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Times -Advocate, June 25, 1984'
DIRECTORS — The board of directors posed for a picture at the annual meeting of the Blue water Rest
Home. Shown (back left) are Lee Erb, Anson McKinley, Mozart Gelinas, Wayne Meidinger, Michael O'Con-
nor, John Eckel, Poul Steckle and (front) Robert Westlake, Elgin Hendrick, tan McAllister, administrator
Josef Risi and medical advisor Dr. Charles Wallace. McAllister was re-elected to another term as board
Eight members of the Zurich
Golden Agers club enjoyed going
along with other groups on a six-day
house -boating cruise along the Rideau
Canal and Trent -Severn Waterway:
going from Peterborough to Big
On Tuesday, Monsignor Frederick
Bernard Henry was ordained Bishop
as the Auxiliary to Bishop Sherlock at
St. Peter's Basilica in London.
Several Catholic priests from the area
attended. The ceremony will be
shown on T.V. this Sunday June 29
from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. on Channel 13:
Attends conference
Fr. Mooney also attended the ex-
ecutive meeting of the Catholic Rural
Life Conference organization on Tues-
day in Toronto and met with the ex-
ecutive of the Ontario Bishops to urge
them to spread the C.R.L.C. in all the
Dioceses of Ontario.
Jerome and Carmel Sweeney
celebrated their 24th wedding an-
niversary along with their daughter
and son-in-law, Heather and Paul
Klopp, who also celebrated their se-
cond anniversary on June 23. All en-
joyed a delicious dinner and evening
at Robindale's in Exeter on Saturday.
A happy 25th anniversary to John
and Lill Laporte on the 17th.
Congratulations to Glen and Nancy
Babich (new Baker) who were mar-
ried on Saturday at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church. The bride is .the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Baker, Shipka. �
A good time was had by all who
spent the weekend camping at the Old
Homestead in Bayfield. Good weather
encouraged lots of outdoor activities
for the families attending from the
Mennonite church. Pastor Clayton
Keupfer held the Sunday morning ser-
vice. A pot -luck meal followed.
Catholic Womens League report
The C.W.L. meeting took place .on
June 17 at 8:00 p.m. with 24 ladies
firaduation night at St. Boniface is
June 26.
enjoy boating trip
There is a pilgrimage to the St.
Mary's Shrine on July 16. Mozart
Gelinas Sr. will be driving the bus and
has seats available. If you are in-
terested in going along, contact Mrs.
Rose Regier 236-4777. Fee will be
First Friday Adoration will be from
12:00-7:30 during the months of July
and August. The whole parish is ask-
ed to participate.
Afra Van Wonderen Aid Margaret
Munn are the two delegates who will
be attending the Diocesan Convention
in London for a day in July.
Welcome to our 10 new members.
Plans to put on a comedy play next
spring will be started if there is suffi-
cient interest. Donna Dawe will be in
charge and any members interested
in acting please let Donna know by
calling 236-7124.
A special thanks to all group
leaders for their efforts and time. Our
group leaders are very important to
the success of our league. A group
leaders meeting was held on June 3.
A program was set up for 10 months
ahead which looks very promising. A
detail sheet will be given to the group
leaders in the near future.
Two members generously donated
the top of a quilt for the bazaar on
November 8.
Joan Smith was the lucky winner of
the door prize.
Mike Miller from Lakewood
Nursery was the guest speaker for the
evening. He supplied good informa-
tion and stressed the importance of
pruning trees and shrubs. A question
period followed.
A tasty lunch was served as usual.
The July 17 meeting of the C.W.L.
will be "Fun Night".
Melissa Jean Wilder, daughter of
Vicki and Lionel Wilder Jr. was bap-
tized on Sunday June 22 at St.
Boniface Church by Fr. Mooney with
her godparents being Walter and
Brenda Vermunt.
Carmeron James Neilands, son of
Gerry and Diane Neilands, Hensall
was also baptized at St. Bonifice
Church on Sunday and his godparents
are Michael and Suzie Neilands.
tit' amok,
EXETER BRANCH — Mike and Dianne Miller, owners of Lakewood
Nursery at St. Joseph, have opened a branch in the north end of Ex-
eter. Shown at the Exeter location are salesman Terry Vanden
Gerghe (left) and the Millers.
We can show you how
to install beautiful,
long lasting paving stone
yourself and save it $
CaII Steve at
qalleAelt ite/te
Pftortaerd 4e4
Zurich 236-4305
Francis Joseph Lansbergen, sonof
Tony and Jane Lansbergen was bap-
tized on Sunday, June 22 at St.
Boniface Church by Fr. Mooney with
godparents being, Johanna
Lansbergen of Holland and Francis
Ryan of Kinora.
Back to Ethiopia
Cyril and Carol Gingerich returned
to Ethiopia last Tuesday after spen-
ding the last two months on holidays
in the Zurich area and Toronto.
