HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-10-08, Page 8AREA UCW PRESIDENTS — A regional Huron -Perth Presbytery UCW meeting was held in Crediton recent- ly. Presidents or representatives of each church are shown here. From the left are Leila Finkbeiner, Crediton; Shirley Cooper, Elimville; Iva Lagerwerf, Greenway; Marilyn Miller, Zion West; Laureen Gill, Grand Bend; Helen Consitt, Zurich; Marg Cook, Centralia; Maida Gaiser, Dashwood; Diane Jeffrey, Thames Road;'Belvo Fuss, Hensall; Olive Thomson, Exeter; Presbytery president Marjorie Johns and guest speaker Mary Walker, London. T -A photo CHECK UCW PROGRAM — Shown prior to the recent Huron -Presbytery UCW regional meeting in Crediton are regional president Marjorie Johns, Presbytery treasurer Grace Drummond, vice-president Helen Anderson and guest speaker Mary Walker, London. T -A photo Health Fair coming Continued from page 7 heart beat?", or "a smoker's chance When reviewing your home insurance needs, consider The Co-operators. Our Home -Guard program offers some of the broadest coverages available anywhere. Call today for com- plete details. Verna (iingcrrich 00 the t co -open tots Insurance Services EXETER: 429 Maui Street, 2 35-1109 LIFE HOME MITI/ IIMIMFH/IAI FARM TRAVII of experiencing a heart attack or stroke is how much greater than a non-smoker's?" Sounds like fun and you might just learn something new as°well! There will also be a number of pam- phlets available on a variety of topics. If you have a question about the heart, or anything associated with it, now's your chance to have it answered! At the South Huron Hospital display children can bring in their dolls to the Cabbage Patch emergency room where an on-call doctor will provide a reassuring glimpse into what hap- pens in an emergency ward. The speech pathologist who visits the Exeter hospital every Tuesday will be on hand to provide hearing Y•Pick Apples AT OUR ORCHARD Take Hwy. 4 south approx. 10 km. turn left at Moorseville (Watch for sign) Saturdays only 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Macs, Courtlands, Spartans, Red Delicious, Gold Delicious '8.00 bushel Fresh Cider '3.00 gallon Open Monday Thanksgiving Day 9 - 5 Visssher Farms 237-3442 Sharon's Hair Style Now Open Monday's 9 - 5 Tues. 9 - 6 Wed: - Fri e 9 - 7 Sat.9-2 Call 235-2089 Book Perm Now Get coupon for FREE Shampoo and Blowdry. Sharon Campbell 249 Main St., Exeter Bark's country craft5 235-7731 See our selection of Patons, Bernat, Wendy, Samband anctBou- quet yarns with a great selection of bock -up books. - VIP panels, poly -cotton broadcloth and Mountain Mist batts - Rgyal Paris needlepoint canvases - Elsa Williams crewel embroidery kits - DMC embroidery floss, tapestry wool and pearl cotton - Artists prints to hong or paper tole - Stencils, painstiks and brushes Our "younger hands" corner is growing all the time - choose a unique gift to give hours of fun while improving hand -and finger co-ordination. Gift certificates available. 4 a screening with an audiomter. Audrey Pooley, director of nursing, will demonstrate CPR techniques. ' In the physiotherapy section, peo- ple can try out crutches and wheelchairs, and recieve instruction in the proper use of those devices. The hospital's lab • will be represented by Sherrie Cushman. Among the exhibits will be 35 mm slides showing what red and white blood cells look like, and participants can simulate lab work by dipping test strips into a urine -like sample. The local chapter of the Canadian Diabetes Association will be available to answer questions and provide pam- phlets on diabetes. The display will also include representatives from Ames Laboratores, who will do blood glucose testing, and from Bection- Dickinson, who will display syringes, tablets, swabs, and bushers. The CDA cookbook will also be on display. Order Now for your Special Occasion Just give us the words. We'II decorate your cake Specialty desserts Also available Phone: 237-3744 Popular trio will return The two performances being given by Sharon, Lois and Bram at South Huron and District High School on Oc- tober 9 may be the last chance for area residents to see the famous entertainers without having to drive to a large metropolitan centre. Ticket coordinator