HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-06-25, Page 26Page 14A Times -Advocate, Jun* 25, 1986
SANDERS VS. J.DEE'S — After two preliminary, the playoff for the
Hotel Challenge Bed races was between defending champions from
Sanders On -the -Beach challenged by J.Dee's with the Grand Bend
Beach Patrol providing the unbeatable man power. Running every-
day has been part of Beach Patrol training to be ready for the sum-
mer, so J.Dee's team took the championship this year. Schooner
beach towels were the appropriate prizes donated by Labatts.
Iurgerfost packs 'em itt
on a take-out basis for those who hard working guys and gals to make
up the relay teams. The crew from
Hotel Mainstreet proved their service
is tops as they won the event for the
second .year in a row.
The CKSL broadcast truck and
Labatt's Canada Cooler van added to
the air of excitement as the bed races
got underway and the streets filled up
with crowds of onlookers. The OPP
detachment, Beach Patrol, "13"
Woodward car salesman and several
other sponsors fielded a display of in-
genious and intriguing constructions
to serve as beds as could ever be
Entrepreneur Dave Underwood of
Ridgetown won the men's open bed
raced for the second year in a row
with his "Bicycle Hospedal" entry us-
ing quick release aluminum alloy
bicycle wheels.
The hotel challenge award was
All the elements that go together fo
a great weekend in Grand Bend were
with the Chamber of Commerce for
the 12th annual Burgerfest celebra-
tion. The weather was sunny and hot,
the mimic beat moved your feet and
an event -filled agenda kept everyone
feeling good.
OPP constable Alex Gaul confirm-
ed that the number of people in the
Bend was very comparable to a big
holiday weekend. The line up of cars
waiting to cross the main intersection
on Sunday afternoon stretched almost.
a mile in all three directions yet OPP
kept things moving at that corner
with orderly dispatch and good
The sale of tickets to the Bavarian
Tent dinner and Riverstreet Band
,music for Friday night was not as
brisk as expected so somewere still
available at the door. Saturday night
was sold out well in advance. The pre-
sale of tickets allowed amuch easier
flow of people into the tent without
long lineups and assured each patron
a seat.
Chamber of Commerce president
Bob Sharen is already planning im-
provements for next year. It should
be better adyertised that the delicious
chicken dinners were also availabi
GRADUATES — Grand Bend Public School grade eight graduating class finished the year with flying
colours and celebrated with dinner and awards at The Thirsty Fox, Grand Bend, Thursday. Back row:
Matt Williamson, Heather Bennett, teacher Doris Elliott, Brian Baird. Front row: Tammy Johnson, Shari
Morley, Shannon Boyd, Brent Zubyck, Kim Lingard, Jake Morrice, Pam Horner, Kathy Nordstrum, Amy
Weather aids the cause
Cruising activity underwa
About a dozen cruising vessels
assembled on the lake a quarter of a
mile off the Grand Bend pier to par-
ticipate in the annual Cruise Past,
Saturday June 8 to officially open the
boating and social season of the
Grand Bend Cruising Club.
Assembling at the clubhouse, mar-
shal Tom Lawson called a captain's
meeting to apprise the group on the
cruise past order and "Splicing the
Main Brace" prior to moving off
down to the mouth of the Ausable
river and into the lake.
Keeping in constant radio com-
munications the Commodore Geoff
Davies aboard his boat "CC and
Water" anchored downwind while the
group assembled in formation ready
for the cruise past.
As the threat of rain continued to
grow, the ceremony was delayed by
one member running out of gas just
as he came to the open water. Another
short delay occurred while an infor-
mal "challenge race" was run bet -
Cordially invites the public to
The Official Opening of:
The Township of Bosanquet
Municipal Office
3 Louisa Street,
Thedford, Ontario
Friday, June Twenty -Seventh
Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-six
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Fred Thomas, Reeve
Township of Bosanquet
�rc ppreciatio,n
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and
thank Jerry Sanders Jr., Gerry Kurtz, Joyce Morden, Lloyd
Morden, Betty Datars, Danna Reetz, John Musser, Tom Krieale,
Bev Harwood, Bill Harwood, Lilian Best, and all the volunteers
who worked so hard to make the Burgerfest such a success.
