HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-10-29, Page 27WITH OUR NEW *5 SUPER AD!! (Private non-commercial ods only) NOW You Can place Your Ad Anytime I odiv,1ors ort at the othc• until S I give you personal ser. Mon�„ pF, 0flI no ,ng talk tout vs. toW un ef 1,Innotconv•nwrtoonlwermb vete. hColl v anyway anytime Ov' w• 11 hove then II Sok• your m• sago oflli w forgot to leave Yo r ln• n r e car number for Your od in the neat ondc charge Your name oddre•+ondcfa 0 automate bilhn0 • CLASSIFIED -. WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION • 20 words $4.00, 154 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS • No copy changes, 154 per word, minimum 52.75. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION • $6.00 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS • $4.50 per column inch. (Minimum size in this catogory 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $4.25, 154 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices • 20 words $4.25, each ad- ditional word 154 IN MEMORIAMS - $4.25 plus 254 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $4.25 each additional word 154. Three in- sertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS 30 words $4.25, additional words 104 each. 500 DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAY- MENT ON OR BEFORE DAY OF INSERTION. Deadline: for classified ads Is 4:00 p.m. Mondays. Phone 235-1331 1 lost, Strayed LOST - 1 female grey cat in the area of South Huron Veterinary Clinic, Zurich. Answers to Dusty. Phare 237-3515 or 237-3527. 44c 2 Found BRACELET, in Gran Bend area. Must identify. Phone 234-622. 44c 3 Situations Wonted WANT A NIGHT OU? Need a habysit• ter? Call a nom. 235-0621. 11itn WOULD YOU like someone to do your housecleaning for you? Grand Bend arca. 11 interested call 238-8894. 44SA Advertisers wont one thing ... RESULT$. And that's what we guarantee when you place o SUPERAD with us. For only one low fee of $5 we'll run your od in our newspaper until you get the results you wont. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPERAD. You con take up to 40 words and we recommend you us• o price for whatever you are advertising. if you do not get results by the following weekend, call us on Mon• day and we'll gladly repeat the od at no charge. And we'll keep running the ad as long as you want. Plus Your Ad Will Reach Another 10,000 Extra Readers At No In Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus charge! CALL 115 AT 235.1331 classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 1 Cars, Trucks 2 Pets 3 Musical Instruments 4 Appliances, Television 5 Personal 6 For Sale 7 Wanted To Buy 8 Wanted 9 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sa)es 3 Situations Wanted LADY WANTS live-in housekeeping. Prefer farm. No children or sick. Call 1-786-6574. 42-44' EXPERIENCED CLEANING LADY, o seeking work in Grand Bend area. Hourly rate. References available. If interested call 238-8894. 44SA' GET READY FOR WiNTER. Will do odd jobs around the home. Cleaning windows, eavestroughs and basic yard work. Call Greg at 262-2035 Hensall. 44:45c 4 Help Wanted BRICKLAYERS, winter highrise work. (416) 773-2013..7-10 p.m. 44x LOG HOME BUILDERS WANTED. Pro- fessional craftsmen/women required for in- dustry leader in Handcrafted Log Homes. Excellent remuneration, year round building season commence April 1987. Apply in strictest confidence to Timothy J. Bullock (705)466-2121, 466-2505. 44x OVERSEAS JOBS. Jobs paying high salaries arc now available in many exciting and interesting countries including Cana- dian North, Middle East and Australia, Many have tax free salaries and high benefits. All skills required. For further in- formation write Overseas, Suite 472, 7305 Woodbine Ave. Dept. ON2 Markham, Ont., L3R 3V7. 44x CONSTRUCTION': Drivers, Mechanics, Welders, Electricians, Machinists, Carpenters, needed immediately. Also Airline jobs. Will train some positions. (Up to 56,000/month) TransContinental Joh Search (308)382-3700 FEE. 44x Grain Elevator Operator qualifications - experienced in operating grain handling and processing equipment. Must be mechanically inclined and able to climb elevator legs. Apply in writing to Ken Wernham. Manager Glencoe Grain & Seed Co. Box 580, Parkhill, Ont. NOM 2K0 Lucan Community Memorial Centre requires o person to operate the community centre catering service. Food preparation and experience for various functions - eg. weddings, banquets, dances is necessary. Apply in writing to the Lucan Community Memorial Centre Box 333, Lucan Ontario NOM 2J0 No applications taken after November 14, 1986 1 4 C.A./CGA Recent Graduates and Fourth and Fifth Level Students Our Exeter office requires