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Times-Advocate, 1986-08-20, Page 25
Poultry for Sale Day old and ready to lay Leghorn pullets available year round. Dual purpose brown egg layers available spring and fall Call toll free today: / 1-800-265-8836 MckINLEY HATCHERY Township of Usborne ENDERS for Snowplowing for 1986-87 Season Sealed tenders clearly mark- ed as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 _ p.m. Tuesday, September 2, 1986, for the rental of a 210 HP minimum, tandem truck with operators, equipped with one-way plow and wing. Specifications and tender forms which must be used are obtainable from the undersigned. lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. John Batten Rd. Supt. RR 3, Exeter Ont. NOM 1S0 229-6363 At Blyth Festival i` ' , August 30,, 1996 Lilly depicts kterw�v�ii"llvei of western residents Lilly, Alta, which premiered at the Blyth Festival on July 22, has the potential to rival Thornton Wilder's "Our Town" in its depiction of the in- terwoven lives of residents of a now, vanished small western hamlet. Ken- neth Dyba's script is brought to pulsating life through a skilled cast and innovative staging. The play opens with narrator Wil- ly Taylor (Robert Bockstael) at cen- Dashwood United Church Fuel Tender Sealed tenders clearly mark- ed as to contents will be ac- cepted by the undersigned until 12 noon September 5, 1986 for furnace fuel. Ap- proximately 18,000 litres per year. All discounts to be firm for a two year period from Oc- tober 1, 1986 to September 30, 1988. Tender forms available or for more information contact Bernice Boyle, 237-3212 or Bill Weber, 237-3211. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DASHWOOD UNITED CHURCH TRUSTEES c/o Bill Weber R.R. 3, Dashwood, Ont. NOM 1NO KW Optimist Club announces its second annual CONSIGNMENT AUCTION At Kirkton Fairgrounds Sat., August 30 For more information or to consign items call: Bob Debrabendere 229-6286 Robin Bryan 229-6113 Jim Ross 229-6737 Autioneers Hugh Filson - Tom Robson .all/...tae..... 1 1 1 1 1 Pinery NJ OTI 0 N at Pinery Auction Barn Hwy. 21, 3 miles south of Grand Bend Saturday, August 23, 10 a.m. gWe will be selling the contents of a local home ply,s additions.. 1 See Friday's ,London Free Press for listing. An auction you shouldn't miss. Auctioneer Pay Lyon Phone 243-2713 1..........••Istmofi.........ns•.e.... • ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Sealed tenders dearly marked os to content will be received until 1:00 p.m. September 12, 1986 for the construction of a secondary electrical service line at Pinery Provincial Park. A mandatory site inspection will be held on August 27, 1986 at 10:00 a.m. at the Pinery Provincial Park Maintenance Building. Tender documents can be obtained at Pinery Provincial Park, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone 519-243-2220. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ontario Ministry of Natihral Resources Hon. Vincent G. Kerrio Minister Mary Mogford Deputy Minister ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER Minstry of Natural Resources invites Contractors to tender on project at Hullett Provinciol Wildlife Areo located at lot 8, Concession 3, Hulett Township. Project consists of removal of existing steel and crib wire and supply and install new coloured steel, fascia, soffit, doors, etc. on building approximately 8 metres x 15 metres. All Contractors interested in tendering must attend a site inspection on August 25, 1986, at 10:00 a.m. Tender packages and conditions will be available on inspection day. Closing date September 9, 1986, at 1:00 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information contact Bill Robinson at 1-800-265-3003 or 519-357-3131. