HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-08-20, Page 15ding to council the most favourable
applicant. All applications are to be
received by 5 p.m. on September 2.
Council has suggested that a phone
answering service be obtained for the
arena manager instead of portable
phones as previously recommended
by the committee.
golden glimpses
Finally the floor We has arrived
and has been laid in the auditorium
so now residents and staff will be able
to enjoy the full use of it. We will be
plann.«„ an Official Opening which
will be announced sometime during
late fall.
We regret that Mrs. Marcella
Dietrich is a patient in South Huron
Hospital, and we wish her a speedy
Monday, August 25 will be the 101st
birthday of Mrs. Matilda Tetreau. We
will be having open house in her
honour from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. We in-
vite her friends and relatives to join
her for tea and cake. She is also plan-
ning - to attend the Zurich Bean
Festival on Saturday, August 23. She
is proud of the fact that she has never
missed the festival since its beginn-
ing. I invite all of the visitors at the
Bean Festival to patronize the Blue
Water Rest Home Auxiliary booth,
also to have a ticket on the beautiful
quilt. The draw will take place
sometime during late. afternoon.
Residents -Who were out recently
were Violet Dunn, Fred Teeter, Alvin
Steckle, Genevieve Ducharme, Marie
Hess, Francis Dunn, Stephen Molnar,
Irvin Eckstein, Loftus Denomme,
Aaron Gingerich, Marie Oesch and
Mary Gerber:
On Friday afternoon, some of our
residents were chaperoned by Marc
Chalut in the bus around the resort
area of Bayfield. •
We are grateful to all who have
made contributions of fresh fruit and
vegetables to the Home recently.
Bingo was played on Friday even-
ing followed by refreshments.
The Sunday evening chapel service
was conducted by Rev. Holkstra of
On Friday, August 8, the
playground children went to Grand
Bend by bus to the zoo. On the
way they stopped at Ferguson
Apiaries for a tour of the Honey House
and each one received a jar of honey
to take home.
On Tuesday Aug. 12 the kids had a
bike rodeo at the park with OPP Cor-
poral Dave Woodward attending from
As this week is "Safety Week" on
Wednesday everyone visited the
firehall in Zurich.
Friday was "Dress -up day" and
everyone dressed as their future
career. They also went to O'Connor's
Ambulance Service that day.
This was the last week for swimm-
ing lessons, with test day on
This being the last week of Zurich
playground they will end it by going
to the Playhouse on Tuesday to'see
the Potato People. Thursday, August
21 will be a big day as the kids along
with some parents will go by bus to
Storybook Gardens in London.
I'm sure all the children had a great
time at playground this summer as it
kept them busy doing a variety of
Thanks to the two leaders, Bobbi
Brown and Kelly Kirk, for a job well
Times -Advocate, August 20, 1986
Page 3A
To the Bean :Festival
Dairy Store
Main St., Zurich
Phone 236-4930
To the 21st Annual
While you're attending
the Bean Festival in
Zurich, drop by and visit
at our Display!
cWuzon eRidje cAzes
on Hwy. 21 South of
S ayfieHd
& Hwy. N
nest of Zurich
RR2, ZURICH PHONE:565-2122
Monday To friday-l-9 Saturday -9-S
To The 21st Annual
Bean Festival
Saturday, August 23
Hay MuJ.
Telephone System
Enjoy your
day at the
A SAMPLE — Gerald Shantz, president of the 21st annual Zurich
Bean Festival, holds a stirrer-ful of Zurich's most famous product.
Fresh Perch or
Whitefish or Pickerel
Roast Beef
Clam chowder soup or juice
included .
on a Bun
with sauerkraut
We have the best home cooked full course
Meals. Homemade pie and Homemade French
Country Cafe
Family Restaurant
Hwy. 84 Zurich 236-7242
(Beside the bowling alley)
Owned and o • : rated b Joe and Deb Milli
Every Success to the 21st Annual Zurich
Bean Festival
We specialize in custom slaughtering and freezer orders. Just
ask for Rick or Bob
Phone 236-7793 Zurich
AMBULANCE AT PLAYGROUND — An ambulance from O'Connor Ambulance service visited the Zurich
playground, Friday morning. Michael O'Connor and Jim Burnett show Jimmy Denomme how he would
be treated if injured in a swimming accident.
