HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-11-26, Page 13HENSALL UCW of the delicious 401E BAKING — President Marg Upshall, Erlo Coleman and'Beatrice Munn display some baked goods at Friday's bazaar sponsored by the Hensall UCW Unit three. Cromarty Indies groups meet By MRS. ROBERT LAING Mrs. Jim Miller presided for the an- nual meeting of Cromarty Ladies Aid at the home of Mrs. Philip James. Following the annual. reports, the slate of officers for 1987 were elected. They are president - Mrs. Philip James; vice-presidents - Mrs. Charles Douglas and Mrs. John Templeman. Treasurer - Mrs. John Miller; Assistant treasurer - Mrs. Everard Kerslake; secretary - Mrs. Tom Scott; assistant - Mrs. Jean Carey; shut-in boxes - Mrs. Robert Laing, Mrs. Norman Harburn, Mrs. Tom Scott. In memoriams and shut- ins - Mrs. Norman Harburn, Mrs. Larry Gardiner; flowers - Mrs. Clif- ton Miller, Mrs. Everard Kerslake. In 1986 flowers were sent or dona- tions made in memory of three members of the community - Mrs. Calder McKaig, Mrs. William Miller and Lloyd Miller. The next meeting will be a joint Christmas meeting with the Marian Ritchie W.M.S. December 1 when all the ladies of the congregation are invited. Rev. John Marshall of London con- ducted the church service on Sunday, speaking on the topic of fear; fear of inflation, unemployment, pollution, drugs, war, cancer, aids, to name on- ly a few. The Heart and Stroke Foundation has contracted me to see if they could find a group in the Staffa-Cromarty RUSTCHECK CENTRE For Appointment call 284-2888 Hunter Duvar Auto Body 665 James St. N. St. Marys 1 tI Whin could he nicer! Than a Clift Certificate ,from The Feather Tick lb Osborne & Hibbert Mutual. Fire Insurance Company 4i Exeter, Ontario NOM 1SO (Established in 1876) Provides Full In- surance Coverage for Town Dwellings as well as Farm Properties DIRECTORS & ADJUSTERS Jock Harrigan RR 3 Luton 2274305 Robert Gardner RR 2 Staff() 3452739 Lloyd Morrison RR I St. Marys 1298277 Lorne Feeney RR 2 Dublin 3452543 Jock Hodgert RR 1 Kirkton 1296152 Robert Chaffe RR 5 Mitchell 3488293 AGENTS Ross Hodgert Woodhom John Moore Dublin Joseph Unioc Mitchell 1296643 3452512 3489012 In the event of a loss the director must see the damage before repairs are made. area willing to supervise the canvass for them. They are endeavoring to raise a large donation for the Roberts Research Building at Western University and would like all Perth townships to be included. There has been no canvass in Hibbert in the last two years and they would appreciate hearing from a group or individual willing to help. Joy Scott presided for the November meeting of the Marian Rit- chie Evening Auxiliary which was held in the church basement on Tues- day night. She opened the meeting with a reading, A Blessing, followed by hymn 413. The scripture and roll call were combined with each member giving one of the Beatitudes. The assistant secretary, Alice Gar- diner, read the minutes and Mary Zurich lanes bowling scores O&E GG DP JS PP S RD P AO T&C HG BB HA • HS H'1' Monday Night Ladies T. Rooseboom 683 B. Eckel 554 S. Romphf 621 Z. Inthout 577 J.' Fisher 670 P. Miller 670 S. Dickert 755 L. Reichert 595 W. Campbell 736 I. Reid 613 S. Stade 616 C. Denomme 617 S. Dickert 230 S. Dickert 425 S. Dickert 839 39 41 36 6 52 38 64 34 45 55 43 9 Tuesday Morn Grand Cove Tom Duggan 570 Vicki Taylor 757 Norm Wilde 531 T. Anderson 248 HS Tom Duggan 248 HS Jack Whilsmith 248 HS Vicki Taylor 320 Tuesday Dashwood C.A.P. Tom Masse 90 Rick McCann 106 David Fox 99 Wayne Duke 63 HC Wendy Mawson 144 Donna Jones 148 Tuesday Nite Men's League FA 011ie Edwards 759 NT Jim Jarrett 594 T Don Kirk 689 P Ron Dann 820 K B. Nienfels 593 }IR M. Stokermans 568 DH Jim Weigand 551 B }f. Gingerich 429 R Jim Bell 755 B Ron Dickert 575 BS Jim Dietrich 713 N Doug Smith 630 Wednesday Morn Ladies League B. Simmons 531 V. llorbaniuk 625 R. Berends 513 M. Lovell 526 Jean. Turner 439 Rose Piper 581 - I1S V. Horbaniuk 268 HS R. Berends 234 Wednesday Nite Ladies League GG Chris. Weiss 582 DS Tammi Jennison 493 S Linda Webber 674 BG Jean Dann 623 I BJ Joyce Hillman 592 G&C Dale Ridley 581 - Thursday Morn Grand ('ove Dan Dressel 553 R. Marshall 519 Ken Reid 548 I. Wamhack 525 Kay Allen 522 Roy Broad 577 HS Marg Perkins 207 HS Ken Reid 229 Thursday Afternoon (:olden Age !ID Geo. Anderson 330 Charlie Hendy 309 Barb Strachan 254 HS Geo. Anderson 166 HS Lyda Gandier 168 Thursday Nite Mixed League I GT 11. Martens 585 SP B. Morrissey 593 B Mike Miller 565 C Bill Courtney 607 AT Frank Palen 707 D Jim Smith 586 Saturday Intcrtown Ladies Goderich I)el Mitchelmore 616 Zurich No. 3 Marlene Bedard 679 Goderich Del Mitchelmore 651 Zurich No. 3 • Marlene Bedard 682 Sunday Melnick Res. Tom Brodie 442 Grant Harper 427 Harry Spice 425 Elliott gave the treasurer's report. For the programme number, Joy read an article, My Kitchen Cabinet. The topic, For Quiet Miracles, was given