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September 10, 1986
Joan Bibby, daughter of Bob and
Lois Bibby of RR 1 St. Marys and
Ken Quigley, son of Harold and
Esther Smith of Harriston, were
married August 15 in a candle-
light service at Kirkton United
Church. Rev. Richard Hawley of-
ficiated. The bride was attended
by maid of honour Laurie Bibby,
bridesmaids Dina Gibson and
Carrie Wilkin and flowergirls
Jenny Barr and Kristy Ostierg.
The best man was Murray
Quigley and the ringbearer was
Nathan Thomas. Guests were
ushered by Harvey Gibson and
Fred Mew. Trevor Edwards and
Doug Hunter lit candles in the
church. The organist was Vicki
Burgin and soloist was Cynthia
Copeland. Here Comes The Bride
• was played on the piano by Karla
Thomas. Following the wedding,
a reception was held at the
Kirkton-Woodham Community
Centre. The couple spent their
honeymoon at Wheels Inn in
Chatham, and are now living at
RR 2 Staffa. Guests were present
at the wedding from Saskat-
chewan, Alberta, Vancouver,
Hamilton, Guelph, Harriston,
London and St. Marys.
Water purifiers not needed by all
Home water purifiers can be essen-
tial in rural Ontario, but unnecessary
in areas connected to municipal water
The treatment devices, ranging in
price from $30 to more than $100, are
designed to make raw surface or well
water fit to drink.
Some consumers living in urban
centres hooked -up to municipal water
have purchased the units believing
they are necessary for health protec-
tion. Experts with the Ontario
Ministry of the Environment (MOE)
say all municipal water supplies are
treated toensure they meet specific
standards for safety and no further
disinfection is needed.
However, rural residents who use
raw water containing bacteria or con-
taminants that could effect health
should install appropriate treatment
systems, ministry spokesman say.
Local health agencies can analyze
consumers' water supplies to detect
possible hazards. The analysis can
help residents choose a suitable
method of treatment.
There are numerous types of water
treatment devices on the market.
Those designed to disinfect drinking
water include ultra -violet irradiation,
iodination, chlorination, ozonation
and distillation devices, as well as
ceramic filters. Each type of unit re-
quires different care and conditions
to function properly.
Investigate each system carefully
to be sure it will do the job required.
All such treatment devices should
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Ann Jamrf
Jane Patricia Sullivan and
Douglas Arthur Brooks
celebrated the sacrament of
matrimony on July 12, 1986 at
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Church, Mt. Carmel with Father
Gary Goyeau officiating. The
bride is the daughter of Patrick
and Marion Sullivan of Dashwood
and the groom is the son of Ray-
mond and Patricia Brooks of
Orillia. The maid of honour was
Susan Sullivan, sister of the bride
and bridesmaids were Jacqueline
Sullivan, sister of the bride, and
Lynne Boytchuk, sister of the
groom. The best man was
Preston Dearing, friend of the
groom and ushers were Paul
Brooks, brother of the groom and
Jim Romphf, friend of the groom.
Soloist was Roberta Walker and
organist was Paul Dietrich. After
-a honeymoon in Honey Harbour,
Jane and Doug ore now residing
in South London.
Photo by John Dobbs
be capable of producing water that
meets the requirements of the current
Ontario Drinking Water Objectives
and the Guidelines fo?•Canada Drink-
ing Water Quality.
Ask the seller for proof that the unit
will perform as claimed.
How long will the device work?
What special maintenance is re-
quired? Is there any danger of
bacterial build up in the system and
under what circumstances might this
Rural residents who need help choosing a home water treatment
system can now turn to a new brochure explaining many of the dif-
ferent devices available. The literature also warns urban families it
Is an unnecessary expense to install these systems In homes
hooked into municipal water supplies.
Seniors commence
new fall activities
The Exeter Senior Citizens com-
menced their fall term with a
delicious pot luck supper with a good
attendance. President Ruby Beaver
opened the meeting by welcoming
everyone present.
Card convener Laura Dickey
reported sending get well cards to
Laura Sillery, Dorothy Bullock,
Graham Arthur and Edna Anderson
and sympathy cards to Les and Mar -
by Lera Ryan
Family Resource Management
Farm families often think spending
plans for family living costs are for
people with regular pay checks. But
many persons do not have a regular
income. Real estate agents, construc-
tion workers, supply teachers, and
small business owners as well as
farmers cannot predict exactly how
much income they will have or when
it will come. But they all know when
their regular family expenses come
due. -
Having an irregular income in-
creases the need to use a spending
plan. Here are some tips to make that
planning easier.
