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Times -Advocate, October 1, 1986
TO MARRY — Mr. and Mrs. Norm Tait of Exeter wish to announce
the marriage of their daughter Voila to Luke (Lothar) Baehnisch, son
of Dieter and Inge Baehnisch of London. Ceremony will take place
Saturday, October 18, 1986 at Windemere Heritage Estate in London,
Clinton lady's crisp
among the winners
This summer, in celebration of the
McIntosh Apple, Ontario's gift to the
world, Foodland Ontario sponsored a
recipe contest -- 'Your Favorite Ap-
ple Dessert'. Over 700 recipes poured
in from across Ontario. The winning
recipes are a testament to treasured
traditions: it seems that grand-
mother's apple pie is still as popular
as ever!
Fifteen prizes were awarded and
three top winners selected by five
judges: Elizabeth Baird, well-known
food historian and cookbook author;
Carroll Allen, editor of Recipes Only;
Judy Creighton, food writer for Cana-
dian Press; Helen Gagen and Lucy
Waverman, prominent magazine and
newspaper food journalists.
The judges agreed thatmost of the
recipes were variations of old-
fashioned favorites but with some
new twists.
To qualify for the Foodland apple
dessert contest, the recipes had to
contain at Least 4 Ontario apples. As
well, all other important ingredients
should be grown in Ontario. Approx-
imately 40 recipes were tested and
judged on appearance, taste
(flavor/texture), complexity,
originality and use of Ontario
Myrtle Hamilton, Clinton was one
of the third prize winners with her ap-
ple dessert. Congratulations! You'll
be wondering what she made and the
following is her scrumptious recipe.
Try our Ontario apples and make it
for supper tonight.
Third Prize
Apple Dessert
Myrtle Hamilton, Clinton
The crunchy texture of this not -too -
sweet variation of apple crisp com-
plements the juicy, fresh taste of the
6-8 medium Ontario apples, peeled
and sliced (6-8)
'2 cup packed brown suger (125 mL
12 tsp cinnamon (2 mL)
': •2 cup apple juice (125 mL)
1 tbsp lemon juice (15mL)
1 cup grated old cheddar cheese
(250 mL)
'2 cup packed brown sugar (125 mL)
'4 cup fine bread crumbs (50 mL)
14 cup whole wheat flour (50 mL)
'a cup rolled oats (50 mL)
''J cup chopped walnuts (50 mL)
14 cup raisins (50 mL)
1 tbsp grated lemon rind (1 lemon)
(15 mL)
12 tsp cinnamon (2 mL)
12 cup butter (125 mL)
Mix apples with 12 cup (125 mL)
brown sugar and '2 tsp (2 mL) cin-
namon. Place in greased shallow
2 -quart (1 L) casserole. Combine ap-
ple juice and lemon juice; pour over
Combine cheese, 12 cup (125 mL)
brown suger, bread crumbs, flour,
rolled oats, walnuts, raisins, lemon
rind and 12 tsp (1 mL) cinnamon. Cut
in butter until mixture is crumbly.
Spoon over apples. Bake at 375
degrees F (190 degrees C) for 40 to 45
minutes or until apples are tender.
Serve warm, with ice cream, if
desired. Make 6 to 8 servings.
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Baking Time: 40 - 45 minutes
• Diamond Set
The quality timepiece
for that man of distinction
Layaway terms available
8Atbert Si
26 Main st S SEAFORTH
135 Oueen St East ST. MARYS
203 Durham St E WALKERTON
2 The Square GODERICH
Huron conference is -planned
Wl/I implore f•flia'ie eniployin•at.
Over five million. Canadian wo111ee4
are in the paid labor force. Between
1966 and 1982 It grew' 119.4 percent
comparably, the male labor force on-
ly grew 35.6 percent in the same time
period. According to the 1961 Census,
46 percent of the female population in
Huron County, over the age of 15
years, were employed.
Keeping these statistics in mind,
Women Today, whose goal is to raise
the status and awareness of women
in Huron County, is offering a one day
conference to determine, ekplore and
discuss employment issues that are of
concern to women in Huron County.
On October 18, Women at Work will
offer registrants the opportunity to
participate in two seminars of their
choice in an inter -active format. This
refers to the participants asking the
questions and determining the direc-
tion the seminar will take.
