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Times-Advocate, 1986-06-25, Page 11
JP) rte, +e. PUPPETS PARADE — The senior students of Biddulph-Luton Public Sc ool demonstrated considerable artistic and dramatic ability this week when they staged puppet shows. The students mode the pup- pets, presented o short skit at the school and then paraded downtown on Tuesday so everyone could enjoy their creations. Three of the participants shown here are Bethany Ferguson with Peter Pig, Jodi Riddell with Pommy Pig, and Nicole Hewitt with Petunia Pig. ' Show film on Africa The women's Ministries held their monthly meeting Wednesday evening in Graham Chapel. President Mrs. Marlene Thornton conducted the meeting. After a short business ses- sion, Mrs. Thornton, accompanied by Mrs. Lorraine Armitage playing the piano, led in worship choruses. Mrs. Lynda Ropchan introduced Mrs. Brenda Finch, as guest speaker. Mrs. Finch is a counsellor for ter- minally ill people, mainly cancer pa- tients. She finds devout Christian peo- ple can cope better with a terminal i1- lness than nominally religious people. Mrs. Finch said to never tell a pa- tient how lucky he is, how bad he looks, or even how good he looks. She stressed to gauge your behaviour on your visit on how the patient seems to feel. Let the patient talk about how he feels about things, then give him comments. If he would like you to read, the book of Phillipians is a happy book of the Bible. Try to sit close to the bed, not on it. They need the closeness of friendship. Mrs. Finch says she lets the people talk, as they need someone to listen to them. The patient needs your expression of love.Even a little gift can bring joy. Don't take hope away from. the patient, instead en- courage him. As a Christian you can tell them the ultimate hope is God. If the patient turns his face away from you, talk about something he was interested in. Accepting help can be a depressing thing for an ill pa- tient. They do need someone to cheer- fully and lovingly minister to them. Mrs. Finch's key word is A.L.I.V.E.- -always living in view of Christ. rs. Thornton presented Mrs. h with a book for coming. A 1 treat of strawberry shortcake was served after the meeting. Sunday morning Doug Butler ministered in singing "Because He Lives". • Rev. Roger Mason spoke from II Chronicles 16:9.One whose - whole heart is toward God will be sup- ported by God. As long as King Asa loved God, God did support him. King Asa was tatally dependent on God in the early years of his reign. He got rid of foreign idols and false wor- ship in Judah. Because he honored God therewas peace then. A person devoted to God has rest. Jim Robertson, a president of the Lucan branch of the Canadian Bible Society, showed a Bible Society film of their work in Africa. The Bible Society's purpose is to get God's Word into the hands of people in their own language. Starting with African drums, the film showed scenes �f Africa, animals, the land, and the people. Native singing was the background of this Journey of Hope. Of 460 million people in Africa, 70 percent are illit- terate. They may learn to read, but so many do- not have reading material, so lose the skill. Thefilm showed amother who was determined to learn to read. She at- tends an evening literacy class, with Good News for New Readers booklets supplied by the Bible Society in her own language. All ages can attend literacy classes and learn to read and write. The African Bible Society pro- vides these books. Every morning children and young people gather to pray, sing, and learn to read and write. They use Bible Society booklets that are also illustrated. There is a big Bible Society building in Cairo, where people can learn to read, write, then how to teach others. They also teach that their lives were 0 Seniors meet The seniors' meeting opened with the vice president Hamilton lfodgins in the choir. 0 Canada was sung watt Mary Kooy at the piano. Hamilton reminded everyone of the pot luck dinner coming up this Thurs- day for the last meeting for the sum- mer. Each member is to bring their own knives and forks and the ones frbm A to 11 are to bring the first course and from I to Z the second course. Marjorie Steeper gave a reading on several phrases describing a grand- mother. A sing song was held with Muriel Cobleigh at the piano. Euchre was played, the winners were: high score, ieleen Pullman and • Joe Carter: lone hands, Florence Hodgins and Mary Kooy; low score. Lulu Culbert and Lawrence Hirizel; craft winner, Mabel Needham. Violet llardy of the Villa in Lucan will be 90 years old on .duly 4. The pass History seems to repeat itself each year for Carrie Lane who is a grade 7 student at Biddulph Central School, and is the daughter of Sherry and Ted Lane of Market Street in Lucan. If this young lady keeps up her