HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-10-29, Page 5MAKING WITCHES — Bean Sprouts Denomme watch Pam Regier, Peter at the school. Nursery Lansbergen School and teacher Joel Debbie Regier making Denomme witches rr- (left) and Adeline during open house Granton WI hear conference report By MRS. E. SUMMERS The Granton W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Norah Wissell on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Norman Riddell presided. Mrs. Riddell, delegate to the area convention, gave a very interesting report of the area conference which was held at the Ukrainian Country Club, London. The theme was "Pro- tecting the future". The program conveners, Mrs. Elsie Dann and Mrs. Norah Wissell, demonstrated how to make serviette rings, made out of felt, using pinking shears. Mrs. Clarence Lewis gave some in- formation on an upcoming bus trip to Simcoe and other places enroute. If you are interested call Mrs. Lewis for details. The trip is planned for Mon- day, December 8. The president closed the meeting and the conveners served a tasty lunch. Church News At the Granton United Church the Rev. Bruce Pierce was in charge of the Sunday morning worship and en- titled his message "Facts that undergird life". This was taken from Psalm 51 verses 1 to 15. "It gets us through the trials of life when we lean on Jesus," said Rev. Pierce. In the childrens story, the minister talked to them about baseball, and told them that when the game gets tough, you are all members of the Christian team. UCW Bazaar The annual bazaar and tea spon- sored by the Granton United Church Women was held on Saturday after- noon and was a great success and a goodly sum was realized for the church. 4-11 News The fifth meeting of the "Butter- milk Beauties" was held at the home of Pam Waters on October 23. Presi- dent Andra Bannerman opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge and the roll call. All members named a dessert with ice cream. We then did a quiz to test our knowledge about ice cream. We found out what added ingredients are in store bought ice cream and compared ylllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Come to the E. =t- nunnunnnnnnuunnnnununnunnnnunnuuutullllltllttllnuuunuuunnnununnuuuuunr Carmel school. S & N Variety November 1 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. November 2 12 N. - 6 p.m. Located on Victoria St., Centralia inexpensive ice cream against premium. We found the nutrient value of frozen desserts and conclud- ed that soft ice cream is the healthiest, while rich ice cream is loaded with calories. We also read that making ice cream can be a lot of fun although it cost nearly twice as much as buying ice cream. We discussed the home assignment for our next meeting then we headed to the kitchen where we made our own ice cream sundaes that were delicious. Andra closed the meeting with the 4-11 motto. We would like to thank Pam Waters for holding the meeting and Mavis and Deanna for Leading us. Secretary Sylvia Beatson Personal The Jamesons had a family gather- ing at the Masonic Hall, Granton, on Sunday, October 26 in honour of Mrs. Don Kelly of Rochester, New York. Guests were present from Islington, Scarborough, London, St. Marys and Granton Mt. Carmel .PTA discuss reports, study program There was a meeting Wednesday evening to discuss new report cards and new wor}( study programs at Our Lady of Mount Carmel School. About 30 parents and teachers attended to hear Mr. Kraftcheck, principal, ex- plain these new policies. At the meeting, PTA treasurer, Lia Vandenberk was presented with a check for $1800., by the Parkhill Op- timists, to help with the costs of renovating the playground at Mount IF U'RE NOT SAVING AT STANDARD TRUST, our MONEY. 7 / iia,,,,. 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Rut right now you can take a chance on our contest without taking a chance on your savings and win' (;all or come in to your Standard Trust branch today STANDARD rte TRUST Mrmber Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation '•'Enure account must he transferred from another savings institution at one time limit one cash bonus per household Complete contest rules and regulations are :satiable at every Standard Trust sn•ings branch 386 Main St. S., Exeter • 235-1060 Open Monday to Thursday 9am to Spm; Friday 9am to Hpm; Saturday 9am to I pm Times -Advocate, October 29, 1986 To approach Usborne Council Kirkton Kirkton Women's Institute held their October meeting at the Com- munity Centre.' President Doris Spence opened with a word of welcome to those