HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-10-01, Page 31For Eastern Star ksltwood lady pr.sldes at conventlon By MRS. IRVIN RADER Sunday, September 21 at 3 p,m. over 500 people assembled in the Ball Room of the Royal York Hotel, Toron- to, to join in the annual worship and presentation service of the E.S.T.A.R.L. Committee of the Order of the Eastern Star of Ontario, Inc. Chairperson, Mrs. Bernice Boyle presided. The musical worship was presented by the Grand Organist Mrs. Helen Greenlees and soloist Mr. Robert Thornley. Mr. Robert Gulliver, a student presented the messa PP The E.S.T.A.R.L. Committee is vitally interested in the religious education of persons wishing to enter the ministry. In pursuit of this aim 136 awards of $510.each were made this year to students engaged in religious 1.01 studies. Mr. Robert Gulliver was sponsored by Exeter no. 222 Chapter. Nine religious denominations were represented. The work of the E.S.T.A.R.L. Com- mittee is strongly supported by 246 Chapters of the Order of the Eastern Star in Ontario with over 29,595 active members. Here is truly a living ex- ample of the work of the community of faith outside the walls of the organized church. Personals I returned home from Lethbridge, Alberta, following an enjoyable visit with Bill, Sharon, Nathan, Sarah and Benhamin Bennett. On a trip to the north country we saw many deer and antelope. Later we drove to Taber and saw about 1000 geese and also some ducks. .guellness :1°_TOCI ACCOUNTANT -PUBLIC NorricS tkornuth aylor ih......____ Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 1690, 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NOM 150 (519) 235-0101 WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street St. S., Exeter, Ontario Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. 235-0120 519-235-0345 KIME, DITCI-FIELD, MILLS & DUNLOP CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS GERALD W. MILLS, C.A. Managing Partner JOSEPH F. DARLING, C.G.A. 347 MAIN STREET EXETER. ONTARIO NOM 1S0 AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct soles of any kind any place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sole or appraisal Phone Collect 666.0833 6666-1 Ontario Auction Service Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Sales Service Auctioneers and Appraisers "Sue" Edginton RR 2 Lucan, Ont. "Bud" McIver (519) 227-4210 REPAIRS (Sewing Maclaine\ Repairs to all makes Free estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1932 Sew and Save "Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St., Stratford Closed Monday Phone 271-9660 INVESTMENTS Debentures, G.I.C. s, R.R.S.P.s & Canada Savings Bonds Contact Joan .Love RR 3, Parkhill, Ontario NOM 2K0 Phone Grand Bend 238-2644 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We.give complete sole service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER JF Auction Services Book Your 1986 Sale Now Calf 236-4814 Auctioneer John Finlay Anytime - Anywhere JF AUCTiONEERS Bob Heywood Licensed Auctioneer' Specializing in household and estate auctions Reasonable rates Bob 235-0874 Laverne 235-1278 FARM SERVICE l AL'S ESSO Kirkton Specializing in ON FARM TIRE SERVICE * Calcium Service * Tiros * Complete Radiator Repairs & Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-895.2 J Mrs. Jean Walper spent last week with Stan and Rlta Slexak in London and attended the Maudsley-Slezak wedding at Trinity Lutheran Church and the reception at the Grosvenor Dining Club. Miss Jayne Hayter returned home from Montreal where she spent' a pleasant week with her relatives Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vandahl, Diane and Earl Jr. Sunday guests with Mary Rader were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and Karen, Zion; Brenda Miller, Guelph, Charlotte Miller, Conestoga College in Stratford and Dave Nickerson, Greenwood, Nova Scotia. Clarence (Barney) and Lorene Diebel have moved to the Helen Jer- myn Apartments in Exeter. Flowers in Zion Lutheran Church Sunday were placed by .Mrs. Greta Restemayer and family in loving memory of Leonard who passed away suddenly September 28, 1983. Mrs. Alma Genttner returned home following a three-week visit in Alber- ta and Saskatchewan. Lagoon r Haws R E. Polley Branch 167 