HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-09-10, Page 25I912 HONDA 750 Paolhawk motorcycle.
Hoban accordion Ibis case and musk
books. Phone 2364735, 36:37c
NEW & USED mgt... Hamilton's
Machine Shop 235-1655. 36ifn
DESK - solid oak single pedestal.
42"1x30"w $250. Solid oak swivel desk
chair 575. Chair and desk for 5299. Phone
284-1214. 37SA
Greenhouses. 237.3228, 238-8635, 36:37c
-10 percent off all tools; trailer (small box);
bicycle Nand; flag poles; railroad ties; us-
ed steel and pipe; old cash resister; flat head
Ford 8ne; 550 volt electric chain falls;
one ovserf A frame hoist with 2 ton
chain falls; 1977 Dodge Aspen; new
mailbox with stand; 2 furnaces - I electric
and I oil; one set of steel rolls, 4 ft. wide;
one drill press 550 volt - geared head no.
4 Morse taper spindle; hard top tent trailer;
many other items too numerous to men-
tion. Hamilton's Machine Shop 235-1655
after 6 p.m. 235-2598. 36tfn
Webb Apiaries, Middlesex 6 at the Ausable
River ha 1986 honey 51.00 Ib. your con-
tainer. Delivery 20 Ib. 232-4522. 36:37•
BICYCLES used men's, ladies and
childrens. Ready to ride. Also used parts
for sale. Phone 235-0206. 36:37c
USED HELMET, excellent, like new con-
dition, 1'/: yrs old. Asking 560. Phone
235-0387. 37c
SOFA, CHAIR, swivel rocker, ottoman,
good condition. Phone 262-5639. 37;38c
SO OLD CHAIRS - all stripped and sand-
ed, some refinished, press backs, oak
chairs, 2 high chairs, crib, 2 bird cages. G.
Ullyat, 46 Ont. St. N. 284-2766. 37SA
MacINTOSH APPLES, 55.50 bushel for
firsts. Dixon's Fruit Farm, RR 2 Ailsa
Craig. Phone 293-3043. Please bring own
containers. 37'
GARAGE SALE, Lots of good stuff. Fri-
day and Saturday, 9 a.m. - ? Turn West
at Heywood's Restaurant beside railroad
tracks. 37'
ing, 28 ft. Hall light fixture. Doug Robbins.
235-1519. 37tfn
custom made. Phone 235-1212. 37SA
10' x 10' GREENHOUSE 5149. 1000W
Metal halide 5175. Plus 10,000 gardening
products. Gre t prices. Send S2 for info -
pack. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour
Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3N9.
(604)682-6636. 37x
STEEL BUILDING, '/: price sale - Buy
one building at regular price and get dou-
ble length for 50 percent" more. Phone
Pioneer/EconoSpan Collect for informa-
tion (416)678-1585. 37-41x
17 Wonted To Buy
or one that can be converted. Phone
1-345-2723. 37SA
prices paid. Phone 228-6214. 33.53'
LADY'S BICYCLE, 10 speed or touring.
Call 262-2505. 33tfx
18 Wanted
BARN BOARD - will demolish barn if
necessary. Also 1 -beam 44 ft. length. Phone
227-1266. 37SA
TO SHARE A RIDE to and from London.
'Monday through Friday.' Working hours
8:31ito 3 ppm: Call Jenriifer 237.3338 efts
6 p.m. 36:17c
DONATIONS of good used items for Boy -,
Scout Yard Sale, Sat. Sept. 13. Gratefully
accepted until Sept. 12. For pickup call
Phyllis 234-6388 or Dan 228-6607.36;37c
ED to lake pictures in their areas, no ex-
perience or sales required. Write: S.C.L.
248 Dunraven Road, Calumet Island, Que.
JOX IJO. 37x
19 Property For Sale
TUNITY to operate your own business.
Modern store and apartment a sure money
maker. Owner ill. Phone 228-6236. 36SA
THREE BEDROOM red brick ranch style
home in Crediton - King St. North. Con-
tact 234-6237 or 293-3375. 36:37c
bedroom on paved road, just 5 years old.
Dougle garage. Nicely decorated and well
maintained. Murray Anderson 473-9060,
473-4128 by 886. 37c
CENTRALIA Convenience store - or
anything you wish to change it to with at-
tached 3 bedroom apartment . Owner ill.
