HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-07-30, Page 18Paye 8A Times -Advocate, July 30, 1986 • ummut CONCRETE Taraw C.e s►ALL M N Cof POR ••wa.• c .-CAU ..QSNCI. .unw1 rats uw CIles McCann Redi-Mix las.. Dashwood 237.3647 231-0351 D01en5. For all your rental needs C. RENTALS S. SERVICE 237-3456 245-4660 At. Carmel Strathroy Best Wishes to Friedsburg Days • interior • exterior Painting JOHN HAYTER PAINTING Dashwood 237-3298 Grand Band I•p Grand Be d erful Flavours 238-6555 HAROLD SCHROEDER MILLING *CLEAN 8 TREAT SEED WHEAT Before White Bean Harvest Super Sweet Feeds DASHWOOD 237-3651 MERNER'S MEATS "Home of Dashwood Sausage" Visit our booth at the Croft Show at Dashwood Hall DASHWOOD 237-3677 VVIiilt, unim mg Friedsburg Days camp with Us Weekly and Daily Camping Available Birch Bark Coming Corn Roast August 16 Tont and Trailer Park 1", miles north on Hwy. 21 than mll.s east on Hwy. 83 •�, ,b„� ��„ am 1.111, Member of OPC A Bo. • 1 • Grand wwae.. ,..,d lona Bend. 1519,2388256 Welcome to Friedsburg Days Fresh ,1 seusol B F'orer Hayter's Turkey Farms Ltd, Dashwood 237-3561 Don Bender Electric Ltd. FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS!' Industrial, Commercial R Residential Dashwood 237-3575 UNITED PLASTIC COMPONENTS LIMITED 143 Thames Road E. Exeter 235-2867 Welcome to Friedsburg Days llnszl ,Intl Pons Smith n11111.1. "i OW I h,r•r•I1110 I hilt, Good Home Country Cooking • Doily Specials • Toke Out Orders open 7 days ....... tun I o wool. [ Smorgasbord Dining J Mon. -FH. 7 a.m. 8 p.m. Sot. 8 a.rn.•8 p.m. Sun. 9 o.m..8 p.m. K itchen doses 7:30 p.m. ever ni•M Horse Shoe Diner Hwy. 13, Dashwood 237-3753 Re,i Vl/l_ii1P.S Friedsb. rg Days Terry Sweiger Accounting Dashwood 237.3613 LORNE R. BECKER CONSTRUCTION Custom Combining Tractor Back Hoe Crawler Louder Trucking Water for pools etc '” Install or Repair septic Conks and weeoinq beds RR I, Dashwood 237-3452 ENJOY YOURSELF AT FRIEDSBURG DAYS BANK OF MQ NT REAL The First Canadian Hank EXETER, DASHWOOD, CREDITOR FRIENDLY DASHWOOD ISTHE PLACE TO BE THIS WEEKEND Be sure you're in Dashwood this Friday, Saturday and Sunday for what pro- mises to be the fun weekend of the summer. Friedsburg Days has become one of this area's favorite annual events with family fun and entertainment for everyone and the whole community will greet you with genuine hospitality. The businesses listed on this page extend a warm welcome to Dashwood and they hope you really enjoy yourself during the festivities. FRIDAY. AUGUST. 1 5:00 p.m. Giant Midway (Maple City Shows) 6:00 p.m. Sauerkraut/Sausage & Schnitzel 7:00 p.m. Bavarian Garden Kids Balloon Liftoff 7:30 p.m. Kids Night (free fun and games) 8:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Dancing to "The Moonlighters" (Cover charge) SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 9:00 a.m. Horse show at Ball Diamond 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Craft Show Community Centre Block Parent Bake Sale 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Parade line-up and judging at Ball Park 11:30 a.m. Presentation of awards 12 Noon Parade Theme is "Games People Play". Line up at Ball Park, all entries are judged as they enter park. (For more informa- tion about parade contact Karen Tieman 237-3755 or 237-3677. 