The assistance of the OPP, the village council, and P.U.C. were
invaluable to the committee.
Jack Stanlake and his works crew along with Stan Lovie and
the P.U.C. staff were most helpful to our organizers.
If I have forgotten anyone please accept my apologies as
it is not intentional.
The service of these people who organized and operated
the event this year means that we as a Chamber of Com-
merce can continue the promotion and improvement of our
ts4uch of the community supported the committee and we
appreciate this support.
A srrlc ere thank you to one and all.
R.M. (Bob) Sharer
4 1
ween two participants. Eventually the
event proceeded and went off without
a hitch.
"It was the best cruise past we've.
ever had," claimed Lawson.
The Camelot and captain Tony
Relouw led off in their cruiser bedeck-
ed and outfitted complete with the
Doug Keenan Mardi Gras Mariachi
Band on board.
Commodore Geoff Davies then
donned his formal navy blazer to take
the salute from the bridge of CC and
Water as each member cruised past.
Although the order of the day was
nautical whites, some members took
a broader interpretation of the dress
code. Complete with karate black
belts and Japanese flag captain Rae
Sloman and his crew on Thriller
demonstrated that even on the high
seas the eastern influence is not to be
Lined, outlined and bestrewn with
paper roses, the crew of Merritt's
Irish Rose honoured the commodore
with a striking presentation of wild
Lawson, on his new boat Grabber,
after more splicing, concluded the
salute to Commodore Davies. For-
tunately not one vessel doubled hack
too soon- a procedure that could raise
cross swells and cause the com-
modore at anchor rough moments.
Returning to the clubhouse a suc-
cessful cruise past and opening was
celebrated on the patio before the
deluge of rain struck again.
One does not have to be a boat
owner to be a member in good stan-
ding with the club as vice -commodore
Joyce Hyde will confirm. in fact on-
ly about seventy percent do. Full
boating membership fees are $275 but
a social membership is $100 and ther
are openings for new members.
Although the regular summer
Wednesday Barbeque dinners,
cruises to nearby resorts on Lake
Huron, and a corn roast are popular
events during July and August, the
November commodore's ball ansa
winter snowmobile events make this
a year-round club.
wanted to enjoy the good food and fun
but not stay late for the music and pub
in the tent.
"I think Gerry Sanders Jr. and his
committee did a superb job of
organizing the whole thing- I've heard
all positive comments about the
weekend. Young people were able to -
come to Grand Bend, have lots of fun
and enjoy the event. There were no
real problems with the crowd except
an incident of the town garbage cans
being purposely overturned. We
caught the kids and charged them this
year. The OPP, village council, PUC
and town works crew all gave ex-
cellent support," exclaimed Sharon
with enthusiasm.
A single line of spectators were on
hand to watch the 9 a,m. Saturday
waiters races- in fact it was a little
difficult to gather enough of these
QUICK SERVICE — Winners of the Burgerfest Saturday morning
waiters relay race was the team from Hotel Mainstreet. Spilling the
least amount of water were back left: Brent Lingard, John Cassin,
Bill Groff. Front: Karen Chardola, Chris Gibbs and Colleen Strong.
The trophy will stay with the Hotel Mainstreet for another year until
challenged again.
Top PS students
receive recognition
Twelve students made up the
Grand Bend Public School graduation
class of 1986. Their dinner was held at
The Thirsty Fox in Grand Bend on.
Thursday, June 19th at 6:00 p.m.
This class of '86 consists of Brian
Baird, Heather Bennett, Shannop
Boyd, Pam Horner, Tammy Johnson,
Kim Lingard, Shari Morley, Jake
Morrice, Kathy Nordstrom, Amy
Ridley, Matt Williamson, and Brent
Valedictorian, Heather Bennett
also won the Jean Sharen Memorial
Award. Heather will be missed by
'classmates as she will be moving'
away ovejhe,stu nnac ths. Shari
Morley received -the English award,
the family studies award and was
presented with the Mac MacLaren
award by teacher Carole Armbruster.
