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Times -Advocate, November S. 1986
AWARD — Henson Parks
a certificate of appreciation
Shirley Mitchell, Kinette
a banquet to celebrate
chairman Tom
to president
Neilands presents
Pam Mallette while
District K looks on prior to
of the Hensall Kinettes.
B.C. Oke Development Inc.
We are pleased to be a part of the
Village Walk
Westlake Insurance
Brokers Inc.
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Joanne Miller and Dolly Creces
Friday thru Saturday
Nov. 7 - Nov. 15
Clothing and Accessories
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Draw your Discount
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For all your
Hair Care Needs
Perms, cuts, styling, highlighting and
by Dolly Creces
ask about Opening Specials -
122 King St.
The Village Walk
' 262-3100
Hensall Kinettes mark 30th birthday
The Kinette Club of Hensall and
District held their 30th anniversary
banquet last Wednesday at the Hen-
sali Comurrunity Centre. Among the 55
people in attendance were six charter
members of the club plus many other
past members.
Bill Mickle, life member of the Hen-
sall Kinsmen Club and past national
Kin executive, spoke on the partner-
ship between Kinsmen and Kinettes.
Head table guest offered con-
gratulations to the club members past
and present, and brought to our atten-
tion memorable achievements of the
Kinettes in Hensall. Of special in-
terest was when 16 Charter members
organized their group just in time to
assist the Kinsmen to feed bean din-
ners to 4,000 hungry people at the first
of many Hensall Bean Festivals.
Bryan Fink, president of the Hen-
sall Kinsmen, made an address of
congratulations to the group as did
Parks Board chairman Tom
Neilands. Neilands, on behalf of the
Parks Board, presented the Kinettes
with a Certificate of Appreciation for
"demonstrating high qualities of com-
munity services by contributing to the
Hensall and District Community
Other head table guests included
Shirley Mitchell, District One Kinette
Co-ordinator; Matt Pearson, Zone K
Deputy Governor, Sue Read, Zone K
Kinette Co-ordinator; Darlene Doupe,
District Bulletin Editor; Wanda
Reynolds, President of Exeter Kinet-
tes; and Marg Knight, Charter
The Kinettes thank the Legion
Ladies for preparing and serving the
delicious roast beef dinner, and
Florence Slade for baking and
decorating the anniversary cakes.
The club membership would like to
take this opportunity to recognize the
charter members of the Kinette Club
Kinsmen project
on schedule
The Kinsmen Club of Hensall is well
past the . mid -way point in their
rebuilding of the pavilion at the Hen-
sall Community Centre. When com-
pleted, the facility will offer a picnic
area, fully equipped concession booth
and washroom facilities as well as
storage area. The 32' x 72' building
will be an attractive addition to the
Community Centre complex.
Kinsmen president Bryan Fink
says he is pleased with progress to
date, despite difficulties with rainy
weather. Last week, the new concrete
floor was poured and finished and the
block work is nearing completion.
When completed, the only part of the
original structure to remain will be
the roof truss system. This roof was
literally suspended in air as a new
floor, posts and walls were built
beneath it. The complexities involv-
ed in designing and rebuilding this
structure was undertaken entirely by
club members.
For the past five weeks, members
of the Kinsmen Club have volunteered
their time and talents each weekend
and many week nights, working in
both rain and shine. Major work to be
completed over the next month in-
cludes installation of new roofing
material and completion of the elec-
trical and plumbing systems. The
restructuring of the building will
feature completely new hydro,
sanitary and sewer systems.
The Kinsmen Club believes the
results of their efforts will be an at-
tractive and useful addition to the
Hensall and area community. This
project will be a very visible exam-
ple of the many ways the Kinsmen
Club works to make the Hensall area
an attractive place to live and work.
Funding for the project has been
assisted by a grant from the Ontario
Ministry of Tourism and Recreation.
Snowmobile club
The Pineridge Snowmobile Club
held a successful dance on October 25.
