HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-07-16, Page 51
Mr. and Mcs. Gordon C. Bleck, RR 1, Zurich, are pleased to
announce the engagement of their daughter, Vicky Ann, to
James Gerard D'Arcy son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence D'Arcy,
Sarnia. The wedding will take place on Saturday, July 26, 1986,
at Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church, Exeter at 3 p.m. Open
reception to follow at 9 p.m. at Dashwood Community Centre.
Dashwood BIA holds
annual barbecue meeting
11v N1rs. Irvin Mader
The Dashwood and Area Business
Association held their annual
barbecue meeting at th6community
centre pavilion Monday evening. The
committee in charge of the
Ecumenical Service August 3 at 10
a.m. reported that Mr. Brian Kemp-
ster, lawyer from St. Thomas, On-
tario, will be the speaker. He is a
dynamic Christian speaker and lives
what he preaches.
The United Church continues their
combined Sunday services with
Zurich in Dashwood for July. Former
N.H.G. hockey player Dean Prentice
will share his personal testimony at
the July 27 10:00 a.m. service. lie will
also show the film "Breakaway".
Special music will be provided by
Jana Lynn Rutledge, professional
singer and actress who has sung on
100 Huntle Street.
Annual Picnic
Huron County Poultry, Pigeons,
Pets Stock Association annual picnic
was held at Cliff and Laura Peppers
residence. Twenty-five members at-
tended from Guelph, Dashwood, Var-
na, Zurich, Georgetown and
The wedding of Judith Mellecke,
daughter of Pastor and Mrs. M.
Mellecke and Jay Lemanski took
place at Zion Lutheran church Satur-
day, July 12.
Dave and Nancy Rader attended
the wedding of Nancy's brother Keith
to Sandra Doerr at Ailsa Craig United
Church Saturday, July 12. Paul and
Susan, Ben and Robin, London, spent
a couple of days with Mary Rader.
Miss Melvina Schade's funeral was
held Monday, July 14 from T. H. Hoff-
man Funeral Hom
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TOP SCORES —Several Grand 7 and 8 students from Huron Centen-
nial School, Brucefield, participated in the Gauss Math test. These
three students (left to right) Brad DeWys, Michelle Turner and John
Burton received the top three scores in Huron County.
Times -Advocate, July 16, 1986 Pogo 5
Former Crediton lady to celebrate 100th
Mrs. Mary Gower of the
Queensway Nursing Hoy- 'n Hensall
formerly of Crediton will be
celebrating her 100th birthday on Sun-
day July 20. Open House will be held
at Zion United Church on Sunday Ju-
ly 20 from 2-4 in the Sunday School
Edward Valender of Phelpston
passed away at Penetang General
Hospital Monday July 7 in his 59th
year. He is survived by his wife
Marlene (Murphy) Valender Dear
father of Darlene (Mrs. Rich Archer)
and Edward both of Elmvale,
Deborah of Barrie, Patrick, Donna
and Kerri all at home and three
grandchildren Jennifer, Christie and
He had spent his early years in this
area and made his home with Mrs.
Margaret Clarke and family. He had
been employed at General Geri in
Barrie. Ed had many friends and will
be sadly missed: Members of the
Clarke family attended the funeral.
Sympathy and love are extended to
the families of the late Earl Picker-
ing RR 3 Parkhill. Mr. Pickering
passed away on Thursday July 10 and
was buried on Sunday July 13. He is
a brother of Ross Pickering, RR 3
The sermon topic at Zion United
Church Crediton was taken from I
Peter 5:1-11 and John 21:12-19 titled
The Experiences and Preaching of
Kippen wedding
By Margaret Hoggarth
Neighbours and friends gathered at
a miscellaneous shower and brunch
hosted by June Cooper at her home on
Sunday, July 6, in honour of Mary
Jane McGregor, daughter of Jim and
Betty McGregor.
On Tuesday July 8 a large shower
was held in Hensall United Church in
Mary Jane's honour. Hostesses were
Eileen McLean, Gwen Devereaux
(Eileen's daughter), June Cooper,
Ruby Finlayson and Peggy Ferguson.
Peggy Ferguson welcomed
everyone. Eileen McLean gave the
At the Granton United Church Rev.
Bruce Pierce was in charge of the
Sunday morning worship, and took
his sermon from the scripture lesson
taken from Romans 5:1-11 and entitl-
ed his message "For God so Loved".
In the beginning there was the Word,
let there be light, and it was good, said
the minister.