Mlle. Laurie Finn presented the
French award to Kim Lingard, who
also won the hist/geography award,
and the over-all academic award.
Jake Morrice was presented with the
science, industrial arts, and all-round
student citizenship award. Matt
Williamson on the mathematics
Trent Stellingwerff was presented
with the effort award by teacher
Doris Elliott at the final assembly in
the school gym, Friday. Heather
Steckle won the citizenship award
Nursery kids
hold graduation
Wearing mortar -boards, gowns for
those moving on to kindergarten and
clutching diplomas, 25 area toddlers
from the morning classes at Grand
Bend nursery school attended the
graduation ceremony Friday in the
United Church basement meeting
About 35 proud mothers and grand-
mothers and a dozen fathers were
treated to a short concert of songs led
by Sharon Kyle of Hensall, the
childrens' hard working teacher, ac-
companied on the piano by assistant
Connie Hodgins of Greenway.
As each child was called forward
and presented with a diploma, as
many cameras as there were parents
appeared and the big moment was
captured on film for future memories.
As the ceremony concluded and the
children posed again for group pic-
tures, "Rainbow" the clown delighted
the group with a surprise visit and
presented each one with a helium fill-
ed balloon courtesy of Country
Coffee and cookies completed a
most successful year for Grand Bend
Nursery school.
ALL ABOARD — Taking the salute on the bridge of "C.C. and Water",
Commodore Geoff Davies officially opened the boating season Satur-
day, June 8 for members of the Grand Bend Cruising Club on Lake
presented by school secretary and
Lioness member Sharon Soldan.
Teacher Connie Armitage presented
the public speaking awards to
Heather Bennett, Jason Desjardine,
Kirsten Mailow, Keith Crawford,
leeAnn Peckitt and Mike Clay.
Armitage, who will be leaving the
GB school for another posting, gave
each of her Kindergarten students a
big hug as they were presented with
their certificates.
stolen away from the Sanders team
this year. Runner Toth Jackson even
lost one running sboe but continued to
keep pushing for his team with one
bare foot. Heroics didn't pay and the
boys in top condition from the Beach
Patrol, running for J. Dee's took the
Hotel Challenge this year. "Scrwg
'em" they shouted in triumph and
paid a salute to the WD40 that kept
those bed wheels rolling to the finish
"Lots 0 Fun" representing Modern
Tool and Die from Kitchener provid-
ed just that ( lots of fun) as their whole
construction fell apart piece by piece
not more than 200 feet into the race.
A mysterious group of funsters in
strapless dresses appeared unex-
pectedly, borrowed a bed and
challenged the other two teams in the
women's open races. However, the
Betsy Bo -Bo's couldn't cope with the
fleet -footed Sanders team who over-
took the .Finnegan's team despite
Harry's exuberant cheering and pro-
mpting. The Betsy's collapsed on the
bed while the Sanders team pushed on
to victory. .
Sunday at 2:30 p.m., horns, sirens,
cheers and salutes greeted the ex-
hausted pair of canoeists Dave Des-
jardine and Xaviier Boogemans as
"they stroked to. a strong finish after
nine hours of- gruelling paddling
against strong southwest wind,
rough ter and 42 miles across Lake
Huron from Senalac to Grand Bend.
These two men created an event
never before accomplished in written
history _They did it for a good cause,
not the glory.
"We're paddling our buns off for a
cleaner beach" read the slogan
across their tee shirts. The funds rais-
ed by these two ambitious sportsmen
is being donated to the Grand Bend
beach cleaner fund, and it was done
with great style and dogged
Vieing for attention at the same
hour, the Miss Hawaiian Tropic of
Grand Bend swim suit contest was be-
ing held on the main beach.
A. John Hughes, C.D.
Denture Therapist
Box 839
37 Green Acres,
Grand Bend, Ontario
(519) 238.5300
409 Baker St. (Rear)
London, Ontario
(519) 439-9386
R.R. 2 Hensall. Ontario
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