Only variety store in town. Reduced to
538,800 or best offer. Phone 228-6236,
3 bedroom bungalow. Big rcc room, new
double garage. All rooms newly panelled.
Nes' septic tank, deep well. Forced air -gas
heat on nearly 1 acre. Great place for kid-
dies. School hus al door. Reduced to
549,700 or hest offer. Phone 228-6236.
20 Property For Rent
for rent. Cali 235-0141. l6tfnc
available. Call 235-0141. 16tfnc
TOWNHOUSE - 3 bedrooms, Simcoe Si.
Available Sept. 1st. Phone 236-4230.33tfn
Kirkton. Phone 229-6757. 35-37c
Kirkton. Phone 229-6757. 35-37c
LARGE 2 bedroom, adult apartment,
broadloom, oak cupboards, convenient
location. Phone 235-1497. 36tfn
COUNTRY HOME, 4 bedrooms, 11/2
• - baths, no pets, Centralia arca. Available
Oct. 1. Phone 229-6524. 36:37•
COMFORTABLE, completely furnished
• home on highway in Exeter, vacinity.
Available Nov. 1 to May 1. Phone
229.6185, 36:37c
COUNTRY SETTING - 2 bedroom, fully
broadloomed apartment. Garden plot,
separate gas meters, nes., furnaces. Adults
first, last, lease 5250 monthly. Phone
235-2430 or 235-0392 aftcr_6 p.m. 36;37c
3 BEDROOM HOLNSE in Exeter. Phone
before 10 a.m. 236-4649. 36:37•
Main St. Exeter. Directly across from new
'Becker's Plaza. Phone 1.238.8186 to view.
ONE BEDROOM winterized cottage in
Grand Bend. Lease required. 1-238-8186
for appointment. 37-39c
APARTMENT in Exeter. 2 bedrooms,
close to downtown. No pets. Phone
262-2640. 37c
COUNTRY HOME, 4 bedrooms, 1'2
baths, no pets, references required.
Available now. Phone 235-1857. 37c
MODERN two bedroom apartment. New
kitchen, carpel, fridge and stove, located
in Greenway. ('all 238.8000. 37c
1,100 SQ. FT'. STORE could be used for
office, convenience store, flower shop, etc.
Start your future now. Phone 237-3212
after 5 p.1n. 37:38c
21 I or
PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, portable ce-
ment mixer, power trowels, wheelbarrows,
etc. Form ties stocked. Call Corrivau Ren-
tals by 8:30 a.m, or after 5 p.m. Weekbys,
anytime Saturday. 236.4954 Ztuicb.16tfn
THE "OLD TOWN HALL" auditorium
for rentals including weddings, meetings,
banquet room, lectures, exhibitions, films,
etc. Kitchen facilities available. Contact
Ellison Travel, 235-2000. Stfn
ROOM FOR RENT. Available Sept. 3, kit-
chen privileges. Phone 238-8742 Grand
Bend. 35tfn
26 Lerjrll Notices
• In the Estate of
Robert James Earl Kinsman '
All persons having claims against the estate
of Robert James Earl Kinsman, deceased,
late of the Village of Hensel! in the Coun-
ty of Huron, who died on the 23rd day of
April, 1986, are hereby notified to send in
full_paniculars of their claims to the under-
signed on or before the 2nd day of October
1986, after which date the assets will be
distributed having regard only to claims
then received.
Dated at Seaforth, Ontario this 2nd day of
September 1986.
McConnell, Stewart & Devereaux
Barristers, &c.,
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitors for the executors
28 Auction 'Ales
GUN AUCTION, Saturday, September 13
10:30 a.m. Creemore, Ont. in the Legion
Hall. Approx. 250 Firearms including an-
tique Winchester collection, Savage, Rem-
ingtons, Shotguns, etc. Collection of han-
dguns including Colts, Smith & Wesson
etc., & other related items. 37x
approves fee
Tuckersmith Township council has
set a fee of 5100 for all rezoning and
minor variance applications.
Council approved the request of the
VanEgmond Foundation to hold the
annual Ciderfest at the VanEgmond
House in Egmondville on September
The township will supply the steel
culvert for any private drains
crossing municipal road allowances.
