HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-10-22, Page 11GOOD NEWS — Hay township Reeve Lionel Wilder is all smiles while
talking ..to Hugh Kelly, chairman of an OMB hearing held in Hay
Township hall which gave the go-ahead to a water pipeline across
the township.
Golden Agers -,put on
program at-Huronview
Eighteen members of the Zurich
Golden Agers entertained the
residents at the Huronview Nursing
Home in Clinton on Wednesday after-
noon, where they enjoyed a musical
program and lunch.
October,(est at Home
Octoberfest Day at the Bluewater
Rest Home was held on Wednesday,
October 15 for the residents and
hosted by the administrator Josef
Rise and his wife Connie. The
auditorium was nicely decorated for
the occasion and Mr. Risi wore an
original lovely German -style jacket.
The fun began with having Oc-
toberfest sausage for dinner complete
with all the trimmings. Then in the
afternoon they enjoyed watching the
video of the Octoberfest Parade that
was held in Kitchener last Monday on
Thanksgiving Day.
Iubmiru theyzek±e tt~ge tet( to
some giSed GenBan music;upplied by
Mozart Gelinas Sr., George Mathonia
and Ivan Norris (toes were atapping
and some even danced).
A German -style snack was served
aneekeryone had such a nice time,
they Will probably want to do itagain
next S'ear.
K of Cs meet in Dashwood
Llst- Tuesday,. the St. Boniface
Parish Knights of Columbus
organftation held their meeting in
Dashwood with the District Deputy,
Mr. Phil Campbell as guest speaker.
The previous weekend our parish
had a special visitor, who was a priest
from India and a good friend of Bro.
Bob Mittleholtz. In his sermon, he told
all about the work of Bro. Bob and
how he is doing, and thanked
everyone for the generous donations
we have been sending to India.
On Tuesday, October 23 was a
P.T.A. meeting at the school.
There will be 40 hours devotions at
St. Boniface Church from November
29 to December 2.
We are asked to help promote the
third Annual Bible Week for Catholics
from October 26 to November 2.
St. Peter's C.W.L.
St. Peter's Catholic Womens
League recently held their October
monthly meeting with a very good
turnout. .1r. Bensette spoke briefly
about the farmers that are going
through a rough time due to the rainy
weather and poor prices for their
crops. he asked that we pray for all
the farmers and help each other
through the crisis.
It was reported that Henry Vander-
burgt and Mrs. DeGroot recently took
part in a Pro -Life walk-athon from
Goderich to Clinton ( when it was rain-
ing even) and raised $235 in pledges.
The C.W.L. is planning to have a
'Penny Sale' at their parish hall at St.
Joseph on Sunday, October 26 at 7:30
p.m. Everyone is welcome.
The meeting concluded with a video
that Fr. Bensette borrowed from Fr.
Hardy called, "Drug and Alcohol
Abuse" Part I. Part 11 will be shown
al their next meeting in November.
St. Itonilace CAVA,.
The next C.W.L. meeting at St.
Boniface Parish will he on Tuesday,
October 28 following the "living
Rosary" which will be said in the
church before Mass. Speaker for the
meeting will be Mike O'Connor who
will tell us about pre -arranged
funerals. Everyone is welcome.
- Pilgrimage
,A very nice time was had by those
from the Zurich area who went on a
bus trip frorn Friday, October 10 to 13
along with some from the Mt. Carmel
C.W.L. parish on a pilgrimage to.St.
Anne de Beaupre in Quebec. Going
were, Theresa Stark, Cecelia Farwell.
Theresa Hartman, Bill and Anne Wat-
son. Mary -Lou Denomme, Isydia
Regier and Mary Ayotte.
filth anniversary
On Saturday. October 18. the fami-
ly of Louis and Cecelia Farwell i 10
children, spouses and 11 grand-
childreni helped their parents
celebrate their 40th wedding anniver-
sary, which was on October 19. All en-
joyed a delicious dinner at the Domi-
nion Tavern (along with the original
wedding party of 1946) followed by an
open house at their home after they
attended the 7:30 Mass at St. Boniface
which was said for their intentions.
Also happy birthday to Cecilia on
that day.