When 'planning, underestimate in-
come and overestimate expenses.
- Know what your basic monthly ex-
penses are for family living.
- Keep careful records. Review these
records and adjust your spending
plans accordingly.
- Keep household funds separate from
business funds.
- Set aside funds for times your in-
come is low. We all need funds to live
on whether or not we have income.
- Write cheques for most expenses.
This makes record keeping simpler
and helps many people resist impulse
- Negotiate with insurance people, for
example, to schedule irregular ex-
penses for months with higher
- Discuss with everyone in your fami-
ly just what the financial situation is.
Children need to know that even when
income is low, their needs will be look-
ed after.
"Is it t'rtle you have four grain
harvests a year in Russia?"
"Yes. One comes from Russia, one
from Hungary, one from Canada and
one from the United States."
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Wedding vows were exchanged
on August 9 at Duff's United
Church, Walton when Rev. Robert
Matheson officiated at the mar-
riage of Carolyn Elizabeth
McClure and Gerald Richard
Johns. Gerald and Carolyn now
reside at RR 3 Exeter.
Photo by Walden
jorie Adams, Hattie Merkley and Ver-
na and Elmer Greenlee.
Charles Tindall and Myrtle Brock
were reported home from the hospital
and Hannah Lamport in hospital.
Mildred Thomson reported on the
Senior games at Dorchester when she
and Mary Funk won fifth place for
cribbage. Mildred also reported on
trips made through the summer and
on a number of future proposed trips.
A social evening of cards will be
held Thuesday evening September 23
sponsored by the Legion.
Alva Heywood gave a very in-
teresting report on the U.S.C.O. Con-
vention at Kingston in August and Len
McKnight reported on the non profit
Housing Apartment project. Bir-
thdays and anniversaries were
The following program was en-
joyed, chaired by Bernice Cooper. A
sing song led by Pat Skinner, accom-
panied by Lois Hodgins on the piano,
readings by Bernice Cooper and Mary
Neil, a skit by Mary Neil, Laura
Dickey, Vi Andrews, Mary Funk and
Irene Harness.
A number of violin selections were
rendered by Lois Hodgins accom-
panied by Glenn Hodgins on the
piano. The program closed by singing
Good Night Ladies. Thanks was ex-
tended to those taking part also the
committees by president Ruby
Anyone interested in trips contact
Mildred Thomson or Ellison Tours.
Certain types of systems such as
iodination, chlorination and ozonation
units put chemicals into the water as
it is treated. The levels of these
chemicals must be checked regular-
ly and a suitable test kit should be
supplied with the device.
Often, a carbon filtration unit can
be used with the main system to
remove residual chemicals, but
should not generally be installed with
ozonation devices.
Carbon filters are among a group
of treatment devices designed to im-
prove the aesthetic qualities - taste
and odor- of drinking water. Some
may remove chemical contaminants,
but on their own, they will not make
microbiologically unsafe water fit to
Once a system has been installed,
submit samples of the treated water
regularly to the local health authori-
ty for testing.
A number of publications on drink-
ing water quality and home treatment
devices are available including a new
MOE consumer advisory brochure
called Water Fit to Drink? To obtain
copies, contact the Ministry of Con-
sumer and Commercial Relations at
(416) 963-1111 or toll free at
1-800-268-1142, or call a local branch
of the Ontario Ministry of the
The Canadian Water Quality
Association (147? Lee Avenue,
Waterloo, Ontario N2K 1X9 -- (519)
855-3854) can also provide information
on this topic.
Mary Currado and James Romphf
were united in marriage at St.
Mary's Church, London on May
17, 1986. Glenda Lindenfield was
the maid of honour and
bridesmaids were Elizabeth Cur-
rado, Julie Dickey and Liz Evans.
The flower girl was Kathleen
Lindenfield and ringbearer was
Daryl Romphf. The best man was
Doug Brooks and guests were
ushered by Jeff Romphf, Rick
Lindenfield and Greg Parsons.
The couple is now residing in
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