HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-10-22, Page 221 Seamless EAVESTROUGH --J ALUMINUM 1 and VINYL SIDING AWNINGS • Custoln Homes • Roofing • Renovations & General Contracting "FREE ESTIMATES" Jim Becker CONSTRUCTION 237.5526 DASNw111 INTI 6A- Times -Advocate, October 22, 1986 GUARANTEED RESULTS WITH OUR NEW '5 SUPER AD!! (Private non-commercial ods only) . Mon r,o of unci Pm visors ore of the oflKe . agn•you personal set, however. ,t it ,s not convenient a talk to us then, coil anyway. anti'me. Our we mochas will take message and well have your od n the issue. Don't forget to eo your name. address andclorgecord number ve outorna'K bluing. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals os for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $4.00, 154 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 154 per word, minimum $2.75. SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $6.00 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $4.50 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $4.25, 154 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $4.25, each ad- ditional word 154 IN MEMORIAMS - $4.25 plus 254 per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $4.25 each additional word 154. Three in-. sertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS 30 words $4.25, additional words 104 each. SOC DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAY- MENT ON OR BEFORE DAY OF INSERTION. Deadline: .for classified ads is 4:00 p.m. Mondays. Phone 235-1331 1 Lost, Strayed FEMALE COLLIE, 16-17 concession of Hay Twp. white collar, paws and tip of tail. Looks like Lassie, very friendly. Name is Lassie: Phone 236-4604. 42:43c RING, S.H.D.H.S. on September 19, 1986. One gold ring with an opal and 2 rubies. Keep -sake. Reward. Please call 228-6282 after 4 p.m. 43' 2 Found LADY'S BROWN WALLET, Lutheran Church, Dashwood. 13c Stratford Chefs School inti �+ app!lcatton• for posittorls of RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Jnc.'e�alid applleartt• will have • ,1itrinluni grad: 12 education (above ,tt•era,t;e iirlt;l:.ch and ,1 rtthmittct. • .1 . )//..%l€INtng pa%SIOrl /Or i ' \f /OM and drink. • .'1/i micro( 111 tuana,t:PII a top iaraltO' re.htttraPlt. Formal and On the job trijnin,),t. Placements 111 titrlt[Ord and -f•Or0)1t0 areas. For interview (.519) 271-6442 Program begins November 10 Advertisers want one thing ..: RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPERAD with us. For only one low fee of $5 we'll run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you wont. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPERAD. You con take up to 40 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. If you do not get results by the following weekend, call us on Mon- day and we'll gladly repeat the od at no charge. And we'll keep running the ad as long os you want. Plus Your Ad Will Reach Another 10,000 -Extra Readers At No In Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus Charge! l CALL U.S AT 635.1331 classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 3 Situations Wanted WOULD YOU like someone to do your housecleaning for you? Grand Bend area. If interested call 238-8894. 43SA LADY WANTS live-in housekeeping. Prefer farm. No children or sick. Call 1-786-6574. 42-44' EXPERIENCED CLEANING LADY, is seeking work in Grand Bend area. Hourly rate. References available. If interested call 43SA' 238-8894. MEN WOMEN CRUISE SHIP JOBS!±, COOKS -CASINO WORKERS -DECK N AN DS• BEAUTI CIANS• BARTEN• DE113'BENERAL LABOR EXCELLENT SALARIES PLUS WORLD TRAVEU CARIBBEAN -SOUTH PACIFIC. BAHAMAS -MEDITERRANEAN- ALASKA Due to a constant turnover in personnel, there are always jobs available with the CRUISE SHIP LiNES. Our CRUISE SHIP EMPLOY- MENT DIRECTORY will show you how and where to apply for one of these high paying and exciting jobs aboard American cruise ships! GUARANTEED EMPLOYMENT WITHIN 90 DAYS OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. ORDER FORM send to: CRUISE JOBS Dept H45 131 ELMA DR CENTRALIA, WA 98531 To order your 1986 CRUISE SHIP EMPLOYMENT DIRECT- ORY, send only $10.00 cash, check or money order today! NAME please pr nt ADDRESS _.. APT* CITY _ _ ___ STATE ZIP C.A. FINALISTS/RECENT GRADUATES Our Exeter Office requires a dedicated individual to join our firm and assist in the expansion of our full service practice which provides municipal auditing, accounting, taxation, estate plan- ning and management consulting