HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-09-17, Page 17PROOF -- Ruth and Dave Siebert brought along a sample of the
sewage water that flooded their basement when they canie to com-
plain to Zurich council.
Basements flood during storm
Times -Advocate, September 17, 1986 Page 5A
Residents want action on sewers
More than a dozen residents of
Walnut St. crowded into the Zurich
council chamber during the regular
September session to seek compensa-
tion for damage to their homes and
contents caused when the sewers
backed up during the torrential rain-
fall, Wednesday, and to ask that
something be done to prevent a reoc-
currence of such a devastating, cost-
ly and unpleasant catastrophe.
Delegates included Wayne
Meidinger, Lewis and Marlene
Gingerich, Harvey Clausius, Doug
Erb, Dave and Ruth Siebert and
Rosemary Scott.
Ruth Siebert said her father's
apartment in the basement of the
Siebert home was inundated with 10
inches of sewer water. She brought
along a sample of the dark brown,
foul-smelling liquid, and stated her
opinion that raw sewage in a base-
ment constituted a health risk.
Meidinger proferred a bill for
$5,000, the estimated replacement
cost for -furniture and appliances ruin-
ed when his basement filled with four
flet of sewerage. •
"Water doesn't bother me, but see-
ing s... floating around on my floor
does", Meidinger said angrily.
Fallseason begins
A delicious beef dinner was enjoyed
Monday September 8 by the Golden
Agers of Zurich at ARC Industries,
Dashwood. There were 34 in atten-
dance including five visitors.
The table prayer was sung, after
which a minute of silence was observ-
ed in memory of one of our members,
Tilly Zilu, who passed away recently.
Happy Birthday was sung for
Margaret Kalbfleisch, Flo Murray,
Margaret Hess, Mozart Gelinas and
Harvey Clausius.
Elmer Hayter, president of Zone 8,
inducted the new Executive for
1986-88 as follows: President - Ed
Strachan, Vice President - Louise
Ivanchenco, Secretary - Verda
Baechler and Treasurer - Barbara
The Zone 8 rally will be held at
Dungannon October 16. Registration
will be at 12 noon. Meeting begins at
1 p.m.
The Golden Agers will be entertain-
ing Huron View residents October 15
at 2 p.m. The next meeting for the
Golden Agers will be Monday, Oc-
tober 20 at 7:30 at the Township Hall.
All seniors are welcome.
Show and tour
Anyone interested in going on a one -
day bus trip to Hamilton on Wednes-
day, December 10 to see the "Geritol
Follies", a group of senior citizens
who put on a delightful Christmas
show; then afterwards to Simcoe for
supper, and on to see the annual
Christmas lights and decorations in
Simcoe, phone Pearl Miller in Dash-
wood at 237-3554. The bus will pick us
up in Zurich.
In reference to an article in last
week's paper about the plentiful big
potatoes that Ray Denomme grew in
his garden this year, we heard that
Ray actually got 16-18 potatoes per
hill and could fill a basket in no time!
We wish a belated happy wedding
anniversary to Clarence and Beattie
Geoffrey on September 9.
Bless cemeteries
Cemetery Sunday was held last
Sunday and Fr. Mooney and Mon-
signor Laverty blessed the new
cemetery of St. Boniface Parish
which is on the Bronson. Following
this coffee and Tim Bits were served
back in Zurich.
Religion classes
The high school religion class
begins at St. Boniface School on
Thursday evening September 23 from
6:30-9:30 p.m. under the direction of
Mrs. Dara Hartman. If anyone is in-
terested in assisting her, please phone
On Wednesday, September 24
beginning at 7:30 p.m. is the course
to up -date the Faith for Catholics
which is also being held at St.
Boniface School and given by Miss
Denise Dalton.
The Zurich Minor Athletic Associa-
tion and Hockey Ringette registration
will be held this Saturday, September
20 at the arena from 10:00 a.m. - 2
p.m. If you are interested, be sure to
register that day or it will cost more
later on.
A family birthday supper and get-
together was held at the home of Herb
and Donna Klopp on Sunday in honor
of their grandson Timmy Klopp's first
birthday on September 12.
Visitors last Thursday with Mrs.
Lylyan Greb were cousin, Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Ball from Pontiac,
Michigan along with Mr. and Mrs.
Olin Oeschger from Mt. Clemens,
Louie and Marie Noury of Leam-
ington spent from last Wednesday to
Friday visiting with their niece and
family Carmel and Jerome Sweeney
and friends, Blanche and Bill
Ducharme. (And it rained the whole
time they were here.)
On Sunday Jerome and I enjoyed
going to an antique Doll Show in Cam-
bridge then to Waterloo, where we
were supper guests with our daughter
and son-in-law, Carrie and Dan
Eybergen and two daughters.
Farewell to Ed and Donr
Lesperance and family who moved
over the weekend to Huron Park.
Several members of the United
Church's "Youth group" enjoyed go-
ing by bus to Canada's Wonderland in
Toronto last Friday.
David and Carolyn Stark and girls
spent the weekend with his mother,
Therese Stark, and attended the wed-
ding of her girlfriend in Exeter on
Dave also played in the baseball
Also playing on the sane Windsor
ball team was Gary Geoffrey who
spent the weekend with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Geoffrey
along with his daughter - Jocey. Their
team were runners-up.
The family of Mrs. Blanche
Bechard enjoyed a delicious turkey
dinner at the Dominion Tavern in
Zurich on Saturday, September 13
with 28 attending. Afterwards all got
together at the Mapel Woods Apt.
where Blanche lives and enjoyed
playing a few games of cards. All her
children were present, coming from
Owen Sound, Waterloo, Kitchener,
Chatham, Exeter, Ailsa Craig, Grand
Bend and St. Joseph.