present. A suggestion that a sign showing the direction of the community cen- tre be erected in the village was discussed. Helen Shute will approach Usborne council and Doris Denham Blanshard council. Members are asked to bring toys (unwrapped) etc. to the next meeting to be taken to the Children's Aid in Stratford for Christmas. The meeting "Family and Con- sumer Affairs" used a roll call "A suggestion for keeping the family unit strong".The motto given by Jean Ratcliffe "Family strength is the foundation of a strong church, com- munity and nation". The conveners of the meeting Doris Batten, Maxine Kernick introduced Joan Teahen of Windsor. Joan works with the Children's Aid and spoke on child adoption. The waiting list of parents grows longer, thus it seems many more single parents are keep- ing their baby. Joan was thanked by Maxine Ker - Local riders in OATVA finale ATV racing action returned to Bul- ly Gully Sunday with the OATVA 1986 season grand finale. Ontario riders had stiff competition from the American riders who showed up to take home the Canadian gold. Track conditions were sticky in the morning but dried out by the afternoon. Local riders fared well - Gerry Selent of Lucknow finished fifth in the 250 Stock; and his brother John Selent finished fifth in the 200 Stock. Terry McGregor, Kippen finished third in the 200 Stock and Tony Knoop of Goderich was second in the 350 Stock. Doug Wolfe of Mitchell was ninth and James Couture of Clinton 10th in the four wheel two stroke class. Paul Farquhar, Clinton was the winner in the 200 Mod class and also finished seventh in the Open Mod Four Stroke. Chuck Collins, Varna finished first in the 250 Mod, third in the 200 Mod and sixth in the Open Mod Two Stroke and sixth in the Open Mod - Four Stroke. Rummdge sale nets about ;7,000 Thursday's t'ummage sale at the South Huron Rec Centre netted close to $7,000 for the South Huron Hospital Auxiliary. Sale convener Laurie Shapton said there was again a tremendous response from Exeter and area residents donating articles, customers and the many volunteers. While the Auxiliary has a member- ship of about 100, this number was swelled to 225 on sale day by the very valuable volunteers. Proceeds from the auction sale of larger articles not included on the rummage tables brought about $600. When the sale was over at 4 p.m., Thursday, articles left over were loaded onto a truck and taken to Goodwill Industries in London. Co -conveners with Mrs. Shapton were Ferne Dougall, Ruth Dietrich, Audrey Bentley, Kay Elston and Ver- na Bowers. Baptism at Zion Rev. Brian Elder was the visiting minister at Zion West Church on Sun- day morning and preached his ser- mon on the "Attractiveness of Jesus". The sacrament of communion was observed. Holly Anne Hern, two month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bern, was baptized and welcomed into Zion Church family. Following the church service; }lol- ly's parents, Ivan and Brenda had as their guest, Mrs. Isabelle Cann, Mrs. Kay Cann, Mrs. Gladys Hern all of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Marty Angus, Mrs. Phil Knight, Erin and Meggie of London; Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert • of Thames Road; Scott llodgert, eter; and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bern. Next Sunday the guest speaker will be Mrs. Grace Pym of Elimville. Tins may be oll ror nerd to wear. FREE ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS In Your Home or Our Office • Famous Bellow "malty he • csatpiete product Me. • Fell c• -e erMlsu with your doctor. • A. reclusive certified heartng service plan the protects lour l.vestwent. • We service .1 smokes sad models. • Serving d p f Fled sit why 'tare people choose Be1Ma.e. local S.rvtcn Clinic !Nestor BIB V Thurso, Nov. 6, 3 p.m. HEARING AID CENTER J.D. Fair Nearing Aid S.rvic. 143 Ontario Street, Stratford Ont. 273-2118 B�/lore• Reiter flowing rthesomla Professional Gan Page 5 WI suggest sign nick and presented with a gift. at the community centre and anyone Our next meeting is November 27 is welcome to attend. WINNING SLOGAN — Erin Kraftcheck, a student at Precious Blood won the Union Gas slogan contest and received a cash prize. Her winning slogan was "Fire protectors are life protectors". GEO. A. GODBOLT, CLU Life Insurance Investment Funds Annuities RRSP's GICs Group RRSP's Group Insurance Mutual U dCanada Devon Building, Exeter, Ontario 235-2740 Agent for Mutual Life of Canada and Mutual Investco Inc. cjnh'nGRs ACONVENTIONAL, MID, AND HIGH-. 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