45th anniversary
Congratulations to Tony and
Adeline Denomme who will be
celebrating their 45th wedding an-
niversary on Saturday, October 25.
New arrivals
Congratulations to Julie and'Doug
Debus on the arrival of Jeffrey
Nicolas, born October 12; to Joanne
and Peter Janzen (nee VanRaay) of
Sarnia, and Amanda Catherine, born
October 8 and to Beth and Mike Risi
(nee Gelinas) of London and Jessica
Nicole wha'airived on October 10.
Cross country running
• Several students from St. Boniface
School have been taking part in cross
country running. A bus load of
children from various grades travell-
ed to Stratford on October 7. Another
group went to compete against other
schools near Benmiller (at the Falls
Reserve Conservation area) last Fri-
day, October 17.
Last Wednesday, visitors with Kay
Hay were her two sisters, gleanor
Shoebottom and Myrtle Francis from
London. All enjoyed supper at
Wednesday guests with Mrs.
Eleanor Brown were her two nieces,
Linda and Evelyn from Port Huron.
Bob and Carol Johnston returned
home on Thanksgiving Day after
spending a week's holiday in Van-
couver. They enjoyed going to Expo
and visiting with friends. Richard and
Marina Stade.
The draw at the Tenderspot to have
a maid come for a day to do some
cleaning was won by Patsy
The Zone 8 Rally for senior citizens
was held in Dungannon last Thursday
with several members attending from
the local clubs.
We offer our sincere sympathy to
the family and relatives of the late
Mrs. Myrtle Masse who passed away
last Monday, October 13.
Several friends and relatives from
town recently attended the funeral of
John Wilds in Goderich and Bertha
McGregor in Hensall.
Beauticians Mary -Lou Turkheim
and Patti Rau recently attended the
annual Octoberfest Hair Show that
was held in Kitchener at Bingeman
Many from town took part in some
of the Octoberfest festivities in Kit-
chener this past two weeks.
Leo and Bernice Cousineau from
Windsor spent a few days this past
week with her sister, Rose and Joe
Regier, and attended the Masse
Farewell to our friendly summer
neighbours, Earl and Melinda who
left on Sunday for their home in
Florida where they will spend the
winter months.
Ted and Joan Geoffrey spent the
weekend in Toronto and attended the
wedding of his nephew's son.
Tony and Adeline Denomme at-
tended the 50th wedding anniversarry
celebration of Lloyd and Leona
Bedard in Seaforth do Sunday, Oc-
tober 19 at the curling club.
i,ouis and Theresa Ducharme of
London spent the Thanksgiving
weekend with their daughter and son-
in-law, Barb and Dick Kau and
i will be away all this week on
holidays, so if anyone has any news
to give me, just leave it on the win-
dow sill in the porch, and i'll tryto get
it in on time for next week's paper.
Thank you.
Renee Sweeney is spending this
week with her sister, Heather and
Paul Klopp and little nephew Timmy.
Four groups to share in bingo profits
Times -Advocate, October 22, 1986 Page 11
To test for illegal sewer hook-ups
Members of Zurich council met
four times for special meetings bet-
ween the regular September session
and the October one, held a week later
than usual on October 16.
Council met on September 16 to ac-
cept the resignation of clerk Sharon
Baker and agree to advertise the
Two resolutions resulted from a
meeting on September 23 attended by
Al Scott, Mr. and Mrs. George Suplat,
Mrs. Ruth Siebert, Nelson Riley, Jack
Guenther, Rev. Clayton Kuepfer,
Doug Erb and Wayne Meidinger to
see what could be done about flooded
basements. All eavestrough hook-ups
will be tested, and a public notice in
the local paper warned that founda-
tions and eavestroughs found to be il-
legally hooked into the village's
sanitary sewers must be corrected
within 60 days or offenders will be
subject to $1,000 fines.
A September 29 meeting resulted in
the names of seven people from ap-
plications for clerk, to be interview-
ed for the job.
Council met again on October 2 to
choose Richard Beachey as clerk -
treasurer effective October 20 for a
six-month probationary period at a
Wilder states opinion
on good, bad news
Hay Township Reeve Lionel Wilder
is very happy with the outcome of a
two-day OMB hearing which decided
in favour of allowing a trunk line to
be built along Highway 21 to bring
water from the Grand Bend filtration
plant across the township. In a state-
ment afterward, Wilder said "1 am
more than pleased and satisfied with
the OMB position, and look forward
to the next phases of the development
with renewed hope and enthusiasm.
