HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-10-29, Page 20;`'afar 4A Times -Advocate, October 29. 1986
L S r y ' ,
Outline. community contributions
Lioness mark uuilversary, hear eluirter speaker
The Grand Bend Lioness club was
formed in January 1976, with their
Charter Night being held at the
Dashwood Community Centre in Oc-
tober 1976. The club celebrated the
10th anniversary of their charter on
October 19 at the Dashwood Com-
munity Centre with a delicious din-
ner, followed by dancing to the music
of Maple Sugar. Several former
Lioness members were also in
The guest speaker was Lion Inter-
national Past Director Bruce Murray,
who had also been the guest speaker
at their charter night ten years ago.
The original executive of the Grand
Bend Lioness club were president
Sharon Soldan, first vice pres. Bren-
da Haist, second vice pres. Annie
Kadlecik, secretary Shirley Nelder,
and treasurer Sue Sageman and
Kathy Hoaon.
The Lioness have been very active
FIRST CONCERT \\ Wednesday evening the Grand Bend Concert Association held their first program
for the series. The vocal duo •of Michele Gaudreau, seated on right, and Timothy Sherwood, standing
behind, was a real treat. Also seated is piano player, Cecilia Ignatieff, and standing is Jennifer Weigand,
usher, Adella Gabel, page turner and Phia Coeck, (all of Dashwood) also usher for the concert.
First in concert series
delights audience of 100
The Grand Bend Concert Associa-
tion opened their season on Wednes-,
day evening with the Sher-
wood/Gaudreau vocal duo perform-
ing at the United Church. The talents
of these two artists were well receiv-
ed by an enthusiastic audience of
about 100 fans.
They made a • handsome couple,
with the tall blond Timothy Sherwood,
and the lovely French Michele
Gaudreau, wearing a long pink gown
that could have come from "Sleeping
Beauty". They were accompanied by
Cecilia Ignatieff, whose obvious
musical abilities complemented their
performance perfectly. Local music
'-eacher, Miss Idella Gable, gracious-
ly agreed to assist as page turner for
the pianist.
Dawn Crabe, on behalf of the Con-
cert Executive, welcomed the per-
formers and the audience to the first
concert of the serjes. With the very
first duct ",le Suis Heureuse, the au-
dience was captivated by the pair.
Hiss Gaudreau's mezzo-soprano
voice blends so perfectly with Sher -
wood's rich tenor to produce the
A. John Hughes, C.D.
Denture Therapist
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37 Green Acres,
Grand Bend, Ontario
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London, Ontario
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beautiful colors of perfect sound.
Sherwood sang several solos from
Felix Mendelssohn, all in German,
showing the power, clarity and drama'
of which his clear tenor voice is
capable. His choices ranged from a
romantic flowing melody, to the more
dramatic "Nactlied" (Night song), to
the rousing ballad of Andres
Maienlied, or Witches Song.
Then Miss Gaudreau put her dulcet
mezzo-soprano through its paces in
several solo selections from G. Faure.
From the elegance of Mandoline, a
melody of love amongst the lords and
ladies, to Prison, a throbbing solilo-
quy on lost freedom, to the sadness of
Apres un reve, about a broken love af-
fair, her voice captures the mood and
tones of each piece.
The first half of the program finish-
ed with a selection of gospel songs,
always strong, spirited and hopeful
always fun, both to sing and to hear.
Beautifully done.
After the intermission they did a
selection of Canadian Folklore
numbers, taking turns to solo, or join-
ing duet, as they sang of Nova Scotia,
of a Newfoundland fishing Village or
of an errant lover in a Quebec town.
In "0 A Write Me Down" an a capella
duet, one can really hear the high,
clear quality of her voice, and the rich
vibrancy of his tenor.
The next group of songs involve a
fair bit of acting as well as singing,
to properly convey the expressions
and meanings from the Opera La
Perichole, by J. Offenbach. Miss
Gaudreau is by turns saucy and pert,
winsome, charming, dramatic, and
finally in the last "Griserie decided-
ly drunk La Perichole is a rather
naughty girl, but Miss Gaudreau
shines in these solos - a maginficent
They include for the modern works,
music from one of the greatest
modern composers, Leonard Berns-
tein in "West Side Story". They take
turns sining Something's Coming and
Maria in which Sherwood fills the hall
with the passion in his spine -tingling
rendition, then Miss Gaudreau
warbles her way through "'I Feel
Pretty". The duet goes from One
Hand, One Heart into "Tonight" as
they recreate on stage that grand
shining moment of passionate love,
that touched the whole audience.