1:30 p.m. Queen Crowning Pet Show Registration 2:00 p.m. Children's Pet Show Costumes - Best Groomed - Most Unique - Most Colorful - Best Trained - Tiniest 2:30 p.m. Crosscut Sawing Contest 3:30 p.m. Arm Wrestling (within 20 mile radius of Dashwood) 4:30 p.m. Tug of War 6:00 p.m. Beer Garden Closed during supper hour 6:30 p.m. sharp Sports Final 8:00 p.m. Beer Garden re -opens 8:00 p.m• Euchre in Community Centre 8:00 - 12 midnight Dancing to"The Golden Tones"(Cover charge) Anyone interested in having a table for crafts on Saturday, August 2, please contact Marion Tiernan 237-3744 or Brenda Kipfer 238-8804 SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 10 aam. Interdenominational church service in the pavilion. Guest speaker - Brian Kempster Firemen's pancake and sausage brunch immediately following service PROCEEDS TOR COMMUNITY BETTERMENT Best Wishes Friedsburg JIM BECKER CONSTRUCTION Dashwood ENJOY A WHEN YOU'RE AT FRIEDSBURO DAYS Bottled By TUCKEY BEVERAGES Ltd. Huron Park 228.6503 Brian's Service centre II— MET -1111i 0111 O sqy na TM (bola few Prol•..lo-ole Dashwood, 237-3322 Best Wishes to Friedsburg Days A. Denomme Constriction Ltd. • cwloa. Home. • Alum,num a,d V.nrl S.d.ng • Rool,oy • Adddrom • Irdoo, avldoo, — FREE ESIMATES — Pah. Fwn 237.3314 Dashwood \u ,�di L•, b:q , , 1,u, .nL,tl NORMAN FISCHER PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL "We Specialize In ELECTRICAL HEATING" DASHWOOD 237-3271 Thank You Dashwood for helping the South Huron and District Association for the Mentally Handicapped serve in the following ways ARC industries-Woodworking -lndustriol Contracts -Food Services Maintenance -Community Activity Program Association Administration Office South Huron and District Association lot the Mentally Handicapped Best Wishes Friedsburg Days "No job is too big or loo small" Complete renovations Beat inflation - renovate Dave Rader Construction 1o. 3, Dashwood 237.3412 Best Wishes to Friedsburg Dais e•a.ral Carp.wtry • •Milo-. • ear•, M,11d1-.. Ardtif.ehFr.I Dr.fH.g Floor Plans and Elevations, etc. Schroeder Design Build Dashwood 237-37/,9 Best Wishes to Friedsburg Days Hoffman's Dashwood ZIMMER'S TV Hitachi - Panasonic • Video • Television • Radio • Microwave Oven DASHWOOD PHONE 237-3428 • Fo,nitur• • • iFtwar. • lamps Tieman's Hardware i Furiitvre D ashwood 231.3661 Best Wishes to Friedsburg Days Harold Stire Sanitation Dashwood Men's & Ladies' Clothing Dry Goods Groceries Hudson's Bay Coats 8 Blankets Mohair Blankets Bedding and Giftware Vernon Schots Ganaral Store D ashwood 137-3531 Groceries & Confectioneries Toys, Hardware, Giftware New & Used Books' Children's Clothing & Balsa & Plastic Model Kits Doug and Nancy's General Store Dashwood 237-3403 A friendly welcome to Friedshurq Days from your Exclusive Case IH dealer I�i� • 331`-:i M IA FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Sales & Service Since 1932 tsal.r. Ontario Dashwood. Ontario 3.1.3 A Servir. C.11; ; sola. 237.3473 233.2121 `` jj S.rvlr.237.3242 Best Wishes to Friedsburg Days Tmes- Advocate This message sponsored by the fine firms listed on this page • JULIIE'S FAMILY HAIR STYLING Main St. Dashwood, Ontario l YOUR FAMiYS HAR CAFE CENTRE 237-3577 Dashwood (Hotel Your friendly neighbourhood spot w.lco es you 50 Friedsburg Days 440 - F