services to individuals and small and medium sized businesses. Reply in confidence to: KIME, DITCHFIELD, MILLS & DUNLOP CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 347 MAIN ST., EXETER, ONT. NOM 1S0 ry 14"'" USBORNE TOWNSHIP invites applications for the position of ROAD SUPERINTENDENT Requires o good knowledge of road maintenance, road con- struction, surveying, drainage, ,the tendering process„.book- keeping and provincial legislation that effects the road department. A complete job description is available upon request to (519) 235-2900. Please apply in writing to: Usborne Township Reeve & Council P.O. Box 1420, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S0 Deadline for receipt of applications Is 4:00 p.m.. November 10. 1986 3 Situations Wanted WANT A NIGHT OUT? Need a babysit- ter? CaII a morn. 235-0621. Iltfn 4 Help Wanted A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A Licence. For pre-screening in- terview and job placement information; contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Train- ing, London. 1-800-265-1260. 41 t fn MECHANIC - Class 'A' or 4th year ap- prentice - needed immt diately for growing business in Dashwooc. Year round, full, time employment working with' cars, trucks, buses, chainsaws, small engines etc. Salary is negotiable and is dependent on qualifications and experience. Apply by phone 237-3322 (days), 237-3253 (evenings) or in person at Brian's Service Centre, Dashwood. 40-43c FULL TiME FARM WORKER, needed for 5-6 hours work every morning on area livestock farm. Reply to Box I7P Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter Ont. NOM ISO. 42,43c ATTENTION. We need your help to ser- vice customers and take orders. High ear- nings assured. Call Fuller Brush Co., St. Thomas. -1-631-4383 anytime. 43c PART-TIME EVENING CLEANERS, re- quired immediately for Exeter. Ideal posi- tion for couples. Call 1-679-1153. 43,44c LARGE EASTERN ONTARIO PRINTER, requires immediately a first web press operator. Located in prime .recreational area. Our company is experien- cing strong growth and offers good work- ing environment and excellent compensa- tion, including profit-sharing. Call Ken Watts (613)283-5650 or write Performance Printing, P.O.B. 158, Smiths Falls, Ontario K7A 4T1. 43x HELP WANTED TO WORK full time on a mink ranch until Christmas. Call even- ings 6:30-8 p.m. Phone 229-8885. 43-46c ATTENTION: BEST JOB IN TOWN, Smiling woman needed to teach skin care, make up and colour coding. Part-time or full-time. Training provided. Advancement available. For interview call Ann Hider 238-5854 between 5 and 7 p.m. 43-46c BEAUTY CONSUL -TANTS - How would you like to be making an extra $100. This is what you could make two evenings a week. No investment or experience re- quired. Training provided. Cali Monday - Wednesday and Friday between 10 and 6. Phone 235-1214. 43c 5 Business Opportunities EARN 15 percent per year in U.S. dollars, guaranteed! By way of leasing Marine Cargo Containers. Rental income - five marine cargo containers pay S2.325 per year, can pay $4,650 per year, 25 pay $11,625 per year. Length of lease is up to 15 years. (5 yr. increments). Minimum in- vestment 53,100. All above in U.S. dollars. Ask about our Capital Appreciation Pro- gram (416) 368-3585. Write: Pacific Rim Container Sales Ltd. 2nd floor, 33 Yongc St. Toronto, MSE 1S9. 43s BECOME AN AUCTIONEER. 85 hours. of instruction, next class Nov. 15-22. Con- tact Southwestern Ontario School of Auc- tioneering, P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ont. NOJ IMO (519) 469-3936. 43x CAREER CANADA C'OI.LEGE. Toron- to, Ottawa, Hamilton. Dental Chairside assisting, Hotel/Restaurant management, Travel Careers. Day classes and home study. 385 Yonge St. Toronto MSB ISi. 1-416-977-7797. 435 TRANSCONTINENTAL. JOB Search has Companies who arc hiring immediately for trades and professional work. Entry level/degrecd up to $32.60/1r. 008)382-3700. Fee for list. 43R' ENJOY TAX BENEFITS, of Self Employ- ment from your own home. Represent manufactures of water distillers from S249.50. Exclusive Territory. No franchise fee or contracts. Must be aware and con- cerned with local water -purity. Excellent earnings for active people. Write for details. I..B.H. Industries, 116 Viceroy C-9, Con- cord, Ont. 1.4K 2M3 (416)661-1142.43Rx Growing Business Requires Licenced Mechanic or to be mechanically inclined. Temporary position for 4 months but could Ieod into full time. Commencing Oct. 27. Art's Auto Repair 235-2277 LV 5 Business Opportunities FREE: 1986 guide to study -at-home cor- respondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Aircondi- tioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. 