Kim Genttner said the Hensall Cooperative Nursery School, who sponsored the first con- cert in April 1985, has been trying to arrange a return engagement for the past 18 months. The trio has indicated their schedule leaves little time to perform in smaller places, and only the very warm welcome they receiv- ed the first time they performed in Exeter, and pleading letters written by local children, persuaded them to come back for an encore. The number of tickets sold for each of the two performances has been reduced from 1,000 last time to 800• this time, to give the audience more room to watch and enjoy the concert. Genttner said the Hensall Nurery School's primary purpose in arrang- ing the concerts is to give local children a chance to see big name entertainment right here in their own community. Last time enough was left over after paying out a great deal in expenses to buya Commodore 64 computer for the School. Any profit this time will be invested in special foam pads to put under the climber at the School. Genttner made special mention of the "tremendous, fantastic" coopera- tion received from SHDHS principal Bruce Shaw each time he was asked if the concert could be held at the Ex- eter high school. In return, the nursery school makes contributions to the SHDHS student council. The evening performance at 7:00 p.m. on October 9 is nearing sell-out. Some tickets are still available for 4:30. Tickets may be obtained at Lit- tle People in Exeter, The Birch Tree in Hensall, or by contacting Genttner at 262-3440. GRANTS OKAYED A community planning grant of $5,532 has been awarded to the Coun- ty of Huron on behalf of the Township of Stephen, and another of $7,284 on behalf of Zurich, Agriculture and Food Minister Jack Riddell, MPP Huron -Middlesex, announced this week. Speaking on behalf of Municipal Af- fairs Minister Bernard Grandmaitre, Riddell said the grants will be used by the municipalities to review Official Plans. Community planning grants from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs are designed to encourage municipalities to resolve land use planning issues to reflect municipal and economic priorities. Announcement oyce Mover • Rumor's would like to announce the appoint- ment of Joyce Mover. She will be joining our staff two days a week. Thursdays and Fridays. For appointment call: 235-0202 Rumor's Unisex Hair Design 414 Main St., Exeter meameximmaiamme presents a Cascade of Colours in store Fall Fashion Show Thursday, Oct. 16/86 7:30 p.m. Bring a friend Door Prizes No admission 'd Speciality Fashions Fashions for the fuller figure 383 Main St. Exeter 235-1412 Sixes 14-44 141/2 - 241 Also in London Sarnia MOM regS Fashion Boutique Grand Fall Sale • 35% off ALL FALL MERCHANDISE (Starting Thursday, Oct. 9th) A collection of fine clothing for Ladies awaits you at Merry Rags. Rich wools and handsome tweeds that combine in ex- citing ways for classic fail dressing, a gorgeous array of sweaters, and a friendly and knowledgeable staff that will help guide you in choosing clothes that will add pleasure, con- fidence and quality to your own personal lifestyle. Parking is plentiful, shopping is relaxed and on Thanksgiving Saturday a mug of hot cider awaits you. Open 7 Days A Week 10-5 Open Till Nov. 2 11/a Mile South of Grand Bend On Hwy. 21 238-2818 cjnhIn GRs Economical All -Season Home Comfort are��niFr a�a� e credit' �=—•with approved c 'If A GAS FURNACES UP TO 98% FUEL EFFICIENT - you could save hundreds of dollars on annual heating costs A 5300.00 OFF a Honeywell Electronic Air (leaner - with purchase of any mid or high -efficiency furnace and central air all -season home comfort package' A 5200.00 OFF the alr cleaner - with purchase of any conventional furnace odd central air A 5100.00 OFF the alr cleaner - with purchase of any furnace or central air' A Put economical natural gas to work In your home with a new gas furnace from either Clare, Duomatic Olsen, Grimsby - Stove, Lennox, or Roberts Gordon. ASK ABOUT RENTAL WATER HEATING BONUSES T00 c1nIon cRs We bring the energy 1 .Acott, to res10emial Lequlomont only titer valid between September 6 and December 6, 1986 Instal/et, tri January 51 1987 AM Miner distougt molls 0 our regular sllklg wore 11100.2654173