Exeter. Ontario The general meeting of R.E. Pooley Branch 167 of the Royal Canadian Legion was held in the club room Thursday with 35 members present. Comrade treasurer Glen Robinson presented a cheque to Joan Heywood representing the Exeter figure skating club for the sum of $2,500. At this time Stu Homuth represen- ting the auditors presented the annual financial report. A very good detail- ed explanation on the financial status of our branch was presented. The statement was accepted as presented. Comrade president John Brintnell explained about renovations in pro- gress for the branch with the first phase to start in the near future. Comrade Bob Snow reported that the Legion sponsored pee wee ball team won the WOBA championship this season. The Legion's senior euchre and sports night held during legion week was a success. Comrade Greg Pfaff reported that the poppy blitz will be held Thursday evening November 6. This year cadets with Legion members will be canvassing together. He would ap- preciate Legion volunteers for this blitz. A light lunch with comradeship followed the meeting. The next general meeting will be Thursday, October 23, 1986. Pinery Park plans for fall The Pinery Provincial Park and the Lambton Heritage Museum are lay- ing the groundwork for a new regional -scale fall event. This year's co-operative effort will combine the museum's annual craft sale with an interpretive driving tour of the 25 miles of fall colour in the Pinery's pine and oak woodlands. The joint offering will run October 18 and October 19, 11-5 p.m. The Christmas craft sale is the most popular of nearly a dozen annual events scheduled by the museum. It regularly draws close to 3000 early Christmas shoppers to its 60 displays of quality crafts such as folk art, stained glass, quilting and home- made seasonal wreathes and decorations. Local craft artisans in this year's show include Gerald Nickels, Harriet Bruner and Dena inthout. Light lunches and refreshments will be available. The museum and the park are both situated on Highway 21, five miles south of Grand Bend. For further information, please call the museum at 243-2600. Times -Advocate, October 1, 1986 Page 15A PRESBYTERY MEETS — The September meeting of the Huron -Perth Presbytery of the United Church of Canada was held in Dashwood, Tuesday night. Shown from the left are Presbytery secretory Rev. Brian Elder, Presbytery chairman Rev. John Wood and president of London Presbytery Rev. Morley Clarke. T -A photo. ' At Sunday School Choir leads Cr�marty rally Alvin their family consists of Stuart, Joanne Homer, and Nola. Bonnie Switzer of High River, Alberta, is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Everard Kerslake. South Hibbert Athletic Association is planning to hold their awards night and dance in Dublin this Saturday night, when the Roy Johns and Everard Kerslake Memorial trophies will be presented. Also in the offing is the annual S.H.A.A. dance to be held in Mitchell the first Saturday in November with the music to be pro- vided by Magnum. By MRS. ROBERT LAING The junoir choir led in the singing at the annual Rally Day service in Cromarty Presbyterian Church, Sun- day morning. With Carol Ann Scott at the organ, they sang one of the songs from the Youth Triennium, Peace Like a River, with actions. Rev. Kenneth Knight led the ser- vice and the scripture was read by three Sunday School pupils, Michelle Martyn, Christopher Scott, and Steven Pullman. Sherri Elliott told the children's story, Nutty about Nuts, which was based on the scrip- ture, Luke 12:13-21, and told of Bushy Squirrel who greedily stored up more nuts than he needed each year. Lisa Gardner gave an excellent ac- count of the Youth Triennium which she attended in July at Lafayette, In- diana. The Triennium is a five-day event that is held every three years for about 3500 Presbyterian young people from all over the world. The program was divided into 75 workshops and each participant chose 10, from which he or she was given two or three to attend. Among those Lisa took part in were Lets Get Things Going, which show- ed how to organize and keep youth groups going, Suicide, showing the need to take suicide threats serious- ly, and how to recognize the signs of possible suicide, and Ptirnography, what it