HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-10-22, Page 3VISIT POTATO PLANT — Among the stops for agriculture minister John Wise lon Friday was Soudaint
Farms in Hay Township. Farm officials showed him around their empty worehat'se, a facility normally
orm ly-
filled at this time of year. From the left are Huron -Bruce MP Murray Cardiff, Wise, Perth MP Hairy
Brightwell, Frank, Ted and Gus Soudont.
Cardiff .given position
with Solicitor general
At a swearing-in ceremony,
Wednesday, Murray Cardiff, MP for
Huron -Bruce, was named parliamen-
tary secretary to the Solicitor General
of Canada, the Honourable James
Deputy Prime Minister Don
Mazankowski extended his con-
gratulations to the newly selected
parliamentary secretaries on behalf
Court report
Continued from front page
alcohol content over the legal limit.
The accused pulled into the Exeter
OPP parking lot on July 17 at approx-
imately 4:42 a.m. He entered the of-
fice to report that he had been in an
accident. McKie had the odour of
alcohol about him, slurred speech and
blood shot eyes. Two breath samples
were taken with both reading 150
mgs. .
The accident was in Tavistock and
damage was listed at $3000. McKie
was given a $500 fine, probation for
six months and counselling as
directed by a probation officer. He
has 90 days in which to pay his fine.
A charge of mischief was
withdrawn against Harold Hockey, 82
John St. W., Exeter. Hockey was
charged with threatening a neighbour
who told the court he fears Hockey
now. Hockey was ordered to enter a
$500 peace bond for 12 months.
William Ronald Crawford, Albert
St., Exeter, was fined $ .00.or 25 days
after pleading guilty to a dangerous
driving charge laid in Exeter on
August 5.
Around 10:00 p.m., Crawford drove
his vehicle in an erractic manner in
the area of the South Huron rec cen-
tre, where a camping event was be-
ing held.
Evidence revealed he spun the car
.belonging to a friend four times, and
when campers yelled at him over his
dangerous driving, he reversed the
vehicle and drove towards them.
It was learned the 19 -year-old has
never had a driver's licence and
Judge Hunter prohibited him from ob-
taining one for a period of 12 months.
Crawford was given 60 days in
which to pay the fine.
In the only other case on Tuesday's
docket, Dianne Laura MacDonald,
RR 1 Auburn, appeared for sentence
on two theft charges stemming from
incidents in Exeter and Listowel.
She was placed on probation for 12
months after the court was told that
items stolen from a store in Exeter
and one in Listowel had been
recovered and the single mother of
two was said to have acted on impulse
in the two incidents.
of the Prime Minister.Parliamentary
secretaries assist cabinet ministers in
the House of Commons and general-
ly act as "bade -up" support for their
"I'm honoured and delighted to
recgive this apportment," Cardiff
said shortly after the announcement
was made. "I'm looking forward to
working with Solicitor General
Kelleher and his staff," he concluded
The Solicitor General is responsible
for the federal elements concerned
with the administration of the
criminal justice system which include
law enforcement, penitentiaries
paroles and remissions. Kelleher also
has jursidicrion over Correctional
Service Canada, the National Parole
Board and the RCMP.
LOOK CLOSELY — Huron Federation of Agriculture president Poul
Klopp, left, looks over some beans with area farmer Winston Shop -
ton. Klopp was in the field to accompany agriculture minister John
Wise who toured rain damaged fields on Friday in the Exeter area.
Riddell responds
Continued from front page
this week that if Wise was prepared
to make some concessions, he (Rid-
dell) would be only too happy to sit
down and discuss the situation.
I'm prepared to talk to him," the
area MPP said.
However, Riddell said that Wise
may not have advised area farmers
on Friday's tour that the province had
to put up $9 million for assistance pro-
grams before the federal government
would "sink in one red cent".
The federal government will pro-
vide assistance with the province on
a 50/50 basis for assistance from $9
million to $27 million and after that
the federal government assumes a
r proportion.
ell said the committee
ed by the Huron Federation
of\ulture which had met with
'id not been in contact with him
The provincial agriculture minister
said the crop situationeonthdueito be
monitored by a special committee he
established for that purpose and
acknowledged that some options for
assistarice may have to be
considered. •
However, he said the damage his
not yet been fully assessed and good
weather has now allowed farmers to
get back into their fields for
Riddell further noted that the pro-
vince has several good programs in
place now to aid farmers and he said
the latter should check with their
county ag offices to see whether they
are eligible for some of those pro:
grams and if so, to get their applica-
tions in.
Riddell concluded his interview
with the Times -Advocate by explain-
ing that "we don't apply bandaids un-
til we know what we're applying it to.
Thies-Adnoode. October 22, 19116
Wise offers optimism
Oe ti meed boot hind pose
He said charges could alma be
made over night, loutIpeeop esetoa
go'dise, advised it seal be highly
eoiidy that any changes weiii be
made retroactive.
Rev M6, spotreman for the Huron
farm committee, said the Femme of
Wise indicated the htber''s ewers
abort tbe crop situation is the area.
'Vele confided thane soli be seme
benefits to this area," HMI continued,
saying the fans pep had out ex- .
petted the federal agriculture
to bow up with a cheque
for some immediate assidance.
said be feat the !espo use given
the farmers was "quite favorable '
and be was optimistic that some fens
d assistance would be iardicsoniggg.
"Hopefully it will be provided in
time, be added.
Hill said the farm gram weaidd
definitely be talking with Bidden.
The tried presented to Wise in-
dicated that the economic disaster' is
of poportions that have never been
experienced before" and the need for
financial support in some situations,
`We strongly seggest that disaster
relief should be targeted to those
farmers that can demonstrate firnn-
cial need. In the case of vegetable
growers, the growing prooess and
cash requirements for the NV crop
begin as early as December 1996. As
we will be able to show you, the
vegetables growers' financial needs
are both immediate and desperate.
Assistance must come in the furan of
relief from losses inerased with the
1996 crop and assurance of a supply
ef operating capital for M.
"This year farm supply dealers
were called upon to finance crop
operations. Unless these, financial
commitments can be fulfilled the cur-
rent and future implications are
"It is impossible for us to fully
describe the magnitude of this
economic catastrophe. It has affected
all segemeds of our local economics.
In addition to the previous crumple,
we see dairy and beef farmers that
are unable to harvest silage re-
quirements ; hog. fanners that are
=certain about the feedingqualities
of thea corn supply. We are seeing
layoffs and cut backs in tine agri-
business sector. The `ripple effect' of
all these situations is going to have a
major economic impact on all rural
economies in Southwestern Ontario.
"We want to impress upon you that
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The Intel aloe admined dseslmen-
tatios is 41111oudtade Ibe imallapecies
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