winning ways her father will have to build an extra room onto the house just to ac- comodate her medals. She has been over-all girl champion in her age group in Middlesex Coun- ty for the past three years, 1984--9 to 11 years; 1985--11 years, 1986--12 Years. She placed first in cross coun• - cnanged from reading the Bible stories, and lead others to Christ: In Zimbabwe the Bible Society books are eagerly sought to teach reading in schools. The printing press in Nairobi turns out the reading portions, but they are not rich enough to print the scriptures themselves. A worker appealed for financial aid, In the beginning of the 1870's the New Readers program was started. The African Bible Society secretary told of the translation work of the Bible portions. The teachers use these books to teach people of all ages to read while they also learn the word of God. One teacher told how she tested the children to see how well they had learned their booklets. Many of the schools and churches are open air in the country. The people happily sing about the Lord, then learn to read God's words; illustrations, in their own language. Many become Chris- tians, giving them joy in life. The Bible Society work is helping meet people's need to learn to read is helped only as more fortunate people support the work of the Bible Society. Upcoming events -Sunday, June 29, Rev. Gary Schlegel will be minister- ing in both services. ing Lane Carrie Lane try in 1983 and 1984. Carrie broke the track record for 11 -year-olds in 1985 in the 100 meter dash, with a record of 13.56 seconds. in the 1985 County meet she secured three first positions, and two seconds in five events. in the 1986 Middlesex meet she broke the track record for 12 -year-old girls in the 100 meter dash in a record time of 13.17 seconds over the old record of 13.30. Iter 1986 achievements were two AT MAZDA WE DON'T SHOUT DEALS WE MAKE DEALS. $14,085. TFR.,TDI., IJC., TAXES 626 DX COUPE: sew ..It -port electro.k feel l.jettlo., tettered .Moor upholstery, p•Mer steering. AM/FM ITR steno with 40 -wet amplifier, estre.rdl.sry lamina( sad road poise, Eerosyte badges headlamp.. 626 LX SEDAN: fell lock nterererse cassette deck, deal ekctre.k Mad door ohm's, power ,Mesas, power sally sleet &marvel, fold down rear seat nacre armrest, he.diup washers. $16,250. TER.. PDI.. IJC., TAXES M -W MOTORS LTD: Sales, Service, Parts & Leasing 184 EAST ST., GODERiCH 524-2113 firsts, one in 100 meter and the second in 400 meter dash, she also had two seconds, one in relay and the other in long jump, this was out of five events that she was allowed to enter, with one being a track record. Carrie has many other activities that she excels in. She has her grade five music certificate in piano --she entered the London Kiwanis Music Festival for the first time in 1982 and she ,came home with a first for her age group. She is a member of the school choir, ispctive in baseball, and soccer and is a qualified swimmer with her Senior Red Cross. Carrie baby sits children for mothers in the neighbourhood,sand she has been known to visit elderly shut in folks just to be company for them and help them pass the time away: She has just very recently retired as a Free Press carrier girl and many of her customers were sad to see her leave as she has a way of making people feel good just by say- ing "hi there" even if the news was some times not that bright. She is active in the Lucan United Church Sunday School and has ten years of Sunday School attendance to her' -credit. She takes her religious training very seriously. With all of these activities she found time to run a campaign at Biddulph school, and was elected by a land slide victory as girl president of the student, council for the 1986-87 year. She is also\ an honours student as she enters grade eight for her final preparation for high school and university. Dave Wilkens is her coach .and teacher and he has nothing but the highest praise for this young achiever. Dave described Carrie as a hard and determined worker who goes out to break records, (and does just that I she is a good all around stu- - dent and athlete, and in Dave's own words "she is just a great person and a pleasure to work with". She has a great future ahead of her, may she be able to achieve all she sets out to do. Times -Advocate, June 25, '1986 Page 11 Seven* occiden.ts,. one. serious Dsgnia>I/e arnatlllitpd to over 157.000 damage wa# set`.at $i, r Const. . Holland. There were 48 general occurrences and 14 Pearle atat�ta ed inj rted. on- Wilcox. ly one aeriotlls, in seven accidents in- ,At 4 p.m. on Friday a vehicle which included three break, enter and vssaHagja l shier war* hy the Levin • operated by Donald of London thefts; one wilful damage; one theft OPP. " • was south bound on 4 turning of motor vehicle and two thefts