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Times-Advocate, 1986-06-25, Page 21
, Zj.M r„ 44. :.10tH'. • `-. L • 16 i Times -Advocate, June 15, 1986 TillifiK CANOPY - new, fibre glass, low . Profk. Fits Chewy SIO or Datsun long box. Tp view at 71 Queen St. Heau4d1 or phone 262;2308, 26' CORN - 35 toes moisture 27th out of harvestert_no 227-4955. 26c DASHWOOD PATIO DOOR, 6' com- plate: $330.j'hone 235-1533. 26:27c PAPER TOLE (3 dimensional picture) sad fabric clowns, suitible for a child's room. Vfew lawat tOk at Mark of Tymes Anti- ques Ia Loam. Phone Nancy 227-4203. 26:27c NORiTAKE CHiNA Shop -at-home ser- vice. Start or add to your set with terrific discounts on all recent patterns. Please Specify your Noritake China pattern name and number. For price list, shape reference : sttlpping details, send today stamped -addressed business envelope to Alex- Noritake, 158 Waniea Ave., T onto Ont. M4N 1W2: • 26x by or Lq Of R ` METAL DETECTORS - hob - and industrial - for more information nearest dealer write: Canadian Metal Gators, RR 5 Waterford, Ont. NOE IVO call (519) 443-5193 or 1-800-265-8049. alar inquiries invited. 26x D FOR SALE - Order now. Good h dwood 540 a single cord, delivered. 2 -6303 or 228-6839. 26:27c ARTIST SUPPLIES Artboards, Brushes, • Acrylic Paints, • :Charcoal Pencils, Art Nibs Sketch Pads, Calligraphy. EXETER TIMES -ADVOCATE 30tfnx 24"(AS RANGE, digital clock, black glass tyling door. Left or right hand hinge fridg Deluxe interior 280 Litres 10.0 cu. ft,nbie, beige in colour (new). Phone 2354187, 235-2687. 26SA ACME WOOD COOKSTOVE, radial arm saw,' 8" Black and Decker. Two rechargable grass trimmers. Phone after 6 p.m. 293-3127. 24-26c ALUMINUM BOAT, 14 ft. windshield and steering wheel, with trailer. Phone 235-0518. 26SA RIDING MOWER 14 h.p. 1.H. lawn and garden tractor, hydrostatic 47" mower in good shape. Asking 52350. Phone 238-2832. , 26SA CUSTOM MADE TRAILER for lawn cut- ting operation. Phone 235-2815 after 6 p.m. 26SA HIGH MOISTURE CORN from Harvester silo. 15,000 bushels, 26'o large or small lots. Paul Wallis, RR 3 Granton. Phone 225-2127. 25:26c YARN - Discount Prices, Beehive Brands, Rot's Health Centre, Hensall. 321fn POOL SALE. One of Ontario's largest fac- tory outlets has large inventory of above, ingrounds. for immediate delivery. Com- pare us before buying. Guaranteed lowest prices. (416)623-6467, (613) 547-6434.26x HCr FEEDERS, 3 Targe round blue steel. Phe 234-6281. 26:27c YARD SALE, Dashwood. Sat. June 28. 9-4. Weather permitting. Roll -away bed, he* hoard, bicycle, child's seat, misc. kerbs. 26' W4TERBED, queen size, light stain, brand neva complete 5425. Phone Dave Prout 235-0284 after 6 p.m. 26c MQFFAT DRYER, only one year old S22r5. Portable AC or DC freezer chest or refrigerator. Black and' Decker :bench grinder.Phone 235.2329: 26' NEIOHBOURHOOD YARD SALE, Saturday, June 28 and Sunday, June 29; 10th conc. Stephen Twp., watch for signs; dishwasher, playpen, baby carrier, crafts, etc. 26c BICYCLES, 20 inch boys and girls, 24 inch boys, 26 inch men's standard and speed bikes. Phone 235-0206. 26:27c GARAGE SALE - Sat. 9-5. 20 Nelson St. Exe r. 26-29c AIR CONDITIONER, 15,000 BTU win- dow, in excellent condition. Make an of- fer. Call 235-1683 after 6 p.m. 26:27' CANOE, 16' fiberglass. Phone 235-2827. 26' CONVECTION OVEN, Moffatt, 34''49" /0 amp., Cell after 6 p.m. 26SA ;HYit Mostly John Otter, Kiriiton 229.2. C.B., 23 chewed base with power C.B. tutteona with 50 ft. of cable. Phew MOVING - Must sell all prices very reasonable, guitar and case. maternity clothes, 10 speed men's bike, apsrtntau size washer. Gesdron baby stroller, change table. men's suit Jackets in excellent con- dition. Phone 227-1150. 26SA BABY GRAND PIANO, antique Mathushek rectangular. Best offer. Singer Diana electronic sewing machine. Last tune -4p March, 1986. 5300. Phone 262-3072. 26SA YARD SALE - Saturday, June ?8.9-1.409 Marlborough St. Exeter. Loge cottage win- dows. doors, Oak table, 2 bkydea, dishes. clothing, and many misc. items. 