In September, 1984, about 60 per-
cent of all employed women were in
clerical, sales or service related oc-
cupations with only eight percent in
managerial or administrative posi-
tions, nationally. Women workers are
predominately concentrated where
the wages are the lowest, or, are
working without pay on a family own-
ed farm or business. John Gillespie,
Manager of the Canada Employment
Centre in Goderich will be discussing
the Future Labor Market in Huron
County, while Sheila Chick, will offer
a seminar on "Non -Traditional
Employment" for women.
It is estimated by the year 2000, two,
out of every three females over the
age of 20 will be in the labor force.
Kim Coulter, Co-ordinator for London
based Women Power will be involv-
ing women who are interested in
either obtaining or changing employ-
ment in her seminar Job Search
Skills, while Cathy Joyce, from Lon-
don's Women's Community Enter-
prises will be leading the discussion
on How to Start and Manage a Small
Business. Francis Shamley, from the
same organization, will explain to
women in her seminar the Health
Hazards in the Workplace.
Representatives from the Universi-
ty of Western Onario, Connestoga and
Centralia College, the Huron County
Board of Education, Adult Basic
Education, and the Canada Employ-
ment Centre will be available to
disucss women's concerns about
Educational and Retraining Oppor-
tunities in Huron County. Heather
Ross, a Goderich based lawyer, will
offer a seminar on Women -
Discrimination and the Law, where
the Employment Standards Act will
be an issue of discussion.
The labor force participation rate
for single women, on a national level,
was 64 percent in 1983, while 52.3 per-
cent of married and 36.1 percent of
those who were either divotced,
separated or widowed participate in
the labor force. Young women cannot
depend on being 'taken care of' all
Magic world
at K -W hall a
Ent er the magical world of Mag-
gie Muggins and her friends as they
come to town in the delightful
children's play, "'Tale of the Blue
The Touring Players' Theatre
brings the familiar characters of
Maggie Muggins, Mr. McGarrity and
Fitzgerald Fieldmouse to public
libraries in the area. The play deals
with Maggie's adventures on, of all
things, a blue China dish. And, as life
so often shows us, "nothing is as it
seems to be".
Sponsored by the Huron County
Public Library, with the assistance of
the Outreach Ontario program of the
Ministry of Citizenship and Culture,
the Touring Players' Theatre will per-
form at the Kirkton-Woodham Com-
munity Centre in Kirkton, on Satur-
day, October 4, at 2:30 p.m.
The Touring Players' Theatre of
Oshawa was established in 1983 as a
professional theatre for young people.
Since then, the group has toured ex-
tensively throughout Ontario, focus-
ing on classics in children's literature.
A Conference on Employment Issues
Concerning Women in Huron County
Saturday, October •, "18, 1986
**dark* High School. 260 South St.; Gedorieh
8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Name: Address:
Phone Number: Home: Work:
The following seminars will be available in the appropriate sessions. Please enter your
first (1) and second (2) choice in session.
MORNING SESSION: 9:13 - 11:45
1. Child Care - Debbie Selkirk
2. Job Search Skills - Woman Power
3. Non Traditional Employment
- Sheila Chick
4. Planning Your Financial Future
- Pamela Stone
5. Education & Retraining Opportunities
- representatives from educational
-.rnd Canada Manpower
1. The Labour Market of the Future
- J. Gillespie . -
2. Super Woman - Susan White
3. Start a Manage a Small Business
- Katherine Joyce
4. Women - Discrimination and the Law
- Heather Ross
5. Health Hazards In the Work Place
- Francis Shatpnley
Roglstlents are Rlvan the opportunity to participate In discussion with group et each session.
IIlI $10.00 (lunch Included) to be paid In full with remittance of re.lstretion by October J.. 1N.. Cd•Arntatlon pocket will follow.
PROJICT: RIACHINO OUT funded by the Secretary of Siete, "WOMEN TODAY"
MAIL PitOJICTS TO: Women et Work. c/o Shelley Martinson. Prefect Co-ordinator, R.R. 3 000E11CH, Ont. 1117* 3341. 5211.7317
their lives, as three out of four women
either never marry or lose their
husbands through divorce, separation
or death. Pamela Stone, a Clinton
native, will assist women with Plan-
ning their Financial Futures.
According to 1961 .figures, 61 per-
cent of the total number of families in
Canada would be living below the
poverty line if women were not earn-
ing an income. Almost half of all
women with children under three
years of age, .and over half, with
children between the ages of three
and five participate In the labor force.