43x MA CHERIE HOME FASHION SHOWS Est. 1975. Join our successful family of representatives in presenting.quality lingerie and -loungewear at in-home parties for women. It's fun. Itis easy. It's profitable. Call toll free 1-800-263-9183. 43x EARN EXTRA INCOME! Learn to prepare Income Tax returns by cor- respondence. Local franchise available. Write Tax Time Services Limited, 1304 Speers Road, Oakville, Ont. L6L 2X4.43x Larry Fulton Plumbing and Electric • Rural, residential, commercial Plumbing and Electric • General Backhoe work, Septic Tank and weeping bed installation RR 3 Exeter 229-6289 Davey Construcfiee • Houses • Additions • Sheds • Siding • Roofing • Renovations.. ►'� • Free Estimates Phone Keith Davey 235-1944 after 6 p.m. Carpentry - Drywall Renovations Custom Homes IDCONTRACTING . 235-0941 "Quality Workmanship al a Reasonable Price" i CALimAFT) RAMsvirrefris Quality Drying DESIGN Grain Storage • Products SERVICE L & Handling • SALES APhone AL -SAAR GRAM SYSTEMS t.TO. 63 MAIN ST N . P 0 BOX 550 Rus 1519) 235.1919 EXETER.ONNTARIO NOM 150 Res 1519)345.2284 NEW HOMES ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS If you're planning any type of renovating... oe WE CAN DO IT Specializing in Replacement - Windows A: te•rcr(1j;.•. . CALL FOR A j��77�mfF FREE ESTIMATE „,,, Van Haarlem Construction 235.2210 Our reputation is your guarantee of quality workmanship Logan Colninunity Memorial Centre requires a person to operate the community centre catering service. Food preparation and experience for various functions - eg. weddings, banquets, dances is necessary. Apply in writing to the Lucan Community Memorial Centre Box 333, Lucan Ontario NOM 2J0 No applications taken after November 14, 1986 SIGN WRITING By Mel Centralia, Ont. PHONE 228-6946 36t Steve Schrooiler Design Build General Carpentry New homes, additions and renovations Architectural Drafting Dashwood • PH: 237-3789 after 6 p.m. Repair Shop Equipment Sales & Service Cecil Squire FARM SERVICE' 92 Waterloo Street, Exeter, Ontario Phone 235-0465 Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kill day Wednesday Dashwood 237-3677 Lane .Gravel Sand fill - Crushed A Gravel - Washed, Cement Gravel - Rich Top Soil 3/8" and 3/4" Washed Stone McCann Redi-Mix Inc. RR 3, Dashwood 237-3647, 235-0338 Agriculture. Commerical, Residential & Industrial Wayiltp Ra d u shone 78 5,T EXCAVATING • Footings • Basements & General Backhoe work • Laser Installed Weeping Beds and Repairs Septic Tanks Pumped , Snow -Con Excavating Owned and operated by Jim Snow Phone 235-0642 after 6 p.m. A. DENOMML CONSTRUCTION ltd. ' r -f Custom Homes • Aluminum & Vinyl • Siding • Roofing • Additions Dashwood 237.3516 Rowe Electric- & Plumbing RR 1 Woodham • Rural .- Residential Commercial • Repairs & Service Dennis Rowe 235-0906 229-6284 BAN WELD Sales Service Small Engine Repairs & Sharpening Service 153 Victoria St. E., Credition Phone 234-6339 CUSTOM KILLING ---and SLAUGHTERING Kill Day - Tuesday Specializing in home cured and smoked meat Veal S CrAtiag 235-1123 t I f RT'S Auto Repair 444A Main St.. Exeter (Mhlnd Shows) • Professional repairs • Guaranteed Mufflers • Full Road Hazard Insurance on tires • 10% discount for seniors 235-2277 everyday. BUILDING SYSTEMS INC. Don Wayne Randy Kevin Residential • Commercial • Farm ZURICH 236-4092 s PECK APPLIANCES IN THE HEART Of DOWNTOWN VARNA •FILTER OUEEN SALES i SERVICE • VACUUM CLEANERS (Solos It S•rvlco to Most Makes) • FM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (For roan t eusInoss) • WHIRLPOOL APPLIANCES • WOODS FREEZERS • CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEMS • WHIRLPOOL end SHARP MICROWAVES • GIFTS • MANY MORE ITEMS VARNA, ONT. 482-7103 FloaRite Eavestrovghing SEAMLESS TROUGH Farm - Residential Commercial Boom Truck available rLEAF SCREENING problem of plugged ughs and down -pipe able metal screening vers entire top of trough Eugene Glavin Jack Glavin 228.6801 237-3707 Triebner Electric Ltd. and Trenching Call 235-1756 anytime Backhoeing Trenching for * water - lines * drain tile * under- ground wiring A -LIFT SERVICES 229-6741 R.R. 6 3r. Marys LI Call Bob McLaughlin Local Service & Local Price 24 HOUR REPAIR SERVICE ON FORK LIFTS AND TRUCK CRANES - ALL HYDRAULIC REPAIRS FOR • HURON AND PERTH