A building permit was granted to
Steve Dallas for a mobile home on
part Lot 26, Concession II, Huron
Road survey.
Council accepted the petition of
William DeJong for a municipal drain
on Lots 39,40, Concession 1, London
Road Survey and that R. J. Burnside
& Associates be appointed as the
engineers to bring in a report 30 days
after notification to the Ausable-
Bayfield Conservation Authority.
Council approved the following ex-
tras on the Quebec Street Reconstruc-
tion at Vanastra water main
breakage costing 5300, for the repair
and replacement of the water main
breakage under Toronto Boulevard
costing 5903; and that the following
item be renegotiated between the
engineer and the contractor for the
repair of the catch basin at the cor-
ner of Quebec and Toronto Boulevard
costing 5860; and that the extra con-
struction of the burm along Quebec
Street for 51,941.20 be denied.
Survey set
for disabled
Over two million Canadians have
health problems or disabilities.
Statistics Canada has designed a
survey to identify the numbers,
distribution, and characteristics of
disabled persons in Canada which will
be conducted during the summer and
fall,,of this year.
The Health and Activity Limitation
Survey will be the largest study ever
undertaken on disabled people in
Canada. Approximately 200,000 men,
women, and children from all age
groups and every part of the country
will be included in this voluntary
survey. Over 24,000 people in Ontario
will be interviewed during the months
of August and early September. The
responses to the disability questions
asked in the 1986 Census provides the
sample frame to conduct this survey.
Many disabled Canadians face bar-
riers to employment, training, or op-
portunities for promotion. This
survey addresses issues relating to
the nature of the disabilities and their
impact on such matters as employ-
ment, education, transportation,
housing , and leisure activities. This
information will be invaluable for
developing government and private
sector policies and programs to bet-
ter serve the disabled and enable
them to participate fully in Canadian
The design of the Health and Activi-
ty Limitation Survey follows exten-
sive consultation with various levels
of government andprivtate organiza-
tions and is in response to the Special
Parliamentary Committee on the
Disabled and Handicapped Report
recommending the need for com-
prehensive data on disabled persons
in Canada.
FASHIONS - Members of the BuckslAnners Encampment which was
set up at Lambton Museum for the yveekend, demonstrate the dif-
ferent styles of garments that could be made from the ubiquitous
Hudson's Bay blankets, a staple of the fur traders. Lyle Sweet (left)
wears a Mackinac, Mike Selepack sports a blanket vest and Betty
Worshefski is bundled in the Capote style.
Riding lawnmower, modern appliances, furniture -at Richard
Lobb's Auction Barn, Clinton, Ont. for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hirst
of Goderlch plus additions.
Thursday, September 18 at 6 p.m.
Simplicity 3210V 10 h,p. riding lawn tractor with electric start,
lift!eed trans, variable speed drive, 48" lawn mower with hyd.
, 36" snowblower, 1 furrow plow, tire chains.
Viking harvest gold fridge, Admiral harvest gcld 30" electric
stove, Inglis dishwasher, Inglis clothes dryer, almond.fridge,
2 yrs. old, almond 30" gas stove, 2 yrs. old, automatic washer
and dryer, Kirby vacuum cleaner, large Duncan Phyfe table with
3 leaves, antique 3 ft. x 16" hall table, chesterfield with queen
size pull out bed, FOOD DEHYDRATER cost ;300 new, floor
model hi-fi with reel to reel tape recorder, dehumidifier,
chesterfield and chair, oval chrome table and six chairs, TV
game, slide projector and screen, movie editor viewer, round
chrome table and four chairs, chest of drawers, 2 -two door war-
drobes, imitation fireplace with bar top, continental double bed,
dresser with mirror, Kenmore electric juicer, bookshelf, floor
lamps; Coleman lantern, Primus gas light, two kitchen cupboard
upper units, shallow well pump, new range hood, new inside
door, new bathroom sink, push lawn sweeper, two new
bathroom fans, new kitchen vent fan, coffee and end table,
grease gun, TABLE SAW, 1'/2 ton chain fall hand weed sprayer,
car tow bar, equalizer hitch, V -belts, electric meat slicer, 4
aluminum storm windows, electric ceiling fans, electric
vegetable server, small broiler oven, some dishes, etc.