For the estimated 955,753 children
under the age of six, whose mothers
were in the labor force in 1983, there
was only one space for every seven
children in a licenced approved child
care. Almost the only maternity
benefits available to the Canadian
women in the labor force are through
the Unemploymnet insurance which
only pays 6 percent of a woman's
salary or 15 weeks, and for many, this
is a period of serious financial hard-
ship. Debbie Selkirk, a Goderich day
care activist will be discussing the
Childcare issue with Huron County
women, while Susan White raises the
concern about being SuperWoman -
Juggling our Home and Career.
Project Reaching Out, funded
through the Secretary of ;tate, hopes
that concerned women in Huron
County plan to attend this Employ-
ment Conference organized to raise
their concerns on these important
issues. The information gathered at
Women at Work will be included in
booklet to be published tater this fail.
Registration is limited, so plan row
to complete the registration form In
your local newpaper, October 1.
On May 24, 1986, Diane Eileen
Eisenschink, daughter of George
and Barbara Eisenschink and
Shane Maguire, son of James and
Patricia Maguire, exchanged
vows of marriage at St. Micheal's
and All Angels Anglican Church.
Heidi Soudant was maid of
honour and bridesmaids were
Dina Klaas, Linda Eisenschink,
Craille Gillies and Kristen Moore.
Leong Lim was best man and
guests were ushered by David
Soudant, Dennis Eisenschink,
Daniel Gillies and Jessie Hulley.
After honeymooning in the
U.S.A., the happy couple are now
residing in London.
Blyth sets
new record
Brenda Doner, general manager of
the Blyth Festival, today announced
that more people attended the 1986
festival season than ever before. Over
36,000 people attended 92 perfor-
mances in Blyth Memorial Hall this
summer, up over 2,000 from 1985's
Despite an increase in the number
of performances available in the
season, average attendance at each
performance increased over last
year, surpassing expectations and
budget projections. Attendance
averaged 81 percent over the season,
as compared to 78 percent in the 1985
Gone to Glory by Suzanne Finlay
proved the most popular show with
audiences, averaging 96 percent at-
tendance, followed by Drift by Hex
Deverell with 87 percent attendance.
Another Season's Promise by Keith
Roulston and Anne Chislett averaged
76 percent attendance, as did Ken
Dyba's Lilly, Alta. The season closer,
Colleen Curran's Cake -Walk, played
to 72 percent houses throughout its
three week run in August and
September. Cake -Walk is currently in
the midst of a cross -Ontario tour of 15
' 'cations and 22 performances which
Aides in London on October 12.
ql: th Festival's fall and spring
•. ance series is now underway,
wi:h Tetter from Wingield4Farm,
Vaidy, Anton Kuerti and the musical
Pump Boys and Dinettes planned for
adults, as well as Drums, Valdy and
Tug of War for children and families.
316 Main 8t, Exeter, 23S-0421
It's quick,
it's sofe,
it's effective.
Hair grows
bock slimmer,
ho stubble, it-
ching or Irrita-
tion. (lip, chin.
face. brows,
underarms, legs)
Brenda Ballantyne and David
Moran were married on June 21,
1986 at Thames Road United
Church with Rev. Robert
Matheson officiating. The bride is
the daughter of Lorne and Pat
Ballantyne of Exeter and the
groom is the son of Bruce and
Muriel Moran of Toronto. Brenda
and David would like to extend
their thanks to all those that
helped to make that day extra
• Bal a Versailles
• Albert Nipon
• Opium
• Chloe...
For Men
• Ted Lapidus
• Calvin
Clothing Sale
Check the savings
Rumors II
Centre Mall
Exeter 235-0891
330 Main St., Exeter
No appointment necessary
are pleased to introduce
Angela McDonald
our new manager/hair stylist
Angela McDonald
Tanning and Hair Styling
Regular business hours: Monday to Thurs. 9 - 6
Friday 9 - 7
Saturday 9 - 4
shouldn't be
this much
Arrange your ap-
pointment during
regular business
hours, for your even-
ing tanning sessions.
work! T:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Our tanning bed is second to none!
The Best Place to be is a
I year term.
Interest paid annually.
mmum deposit s5oo
Rale Died 10 change without notice
386 Main St. S.
Exeter, Ont. NOM ISO
383 Main St., Exeter, Ontario
Also stores in London and Sarnia