is, and what youth can do about it. As well, the young people heard speakers from Lebanon, South Africa, and El Salvador, also a person who had been involved in the smuggling of refugees across the Mexican -U.S. border. At the close of the report, Lisa ex- pressed her appreciation to the Ladies Aid for helping to send her as a Canadian delegate to the Triennium. Sunday school attendance and memory work awards were given out by the Superintendent, Alice Gar- diner. Kemberly Bertens received her diploma for her first year of perfect attendance, and seals were awarded for third year - Trevor Elliott, Cain Templeman, and Becky Martyn; fourth Lisa Pullman; fifth Cara Templeman and Julie Martyn; sixth Christopher Scott and Steven Pullman; seventh LariJo Gardiner; eighth Sarah Elliott; Michelle Mar- tyn; ninth Leanne Gardiner; tenth Danny Elliott; llth Sherri Elliott; 12th Lisa Gardiner. Memory work certificates were presented to Trevor Elliott for Begin- ners, Pt. 1 and LariJo Gardiner for Junior Pt. 1 of the Memory Course. The service closed with the Trien- nium Litany led by Leanne Gardiner Once again elementary school and Sarah Elliott. children in Huron County will be par - Congratulations to the three couples ticipating in the annual Multiple celebrating wedding anniversaries in Sclerosis read-a-thon. By signing the last week of September. Wednes- their name to read books the students day evening Mr. and Mrs. Neil will raise money for the research pro - Thompson were pleasantly surprised jects of the Multiple Sclerosis Socie- at the Atwood oldtyme dance when ty of Canada. they were presented with a cake The read-a-thon, a major fundrais- decorated in honour of their 25th wed- ing endeavour, is dual purposed. It ding anniversary, which occurred can motivate children to develop, im- September 23. Mrs. Thompson was prove and continue their reading the former Wilma Harper of Cromar- skills while raising vital funds. ty. Attending the Atwood dance from Research is imperative. Multiple this area were Philip and Pearl Sclerosis is a disease of the Central James, Lorne and Helen Fell and Bob Nervous System which may cause • and Ruth Laing. loss of co-ordination, tremors, double Also celebrating their silver we& vision, extreme fatigue, or even ding anniversary were Mr. and Mrs. paralysis. M.S. usually strikes adults Carlyle Meikle who were married in between the ages of 15 and 50, and for Cromarty church 25 years ago on 50,000 Canadians there is no known Tuesday. Mrs. Meikle is the former cure. Muriel (Penny) M. Scott of Staffa, Participating students will read un - and they have a family of four, Bar- til November 14 and will have col- bara, Douglas, Geraldine, and Karen. lected and mailed their money by Many from this community attend- November 21. The children are en - ed the 40th anniversay for Elmer and couraged to have only friends and Mary F t Scott> Dow in Mitchell family sponsor them for each book Saturday night. The Dows lived east they read. Last year's successful of Cromarty until their younger son, campaign grossed nearly a million Alvin, was married and took over the dollars in Ontario alone for research family farm a few years ago. Besides and patient services. Read-a-thon ls, Agents For ' Ontario Bean Producers Marketing Board We Are Capable } Ol R * White Pea Beans * Coloured Beans * Soyas * Corn GRADUATES-- Scott Blanchard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bien-.4 chard, London, graduated from Grade 13 at Clarke Road Secon- dary School in June. As well as being an Ontario Scholar, Scott received a four year continuing scholarship in Sciences at U.W.O. and o four year continuing scholarship from 3M Canada. Scott entered the Honours Science Program at Western in September. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Blanchard, Exeter and Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Roszel of Loddon, formerly of Hensall. Fast. E,fficient Service 3 Pits - Modern I:QI 'IP;IIENT 131'.SiNI::S' IS GRA TEFULL Y PPRECL11'1:!). if 'E WILL STRIVE TO ,1 A.V11111Z.E. YO('R RFT('RN .1,S if •1 HAVE IN THE PAST. iF WE CAN BE OF ASSISTANCE.- CALL ` London 453-4026 (519) 232-4449 (519) 232-4447 24 HOURS SERVICE I% War now have two locations 1 1358 Trafalgar St., R R 1, Ailsa Craig London Ontario