Arena manager resigns
Establish paving
Zurich council Thursday night
established a policy concerning
ratepayers wishing to install paving
stones on village property.
The policy establishes that any
ratepayer wishing to pave or install
paving stones on village property at
the end of their driveways must ob-
tain permission from the village road
The property owner is also repon-
sible for repairs and maintenance if
it is essential for village staff to do
any repairs under such paving or pav-
ing stones or damage by snow
Al Scott of the Ministry of Environ-
ment attended the meeting to answer
some questions regarding sewer pro-
blems in the village.
Scott said he thought a lot of runoff
rain water was getting into the sewer
system. He added, "Only floor drains
are allowed to drain. Just because we
have heavy rains, the system
shouldn't back up."
In answer to a question from coun-
cillor Herb Turkheim regarding
runoff from the lagoon, Scott said,
"That is done twice a year with about
9.9 million gallons discharged each
Getting back to the village problem
of extra water getting into the system,
Scott said, "I think the village can
handle checking into where this water
is coming from. The sewer system is
not overloaded because of the number
of people hooked on, but from extra
water probably from roofs and gut-
ters. In February of 1985, the flows in-
creased by ten -fold."
Councillor Ray McKinnon comm-
mented that the system was design-
ed for 1,500 people and should have
lots of capacity Ieft.He then asked if
village employees could use dye tests
to determine where the water was
coming from.
Scott's answer was, "Yes and you
could also use smoke tests."
Council decided to take Scott's ad-
vice on clearing up the problem and
will be asking the county of Huron
plumbing inspector for assistance.
Scott also advised that 2,500 feet of
fencing around the 'sewer lagoon
needed replacing and suggested the
village undertake the job saying,
"You can do it cheaper."
Council instructed clerk Sharon
Baker to get copies of transient trader
and property standard bylaws from
other area communities before any
local action is taken.
On property standards, councillor
McKinnon said, "I would be concern-
ed with over zealous committee
members. Reeve Bob Fisher added,
"We need to have a property stan-
dards bylaw in order to qualify for
ONIP grants."
Similarily, the clerk was asked to
check in to the building bylaw to learn
if building permits are required for
re -roofing of existing structures.
Clerk Baker was given permission
to attend a municipal finance con-
ference in London from September 24
to 26.
Reeve Bob Fisher told council that
a recent meeting on the proposed
Zurich municipal drain cleanout was
handled properly. Engineer Don
Pletch will be instructed to go ahead
with a report. Fisher added, "The
cleanout won't happen this year. Con-
tracts could be let by next March."
A letter was read from Mervyn Erb
of the Zurich Mennonite Church lodg-
ing a complaint of activities of the re-
cent Zurich fall fair Sunday morning
while church services were
The monthly report from animal
control officer Don Groot indicated
one animal had been apprehended
during the month of July.
Minutes of the hydro and water
system revealed discussion of a
special bulletin from the Municipal
Electric Association concerning
drastic changes in costs of liability
Consideration is being taken in
some form of self insuring pool which
seems practical with promise of im-
proved coverage, greater flexibility
and lower premiums.
The latest minutes from the recrea-
tion, parks and community centre
board included acceptance with
regret of arena manager Gerry
Rader after 11 years in that position.
Advertisements for a successor are
being placed in the London Free
Press, Zurich Advance and Exeter
Times Advocate for a replacement
with duties to commence September
The recreation board will be
holding interviews and recommen-
Cheeses, Spices,
Fruits, Nuts,
We have it!
"The Best from:
our family toFERGUSON
yours for good° . l` APIARIES
Hwy. N btrtwoon Hensel{ & Zwkh �"►
eating `y�' •, Pt1on. (519) 2361979 `1 ` .411)A 1 `
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Welcome to the Zurich Bean Festival
The sure way to boost profTts
See us for
Hesston provides
Uni-Homier skid steer 45 h.p. - 160 h.p.
See us for Special Prices on Case and Hesston'
tractors and Uni-Loaders
Sales and Service - Repair
Zurich, Ont.
Phone 236-4934 236-4321