50 acre farm with 10 yr. old house, car, 2 tractors, machinery,
household furniture, appliances to be held 51/2 miles east of
Kippen, Ont. for the estate of William John Chappel.
Saturday, September 20 at 10:30 a.m.
CAR: 1978 Mercury Cougar 2 door hardtop, V8 auto, radio,
58,395 kms, selling certified.-..
TRACTORS: MTD 8 h.p. riding lawnmower with electric start.,
Ford 4000dieseltractor with Manual tip manure loader, self
adjusting rear wheels, tire chains; Ford Dextra diesel tractor
with chains.
MACHINERY: Kongskilde 9'/: ft. cultivator with finger harrows,
8 ft. trail cultivator, JM gravity box on wagon, IHC 440 3 fur-
row x 16" high clearance mounted plow with trash covers, IHC
3 furrow mounted plow, Dunham 6 ft. blade, McCormick 15 run
seed drill on steel, 2 row Mauer bean puller, old snow thrower,
Gehl 10" hammermill, drive belt, Ford 7 ft. scuffler, 6 section
diamond harrows, 16 ft.x4" grain auger with motor, cattle clip-
per, old scale, walking plow, SnowHawk snowmobile, 20 ft.
tube hay elevator, 3 pt. hitch sprayer with poly tank, 4 farrow-
ing crates, aluminum wheelbarrow, push lawnmower, 3 h.p.
garden tiller, New Cald 3/4 h.p. aeration fan, Massey cost iron
seats, plus a wagon load of small farm items.
HOUSEHOLD: Woods chest freezer, nearly new, McClary
clothes dryer, Match Westinghouse fridge and 30" electric -stove,
wringer washer, beer fridge, Electroholme portable colour T.V.,
Filter Queen vacuum cleaner with power head, 12" portable
T.V., humidifier, Toyoset kerosene heater, pressback chair,
pressback arm chair, Edison cylinder phonograph, chesterfield
and two matching chairs, oval chrome table and four chairs,
record player, queensize continental bed, matching dresser and
chest of drawers, continental double bed, 3 drawer chest,
rollaway bed, crokinole board, card table, exercise bike, row-
ing exerciser, step ladder, '/2" drill, sander, jig saw, jug, crock,
floor lamp, coffee table, bedding, dishes, etc.
SALE ORDER 10:30 a.m. Household
12:30 p.m. Farm Tools, 1 p.m. Farm, Car, Tractors, Machinery
Times -Advocate, September 10, 1986 Page 9A
Tractor and farm machinery to be held 11/2 miles west of Kip -
pen Ont. for Mr. Ron Anderson.
Wed., Sept. 17 at 6:30 p.m.
John Deere 2130 diesel tractor run 1744 hrs. 18.4 x 30 rear tires,
external hyd„ new heat houser, John Deere 145 3 furrow x 16"
mounted plow, John Deere 1240 4 row plate planter w/insec-
ticides, Lely trail ground drive fertilizer spreader hold approx.
1200 lb., 3 grain wagons made from 1 ton truck frames with
dual wheals and wooden racks approx. 7'/2 x 19 ft. x 3 ft. high
sides. Kongskilde 11 ft. 3 cultivator w/roller bar harrow,
Kongskilde 9 ft. 6 y.'/3 tine extensions set for scuffling, AC90
pull type combine, IHC 4 bar old style side rake, 5 section dia-
mond harrows w/pole, Forney 230 electric welder, 14.9 x 28
tractor chains, wooden extension ladder. -EQUIPMENT ALWAYS
Richard Lobb Auctioneer 519-482-7898
Owner Ron Anderson 519-235-0664
1983 car, bowed glass china cabinet, modern appliances and
furniture, riding lawnmower, band saw and finish planer and
watch repair tools etc. for the Estate of Grace Pepper, Estate
of Bill Burke plus additions. -
Saturday, September 13 at 10 a.m.
1983 Chev Celebrity, 4 door sedan, V6, console automatic,
AM/FM radio run 16,200 kms, selling certified.
