-in- law of the late Mr. Lawson, MP Murray Cardiff and MPP Jack Riddell. Christinas Ideal Gifts Yrniet.adai &Ikea 86' History Books. $25" Plates $20" Hats Reg. 6.00 Special $495 Mugs reg. 5.00 Special $395 Spoons $4" Lapel Pins $2" TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Available at: Stanley Twp. Complex Office arna General Store ky- Clinton Commercial Printers Exeter Times Advocate • arena for some of the businesses anu their staff - along with others who en- joyed a delicious roast beef dinner - complete with all the trimmings - prepared by Jerry Rader and his capable staff. This coming Sat. (Dec. 6) will be the second, such dinner and dance. Members of the Co -Op and their spouses enjoyed their Christmas par- ty and supper this year in Seaforth (with several from this area atten- ding) music was provided by Mozart's Melody Makers. Carrie Eybergen with daughters Tiffany and Brittany of Waterloo are spending this past week with her parents and family, Jerome and Carmel Sweeney and visiting with friends and relatives in the area. Farewell to Louis and Linda Zirk and son Darren, who recently have moved to Hensall. Congratulations to: Patsy Meidinger who was the lucky winner at the bingo last Thursday of the "jack pot" prize, worth $750.00 (Boy, she sure has been lucky lately.) Congratulations to John and Ber- nadette Denomme who celebrated their 46th /wedding anniversary on Sunday, November 30. residential or industrial use within May we offer our sincere sym- Zurich's boundaries is in the hands of pathy to the family and relatives of the late Theresa Ducharme who pas - ed away suddenly on Sunday. Harold and Edith Widrick have returned home after visiting with relatives in the Lowville and Croghan areas in New York state for nearly 10 days. If anyone has found a pair of ladies leather, fur -lined gloves (grey) - sen- timental value - please phone 236-4702. Take the kids to see the Santa Claus parade in Exeter this Saturday, December 6 which begins at 1:00 p.m. followed by free skating at the Exeter arena from 2-4 with treats from San- ta also. Congratulations to Kathy Merner who has done so well at figure skating this past few weeks, as she competed in the Western Ontario Section Figure Skating Championship in Burlington and placed third at sUb-sections on November 14 and finished 12th in figures -and 10th in free -skate this weekend (which was really good!) as there were several competing from various places. Good work Kathy! The lucky winners from the draw at Seyler's Food Market on November 22 were: Mary Gingerich of Blake won the coffee maker and Doreen Deitrich, won the coke tote bag. The lucky winner of the cabbage patch doll twins dressed in one hun- dred $1.00 bills was Diane Hoy of RR 5 Clinton. The draw was sponsored by the Zurich and area figure skating club. Other projects that the club have been working on ta-help raise some money are the selling of chocolate covered almonds and they will be soon selling "pay what you pull tickets" - so please support the kids by buying some tickets when they come around. The month of December is St. Boniface parish's turn for delivering the meals on wheels twice a week at noon to the elderly and shut-ins in the village, which are prepared at the Blue Water Rest Home. Steven Stark from St. Thomas visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Theresa Stark and relatives in the area. The children from St. Boniface School (Kinderga,rten to grade 4) en- joyed going to Mt. Carmel School last Thursday (Nov. 27) to see a play "The Tooth Paste Genie" which was per- formed by the Cascade Theatre. Several from the area enjoyed at- tending a K. of C. "Charter Night" held in Mitchell last Friday - complete with dinner and dance. Miss Trudy VandenBoomen (formerly of London) is now teaching grade 6 and 7 classes at St. Boniface School in the mornings while Mrs. Trudy Smith will be teaching French in the afternoon. The two are taking over for Elaine Coxon while she is on noaternity leave for four months. A few more big lucky winners at the Tender spot from the lucky puck hockey scores recently are: Patsy Meidinger for $500.00; also Helene Ducharme won $500.00; and $100 of free groceries went to Ruth Gingerich. Also Dorothy Willcock won $100.00 at the Zurich store - plus several more $5.00 winners! Pauline Ducharme of Camlachie and Joan Webb and two daughters - Julie and Cindy of Dashwood and San- dra Preszcator, Stratford spent last Wednesday with their mother Ila O'Rourke and helped her to celebrate a birthday with lunch at Ilessenland. The family would also like to con- gratulate Pauline on recently graduating from a two year rkgistered nursing course that sh took at Lambton College and is now erhployed at. the Sarnia General hospital. Gerald and I la O'Rourke were Sun- day dinner guests with their son Richard and Linda O'Rourke and family in Dashwood. Fashion Show A very enjoyable evening was had by all those who attended the fashion show at the town hall last Thursday which was tastefully presented by" the commentator Nancy McNab who designed the "Laz-Ease" fashions. Models did a great job also. private developers, and people wishing to build homes in the village can't obfain suitable lots at an reasonable price. Fisher summed up the problem as "lots of land... no place Lo grow". After all questions had been answered, Wilder stressed the impor- tance of comments and opinions from residents of the municipality. He said anyone may call the county planning department with concerns about plan- ning, and their names will be kept confidential. Noting that sometimes the planning department makes deci- sions because no one else will, Wilder pointed out -"It's your plan; you will have to live with it..for the next five years". Zurich residents will have another opportunity to raise any questions about the secondary plan review when another public meeting is scheduled early in 1987. Skater to compete in Burlington For those who are not aware, our club will be represented for the first time, at the 1986 Western Ontario Sec- tion Championships held in Burl- ington on November 27, 28 and 29 by Zurich's own Kathy Merner. She qualified for this privilege by achiev- ing a third place standing at the subsectionals also in Burlington on November 15. The club would- like to offer their congratulations and their support for this up -coming event, by presenting her with a Zurich F.S.C. sweat shirt. Congratulations, Jim Denome, President. . Tim•s-Advocate, December 3, 1986 Pa,o 13 ON -THE MAP —,Reeve Bob Fisher, (right), Gordon Phillips and Huron County planner Scott Tousaw point out an area on the land use map set up for a public meeting in the community centre to discuss Zurich's secondary plan. ‘4,41-41."4,4i'llyor,41.) t AegtoViiitMit5-9#4:10-Atig41;04iii10-WilgVii0 2snyticrob titixtozeL4Y.:• Mrs. C4rmol iwimeasy Phormis 236-4702 TRADITION TREAT See the sparkle in the children's eyes when they see this gingerbread house. of Order today For gift giving or for your own family Or Vurchase the kit and decorate to your liking Candy Course Dec. 10 7:30 p.m. Register now to make sure of your chair treat FERGUSON APIARIES We're located on HWY. 84 BETWEEN HENSALL AND ZURICH We're Open Mon. -Sat. 9 a.m.-S:30 p.m. 41: Closed Sunday 236-4979 - • a Christmas Gift List Suggestion For those hard -to -buy for people, come in and purchase a T -A subscription for $25.00 (Six months S12.50) Books, Books, Books Novels, Cookbooks, Sportsbooks, Dictionaries, Children's Books Best Sellers, etc. 1987 Calendars and diaries Pen sets, Portfolios, Brief case sets ($45.00) Serrint South Hugon, Nov* Middlexl North latobtoo Shut. 1171 Tim A es- dvocate 424 Mdln St., 235-1331 tt 11111k \ eipacin,744?:.;i0N., 11111;;;;; • • • • • •• •• •• • • • A •