The finale was a whimsical, funny
little number by Rossini titled "Cat
Duet" sung entirely in meows!
The audience responded to the
evenings performances with a stan-
ding ovation and wild applause. The
couple graciously granted an encore,
the warm, romantic ballad by Johig
Denver "Perhaps Love" A fitting en-
ding to the evening.
Afterwards some of the audience
went downstairs to meet and con-
gratulate the artists, who had never
been in Grand Bend before. Miss
Gaudreau was particularly impress-
ed with the beautiful beach here.
Special thanks go to Jennifer
Weigand and Erika Coeck, who serv-
ed as ushers for the evening. Please
remember that season tickets are still
on sale - there are a few left. Don't
miss the opportunity to see the five re-
maining concerts. If they are all as
good as the first one, it's well worth
the price
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Grancl Bend
in this community througout the past
decade. They have embarked upon a
variety of fund raisers, from walk-a-
thons, bake sales and raffles to larger
efforts like fashion shows, mini Vegas
nights, and the current trip of the
month draws. The profits from all of
these activities are channeled back
into the community needs, and the
Lioness have tried to touch everyone
somehow, from tots to seniors.
Past records of their service work
include: aid for fire victims, special
equipment for local children who are
hearing handicapped, Christmas
baskets to the needy and shut-ins,
uniforms for local softball and soccer
teams, donations to youth groups like
Guides and Scouts, to the Legion
renovations and setting up the
original Grand Bend Nursery School,
just to name a few. An ongoing ser-
vice provided by the club is the Meals
on Wheels for seniors. The four area
schools receive a Citizenship Award
annually, to present to a student in
each school.
.The Lioness would like to extend
their thanks and appreciation to their
sponsoring club, the Grand Bend
Lions, for all their support. The
Lioness Club motto is 'We Serve, Too,'
and the Lioness of Grand Bend hope
they can continue to live up to this
motto as they have done so well in the
Contributed by Sharon Soldan,
Charter president
Lioness meeting
The Grand Bend Lioness held their
regular monthly meeting with dinner
at Oakwood Inn. Twenty members at-
tended, with three guests and four
new members. Guest speaker,
District A-1 president Lioness Mary
Watson, installed these four new
members at the meeting. A Lioness
bell was presented to Lioness Barb
Kurtz, who is leaving the Grand Bend
club due to a transfer.
The club is once again selling
cheese, which can be ordered through
any of the members. Trip of the
month tickets are also still available
through the members. The winner of
their quilt draw was Mrs. S. Wells,
London. The next dinner meeting will
be held on November 27 at Oakwood
at 7 p.m. This will be the Gold Party,
with jewellery displayed for sale, and
will be open to the public, so if you're
interested in attending their Gold
Party contact any Lioness member
before November 24. Profits from the
Gold Party will go to the Ontario
Diabetic Association.
Local Fishman Guest Speaker
The Grand Bend Women's Institute
held their monthly meeting at the
Grand Bend United Church, Thurs"°
day. After the meeting opened with
the Institute Ode and Maty Stewart
Collect, Brenda Love introduced the
guest speaker. •
Joe Green, a fourth generation local
fisherman, told the GB group that
with a commercial fishing license in
GB; the main catch is whitefish,
perch and chub. They undergo at
least three main inspections per year
and operate in a quota system. The
commercial fishing season runs from
March until December.
Member Doris Bestard thanked Joe
for sharing his humorous comments
and experiences with them.
President Millie Desjardine presid-
ed over the business. Twenty-one
members and three visitors answered
the roll call "an interesting farm
Two reports were given; one on the
72nd convention held in London, and
the 35th Huron Country rally held at
Walton was given by Catherine
It was decided to cater to the
Senior Citizens Christmas dinner and
to deliver Meals on Wheels for one
month. Convener of Agriculture and
Canadian Industries, Brenda Love,
spoke on the motto,"Agriculture On-
tario Facts." She also conducted a
Did You Know quiz.
The attentive group were shown
how to make placemats out of used
greeting and Christmas cards by
Gloria Mousseau. This project will be
conducted by the meenbers at their
next meeting on Thursday, November
20 at 1:30 p.m.
The meeting closed and lunch
hostesses Karen Woods, Catherine
Junker, and Loreen G111 served tea
and fruit bread.
CUBS/SCOUTS AT WORK — The Grand Bend 8 Area Scouts held
their annual fund-raising bottle drive Saturday morning. Cub Mur-
ray McKay, Scout Denis Arbor, and Cub Andrew Smith, Dashwood,
help the pack gather these empties. There are 22 Cubs and six Scouts
this year.
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