HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-12-03, Page 11Villa Happenings
Welcome to the first of our weekly
columns about happenings at the
Monday, Mrs. Heywood held her
morning Ceramics Class and then
some Villa residents were bowling in
Seaforth in the afternoon.
Student volunteers from South
Huron are with us every Tuesday
afternoon. Last week they helped the
residents make Christmas
Mr. Dale Fallifson conducted
PLAN VILLA ACTIVITIES — The Exeter Villa advisory committee met Tuesday night to plan a number
`of activities for residents. From the left are secretary Lauretta Siegner, chairman Iry Armstrong, ad-
ministrator Irwin Johnston and activities co-ordinator Beth Jamieson. T -A photo
Any schedule of Crediton YC
The sermon topic at Zion United
Church was taken from Matthew
24:37-44 titled "Living Defensively."
Choir practice will be held Wednes-
day evening at 8:00 p.m. in the church
The UCW meeting will be held
Thursday, December 4 at 8:00 p.m. in
the Sunday School rooms.
In hospital are: Mrs. Bernice Fritz
and Wes Heywood at South Huron,
The Official Boal'd has set aside
Sunday December 7 as White Gift
Sunday. Baskets will be available that
Saintsb Ary
Church service for the Parish was
held at St. Paul's Church, Kirkton,
Sunday morning. Rev. Peter Derrick
former rector was in charge of the
Holy Communion service.
He took his text from the readings
for the day and spoke to the children
on decisions, what is garbage and
what is worth saving. Several
members from St. Patrick's attend-
ed the service.
Marylou Tindill, Petrolia spent the
week end with her parents and Robert
- .I joined them for Sunday evening
I am glad to report that Harry and
Eileen Carroll are out of hospital and
in their own home with the help of a
Thursday evening Mabel Needham,
Helen MacDonald and I were guests
ith Marion Noels.
Sunday for your White Gifts, which
will be taken to the Huron County
Christmas Bureau (Exeter). Some
suggested ideas are non-perishable
foods and gifts for children of allages.
For other ideas, please check the
green sheet on the bulletin board at
the front entrance.
The official board also set a special
family Christmas service on
December 24 at 7:30. We would love
to see your family on this Christmas
eve for this one hour service.
Morning worship Sunday,
December 14 will be at 10:30 a.m.
with the Sunday School in charge of
the service. The play is entitled "And
the Angels Watched". Come along
with the whole family and friends.
Plan to bring along some sandwiches
and cookies or squares and stay for
lunch. Beverage will be provided.
This is a very special time for the
children as they celebrate Jesus
Christ's birth with us, you won't want
to miss it.
Friday, December 12 we wish to
nave our final rehearsal for the Sun-
day School Christmas program. This
will be from 4-5:30 p.m. If your child
gets off the school bus at the church,
would you please arrange a ride home
after rehearsal at 5:30 p.m.
Carl Farr and Brenda Glanville, St.
Thomas and Stan and Shirley
Preszcator spent the weekend at the
former's parents Mr. and Mrs.
Mansel Farr at Golden Lake.
Mrs. Earle Steele, Seaforth spent a
couple of days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Stan Preszcator.
Mrs. Harold McCallum, RR 1
Walton spent Thursdaylwith Mrs.
Stan Preszcator.
Mrs. Myrtle Leff, Helen Geiger,
Zurich, Mrs. Art Haist, Grand Bend
and Mrs. Clarence Fahner, Crediton
spent Monday with Mrs. Pearl
Haines, Mrs. Gertrude Flagman and
Mrs. Mildred Cora, Dearborn,
Michigan. Mts. Pearl Haines had an
operation recently.
RADUATES — Pam Johnson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Johnson graduated from Fan-
shawe College on November 7.
She received her diploma in
Secretarial Arts and is employed
in London.
- olive Simpson returned' Sunday
from a five week tour of Fiji, New
Zealand, Australia and Hawaii,
travelling with the Appin Tours. Vera
McLean of Coldstream was her
travelling companion.
Over 300 relativeo and friends at-
tended the golden wedding celebra-
tion for Mary and Wilmer Scott, Fri-
day evening. Attending from a
distance were Scott and Kim Taylor,
Sheila and Ken Rosie, all of Swift Cur-
rent, Saskatchewan; Beryl and,Lionel
Shipley of Ottawa, Mrs. Bill Gilmour
and daughters, of Ridgeway: Dennis
and Paula Cummings and Jack and
Janet Pfalser, of Akron, New York.
Other folks attending were from
Oakville, Camlachie, London, and
many were from the local area.
Birthday greetings to Clarence
• Millson who will reach his 93rd birth-
day, December 7. Clarence enjoys
reasonably good health and is able to
maintain his own apartment in
The Carter families attended the
funeral Friday of their nephew and
cousin, Le Roy Parker, of Mt. Forest.
ACW meets
Oat Kirkton
The Kirkton Anglican Church
Women met Thursday evening at the
home of Ethel Copeland. Mrs. Bill
Schaefer read the Meditation. Scrip-
ture_ was read by Mrs. Harold
Davis. A business discussion follow-
ed and the meeting closed with a
candlelight ceremony.
Readers were Mrs. Garth Blackler
and Mrs. Gerald Paul.
Officers for 1987 are president, Mrs.
Garth Blackler, vice-president, Mrs.
Dave Bambrough, secretary, Mrs.
Bill Waghorn, treasurer, Mrs. Harold
Davis, floral committee, Mrs. Harold
Davis, decorating, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Blackler and Mr. and Mrs. Burns
Blackler, card secretary, Ethel
Wednesday's Church service follow-
ed by the November birthday party
for. Ev Sikma, Roxie Weber and
Melvin Belanger. Everyone enjoyed
the party.
Children from Toddler's Inn
nursery school visited both the Villa
and the Lodge on Thursday and Fri-
day. They delighted the residents with
Christmas songs and presented the
residents with Christmas cards they
had made.
Friday night, residents in the Lodge
enjoyed bingo.
Christmas preparations are in full
swing - if you have a minute, feel free
to drop in and see us!
Decerilber 3, 1986
Page 11
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KAREN'S CRAFTS — Karen Whitmore shows some of her craft ar-
ticles to Ann Hucal and Pat Campbell at Saturday's ARC Industries
Open House in Dashwood. T -A photo
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