A good number of trail permits were
The door prize courtesy of the
Flower Basket was won by Grace
Thanks to all who attended for mak-
ing it a success.
of Hensall and District. The
fellowship, the leadership, the
guidance and the dedication these
women displayed laid the foundation
for the present membership. Marg
Knight, Helyn Drysdale, Doris
McICelvie. Doris Bonthron. Uline
Jinkx, Fran Mickle, Sheila Reaburn,
Edna Dietz, Audrey Joynt, Ruth Cle-
ment, Joyce Heal, Marie Clarke,
Janet Ellwood, Elaine Harkness,
Elva McLean, Lillian. McNaughton,
Helen Sawyer and Lillian Tiberio: we
salute you.
Open House
Sun. Nov. 9 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Many instore specials and
Vie gt,04veA,Maiwt
Hensall 262-2446
Best of luck to B.C. Oke Developments on your
opening and in the future.
Open JJouse
Sun., Nov. 9th
1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Bring This Ad and Get 20 % off
all regular priced merchandise
• gill shop
Hensall 262-2029
Best Wishes to B.C. Oke
Developments, and the Village Walk.
We're proud to have you as our new
Susan Hartman
• - 262-2449 -
SPECIAL GUESTS — Head table guests at a banquet marking the
30th anniversary of the Hensall Kinettes were Mott Pearson, Kinsmen
deputy governor of Zone K; Kinette charter president Marg Knight;
president Pam Mallette and Sue Read, Kinette coordinator for Zone K.
Kippen 3 Milkmaids
learn about cheese
Kippen three "Milk Maids" held
their sixth meeting on October 28 at
the home of leader Barb Moffat. Par-
ty plans were finalized. We learned
about serving cheese.
Friday Nov. T
Wednesday Nov. 12
The Village Walk
122 King St., Hensall
Four menus following Canada's!
Food Guide were analyzed. Reasons
were given for choosing one over the
other. A game called Dairy Concen-
tration was played. Barb Moffat
made yoghurt popsicles and
strawberry sherbet.
A party was held on November 1 at
Brucefield United Church from 4 to 8
p.m. Barbara Fotheringham and Lois
Anne Lostell organized the games.
The church hall was decorated by
Kate Papple and Leanne Erb. The
spaghetti dinner was prepared by
Janice Moffat and Jane Papple.
Leaders Janet Papple and Barb
Moffat were thanked by Jane Papple,
who expressed the appreciation of the
"Milk Maids" for their leaders time
and effort spent in leading this club.
Press Iteporle'r - .lane i'apple
Kippen United Church
There was no Sunday service in St.
Andrews on November 2. The con-
gregation helped celebrate
Brucefield's anniversary. Church ser-
vice will resume as normal on
November 1t.
Wednesday November 12 will be
Kippen's Smorgasbord Supper held in
the itruc•efield Church from 5-8 p m.
Advance tickets only
The sympathy of the community is
extended to flank ltinnendvk and
family on the recent death of his
mother Ann ltinne iutyk. Ann along
with her husband. the late Arte Bin-
nendyk farmed in the KippenUrea for
many years prior to their retirement
to Exeter.
Congratulations go out to Linda
Vanneste, daughter of Marcel and
Simonne Vanneste, on her marriage
to David .Johnson on Saturday, Oc-
tober 25 at St. Boniface Church in
Zurich. Linda and David Johnson will
reside in Montreal, Quebec after
honeymooning in Venezuela.
We are pleased to report that Alec
McGregor is now strong enough to
spend some time at home.
Christmas Open JJou3e
Sunday, Nov. 9th
1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Many Instore Specials
Good luck to B.C. Oke Developments.
Welcome to Hensall. Your project is an asset
to our community.
Schneiders Slue Ribbon
Mon. - Sat.
3rd to Nov. 8th
Schneiders Thuringer
Summer Sausage
$ 49
�i Ib. by the piece
Schneiders Smoked
Schneiders, Old
Fresh Butt
Pork Chops
Fresh Pork, Picnic
$ 125lb.
Our own pure pork
Stonetown Medium^
s299 Ib.
Our own pure
Beef Patties
Local Spy or Mac s
99 3 Ib. bag
Guess the weight of our
Jumbo Schneiders bologna.
1st prize Old Fashioned Ham
2nd prize bushel of apples
Congratulations to B.C. Oke Developments for
helping to beautify our main street.
Volland's Meat Market
125 King St., Hensall 262-344%