by Doris Miller. Following the business and hymn 318, Betty Lou Norris presided for the annual meeting. Annual reports were given by the various secretaries, and Mrs. Norris presented the new slate of officers for the recently -organized Marian Ritchie Women's Missionary Society of Cromarty Presbyterian Church. The 1987 officers are as follows: Past Presidents - Jean Carey and Lillian Douglas; President - Betty Lou Norris; Vice -Presidents - Hazel Harburn and Roberta Templeman; Secretary - Edna Stoneman; Assis- tant Secretary - Alice Gardiner; Treasurer - Mary Elliott; Assistant - Roberta Templeman; Pianist - Betty Lou Norris; Assistant - Ruth Laing; Auditors - Alice Gardiner, Muriel Scott; Work Committee - Joy Scott, Mary Elliott, Lillian Douglas; Supp- ly Secretary - Mary Elliott. Times -Advocate, November 26, 1986 Page 13 Bursary, .Romans, inspire letters Dear Editor: The Lake Huron Zone Recrea- tionists Association (LHZRA) is an organization of recreation profes- sionals in Huron, Perth, Grey, Bruce and North Wellington Counties. The LHZ offers professional development to its members, training to pool staff, play leaders and volunteer workers in Zone communities and promotes sponsorship of special large scale ac- tivities such as LHZ Sportsfest which was held in Exeter in 1985. The LHZ also promotes the educa- tion of future recreation professionals by providing financial assistance in the form of a bursary, to a student enrolled in college or university in the field of recreation. To be elibible for this bursary, ap- plicants must have completed one year and are enrolled in the second year of studies in a recreation course. Interested applicants can obtain forms and information on the bursary locally from Lynne Farquhar, Recreation Director, South Huron Recreation Centre,• Exeter or call 235-2833. ' If interested, please inquire about the bursary as soon as possible, as transcripts of marks and letters of reference are necessary to process your application and the application , must be forwarded to the bursary chairman of the LHZRA before January 22, 1987. Thank you. Lynne Farquhar Sir; Your editorial November 19 "Following the Romans" should be published in every newspaper in North America. Every reason that brought down the Roman Empire is just as prevelant today as it was then. With divorce, break-ups, kids run- ning wild, both parents working, there is no longer dignity nor sanity in 50 per cent of our homes. Taxes at all levels of government now take over 50 per cent of people's earnings. History tells us that in the past whenever the state took half of earnings "came the revolution". As to sports, especially with televi- sion, they have become more and more important to many people. While we no longer have fights to the death of gladiators, hockey, boxing, football and soccer become more brutal and violent with blood flowing 'at every turn. As to armaments, in the U.S. it takes over 50 per cent of all federal taxes to support the military. Foreign wars are promoted just to use up war material and the citizens are pro- testing more and more about the cost and loss of life. As to religion, the old time churches are barely holding thFir own despite huge increases in mutation": Now anything and everything trom ridiculous cults to blood and ttWinder shows are acceptable tlnd the people are not being led into just causes but are � �ppromoting private greed. When do the masses say '.'enough" and we have riots in the streets? Ab- surd? Maybe yes, maybe no!! L.S. Mennen Grand Bend On location or Studio Bart DeVrie PHOTOGRAPHY • COMMERCIAL • WEDDINGS • PORTRAITS - GROUPS - PUBLICITY Telephone 235.1298 137 Thames Rd., East, Exeter, Ont. GEO. A. GODBOLT, CLU Life Insurance Investment Funds Annuities/RRIF RRSP's GIC's Group RRSP's Group Insurance Mutual Life& Devon Building, Exeter, Ontario 235-2740 Agent for Mutual Life of Canada and Mutual Investee Inc.. SKIN CAR • facials • manicures • eyebrow shaping • wax hair removal • electrolysis • tanning • eyelash and eyebrow tints • ear piercing • make up application lessons • skin care products For that special Christmas occasion, give (or take)... a beautifying treatment from Second Look. 346 Main St., Exeter * Free gift with every makeup application - 235-0421 SEND YOUR CHRISTMAS GREETINGS THE EASY WAY Let over 18,000 readers see your Christmas Greeting. All you have to do is complete the handy coupon below and make sure it reaches us by Monday, Dec. 15. INN INN NI NI NE NI MI NI ▪ NI NI NI IIN 1111 1111 NI NI JINI Mail to: Times -Advocate, Box 850, 1 Exeter, Ont. 1 1 Name 1 1 Address 1 1 1 Cheque Enclosed 0 1 f _ i Dec. 17 edition My Christmas Greeting is Mil NI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Additional Words 10c each 1 Cl Dec. 24 edition ( 1 Both editions $5.00 1 1 MIInNINIInOSNSNIInIII III !>•El III NINIEN1IN� 25 words - $3.00 Note: All Greetings Myst Be Received by Monday, Dec. 15 1 p 1