under lest tan Hwy Then vehicle was, ;1,000: . struck > . a north bound vehicle Three male persons were charged The **of craab day when there were At H:45a.m.,ev :Lisa Hallida ;bound on Hyd her vehicle w operated by V who was east person sustal and another sustJ and damage wa Const. Wilson. A vehicle oper Londonwas w when his boat ched and struck a guard rail and posts on the shoulder of the roadway. No in- juries were sustained and damage was set at $2,250 by Const. Chapman. At 7:35 p.m. a vehicle operated by Louise Bradley of London was north bound on Clarke Road when her vehi- cle went out of control and skidded in- to the west ditch and rolled over. Three persons sustained minor in- juries and damage was set at 11,100 by Const. Craig. On Monday at an unknown time a vehicle owned by Gary Bendig of Lon- don was parked on the shoulder of Hwy. 4 unattended when it was sideswiped by an unknown vehicle. Damage was set at 11,800 by Const. Dale. On Thursday at 3:35 p.m. a vehicle operated by Donald Wiseman of Woodstock was west bound on Coun- ty Road 28 when his vehicle was struck from behind bya second west bound vehicle operated by James Borrowman of Hyde Park. No in- juries were sustained and damage was set at 14,020 by Const. Wilcox. On Friday at 5 a.m. a vehicle operated by Randy Wilmer of Paris was north bound on County Road 23 when he swerved to avoid a deer and lost control of the vehicle. One person sustained minimal injuries and on Sun - rep ed bed. ope'aby of London was north Park Side Road when LIn collision with one iam Bieber of Lucan d on Can. 13-j4. One minimal injuries 'tied minor injuries set at 11,850 by ed by Ian Myles of t bound on Hwy. 7 rajler became unhit- Flower Sunday farewell gift Flower Sunday and a day made to order for the Sunday School picnic. The children of the church, each car- rying a fresh flower, walked up to the altar and placed their tribute within the wire cage surrbunding a cross. The innocent young voices earnestly raised in song "Who Started Everything, God Dido'. Barb Bannerman, the superinten- dent gave the parents and church members a preview of the study material used this past year based on God's Characteristics, His generosi- ty, His faithfulness, His leading and His strength- each lesson given in an interesting story form, perfectly understandable for young children. Linda Froats had the very difficult task of the Farewell speech from the Sunday School to Mr. Brown which she handled beautifully. He was given a wallet and a sum of money. The strong feelings of love and friendship were very much in evidence throughout the presentations. June 29 will be the final service for Mr. Brown in this church. Everyone is invited to attend. In the event of an emergency Rev. Bruce Pierce in Granton will assist as will Rev. Manley Sadler of Itderton. operated by Shirley Clare of London. Four.people sustained minor injuries and one sustained major injuries. Damage was set at 114,000 by Const. with escaping lawful custody and three persons were charged with violations of the liquor licence act and one 12 -hour suspension was issued. Ind district news swan cot 127-4911 Best Interest 93/4% *Guaranteed Investment Certificates * subject to change Gaiser'Keeale Insurance Brokers Inc. Exeter Grand Send 235-2420 238-2414 Clinton Hensall Godsrich 482-9747 262-2119 524-2118 5 Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates 101,° Annual Interest Rate subject to change NATIONAL TRUST A Division of National Victoria and Crcy Thaw) Exeter 425 Main St. 235-0530 Monday to Friday 8 to 8 Saturday 9 to 1 Es3uothese 1DAT ©Eftory ACCOUNTANT -PUBLIC orric ornuth Chortered Accountants P.O. 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"Bud" Mciver (519) 227-4210 REPAIRS sewiRl�M�l�illl� - to all makes Free estimates 90 Day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sow aad save Centro Ltd 149 Downie at., Stratford Closed Monday Phone 271-9660 INVESTMENTS Debentures, .G.I.C. s, R.R.S.P.s & Canada Savings Bonds Contact Joan Love RR 3, Parkhill, Ontario NOM 2K0 Phone Grand Bend 238-2644 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt Courteous Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE ANYWHERE We glee complete sale service PROFIT iv EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 135.1964 EXETER JF Auction Services Book Your 1986 Sale Now Call 236-4814 Auctioneer John Finlay Anytime - Anywhere AUCTIONEERS Bob Heywood Licensed Auctioneer Specializing in household and estate auctions Reasonable rates Bob 235-0874 Laverne 235-1278 FARM SERVICE ALPS ESSO Kirkton Specializing in ON FARM TIRE SERVICE * Calcium Service * Tires * Complete Radiator Repairs i Recoring CALL ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT 229-8952. • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • * a s • 4 A 44 • •