26c SOUND SYSTEM complete commercial for sale'. Nearly new 2 T.O.A. speakers and Carver amplifier, suitable for D1 or tavern. Phone 482-3486. 26c FRIDGE & STOVE, chesterfield and chair, lazy boy chair, shelf unit. Phone 235-1304. 26c NOVA' k - - owner moving. situated on lbs kallai, 310 4gledi corn .teed' 1l0e01100lot with beautiful mature *ids 11110 tai 3 Ipedrooms, country style kitchen with built-in dWtwashef: huge opal dinins and hying room, 4 pc. bath and 3 pc. btuh.off master bedroom. Patio doors from dining room opal onto deck. Off deck based inground pod. Cosnpk)ed basement hes roc room with fireplace which has sa Elmira insert. Wet bar. Fourth bedroom with 2 pc. bathroom. Large games room or office. Laundry and cold rooms. For more infor- mation and appointment please call 233-0114. 26c‘. TWO LOTS- Mount Carmel, 100 ft. fron- tage pipeline water. 56500a lot or two lots for 512,000. Phone 237-3783. 26' LOVELY TREED LOT 87x132, 4 bedrooms, new wiring, plumbing, roof, main floor laundry and family room, detached 2 ear garage, large storage shed 559,900: Phone 236-4483 or 235-0350.26• OPEN HOUSE - Sat. June 28 between 3 and 5 p.m. 3 acre country property located between Exeter and Hensall on no. 4 hwy. 3 bedroom brick bungalow, finished base- ment, breezeway. 2 car garage, metal clad . barn with 6 horse stalls, drilled well. This property is a" must to see. Bob Thomas 482-3096, Bill Clifford Realtor 524-9097. 26c YARD SALE - 263 Marlborough St. From 10 to 5ro'clock. Baby things, doors, etc.26c AWNING FRAMES - 4 tiffany wrought iron, 1-55" wide x 36" H, 3-76" wide x 40" H. 5125 each or all four for 5450. Phone 237-3785. 26:27' LAWNSWEEPER, 2 beauty shop hair dryers, skiboose, boat anchor, 10 ft. workbench, 2 bicycles, laundry cart, por- table counter, chrome kitchen table. Phone 236-4483. 26' 17 Wonted Tc Buy SCRAP CARS OR TRUCKS, Highest prices paid. Phone 228-6214. 1-26• HAY. - Export quality. First cut Timothy and Alfalfa, no rain, no stooked, good col- our. 1985 crop. Ken Corbett, Ingersoll, 485-5391. . 22-26c POOL TABLE, slate top, must be in good condition. Phone 235-2122 after 5:30 p.m. 24-27c SPLIT RAIL FENCING will remove from field. Phone evenings 237-3334. 25:26 18 Wonted BRICK HOUSES & barns for demolition, also for sale good used lumber, doors, win- dows, bricks, cement block and interlock- ing paving stones. Phone 235-1662 after 5 P.m. 26-29c FARMERS to grow hay for a cash crop, time left to order seed before August plan- ting. Excellent market for quality hay. Con- tact Jim Bearss 235-2984 evenings. 26tfn 70-80 SOW FARROW TO FINISH Hog operation, modern buidings required. Con- tact Culligan Real Estate. Mitchell 348-8355 26:27c Elizabeth Court Apartments 1 & 2 Bedrooms available Features appliances, carpet throughout, laundry facilities, all utilities includ- ed. Located at 176 Oxford St., Hensall Ontario Phone ,262-2846 F NAST'1C G`E TUNITY to operaN Ite yourKALIA ow* TIM Mgdirra story tNid a SONS maker; j11, plr+orte� DASHWOOD barter - :orqltinteheol home. Finished basement, Soils Boer laun- dry room. Attached garage, paved drive. Excellent location. Call 237-341,2. 23-26c 120 ACRE FARM in Osborne Twp. Call 229'6482. 254c BUNGALOW - 2 bedropals, *flatbed two. overlooking McNaughton Park, in excellent repair. Phone 235-2515. 25:26• HOUSE - 2 bedrooms, rec room, added space for more bedrooms In basement. Closet.) post office and rec centre. Phone 236-4640. 25:26c HOUSE - 3 bedrooms. Call after 3 - .m. 235.17 iNDVSTRIAL. a WAREHo4J$E wspsooee for rent. Call 2354141. kerne ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Available July 15 with sto1e and mdse Rent $230., per month includes all utilities Maple Woods Apartments for senior c/o. Bluewater Rest Home , Zurich 236.4373 24tfn ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. 5216.81 per month. Phone .473-3340. 241 in tag. 9A EXETER JUST USTED three bedroom home on a large lot. M4dssa kit• , chefs with pleiOy of cupboards.: Two nitro. 