CHEST FREEZER, modern harvest gold fridge and 30" electric
stove, Westinghouse frost free fridge, 30"• electric stove,
Frigidaire fridge, Zenith floor model colour TV with remote,
bowed glass china cabinet, six matching pressback chairs, Dun-
can Phyfe dining table, modern four piece chesterfield suite,
modern floral chesterfield and chair, French Provincial chester-
field and chair, French Provincial marble top coffee table and
3 end tables, upholstered choirs, two air conditioners,
humidifier, bedroom furniture, antique washstand, chest of
drawers and bed, sewing stand, small tables, fancy floor lamp,
Filter Queen vacuum cleaner with power head, chest of silver-
ware, dishes and glassware including antique pieces, spoon col-
lection, mantle clock, small appliances, crocks, 3 wheel bike,
exercise bike, chrome table and chair set, 6" thickness planer
with roller feed, homemade bond saw on stand with 18" throat,
watch repair tools punches etc., milling cutters, wood bits, elec-
tric drills, etc. woodworking tools, 3 handmade quilts, hooked
mats, antique bag cart, sewing machine, old bench, aluminum
canoe, 5 h.p. MTD riding lawnmower, gas push mower, wicker
hamper plus our usual large offering of items too numerous to
Auction Sale
of antiques, household furniture and mist. Items on Satur-
day Sept. 13, 12:00 noon sharp, 'for an Exeter Estate,
name withheld at family request and also for Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Smith. Auction to be held in South Huron Rec Centre,
Exeter Ontario.
HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: French Provincial chesterfield
and chair, 2 French Provincial side chairs, French Provincial cof-
fee and 2 end tables, sofa beds, swivel rockers, recliner chair,
hostess chair, curio' cabinet (like new), Vilas maple table and
ria chair;, doubt pe4ettal desk, desk and chair, set. of 4 chairs,
'111-44, . Okft *F -ii, g t s 1 tam
_ all�r•v�drswt�g Ps,
snug; ttt> y ` rcmes, w�a r ., �fi6st of drawers, 54
ox, spring and mattress, Queen box and mattress, 20" Zenith
remote control colour TV (like new), GE 2 door gold fridge, 30"
Simplicity glass top range G.E. washer and dryer, apt. size
washer and dryer, 6000 BTU air conditioner, humidifier, 16"
oscilating fan, kerosene heater (like new), vacuum cleaner,
toaster, kettle, processor, iron, mixette, can opener, elec.
shaver, books, pots and pans, odd dishes, linens, pillows,
blankets, quilts, elec. blanket, bed spreads, silverware, mats,
2 rugs, hand and garden tools, 1/2" drill, gas cans, ladders, lawn
chairs and other items.
ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES 2 Queen Victoria side choirs, Mr.
and Mrs. chair, withcaneseats, 7 pc. mahogany Poster bedroom
suite, excellent cond. built by Middlesex Furniture Co., Strathroy
Ont. 3 pc. French Prov. bedroom suite, bedroom chair, double
dresser, cedar chest, 8 pc. dining room suite, top of flat to wall
cupboard, pair cranberry table lamps with prisms, oval pictures
and frames, 10 pc. walnut dining room suite, Duncan Phyfe with
double pedestal table, and 2 leaves, small Duncan Phyfe table,
2 small pedestal tables, 2 brass candelabrum, converted Alad-
din Tamp, oil lamps, several dishes, pressglass, Noritake
figurines, flower baskets, Old Colony spoons, wood tray, silver
trays, iron fry pan, jugs, crocks and more. TERMS CASH.
For information contact Auctioneer Norm Whiting Exeter
235.0680 or 235-1931
* Antiques, household items, trailer, etc. For Mr.
* Earl Guest, Lot 21, on Townline between London *
* and Nissouri Townships, 31/2 mi. N.W. of
* Thorndale.
* Thurs., Sept. 18 - 10:30 a.m.
