HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-09-10, Page 26Page 10A Times -Advocate, September 10, 1986 Authority asks board for nature study funds Since 1984, the Maitland Valley Con- servation Authority (MVCA) has .been working to further the education of elementary schoolchildren with special programs and courses on con- servation and nature study. .-BRANDY POIM7 FARNSS • CENTRED A UND ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION • Our breeding stock provides our buyers with proven genetics from the top 3% animals tested across Canada. • Our program enables us to offer quality and health at a price that is hard to beat • We have an ongoing supply of A.I. sired dHamp/Duroc, York/Landrace boars & F1 York/Landrace gilts • Our closed herd is ranked "Good" by the OMAF standards of Herd Health Classification. Come and take a look at our stock anytime! Delivery available KURT KELLER R.R. 1, Mitchell, Ont. 519-348-8043 • .The Farm Credit Corporation, via Power of Sale, offers: FARM FOR SALE 1 mile north and 2 miles west from Ailsa Craig, Lot 14, con. 6 ECR, Twp. of McGillivray, 100 acres with 85 acres workable Huron Clay Loam, 1'/2 storey, 1200 square feet, 4 bedroom, frame dwelling. Conventional barn gutted for cattle. Offer expiry date: Sept. 19, 1986 A certified deposit of $5,000.00 must accompany the offer. For further information contact: Farm Credit Corporation Att: W. Wilson 5 Tablot Road South, . P.O. box 668, Lambeth, Ontario NOL 150 Tel: 652-3259 Please refer to File No. 37423.589 MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY P.T. (H.C.) 86.05 For public space painting in Huron County Housing Senior Citizen Buildings in Clinton, Exeter, Bayfield, Goderich and Wingham Ontario. Tenders will be received for the above until. 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, September 24, 1986 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ..sr Corporation of Village of Ailsa Craig Road Tender Tenders will be received by the Village of Ailsa Craig for the reconstruc- tion of two blocks or ap- prox. 622 feet of asphalt street. Also for the widening of four corners at various locations. Specifications are available at the Municipal Office Main St., Ailsa Craig during regular working hours. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Tenders will close on Monday September 22, 1986 and must be received in the Clerk's Office by 4 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be clearly marked. Joyce D. Coursey A.M.C.T. Clerk Treasurer Village of Aliso Craig Box 29, Aliso Craig NOM 1A0 Village of Aliso Craig In 1985 alone, more than 2,000 children took part in the outdoor education program at the East Wawanosh Valley Conservation Centre. The MVCA is asking the Huron County Board of Education to provide both financial and programming sup- port to further the programs offered. Board members heard a presenta- tion made by MVCA staff at their monthly session on September 2. Members agreed that the outdoor education program was well sup- ported throughout the school system, but they determined that the board could not readily make any financial commitments to assist in further developments. The proposal will be taken to the board's education committee for fur- ther review, with several questions and concerns to be discussed. Among them, pointed out by the Coderich-Colborne trustee Joan Van den Broeck, is the fact that students in the Huron school system also use the education program provided at Camp Sylvan by the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority. Students also visit such establishments as the coun- ty museum and the historic gaol. "If the board was involved in the cost sharing with the MVCA, in all fairness, it would have to make the same consideration for others," she said. Bob Allan, director of education, provided some background informa- tion, noting, "A joint proposal for cost sharing came before the board in the past and the board responded with a user fee system." "There is some ad- vantage to us keeping a little distance from the groups we work with," he added. Les Tervitt, general manager of the MVCA said that the education pro- grams currently are financed through provincial grants, donations and through user fees. Programs cost $1 per student as well as a $25 general fee. The Conservation Centre provides 25 different programs for elementary school children, and a total of 110 days of programs. The programs, which are tiedinto local school curriculum, study all aspects of wildlife, nature and conser- vation. The general aim of the pro- grams is to teach young people about the need for nature conservation. In his presentation to the board of education, Mr. Tervitt requested a two-point proposal: to form a joint planning committee between the board and the MVCA to maintain quality programs and to provide in- put from both fj ons and teachers; and to share band operations cost at the educatittir&ritl'e. MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY S.F.T. (H.C.) 86-14 For the supply and in- stallation of new aluminum soffits, rakes, eavestrough, and the cladding of all exterior window trims at OH -1 Goderich. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, September 24, 1986 by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M5. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meetingot the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario will be held at the WINDSOR JEWISH COM- MUNITY CENTRE. 1641 OUELLETTE AVENUE, WINDSOR. ONTARIO on THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2nd, 1986 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon. at which time the Board will hear an appli- cation in accordance with the Liquor Lic- ence Act, and Regulations thereunder. The following establishment has applied for a licence of the class indicated, and the application will be entertained at the aforementioned location and time: Application For New Licence Buddy's Restaurant 48 Ontario Street. Grand Bend Dining Lounge Licence Applicant: 657616 Ontario Ltd. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person Who is resident in the municipal- ity and who wishes to make representa- tion relative to the application. shall make their submission to the Board in writing drior to the date of the hearing, or in person at the time and place of the hearing. (Copies of written submissions will he forwarded to the applicant). Liquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO, Ontario, M5E 144 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS. THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT 0321/C 137 Sale of Land By Public Auction Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984 The TOWHSHP OF COLBORNE Take notice that the land(s) decribed belowill be offered for sole by public auction at 10.00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 7th day of OCTOBER, 1986 at COUNCIL CHAMBERS, COURT HOUSE, GODERICH. ONTARIO. Descripflon of Land(s) Minimum bid $ (Set oui the cancellation price as of the first day of odvertising), $345.22 TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE PART OF LOT 13, MAITLAND CONCESSION more particular- ly described os Port 23, Plan 22838 together with a right- ot•way over Part 1, Mon 221138 as described in Instrument 179783 1 f GIDEON GUEST SPEAKER -- The guest speaker at the 75th anniversary of the Gideon movement in Canada in Egmondville Monday night was Jirn Geiger of London. He is shown at the left chatting with South Huron Gideon members Edgar Cudmore, Harry Hoffman, Pieter Reinsmo. and Earl Miller HON. JACK RIDDELL Minister of Agriculture As I had indicated in my column last week, I was fortunate to repre- sent Ontario at the Federal - Provincial Agriculture Minister's conference held in Vancouver the last week of August. It was the second time I have been able to voice Ontario's concerns at this national forum, and many veteran observers of the 1986 con- ference remarked that it was the best ever. Among the many issues that were discussed by the ten provinces and the Federal Agriculture Minister were trade issues, falling farm incomes and a framework for a national agricultural development strategy. The Ministers acknowledged the severe damage to Canadian farm in- comes created by the subsidy wars between the United States and the European Economic Community in international agricultural commodi- ty markets. This trade war is reduc- ing Canadian farm income by billions. of dollars. They stpported the need to ex- amine all options, including deficien- cy payments which could be in excess of one billion dollars, to maintain the competitive position of Canadian pro- ducers in the immediate future. There was a clear, collective commitment to take action to support the agricultural sector and all the jobs it represents across Canada during this damaging trade war. The Ministers agreed to have a specific proposal to deal with this farm income shortfall ready for the First Ministers' trade meeting on September 17. While Ministers agreed that short- term action such as deficiency payments would ease current farm cash-flow problems, longer-term in- itiatives are needed to improve the profitability of the food and agriculture industry. Agreement in principle was reach- ed on many elements of a national agriculture and food strategy to ac- complish this goal. To complete the strategy, Ministers instructed their officials to incorporate proposals resulting from discussions of the last two days. The strategy; which is the culmination of co-operative federal - provincial efforts over the past ten months, will be presented to the First Ministers' Conference in Vancouver later this fall. Key policy areas covered by the strategy include: farm finance, disaster relief, research and technology transfer, agricultural and At conference food products trade, soil and water conservation and agricultural development. The strategy is based on a full recognition that the jurisdiction and responsibility for the agri-food sector is shared between the federal and pro- vincial governments. Ministers discussed at length and confirmed thie need for greater regional equity when implementing national agricultural support programs. The Ministers also discussed farm financing problems, noting that both levels of government had introduced measures over the past few months to reduce interest rates on farm loans, to protect farmers facing foreclosure actions and to lower farm input costs. Ministers agreed on the desirabili- ty of enhancing the role of the Farm Credit Corporation. Federal Agriculture Minister John Wise said reducing the