Family reunion
Nice weather all weekend enabled
everyone to enjoy the second family
reunion held at the farm home of
Larry and Louise Merner when 84
relatives -and descendants of the late
Christopher Dietrich got together
from such places as, Niagara Falls,
England, Stratford, Kitchener,
Parkhill, London, Ridgetown,
Goderich and Zurich area. Several
camped overnight.
Fun was had by all on hay rides,
poney rides and a pig barbecue on a
spit Saturday evening followed by a
camp fire.
Farm trip
The grade two and three students
of St. Boniface school along with their
teacher, Sister Maureen and some
parents and helpers went on an in-
terestidg tour -at the dairy farm of
Larry and Louise Merner, RR 3
Zurich last Tuesday afternoon with
lots of educational things to see and
learn with his modern computerized
milking and feeding equipment. The
kids also enjoyed going on a pony ride
and' playing is the hay loft (while
w4Wali t - ,).
Attend convention
Some members from the Lutheran
Church attended the Ordination Ser-
vice and Eastern Synod Convention
that was held in London at St. Peter's
Basilica on Friday evening as their
Pastor, Stephen Campbell Alles was
among 11 ministers ordained.
• 91st birthday
Several friends and relatives at-
tended the Open House and 91st bir-
thday celebration of Josephine
Deichert on Sunday afternoon at her
home in Zurich on Main St.
Happy Birthday to Irene Schilbe on
June 16 and to her daughter Candace
who was five years old on the 18th. A
little birthday party was had for her
last Wednesday with six friends over
for the afternoon.
Clem and Theresa Regier, Joe and
Rose Marie Regier, Glen and Scott
Regier, Charlene and Rodger Fink-
beiner and Marilyn and Alan Hern
and Donna and Gary Vines all spent
the weekend in Windsor and attend-
ed the wedding of Janet Dufour and
Richard Morris on Saturday.
Several relatives from town attend-
ed the wedding of Kevin and Brenda
Regier (nee Brunzlow) o turday,
June 21 at Our Lady of MI Ca rmel
Church, followed by dinner and recep-
tion held in Exeter. Kevin is the son
of Frank and Doreen Kegler, Exeter.
Jerome and Marie Denomme and
Jerome and Helene Ducharme
returned home on Saturday after a
lovely week's trip by car to Montreal
and Quebec where they went to the
Shrines of Cap -de -Madeline and St.
Anne de Beaupre. They were accom-
panied by Mrs. Suzanne Madore who
lives near Quebec. On the way home
they enjoyed stopping at Thousand
islands and going on a boat cruise (at
John and Helen Consitt spent a few
days in Southampton last week and
took part in the Ontario Mutual in-
surance Associations golf tournament
along with Elgin and Pat Hendrick,
Glen and Doreen Webb and Carl and
Lois Turnbull.
On June 19, Joe and Rose Marie
Regier attended the graduation
ceremony of their daughter, Maureen
at Fanshawe College, London where
she received a diploma in Urban Af-
fairs and Real Estate with a major in
Municipal Administration.
Visitors for the past month with Leo
and Irene Hoffman were her cousins
from England, Bernard and Beryl
Walker and Gordon and Elaine
Roberts. Irene and her company
returned home last Tuesday after
spending threes eeks visiting with
. other relatives and friends in Edmon-
ton and Saskatchewan.
Those attending the Ontario
Telephone Convention held in Minaki
bodge (north of Kenora) from last
Sunday to Thursday from the Hay
Township council were, Bob and Lin-
da Hendrick, Claire Deichert, Murray
and Joan Keys, Lionel and Becky
Wilder, Gerald and Cathy Shantz and
Don and Jean Weigand.
Establish hiring policy at
annual Rest Home meeting,
A proposal to prohibit the hiring of
any family member of the board of
directors or the staff of the Blue
Water Rest Home sparked a debate
among those attending the Home's
annual meeting on June 17.
Paul Steckle was on his feet im-
mediately to argue for defeat of the
motion. He said adoptiatof the policy
would deny some in this Anal' com-
munity employment at the Home, and
would mean.others would be exclud-
ed from serving on the board. He sug-
gested the board appoint a personnel
committee and that applications be
dealt with by thd.board instead of the
Board chairmanIan McAllister ex-
plained that the resolution had been
drafted after receipt last November
of a registered letter signed by 19 staff
members objecting to the hiring of
administrator Josef Risi's daughter.
Risi's a is also an employee at the
Home. teeting with four staff
memb rs had recognized some
legitima complaints, and Risi had
refuted' many of the charges,
McAllister said.
Board member Robert Westlake in-
terjected to say relations had been
smoothed over, and "what seemed.
important in November is not nearly
as important now".
Anson McKinley spoke up to say he
was "not comfortable with the resolu-
tion as it stands", as he did not think
any members had the authority to
dictate hiring criteria. He seconded
Steckle's motion to bring the matter'
to a vote.