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resouces Hon. Vincent G. Kerrio Minister Mary Mogford Deputy Minister AUCTION SALE Of household furnishings, antiques, riding lawnmower, snow blower and misc. items. • Saturday, August 23/86, 12:30 noon. 1 mile S. of Hensel) or 4 miles N. of Exeter on #4 Hwy. for Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payne and the estate of the late Mrs. Melvina Schade. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHING: apt. size Henry Herbert piano, Hida bed, (like new), 2 hostess chairs, 3 swivel rockers, floor and table lamps, picture's and mirrors, dining room table, choirs, small tables, book shelf, TV 3 pc. bedroom suite -with 39" bed, 2 39" beds, 1 with head• board, avo'codo, GE 2 door fridge (frost free), 24" almond Kenmore range, Frigidaire washer, Kenmore dryer, apt. size dishwasher, Ken- more micro wave, air conditioner, portable and cabinet sewing machines, vacuum cleaner, toaster oven, mixer, iron, juice extractor, 45 pc. set of dishes, odd dishes, pots and pans, linens, quilts, blankets and more. S'P*OW BLOWER, TOOLS, & MISC. Snow blower, Master cut riding lawn mower, roller, Roto tiller, jig saw, 8 & D work mate, small emery, 20 ft. alum. ladder, step ladder, hand and garden tools, steel posts, lawn chairs and other items. ANTIQUES Al, COLLECTABLES Oak drop leaf table, rocking chair, with. cane seat, 2 chairs, wash stand, 2 piano stools, foot stool, set of 4 chairs, wicker paper rack, sewing box, pictures, oil lamps, hooked mots, violin and case, jugs and crocks, box camera, cone and much more. Terms cosh, for information contact Auctioneer, Norm Whiting 235-1931 or 236-0680 tre stage. The town's former Kevin Bundy gives an outstanding librarian, now a dour and crippled old performance as the frightening man, takes his audience back 30 pyromaniac Dim Denny. Each years, to the fifties. We meet many of speech mannerism and gesture is the inhabitants of Lilly, Alta., and are true to the protrayal of a deranged given intimate glimpses into their mind coming closer and closer to lives. committing some monstrous act. There's the town drunk (Robert Hanging over the town like an in - King), certain the next train will escapable miasma is the brooding bring back his wife; the macabre presence of Mrs. Lilly (Margaret undertakers (Reg Dreger and Ron Barton), the rich and ruthless widow Gabriel) mentally measuring of the town's founder Quentin Boone everyone for that final fitting; the Lilly, who has blighted the lives of minister (David Fox) neglecting his everyone around her. She forced her polio -crippled wife (Loreena MaKen- husband's pregnant mistress Gypsy nitt) for a torrid affair with Edwina Savage (Lorna Wilson) to hand over Edith Edwards (Nancy Roberts) her child after Quentin's death. whose pretentious airs are ex- Despite laterhusbands and numerous emplified in speech liberally (aced partners, including the town's drug - with French bon mots pronounced a gist who "bubbled and brewed and la John Diefenbaker; Willy's brother burned for you", Mrs. Lilly remains Ben, permanently traumatized by the bitterly barren, unloved and in - death of his parents; the druggist's capable of loving. hypochondriac wife lamenting "I got Many members of the excellent seven children - and all of them liv- cast, one of the largest ever assembl- ed"; Willy's love Calla Lilly (Paulina ed on the Blyth Festival stage, play Gillis) and a host of others adding more than one part. Fox, Laurel Petz, their touch of comedy or sorrow to the Heather Esdon and Ron Gabriel are drama. among the members doing double or *********************,Art*********** LARGE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SALE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Hugh Filson Tom Robson * 666-0833 666-1967 ********************************** Of farm machinery, household, automotive, * misc. 1 Ilderton Fair Grounds - Ilderton, Ont. Friday