1►ici' beffircgsSi cozy family room with 04019 - doors to the bock yard• t much more. *68.900. ' -for snore IngennetiOn on ten hallos nd 4tbef's'lerse tib tee a all. ROYAL Mal Realtor, wow COMM Exeter 233.1 Residence 1133-2413 20 Property For ReI$ PRIME RETAIL or OFFICE space available. Call 235-0141. 161 fnc TOWNHOUSE, 3 bedrooms, Simco[ St., Available Aug. Phone 236-4230. 19tfn IMMEDIATE (CUPANCY. 2 bedroom fully=broadloomed country home apart- ments. Separate new gas furnaces, treed, yard, garden plot, 5250. monthly. Adults: First, last, lease. Phone 235-0392 or 235-2430... 23tfn Opening Ink 'nth GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK Exeter 235-2420 Hensel! 262-2119 No (.) Grand Bend 238.8454 Clinton 482-9747 same Goderich 524-2118 0 •K Realty ak IE ere• Int. OPEN HOUSE POWELL MOM .w5..st«..ee..1e. R. R. 3, ' ILDERTON, (666-1010) HOBBY FARM 4 acres, approximately 4 miles south of Exeter, 1 mile off Hwy 4. Beautifully solid brick, home enhanced by many of itslovely features. Born 30' x40'. Land fenced. This property is well worth your time to viewt Asking $89,900.00. Call JOAN CRAWFORD - Res. 227-1090. • FAMILY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN LOVELY KINCARDINE trrt - t; R lir . .Y All POINTS REALTY INC. 734 1A11111D WO At OMANI ST P11 574 711' A pod ogget bitty to tete sera tlriNag berlaeu le the heart of ales deem lbusist area This buolsem lo toady t5.ee years old sad Y M the tout of the Iowa TM oweers here }a NPM •sow W term lame syr s years wlth as optics. so bey. The reetaersat V ILenead cold colo;. •• Improving hods trees so amts es a thriving emotes bombeeo. The peeerbss are i very good cerithr sad route nett ae ryer bapreYleati OilmenOilmenwA brt tett sew p r tltlrs b• **Mg h�eraeitea sgit�e • from: CRAMPED ,WHERE YOU ARE? Siiread out In -this -2 storey brick with 5 bedrooms on 5 acre lot. Home is renovated with original charm retained. Formal dining room w/beamed ceiling and hard- wood floors. Cozy ground floor family room w/woodstove. Bath upstairs w/Skylight plus 3 pc. main floor. This home is definite- ly worth looking into. Grand Bend - Hwy. 21 1 mile south of Bridge Sat., Jupe 28 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. DON POULTON REAL ESTATE LI'D. i fiK Queen St.. Kincardine 396-8444 or 396-3500 Exeter 235-2420 Hensel) 262-2119 Grand Bend 238=8484 Clinton 482-9747 Godeiich " 524-2118 •K Realty i Iti.swrawe• GK OK GK GK GK OK - pn11i$A., Three Family Yard Sale Tuesday, July 1 9 a,m. SOUTHCOTT PINES' Beautiful 3 bdrm cedar Viceroy home nestled amongst the trees. Country kitchen with Targe atrium window. Main floor family or dining room, sunken living room with woodstove and skylight. Country theme decorating make this a home worth a second look. Call today. 58 Main St., Exeter Lots to choose from "i 0 r MURRAY KEYS G.K. REALTY is pleased to announce that Murray Keys has join- ed the firm as a sales representative. Murray is a life-long resi- dent of Hoy Township and welcomes any Inquiry you may have concerning buying or selltrb property. 'Please call Murray at 235-2898 or 235-2420 REAL ESTATE LIMITED 53 Main St. South Exeter, Ontario• Res. 235-0588 Fran Ritchie Bus. 235.0541 EXETER B ILEVEL 3 bedrooms, living ro m dining room, kitchen on main floor. Rec room, pia S `Dsauna, bedroom, on lower level. Deck, paved c . , ..e, garage. Pryde Blvd. EXECUTIVE RANCH STYLE home on double lot. 5 bedrooms, large livingroom, formal dining room, main floor family room with Franklin stove, main floor utility, full basement, large pav- ed driveway. Many extras. Must be seen. SOUTHCOTT PINES 3 bedroom ranch type home, finished base- ment, rec room, heat pump. S AYFIELD AREA summer cottage, ravine lot, private subdivi- sion. $33,000. BAYFIELD lakefront lot in private subdivision. 