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NEW EXECUTIVE — The new executive of the Zurich Golden Agers
includes v/p Louise lvanchenko, president Ed Strachan and treasurer
Barbara Strachan. Missing: secretary Verda Baechler.
REGISTRATION — Sandra Dickert registers Becky Kirk for Youth
Bowling at the Zurich bowling alley.
Review of secondary plan
shows lack of available land
A background study to assist Zurich
council in reviewing and updating its
11 -year-old secondary plan was the
subject of discussion when Huron
Cound Briefs •
Brad Clausius, Zurich, has been
hired as of October 1 to replace arena
manager Jerry Rader for a six-month
probationary period at a salary of
$17,000. Clausius was one of 20 ap-
plicants, and one of seven interview-
ed for the job.
A maintenance grant of $4,333 has
been approved by the provincial
ministry of tourism and recreation.
this represents 5 percent of the cost
of installing glass around the ice sur-
face at the arena.
The recreation, parks and com-
munity centre board is looking for
volunteers to help carry on the pro-
fitable weekly bingos begun by the
committee raising money for the }lay
township ball park. Councillor Ray
McKinnon said he didn't mind help-
ing, provided the money was used for
capital investment by the board.
Zurich residents will soon have a
chance at two additional jackpots.
Paul Bedard is in Toronto today for
a one -day training session, and hopes
the machine to process 649 and Lot-
tario tickets will be installed soon at
Shaw's Dairy Store.
Council will hold their next regular
meeting on October 16, a week later
than usual.
County planner Scott Tousaw and
John Meyer (who was employed for
ten weeks to work on the project) at-
tended the September session of
Zurich council.
Reeve Bob Fisher predicted the end
of growth for little villages like Zurich
if the provincial foodlands guidelines
restricting outward expansion to
preserve agricultural land become
law, as the majority of available land
within the village's boundary is
bushland and swamp. Most of the rest
is in the hands of three developers.
Tousaw agreed Zurich has a pro-
blem, but termed it one of land owner-
ship rather than lack of development
opportunities. Ile said council now
has the opportunity to create a new
plan that deals with development
pressures and other responsibilities of
the eighties.
• Council set a date of September 23
as the first of a series of meetings
with a representive from the Huron
County planning department to
review and modernize the old secon-
dary plan, policy by policy.
At least one public meeting will
then be held to obtain the views of
village residents. The revised plan
will be examined once more by coun-
cil before being submitted to the
Tousaw informed council that
Zurich was the second municipality in
the county to have its zoning maps
recorded by computer in an ex-
perimental new program.
FOLLOWING THROUGH - - George Anderson Was among the Zurich
Golden Agers enjoying the first bowling game of the fall season at
the Zurich lanes.
"If warned ahead, we can
prepare," Siebert said.
The overloading has been known
for some time. The system was
designed to service 1,500 homes, and
only 802 are hooked in. Surface water,
primarily from eavestroughs, is get-
ting in.
In the spring of 1985 clerk Sharon
Baker had been instructed to notify
the ministry of the environment,
which owns and maintains the Zurich
sewer system, but the letter had been
referred back to the Lake Huron
waterworks office at Grand Bend.
Ironically, Al Scott, an employee of
Grand Bend plant, had attended the
August council meeting to discuss the
problem. A test to pinpoint illegal
Va n
I would expect that the waterfowl
are the only things that might be hap-
py with this weather, certainly not the
numerous people who have suffered
great losses as well as a tremendous
amount of inconvenience.
Rev. Stan McDonald conducted a
communion service on Tuesday mor-
ning for members of the United
Church as well as for anyone else who
wished to partake. It was a farewell
service as well. Rev. McDonnald will
be missed very much by many of the
residents as he moves further afield.
We regret that Mrs. Agnes Sillery
is a patient in South Huron Hospital,
On Thursday, Geri Fashions of Lon-
don visited the Home bringing with
them a large display of clothing so
that residents would have the oppor-
tunity to shop or just browse. One of
the highlights was the fashion show
having the residents as models.
Modelling were Ruth Taylor, Mae
Bulak, Elaine Merner, Magdalene
Jantzi, Loftus Denomme and Doc
Horn. It was so entertaining and the
models performed so well, that we
hope it can happen again.
Draws were made and the winners
were Mrs. Ina Neeb, a sweater; Miss
Laura Gascho, slippers and Mrs.
Jessie Brock, hosiery. We realize how
much we have missed in the past by
not having had an auditorium.
Members of the R. C. church
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hook-ups was proposed at the
Reeve Bob Fisher told the delega-
tion that Scott had said his office had
neither the personnel nor the
resources to carry out such a test, and
a private firm would charge $40,000
to $45,000.
A meeting has been arranged for
September 23 between the Zurich
residents and Mike Auger, operations
officer with the London office of the
ministry to try to find a solution.
Fisher also promised -to ask PUC
manager Charlie Eckel to inform en-
dangered home owners if the alarm
is set off in future by excessive water
in the sewers.
Meidinger was advised to submit
his bill to the environment ministry.
received communion on Thursday
evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Fowler will be celebrating their
golden wedding anniversary on
Wednesday, - September 17. Open
house will be held at the Home from
2:00 to 4:00 p.m. We hope all of their
friends and acquaintenances will drop
in to extend their good wishes.
We thank the Turkheim family for
the beautiful potted mums sent to the
On Friday evening, bingo was
played followed by refreshments.
The Sunday evening chapel service
was conducted by Rev. Clayton
Kuepfer of the Zurich Mennonite
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