Evening, August 29 - 6:00 p.m. HOUSEHOLD 8. MISC: Deep freeze, Barbecue, Kroehler love * , seat and high back chairs, rugs, complete bathroom, chrome *. set, baby crib and seats, TV s, coffee table, garden tools, new * tools of all kinds, electric stoves, beds, dressers, Bata VCR, etc: * FARM MACHINERY: We have received instructions -from a * secured creditor to sell the following: Which will be sold at 7:00 * p.m. int. 966 Farmall tractor with cab, J.D. 8 tractor, 18.4 x 34 * duals, Int. 4000 self propelled 121/2 ft. swather, White 4 fur. plow No. 508, Int. 400 cyclone planter with monitor, J.D. 21 run grain * drill (2 yr. old), White wheel disc, 21' Glencoe cult., with roll- * ing harrows, Kongskilde cult., Gehl 400 harvester with 2 row * corn and hay heads, Gehl forage rack and wagon, Dion forage * rack and wagon, flat rack and wagon, wagon gear, Int. 550 * manure spreader with slush gate, Rhino 3 pt. h. blade, 2 auger * snow blowers, 32 ft. 6" Allied auger, 20 ft. 5" grain auger, 21 * ft. harrogator, Clay metor 4 compartment mill, good condition, selling complete with augers. TRUCK: 1982 Dodge 4 wheel drive pickup, selling as is. Truck * topper. This is a partial list only. * TERMS: Cash sale night. Lunch booth. * Auctioneers * * * t 'B'- o®0r ,a®m©a®®tea® C`°" Estate Auction 4`c i; of household, appliances an furniture on 40 Thursday, August 28 at 5:00 p.m. for the estate of Max and Dorothy Carter on Water St., in Egmondville ei FURNITURE: New 4 piece bedroom suite (never used), 5 piece bedroom suite, chrome table and 4 chairs, love seat, 2 leather o chairs and matching chesterfield, coffee and end tables, arm p illchairs, mirrors, 2•side boards, shag rug, picture frames, lamps, Johnny pole, pole lamps, Vandor chime clock, TV stand, 2 desks with chairs, dishes, plates, glasses, linens, blankets, bird cage, lawn chairs, old wood chairs, old childs rocking chair, blanket ri trunks, old wood rocking chair, wicker baskets, antique Col- eman lamp. APPLIANCES: Westinghouse upright freezer, Westinghouse o h.d. washer and dryer, Westinghouse electric stove and mat- ching refrigerator, stereo and record player with 4 speakers, toaster oven, vacuum cleaner, electric heaters, fans, many new TV tubes, electric clocks. TOOLS: Co-op 16/44, 16 hp riding lawnmower (like new), wheel barrows, 'ump pumps, paint sprayer with motor, B & D sander, skill saw, garden hose, saws, hammers, wrenches, shovels, 17 hoes, greenhouse sheets, drills, 4 cylinder Datzon motor, bat - illtery cables, chains, gas cans, rope, 26 ft. aluminum kidder, wood ladder, snow shovel and many other items, I] Terms cash. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents Auctioneer John Finlay 236-4814 O _Gl®m®o®®®ot.. 11:1 1 • • 1J' ✓,Mc: AUCTION SALE OF FARM EQUIPMENT We will be offering for sale by Public Auction o complete line of form equipment for John and Mary Govers at the location 1 mile south of Crediton or 2'/2 miles west of Centralia on August 26, 1986 at 10:30 a.m. COMBINE: 6600 John Deere hydrostatic c/w cab, straw chop- per; 12 ft. header with Sund pickup; 443 4 row N. corn head; White 15 ft. floating soybean head; John Deere 4 row soybean and sunflower header. TRACTORS: John Deere 8430, 2500 hours, 4 w.d. c/w duals, 3 pth, 1000 pto; John Deere 2130 with roll bar and remote; Cockshutt 1755 with cob, 3 pth and hydraulics Cockshutt 1365 c/w loader, i TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: International 34 ft. Vibrashank cultivator with midwest harrows; John Deere 3600 plow, automatic reset, 6 furrow 18 inch; Glencoe soilsaver, 9 shank; Turnco 18 ft. packers; 12 ft. harrogator. WHITE BEAN EQUIPMENT: Innis 6 row bean windrower with cross conveyor; Smyth 6 row bean puller; Innis 4 row bean win- drower with cross conveyor; 2 Kongskilde 6 row, 3 pth cultivators; 15 ft. Yetter rotary hoe; 2 Burns 