God so loved the World, that He
gave his only begotten son so that
those who believe in Him shall have
everlasting life. In the children's
time, the minister explained to them
that they can talk to God at any time
and He will give them Love, Peace
and Joy.
Women's Institute News
Members from Granton W.I. on
Tuesday, July 8 attending the 60th an-
niversary of North Lobo Women's In-
stitute, were the following ladies Mrs.
Muriel Lewis, Mrs. Florence Riddel,
Mrs. Percy Hodgins, Mrs. Elmer
Harlton, Mrs. Florence Bryan, Mrs.
Elsie Dann, Mrs. Nora Wissel and
Mrs. Eileen Summers.
The meeting was supposed to be in
the Poplar Hill Park, but it was held
in the Poplar Hill Baptist Church
because of the weather. A number of
humorous skits were put on, by the
host W.I. Mrs. Ray Henderson's
report on her attendance at the
A.C.W.W. Conference held in
Killarney Ireland recently, was most
interesting and educational.
At the conclusion of the meeting, a
social time was enjoyed over lunch,
with anniversary cake and fruit, for
Some electrifying
thoughts about pool safety
During the height of summer activity it's easy to
forget about electrical safety. Why not take a few minutes to
remind your family to stay safe around the pool?
Keep electric radio, tvs, docks, barbecues, lights and other appliances
at feast 10 feet (3 metres) from the pool.
Appliances really shouldn't be
used outdoors at all unless they are equipped with a heavy
duty cord and 3 prong plug.
Swimming pools should be well away from hydro wires...
otherwise, you run the risk of hitting the wires with long handled
cleaning equipment. To hit even a light bulb with a skimmer
or vacuum cleaner is dangerous.
For your personal protection, all outdoor electrical outlets should be
equipped with a ground fault circuit interrupter.
If your home isn't presently equipped
with ground fault circuit interrupters (G.F.C.I.),
contact a qualified electrician or electrical
contractor for advice about this "split -second -
electrical protection.
Exeter Public
379 Main Street South
M. A. Greene, Chairman
H. L. Davis, Manager
Utilities Commission
Exeter, Ontario, 235-1350
B. F. Shaw, Commissioner
H. DeVrles, Commissioner
address. limy Finlayson read two
very appropriate readings. June
Cooper and Gwen Devereaux acted
out a very humorous skit entitled
"Marriage License".
Mary Jane McGregor was then
placed in the chair of honour. Her
mother Betty McGregor, and grand-
mother Babe McGregor were seated
to her right. Theresa Bye (nee Ferris)
and Janice McCooey were to the left
of Mary Jane. Renee Devereaux and
Angela McLean (grand -daughters of ta-
Eileen McLean) presented the gifts.
The bows from the gifts were plac-
ed on a tree by Janice McCooev.
Mary Jane then thanked everyone
and Lunch and social hour followed.
Congratulations to Mary Jane
McGregor on her marriage to Jake
Knudslien. The wedding took place on
Saturday, July 12 in Hensall United
Church. The happy couple will reside
in Lac La Biche, Alberta, which is
located halfway between Edmonton
and Fort McMurray.
John and Veronica Thomson have
returned from a trip to Vancouver.
They flew to Calgary then motored
through Banff, Lake Louise and the
Three Mile Gap, spending two days in
the mountains. Next stop was Van-
couver, with three days at Expo.
Veronica mentioned that the Cana-
dian Pavilion is well worth visiting.
We are pleased to report that Jim
Cooper has now returned home from
University Hospital.
Bob and Marlene Bell'spent a few
days in Indian River, Michigan
visiting with Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey
Ruby Finlayson hosted a shower on
Friday, June 27 in honour of Mary
Jane McGregor.
Congratulations to Shelley
Finlayson, daughter of Laird and
Ruby Finlayson, who has now com-
pleted her course at Marvel School of
Hairdressing in London. Shelley is
presently job -hunting.
Rev. Joyce Pickering of London
was preaching.
Sympathy ants love are also`extend-
ed to Mrs. Phillis Lightfoot and family
and Mrs. Mona Hamilton and family
in the death of their aunt Melvina
Schade of London. She passed away
Saturday July 12 at South Huron
Hospital, Exeter and was buried Mo,.
day July 14.
Only two weeks left until Bible
School. Don't forget kids to remuud
your parents: July 28 to August 1.
Dan and Sherri Haugh of London
and Brian and Linda Nakamura of
Goderich entertained their parents
Ross and Irene Haugh at the Latin
Quarter in London Saturday night in
honour of their 35th wedding
Bob and Dorothy Lambie of Saska-
toon, Saskatchewan are visiting this
week with her mother Mrs. Laura
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