"I am sure that by next summer
treated and filtered drinking water
will become a reality along Highway
21. I am equally sure that with the
ministry of the environment funding
the water system will not create any
hardship for anyone.
Wilder expressed his gratitude to
all who attended and took part in this
"very important hearing on October
14 and 15".
Wilder's joy over the water issue
has been countered by a deep concern
for the immediate and Tong -term ef-
fects on Hay township farmers who
Bowling at
Zurich lanes
Monday Nite Ladies League
T. Rooseboom 624
V. Lavery 589
B. Reschke 525
Mary Ann 573
J. Fisher 679
P. Schroeder 631
S. Dickert 710
T. Thiel 570
J. Finkbeiner 702
V. Horton 615
S. Stade 711
C. Overholt 585
Sandra Dickert 233
Sandra Dickert 425
Sandra Dickert 8.19
Tuesday Morning Grand Cove -
Jack Worton 540
V. Rhuebottom 716
Bud Rhuebottom 503
Norm Wilde 555
HS V. Taylor -277, 235
HS Norm Wilde 217
Tuesday Dashwood CAP,Group
Wayne Duke 106
Jeff Dekort 106
Tom Masse 80
David Fox 66
Rick McCann 84
HC Wendy Mawson 124
Tuesday Nite Men's League
BS Bob Oesch 574 17
T Carl Zimmer 658 13
R Jack Fuller 729 26
B Gerry Pennings 580 4
N Carl Wurm 611 22
NT Case Zeehuisen 591 8
DH Terry Sweiger 655 101.1'2
FA 011ie Edwards 191,2
K L Mommersteeg 575 15
K M. Stokkermans 661 15
P Ron Dann 681 23
BI John McNair 601 7
Wednesday Morn Ladies' League
Peggy Ferguson 463
Ina Browning 517
Marg Lovell 458
Isobel Rogerson 461
B Cunningham 482
Agnes Appleton 507
HS , Isobel Rogerson 221
HS Agnes Appleton 195
Wednesday Nite Ladies' League
G Pat Redman 609
NC Cheryl Latta 540
GB Betty Datars 551
B Joyce Hillman 568
S Ernie Robinson 621
DS S. VanDongen 487
Thursday Morn (,rand Cove
Roy Broad 503
Sally Foster 519
Ray Allen 493
Ralph Marshall 520
Frank Allen 493
HS Hazel Broad 200
HS Ted Day 214
Thursday Afternoon Golden Age
HD Nora Heard 338
Frieda Moore 291
Lyda Gandier 240
L. Restemayer 267
HS Nora Heard 195
HS Frieda Moore 195
Thursday Nite Mixed League
GT Doug Smith 661
B Harry Pennings 505
AT Frank Palen 576
C Bill Courtney 607
'SP Julie Richie 498
D Leroy Meloche 596
Saturday Intertown-Ladies
7, II Donna Glanville 604 0
Z iII Jean Dann 634 7
L Joan Scott 602 4
M Estele Haase 580 3
G Shirley Schmidt 667 5
Z i June Fisher 697 2
Saturday Intertown - Men
Five Games
7, Ron Dann 1306 26
NH Bruce Hohl 1172 22
Sunday Melnick Res
Martin Tyers 599
Rob I,idken 473
Grant Harper 419
HS Martin Tyer 266
have lost all orpart of this year's cash
crop. Wilder termed his own white
bean harvest a salvage operation.
Acting on advice he received from
federal agriculture minister John
Wise, Wilder has formally declared
Hay Township a disaster area
because of the local crop lass. He was
told that in order to get action on the
problem from the provincial and
federal governments, a municipality
must take the initiative.
"How can government know what's
happening if a municipality doesn't.
act? When a man invests $100,000 and
instead of making a profit he loses
$50,000, that's a disaster", Wilder
said, adding "four of our five coun-
cillors are farmers, and we are there
to support our ratepayers."