dedicated individuals to join our firm and assist in the expansion of our full service practice which provides municipal auditing, accounting, taxation, estate plan- ning and management consulting services to individuals and small and medium sized businesses. Reply in confidence to: KIME, DITCHFIELD, MILLS & DUNLOP CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS - 347 MAiN ST., EXETER, ONT. NOM 1S0 Secretary /Editorial Assistant AIS Communications Limited, a leading publisher of agricultural and trade mogozines, has on immediate vacancy for a Secretary/Editorial Assistant who will be responsible for entering editorial copy onto come puter and liaispn yiith the typesetting and production department. Duties also include secretarial work, correspondence and filing for the editorial department. The successful candidate will be a self-starter to ensure the smooth operation of the editorial department in the absence of editorial staff. Applicants should have an excellent working knowledge of the English language, a minimum of 2 years secretarial experience and be familiar with computers. A knowledge of Word Perfect would olso be an asset. On-the•job training will be provided. Salary commensurate with exp}trience. Apply to: AIS Communications Limited P.O. Box 1060 Exeter Ontario, NOM 1SQ • 1 4 Help Wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A Licence. For pre-screening in- terview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Train- ing, London. 1-800-265-1260. 4ltfn PART-TIME EVENING CLEANERS, re- quired immediately for Exeter. Ideal posi- tion for couples. Call 1-679-1153. 43,44c HELP WANTED TO WORK full time on a mink ranch until Christmas. Call even- ings 6:30-8 p.m. Phone 229-8885. 43-46e ATTENTION: BEST JOB IN TOWN, Smiling woman needed to teach skin care, make up and colour coding. Part-time or full-time. Training provided. Advancement available. For interview call Ann Hider 238-5854 between 5 and 7 p.m. 43.46e FULL-TIME and PART-TIME, im- mediate openings, phone Don or Doris Wilson. 235-0922. 44' FULL TIME and PART-TIME HELP, re- quired. Must be willing to work days, nights and weekends. Apply in person at the Twins Kentucky Fried Chicken, Exeter. 44c MINK RANCHER harvest. Experience necessary. Please call needs help with helpful but not 225-2462 from 7-9. 44.48e WAITER/WAITRESS, full and part time. Apply in person to Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. 44c 5 BusinEss Opportunities FREE: 1986 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Aircondi- tioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Toronto, I-800-268-1121. 44‘ MA CHERIE HOME FASHION SHOWS Est. 1975. Join our successful family of representatives in presenting quality lingerie and loungewear at in-home parties for women. lt's fun. It's easy. It's profitable. Call toll free 1-800-263-9183. 44x EARN EXTRA INCOME! Learn to prepare Income Tax returns by cor- respondence. Local franchise available. Write Tax Time Services Limited, 1304 Speers Road, Oakville, Ont. 1.61. 2X4.44x Township of Tuckersmith Applicotions will be received until November Ith. 1966 01 4:30 p.m. for the position o1 a CASUAL PART-TIME EMPLOYEE WITH THE ROADS DEPARTMENT Dulles to commence for the snowplowing season and will Include some general labour. Apply in person at the Municipal 011ice, Vonaslra Pork. Doug Poulton Road sup•rintend•nt, Township of Tut* *mai th OMR 111, R,R. S. Clinton, Ontario. NOM 11.11 MEN WOMEN CRUISE SHIP JOBS!! COOKS•CASINO WORKERS -DECK N A N Ds • s EAUTI C IAN s• BARYE N• DERE-eENEML LABOR EIICEUENT SALARIES PLUS WORLD TRAIIEU CARIIIEAN•SOUTII PACIFIC. BANAMAS-MEOiTERMNEAN- ALASKA Due to a constant turnover in personnel. there are always jobs available with the CRUISE SHIP LINES. Our CRUISE SHIP EMPLOY- MENT DIRECTORY will show you how and where to apply for one of these high paying and exciting johs aboard American cruise ships! GUARANTEED EMPLOYMENT WITHIN 90 DAYS OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. ORDER FORM send to: CRUISE JOBS Dept H45 131 ELMA DR CENTRALIA, WA 98531 To order your 1986 CRUISE SHIP EMPLOYMENT DIRECT- ORY, send only $10 00 cash, check or money order today' NAME dolts pent ADDRESS APT/ CITY STATE ZIP • 5 Busines', Opjluf'unities EARN 15 percent per year in U.S. dollars, • guaranteed! By way of leasing Marine Cargo Containers. Rental income - five marine cargo containers pay $2,325 per year, can pay S4,650 per year, 25 pay SI 1,625 per year. Length of lease is up to 15 years, (5 yr. increments). Minimum in- vestment 53,100. All above in U.S. dollars. Ask about our Capital Appreciation Pro- gram (416) 368-3585. Write: Pacific Rim Container Saks Ltd. 2nd floor, 33 Yonge St. Toronto, M5E 1S9. 