FCC interest rates to 9.0 percent was an option to be con- sidered. Mr. Wise agreed to continued consultation with his provincial col- leagues on the implementation of Farm Debt Review Boards and the Canadian Rural Transition Program. The provincial ministers requested that the federal government consider increasing Feed Freight Assistance rates. In spite of economic difficulties in the agri-food sector, the Ministers ex- pressed confidence that the food and agriculture industry will continue to strengthen and to build on its already significant contribution to the Cana- dian economy. The agri-food industry generates more than $50 billion in an- nual sales, employs about 12 percent of the nation's work force and adds between $2.9 and $4.5 billion to Canada's yearly trade balance. Rabies Vaccine Drop Constituents are once again remind- ed that, as in the past two years, the Ministry of Natural Resources will be dropping 15,300 baits containing liquid rabies vaccine for wild foxes in the area bounded by the townships of Hullet, Goderich, Stanley, Colborne, and Tuckersmith. In addition the area has been expanded to include McKillop Township. I am pleased with the Ministry's continuing efforts to control the spread of rabies in the fox population and can assure residents the bait will be dropped away from human habita- tion. New Jobs, new methods of produc- tion and increased investment in the Ontario economy will come about as a result of two recent announcements by Premier David Peterson and In- dustry, Trade and Technology Minister Hugh O'Neil. General Motors of Canada and Suzuki Motor Company of Japan will be partners in a joint venture to build a $500 million auto plant in Ingersoll, Ontario. This venture will create 2,000 direct new jobs in Ontario. When the plant is operating at full capacity, it will be able to produce 120,000 small cars and 80,000 sport utility vehicles for distribution in Canada and the United States. Production is schedul- ed to begin in 1989. In Collingwood, another joint ven- ture will establish a world-class aluminum wheel casting plant that will supply North American auto firms and create up to 350 jobs. in- dustry, Trade and Technology \ IMPORTANT NOTICE Ontario Hydro Electrical Inspection Department is pleased to announce a new office location effective September 15, 1986: • 240 Graff Ave., Mornington Mall Stratford, Ontario NSA 6Y2 (519 ), 273-0861 BY LAW: All electrical wiring work in this Province whether it be in a home, office or industrial building must be checked and approved by an Ontario Hydro Electrical Inspector. Inspec- tions are made to determine if electrical wiring is safe and conforms to the Electrical Safety Code of Ontario - a com- prehensive standard that minimizes the risks of fire and elec- tricol shock hazards. 4 1 Minister O'Neil said this $45 million investment is being undertaken joint- ly by Magna Internation Inc. of Markham and the West German firm of Lemmerz International and will create 350 jobs. The Ontario Liberal Government is providing $8.1 million in the form of an eight year loan that is forgivable if certain investment and job creation goals are met. Exeter Minor Hockey Garage Sale Sat., Sept. 13 8 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Exeter Fire Hall MINISTRY OF HOUSING HURON COUNTY HOUSING AUNORITY S.F.T. (H.C.) 86-13 For Janitorial, Services and Snow Removal at 134 Sanders St., Exeter, On- tario OH -1 Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, Oc- tober 8, 1986. by the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, On- tario. N7A 1M5. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting reference number as above. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Sale of Land By Public Auction Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984 The CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF HURON Take Notice the the land(s) described below will be offered for sale by public auction at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 7th day of October, 1986 at THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, ' ONTARIO. Description of Lands) PCI. PCL. Minimum titd $ the cancellation price as the first day of 2fvertising) 47 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, COUNTY OF HURON I 55748.08 PART OF LOT 17 FRONT CONCESSION NORTH TOWN PLOT described as follows: Beginning at a point In the Northerly Limit of said Lot 17 at a distance of 5349 feet measure N 83° 53' 30" W thereon from the North easterly angle of said Lot. THENCE 5 40° 57' W a distance of 271.7 feet THENCE N 83° 53' 30" W 108 feet THENCE 5 15° 46' E 27.33 feet - THENCE N 83° 53' 30" W 169.81 feet to the point of commencement of the parcel described THENCE 5 11° 39' E 90.83 feet THENCE S 27° 20' E 316.07 feet THENCE S 84° 10' E 316.07 feet THENCE S 84° 10' E 55.06 feet THENCE N 7° 11' W 63.85 feet THENCE N 15° 46' W 311.94 feet THENCE N 84° 10' W 126.71 feet to the point of commencement Premising the East limit of 17 has a bearing of N 5° 22' 25" W and all bearir herein are related thereto. 