10 ton wagons with 260 bu. gravity boxes; 1 Turnco 165 bu. gravity wagon; Inter- national 5100 groin drill with gross seeder; John Deere 7100, 3 pth corn and bean planter, 6 row; Westfield 8", 6 ft. grain auger, with pto. MISC. EQUIPMENT; George White 3 pth, 200 gal. sprayer; George White trail sprayer, 300 gal. 34 ft. boom; water wagon and pump; Gehl 99 forage blower; McKee corn hog; New Holland 357 mix mill, 20" with extension auger; pig platform scale; New Holland 676 manure spreader; Husky 12 ft. liquid manure pump; Husky 3000 gal. liquid manure tank (Tandems). TRUCKS: 1980 Dodge 150, '/, ton truck; 1969 International 2010 with 18 ft. grain box; GMC truck with 14 ft. grain box, parts only. All equipment and truckOselling on as is basis. Not responsi- ble for accidents. Totally unreserved auction. Proprietor's: Govers Farms Auctioneer: Bruce Rothwell t �t�eii K. .1.10c eu'ei Inc. • Hwy. No. 4, Brucefield, Ontario (519) 482-7181 ) even triple duty. The masks worn by many of the characters are eerily effective. Billows of white fabric are used in- novatively to create a gamut of illu- sions from bedsheets to a raging bliz- zard, and twirling grey and black um- brellas evoke memories of the trains that once provided everything from the exotic to the mundane for small- town Canada. Dyba has the soul of a poet. His script refers to the town's only half- breed, Mrs. Guinea, "casting her long line into the past". The Alberta sky is described as "a collapder of frosty stars". Old men are called "frozen icons", and one of the characters is said to "trail Calgary scent like a feathery boa". Lilly, Alta. guarantees an enjoyable and unforgettable experience. !JwIU1111UWnwuWnumuWu111ruunun1uUL' DENFIELD LIVESTOCK I. SALES LTD. !..1._ Sales Every Tuesday E of Ei Fat Cattle E • Stocker 'g Pigs = For Trucks, Sorting or Ei Information call . Fieldman Allan Hill 227-4869 Sales Barn 666.1140 E Mondays or Tuesdays E :iI111111111II111I111111111111111111IIIIIIIl1111111111111111K A 3uijioMeso ATeca Ty ACCOUNTANT -PUBLIC orris iomuLh Chartered Accountants P.O. Box 1690, 497 Main Street, EXETER, Ontario NOM ISO (519) 235-0101 WARD MALLETTE Chartered Accountants 476 Main Street St. S., Exeter, Ontario Resident Partner: John S. McNeilly, C.A. 235-0120 519-235-0345 KIME, DITCHFIELD, MILLS & DUNLOP CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS GERALD W. MILLS, C.A. Managing Partner JOSEPH F. DARLING, C.G.A. 347 MAIN STREET EXETER. ONTARIO NOM 1S0 AUCTIONEERS Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years of experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind any place We guarantee you more To insure success of your sale or appraisol Phone Collect 666-0433 666-1967 Ontario Auction Service Get Action -Sell By Auction Complete Soles Service Auctioneers and Appraisers "Sue" Edginton RR 2 Lucan, Ont. "Bud" McIver (519) 227-4210 REPAIRS isewiillig MadeheiN Repairs to all makes Free estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 5w msan''�d :ave 149Downie it. Ltd, Closed Monday Phone 271-9660_...) INVESTMENTS Debentures, G.I.C. s, R.R.S.P.s & Canada Savings Bonds Contact Joan Love RR 3, Parkhill, Ontario NOM 2K0 ()hone Grand Bend• 238-2644 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER 8 APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We giv complat• sal. service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phon• CoIIK$ 235-1964 EXETER JF Auction Services Book Your 1986 Sale Now CaII 236-4814 Auctioneer John Finlay Anytime - Anywhere JF AUCTIONEERS Bob Heywood Licensed Auctioneer Specializing in household and estate auctions Reasonable rates Bob 235-0874 �verne 235-1 FARM SERVICE * ALSESSO- ' 1 Kirkton Specializing in ON FARM TIRE SERVICE Calcium Service Tires - Complete Radiator Repairs 8 Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-8952 J 1 1