Medical advisor Dr. Charles
Wallace and Neil Gingerich also had
reservations about the proposed
Steckle's motions was supported by
a majority of those voting. '
McAllister said the board would ask
the administrator to present future
prospective employees for board ac-
cepts in the same way as admis-
sions a not brought before the board
for ap val.
In 's report, Risi said the new 40
foot by 50 foot addition costing $65,000
is complete except for floor covering.
It has been named the Elmeel awson
Auditiroum in recognition of a
sizeable bequest.
The financial statement shows
revenue of $943,703 and expenses of
$940,203, leaving a net income of
$3,499, down from $12,965 the previous
year. Salaries account for 81 percent
of operating costs.
McAllister reported that the seven
nurses em . to ed at the Ho have
been accredited to bargain collective-
ly, and are negotiating salaries at}d
-benefits. He said one concern was the
double cost of days off with pay, as so-
meone else had to be hired to take ti!fee
place of the absent one.
An enlarged membership As
another goal of the directors'.
McAllister said he hoped for new peo-
ple with fresh ideas, dedicated to high
quality care for the elderly at affor-
dable cost.
David Harvey from the ministry of
community and social services cau-
tioned that little more money was
available at present for Huron Coun-
ty, where ;14 per capita is now
granted for services like home sup-
port, as compared to the St per capita
provided by the province for those
over 65 in London.
Harvey said the new Exeter nurs-
ing home, and expansion of the one in
Hensel!, would have some effect on
the Blue Water. Observing that the
Home would "not rest on its laurels
but look for new challenges", , he
foresaw the possibility of a smaller
version of the Huronview day care
program being implemented at the
Blue Water.
Risi said the per diem rate for
residential care will increase by Si ef-
fective October 1. He passed out
copies of a promotional brochure be-
ing distributed in the community to
'keep the Blue Water Rest Home in
the forefront in the care of the
GRADUATES — Don and Mary
Ann Bender are pleased to an-
nounce the graduation of June 18
of their son Terry from Fanshawe
College with a diploma in Elec-
trical Engineering Technology.
Terry has accepted a position
with the Ministry of the Environ-
ment and is currently employed
with the Lake Huron Water Supp-
ly Systems in Grand Bend. Terry
is a graduate of South Huron
District High School. He is the
grandson of Eileen Ronnie, Hen-
+soll and Gordon !oldie, Hansa.
We offer our sympathy to the fami-
ly and relatives of the late Mrs. Tilly
Ziler of the Maple Woods Apts.
(especially to her. husband William)
and to the late Me. Clarence Schade
of Zurich. Both passed away last
Belated June 23 birthday wishes are
extended to Ethel Gable. A little get-
together was held in her newly
decorated apt. recently wheh 10
friends were over for a nice social
Jerry Smith is now home from be-
ing in the hospital due to a car
Earl and Malinda Gingerich's two
granddaughters spent the weekend
with them.
Mrs. .Maria Kenda and daughter
Helena Kenda of London spent a few
days last week visiting with cousins
and relatives in Cleveland and
Lauraine, Ohio.
Miss Johanna Lansbergen from
Holland is presently visiting with her
mother, Mrs. Christine Lansbergen
and brothers Ted and Tony and their
families for five weeks, as well as
other relatives in various places.
Mrs. Nora Corriveau of the Spruce
Villa Apts. attended the 50th wedding
anniversary of Tony and Hazel Masse
in Goderich on Sunday and is now
spending a few days in London with
her daughter Rose and John Kelly
and visiting with other family
members as well.
Mozart and Julie Gelinas Jr. and
three children spent a few days away
last week from Sunday to Tuesday
where they motored to Kingston and
enjoyed taking the Thousand island
boat cruise which is a lovely three
hour ride from the St. Lawrence
Seaway. Also enjoyed going to Old
Fort Henry Museum in Kingston and
the Pioneer Village at Black Creek.
Andrew. and Alida Rau, and
Suzanne and Dave Bell of St.
Catharines attended the wedding of
Janet Dufour and Richard Morris in
Windsor on Saturday.
John and Lillian Laporte celebrated
their 25th wedding anniversary last
Saturday, June 14 with a dinner for
the immediate family at the Bayview
Tavern and all got together after-
wards at the home of his father, Mr.
Noel Laporte for a social evening and
a few card games.
Mozart and Marie Gelinas Sr. at-
tended the Knights of Columbus Con-
vention held in London over the
weekend from Friday to Sunday.
Current Rate
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WOMEN AGLOW — Doris Sinasac, president of the Zurich and area
chapter of Women Aglow, welcomes guest speaker Vangie Warren
to the June meeting, held in Zurich Public School. Vangie is the the
wife of Doug Warren, former minister of Crediton United Church.
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