48 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, COUNTY OF HURC PART OF LOT 42, FRONT CONCESSION as shown as Part 1 of Plan 228600 PCL. 412 TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD, COUNTY OF HURON PART OF LOT 10, CONCESSION 8, EASTERN DIVISION, as shown Parts 6 and 8, Plan 22R18 PCL. 430 TOWNSHIP OF HAY, COUNTY OF HURON LOT 22, PLAN 506 PCI. 448 TOWNSHIP OF MCKILLOP, COUNTY OF HURON LOT 1, PLAN 201 and PART OF LOT 1, CONCESSION 1 consisting of a 16 foot strip in perpendicular width lying immediately adjacent to the North Limit of Lot 1, according to Registered Plan M. PCI. 466 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, COUNTY OF HURON 51187.19 PART OF LOT 10, CONCESSION 6 described at follows: Commencing at a point in the Northerly limit of said Lot distant 66 feet Westerly from the North East angle of said Lot; Thence Westel-ly along the Northerly limit of said Lot, 66 feet to a point in the Northerly limit of said Lot: Thence Southerly parallel to the Easterly limit of said Lot, 132 feet; Thence Easterly parallel to the Northerly limit of said Lot, 66 feet; Thence Northerly parallel to the Easterly limit of soid Lot, 132 feet to the place of beginning. PCI, 464 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, COUNTY OF HURON PART OF LOT 24, PLAN 211, described as follows: Commencing of the North West angle of said Lot; Thence Easterly along the Northerly limit of the said Lot a distance of 53 fest, 4 inches; Thence Southerly and parallel with the Westerly limit of said Lot, 59 feet to a point; Thence Westerly and parallel to the Nor- thern limit of said Lot, 53 feet, 4 inches, to the Wester- ly limit of said Lot; Thence Northerly along the Wester- ly limit of said lot, a distance of 59 feet to the place of beginnin PCI. 469 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHFV, COUNTY OF HURON 5192.94 PART OF LOT 39, SOUTH BOUNDARY CONCES- SION described as follows: commencing at a point in the West limit of said lot, distant 165 feet from the South West angle of said Lot 39, Thence North along the West limit of said Lot 49.5 feet; Thence East parallel to the South limit of sod Lot. 198 feet; Thence South parallel to to the West limit of said Lot 49.5 feet; Thence West parallel to the South limit of said Lot, 198 feet to a point in the West limit of said Lot being the point of commencement of the parcel herein described. PCI. 475 TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY, COUNTY OF HURON PART OF LOT 41, FIRST CONCESSION described as follows: Premising that the bearing of the Southerly limit of said lot Is North fifty-nine degrees thirty-nine minutes thirty seconds West (N59°39'30"W) and relating all bearings herein thereto. Beginning at the Southwesterly angle of sold lot; Thence Northerly along the Westerly limit of said lot, -a distance of 2,260.46 feet; Thence South Sixty-two degrees thirty-eight minutes thirty seconds Eost (562°38'30"E) a distonce of 326.06 feet to the point of commencement of the herein described parcel of land; Thence North twenty-nine degrees ten minutes twenty seconds Eost (N29°10'20"E) a distance of 264.36 feet to the Southerly limit of th'e King's Highway 486 (diversion); Thence along said Southerly limit on o curve to the right of radius 2,804.79 feet, an arc distance of 200.0 feet, being o chord distance of 199.95 feet measured on a bearing of South fifty-six degrees fifty-seven minutes fifty-eight seconds East (S 56°57'58"E); Thence South twenty-nine degrees ten minutes twenty seconds West (529°10'20" W) o distonce . of 244.57 feet; Thence North sixty-two degrees thirty- eight minutes thirty seconds West (N62°38'30"W), o distance of 199.60 feet to the said point of commencement. Said parcel being more particularly shown outlined in red on pion of survey dated December 16th, 1970, attached to Instrument registered os Number 105574. 485 TOWNSHIP Of WEST WAWANOSH, COUNTY OF HURON LOT 168, PLAN 230 486 TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH, COUNTY OF HURON LOT 164, PLAN 230 487 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS, COUNTY OF HURON 5323:40 PART OF LOT 2. CONCESSION 10, TOWNSHIP Of GREY described os follows: Premising that the Westerly limit of the sold lot has o bearing of North Twenty-nine degrees Thirty-seven minutes Twenty seconds East (N29°37'20"E) and relating all bearings herein theteto; Commencing at the piont of intersection of the Wester- ly limit of the said lot with the high-water mark on the Westerly bank of tho Mill Pond on the Maitland River; the said point being of a distronce of 759.78 feet measured on o bearing of north twenty-nine degrees thirty seven minutes twenty seconds East (N29°37'20"E) Northerly from the Southwest angle of lot 2, Conces- sion 10, Township of Grey; Thence South twenty-nine degrees thirty-seven minutes twenty seconds West (529°37'20'W) along the Westerly limit of the sold lot, o distonce of 215.0 fest to a point in the Southerly limit of lands previously conveyed by Registered Instrument 436014 for the Registry Division of Huron: Thence South Sixty degrees twenty-eight minutes East (560'28'E) along this lost mentioned limit a distance of 187.84 fest more or less to a point in the high-water murk of the Mill Pond aforesaid; Thence Northerly along the sold high-water mark o distance of 286.0 fest more or less to the Point of Commencement of the parcel herein dscribed, the said parcel being further shown outlined in red on the plan of survey 72-20. $665.10 :610.59 $557.19 58131.82 $2242.54 PCI. PCI. PCL. - 5537.25 $271.35 5302.86