New clerk
sworn . in
Richard Beachey, hired recently to
replace Sharon Baker as clerk -
treasurer of the village of Zurich,
began his new job sitting in on the ,
regular October council meeting.
The Sarnia native has always been
interested in municipal politics. After
earning an AMCT degree (Associa-
tion of Municipal Clerk Treasurers)
from Fanshawe, Beachey obtained
his BA in political science with the
municipal option from the Universi-
ty of Windsor.
Beachey now has all the required
courses and only has to write and pass
the challenge exam to become an
AMCT member.
Beachey had his first opportunity to
put theory into practice during a sum-
mer job with Essex county.
' The 26 -year ol4 considers, himself
very lucky to have been selected from
26 applicants as the new Zurioh,plerk,
and his goal is to provide the best
4nunicipal administration he possibly
Beachey is at present living with his
parents, who moved to Grapd Bend in
September. He intends to eventually
become a resident of Zurich.
salary of $17,000.
A hawkers and peddlers bylaw was
passed at the regular October
meeting requiring those who have
resided for less than a year in the
municipality to obtain a licence at a
cost of $100 before selling their wares
in the village, and the licence will cost
those with continuous residence for
the previous year $50. Licences will
be valid from date of issue until the
end of the year. A $1,000 penalty will
be imposed for failure to produce a
Reeve Bob Fisher explained that
the intent of the bylaw was to protect
local business people who pay taxes.
"Why should someone from Tim-
bucto come in without a licence? he
Russell Fuels (Esso) was awarded
the tender to supply furnace oil at
22.61 per litre for the 1986-87 heating
season. Their tender was the lowest
of four submitted. The highest price
was 26 per litre.
The Zurich recreation, parks and
community centre board has assum-
ed all responsibility for managing the
bingos. The Lions Club, Chamber of
Commerce, Figure Skating Club and
Minor Athletic Society will take turns
in helping with the bingos. After all
expenses are deducted, 40 percent of
the net profit will be put in the arena
capital reservist fund, and the four
assisting groups will share the re-
maining proceeds.
Works superintendent Dennis
Regier has inspected the flow of water
through the town drain on Edward St.
three times recently. Councillor Ken
Fenwick went along once, and
reported that the drain was working
properly. Any problems are
suspected to have their origin in
private drains in the vicinity of Ed-
ward and Walnut streets. Council
decided to wait and see how efficient-
ly water is carried away during
spring's thaw before taking further
Fisher formally thanked clerk
Baker for her services to the village,
and noted especially her cooperation.
Councillor Ray McKinnon added that
as finance chairman he had found
Baker to be a "terrific bookkeeper".
The meeting adjourned at 8:20, but
councillors stayed on to meet with
representatives of Hay and Stanley
townships to continue the discussions
on sharing the costs of recreational
activities in community arenas.
SWEARING IN — Out -going Zurich clerk swears in her successor,
Richard Beachey.
Bean Sprouts Nursery School
(Zurich United Church Basement)
Thurs., October 23
9:30 - 11:30 a.m. 1:30 t 3:30 p.m.
Everyone welcome
TAKE NdTICE that the Council for the Corporation of the County of Huron, along with the Village
of Zurich Council, will hold a special meeting of Council on Tuesday, November 25, 1986, at
7:00 p.m. in the auditorium at the Zurich Community Centre, to allow the public to comment
on the need for a revision bf the Secondary Plan for the Village of Zurich under Section 26 of
the Planning Act (1983).
The Planning Act (1983) requires the municipality to provide the public with the opportunity
to comment on the need for revisions to the Secondary Plan. This meeting is an opportunity
for anyone with comments, concerns, or suggested changes to make their thoughts known to
Council. The Secondary Plan affects all lands within the Village of Zurich as shown on the map
An information pamphlet is being sent to ratepayers in the Village to provide further explana-
tion of the topics that will be discussed at the meeting.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation regar-
ding areas in need of revision within the Village Secondary Plan.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the meeting may be obtained from the Village Municipal
Office or the Huron County Department of Planning and Development.
Dated at the Town of Goderich this 15th day of October. 1986.
B.G. Hanley
Clerk, Treasurer
County of Huron, Court House
Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2
Phone: (519) 524-6394 (Clerk)
(519) 524-2188 (Planning)
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