* PROPERTY: White brick house and 4 acres of land, corner lot,
* house hos back shed and 2 door garage, propane furnace and
* cookstove included. Older barn. TERMS: Selling subject to a *
* moderate reserve bid. 10% down, balance in 30 days. Selling *
* at 1:00 p.m. *
* ANTIQUES: hanging lamp, corner what -not, organ stool, side *
* board and china cabinet combined. new Classic kitchen cuP- **
* board (old), blanket boxes, trunks, Gingerbread clock,
* gramophone, radios, coal oil lamps, Gone with the Wind lamp, *
* wash stands, desk, harp, chest of drawers with wooden pulls, *
* Jenny Lind style bed, dressers and wash stands, toilet sets, *
* chests of drawers, crocks, jugs, ink wells, books, bottles, pic- *
* tures, old irons and trivets, violin, Paris crock, heat stones, *
* horse bells, other bells, flat to wall cupboard, Nordelmer piano, *
* dishes, trinkets of all kinds, linens, apple peelers, copper *
* boilers, candle maker frames, walnut boards, steam whistle,
* drop leaf table, childs old sleigh, rope bed frame, Moose and * -
'* Deer horns, wooden pump, horse cutter, spinning wheel, Daisy *-
*churn, wagon springs, barn board, etc. *
* MISC: Minnow traps made and patented by Mr. Guest, fridge, *
* tools, MM U tractor, 2 wheel trailer, 3 fur. plow, harrows, 9 *
* ft. cultivator, airplane wheels and axle, Melrow 9 ft. pickup for *
* combine, egg cooler, steel roller, old double disc, steel wheels, **
* roto tiller, ladders, fanning mill, etc. *
* LAWNMOWER: Bolens HII XL (like new).
* TRAILER: 15 ft. house trailer complete with propane. Heavy duty
* trailer hitch. *
* (ERM6: Cash sale day on Chattels. Lunch booth
* Auctioneers
* Hugh Filson Tom Robson *
*' 666-0833 666-1967 *
* Thls is one of the older Nissouri township homes, plan to *
* attend this Interesting auction. *
If*******-1-41.441-4444"**4illoa* F*4c4~*4 ****
gadaie, St(moafiried Joe.
// M
We have been instructed to sell by public auc-
tin all manufacturing equipment, stock com-
pleted inventory, tools, office equipmei'+t of the
former Norse Industries (Cultivator Manufac-
turers), and farm machinery on
Saturday, Sept. 13 at 10:00 a.m.
Just south of Exeter on Highway No. 4
COMPLETED EQUIPMENT - 15 asst field cultivators from 12' to
23' additional wing units, Norse buster burs, rolling harrows,
(Subject to deletions.)
INVENTORY - Quantity of steel, welding accessories, hydraulic
cylinders, and hydraulic components, paint, nuts and bolts,
cultivator tines, approx. 2000 asst teeth, parts for all Norse
equipment, 2000 U -bolts.
EQUIPMENT - Linde magnetic automatic torch with 4' table, Elho
drill press, 3 hp. head, Pehaka band saw, 2 Hobart 300 Mig.
welders, Miller 300 amp stick, Vulcan 5 ton overhead crone,
power carrier, 5 hp. Devilbis air compressor, Webster 7 gal.
paint tank, Gates hydraulic hose crimper, 50 ton hydraulic
press, auto. 2 stage (with power pack), Elicatic air cleaner, 12
volt hyd. power pack.
ADDITIONAL CONSIGNMENT - Ford 9700 tractor with cab, air,
dual power, Allis Chalmers 180 completely hyd. with remotes,
Int. 504 tractor c/w centre mount, scuffler and 4 row puller,
4000 Ford tractor with Industrial loader, GMC 1966 Highway
tractor with wet line, 1975 Glencoe soil saver, 7 tooth, 2-18'
cult. (1 pull type and 1-3 PTH), Int. 720 - 5 furrow plow, semi -
mount, New Holland baler, Ford 12' hyd. disc, 3 PTH 200 gal.
sprayer, wagon and flat rack, 9' Int. 45 cult., Int. 18 run seed
drill, seed and Pert., 56-4 row corn planter, fert. insecticides,
200 George White sprayer, Luke 4 row bean puller, 4 row In•
nes windrower, 5 ton truck running gear, 1969 freightliner dual
tandem, 18'deck with tarp, 250 Cunningham engine.
MISCELLANEOUS -- Quantity of shop equipment and tools,
steel benches, trolleys, and overhead units, pallets and skids,
steel shelving, 110 sections of 2000 Ib. shelving, quantity of bar-
rels, many, many more items too numerous to mention.
Auctioneers Note; All equipment is in excellent condition.
Plan to attend at 10:00 sharp. All equipment sold to the highest
bidder. Verbal annoq cements take precedence over written
Rothwell & Associates Int.
Brucefield - 482-7181 Brute Rothwell
- Manager A' Auctioneer