3 miles south of Bayfield. Ell GK GK GK OK OK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK GK TORAGE SHEDS Will build to suit at cost of material. Any size up to 12' x 16' x 9'6" Sheds to be built in fall of 1986, by building con- struction students at the High School Phone: Dave Newton 235-0880 COMFORT BLE • UNTRY LIVING Conveniently located on Highway. Large lot with plen- ty of room for the kids to play and a dog to run. Love to Garden? then the attached greenhouse will give you a headstart. Cozy kitchen and dining area and main level laundry and family rooms are a definite plus in this home. Make the first step to coun- try living at o price you can afford. $59,000. Y 0 (5 t7 (5 (5 Y (5 (5 Yard Sale Sat., June 28 and Sun., June 29 9a.m. till ? Second farm west of Dashwood on Hwy. No. 83 China, books, trailer and camping accessories, clothes size 10 to 44 ladies, electrical appliances, lamps, games, stuffed animals, furniture. And much, much more. 14; QUAINT QUAINT 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE Just minutes from Grand Bend and a short walking distonce to beach. Large din- ing and living area with brick fireplace and exceptional view of lake. Galley kitchen and sunny Florida room equal all you need for great summer fun. CALL RUTH ZIELMAN 236-4712 ©O© Wo knew tho eivas era good aoighhberhsbd. 1 Exeter 235-2420 Hensall262-2119 Grand Bend, 238-8484 Clinton 482-9747 Goderich 524-2118 FOR SALE t:7 Paul Hohner 235-0302 • wrwti.se Dirk Coolman 235-1950 OK Realty /A Insurance Inc. EXETER THOMAS ST. 3 bedroom, family room, fruit frees on 65' x 19.1' lot. Closed in car port. THOMAS ST. Split level Tri-plex. Live in one apt., income from two. Each unit has 2 bedrooms. OUT OF TOWN STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 3 bedroom older home on 122' x 300' lot. Town water, main floor family room, 2 baths. 1.38 ACRES 3 bedrooms, 1950 sq. ft., main floor family room, laundry, den, games and music room. 16 x 32 in -ground pool. 72' x 32' driving shed. DASHWOOD OLDER 1'/t STOREY With newer 2 storey addition. Spiral stair- case, 3 bedrooms. Low taxes. In the 40's. LARGE 2 STOREY 4 bedrooms, guest house in rear yard, small above ground pool. Franklin stove, pipeline water. Recently redecorated. Low 50's. HENSALL IMMACULATE 2 storey, 4 bedrooms, main floor family and laundry rooms, fireplace in family room and dining room. Large eat -in kitchen. 21/2 STOREY Older home, many extras including 16 x 32 in- jk ground pool. Close to school and shopping. OLDER 2 STOREY 3 bedrooms plus newer addition and attach- 0 ed insulated double garage. x HIBSERT TOWNSHIP 2300 sq. ft. executive home on 10 acre parcel. 30' x 40' barn. Many extras. BUYING OR SELLING IN GRAND BEND? Please call Griffin Thomas at 238-2035 Dwayne Tinney Glenn Robinson Murray Ke 235-1408 235-2307 235-289 BP OK F 11 c) i GK GK GK GK OK GK OK GK GK 235-1055 414 MAIN ET.. (CENTRE MALL) EXETER 1 1 1 NEW LISTINGS MAIN ST. South end, 132' frontage, prime location. MAIN ST. zoned commercial, Targe warehouse or shop, plus, attractive 3 bedroom house. Priced to sell at only $69,900. SCHOOL MOUS/ on paved rd., 3 floors with about 1600 sq. ft. , each floor, priced at only $16,500. Call now SHERWOOD CRESCENT modern 3 bedroom ranch, finished, basement, fireplace, 2 baths, carport and pool. Only 73,900. Call now. EXCEPTIONAL CONDIf1ON describes this older home in good residential area. Gorgeous oak kitchen, 2 baths, newer gas fur- , nace, inground pool and more at only $79,900. Take a look now. , ALL APPLIANCES INCLUDED in this 3 bedroom home only minutes from Exeter. Large deck, 3 pc. ensuite, '/2 acre lot. r Highway location and REDUCED to $39,900. tThe wit 1->.trttir1"rr-taOkla u'-11rri it 11 R4--11 x GK GK- * wit ^s wit tot 7^it r EVALUATION CERTIFICATE This osnmeep entitles a nsldenllr p1e*My awns, 10 on' e10110141.eN.etlee bre COOMO* SOAL cataR repess.NelM. TNN terries to be porlael'd "Meow Dom or cermet."' b Os Ower. ashen 016 mossolN anthem* o sr ems kr M e„einetio N. Vold orb M eros *wooed sit Dine M. 00oulAR 115E [STAR 10110111111 a�maa ,gawk Wry OweM,.:,�.�_1 __ ,���__ fret rsmo R Oir 1111141, 1...w A P441,414 1444A _____NI11M_11111NI iNNIN___ t