44x CAREER CANADA COLLEGE. Toron- to, Ottawa, Hamilton. Dental Chairside. assisting, Hotel/Restaurant managetncnt, Travel Careers. Day classes and home study. 385 Yonge St. Toronto M58 ISI, 1-416-977-7797. 44x LEARN! EARN! Income Tax Course or Basic Bookkeeping Course by cor- respondence. Free Brochures, no obliga- tion. Write U & R Correspondence School, 207-1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, MB R3T 286. 44x 6 Services SIGN WRITING By Mel Centralia, Ont. PHONE 228-6946 361 CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R.R. 1 Centralia Open 6 Days A Week Truck Boxes, Portable Welding Wrought Iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 111 i Licenced Body Person required immediately for well-established body shop Steady employment Good working conditions Wages commensurate with experience Send resume or call Iagla.d's Aorto Body 285 Elizabeth St., Lucan, Ont. Phone: 227-4373 The Huron County Board of Education requires CUSTODIANS FOR THE FOLLOWING SCHOOLS: Goderich District: Engineer Custodian (40 hours per week) Collegiate institute; Certification as a Fourth Class Stationary Engineer required Exeter Public School Basic Custodian (40 hours per week) Victoria Public School Basic Custodian (20 hours per week) All positions include shift work. These positions will become effective as soon as possible. The successful applicants will become members of the Ser- vice Employees' Union, local 210. Interested applicants are re- quested to send a letter of application which indicates the specific position of in- terest to them. The applica- tion must include a resume which outlines experience and education, and which also includes references. Ap- plications will be received by the undersigned prior to 4:30 p.m., Monday, November 3, 1986. Mr. 0. Giennentlree Personnel Relations Administrator Huron County Segni of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Onterlo NOM 11.0 ILL Alien Director A. Clerk CItelrtften • Times -Advocate, October 29, 1986 1 ,t•I yr 4", PERRY'S DRYWALL Apply Finish & Texture Perry Knee Centralia For Free Estimates • 228-6837 cones ekes Gene Creces - SIGNS OF ALL TYPES - .RR 1 Doshwood, Ont, NOM INO PHONE 238-8242 41 MAN WILD Sales Service Small Engine Repairs & Sharpening Service 153 Victoria St. E., Credition Phone 234.6339 Larry Fulton Plumbing and Electric • Rural, residential, commercial Plumbing and Electric • General Backhoe work, Septic Tank and weeping bed Installation RR 3 Exeter 229-6289 Repair Shop Equipment Sales & Service Cecil Squire FARM SERVICE 92 Waterloo Street, Exeter, Ontario Phone 235.0465 IXCAVATING • Footings • Basements & General Backhoe work • Laser Installed Weeping Beds and Repairs Septic Tanks Pumped Snow -Con Excavating Owned end operated by Jin, Snow Phone 235-0642 after 6 p.m. I (AL•Mlini tRAin SYSTEMSn Quality Grain Storage Drying & Handling Products DESIGN • SALES • SERVICE taw GRAIN SYSTEM LTO Pt+aw 263 MANi $1 N PO 901 550 flus 1519/M-1919 EXETER ONTARIO NOM ISO Res 151913452264 Seam EAVESTROUGH 'ALUMINUM and VINYL SIDING AWNINGS • Custom Homes • Roofing • Renovations & General Contracting "FREE ESTIMATES" Jim Becker CONSTRUCTION 31.3521 lis w111 INT Page 11A A. DENOMME ,, CONSTRUCTION Ltd, ,.,;541.!41,11" Custom Homes • Aluminum A Vinyl �1,.• Sidle • Roofing • Additions Dashwood 237.35 16 ROWe Elntric 1 Plumbing RR 1 Woodham • Rural • Residential Commercial • Repairs & Service Dennis Rowe 235-0906 229.6284 St.v, Schro.d.r Design Build General Carpentry New homes, additions and renovations Architectural Drafting Dashwood PH: 237.3789 atm' 6 p.m. MICHAEL VAN RAAY 11 1 1 1,/ 1 i .101 • 8-• •0 R.R. 3 Dashwood 237-3496 • Custom Woodworking • Furniture and Cabinet Maker • Precision Dimensioning • Finish Carpenter FREE ESTIMATES Solid Wood • Veneers Plywood • Laminates Plastics, etc. DRYSDALE Major Appliance Centre Ltd. Sales With Service The placer to buy applionce•S NEW AND USED Hensall 2 h 2 2728 Closed Mondays FIo.Rite iave$troughing SEAMLESS TROUGH Farm - Residential Commercial Boom Truck available TLEAFSCREENING problem of plugged ughs and downpipe able metal screening vers entire top of trough Eugene Glavin Jack Glavin 228-6801 237-3707 NEW HOMES ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS If you're planning any type of renovating... otro WE CAN DO IT Specializing in Replacement Windows gatiat Von Haarlem Construction 235/2210 CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Our reputaition is your guarantee of quality workmanship A -LIFT SERVICES 229-6741 LI R.R. 6 St. Marys Call Bob McLaughlin Local Service & Local Price 24 HOUR REPAIR SERVICE ON FORK LIFTS AND TRUCK CRANES - ALL HYDRAULIC REPAIRS FOR HURON AND PERTH (AND TRENCHING) • s