Times-Advocate, 1986-06-18, Page 17e 4A
TI es -
ate June .18 14e6
TURKEY TALK — Grand Bend nursery school afternoon class visited the Hayter turkey farm last week
where they came face to face with 4000 turkey gobblers who are treated as guests at the Hayter spread
in Dashwood. Tom Turkey (alias Elaine Hayter) gently holds a three week old baby for the 12 little visitors
to see and touch.
and ` di '' news
Connie Keyser - 238-2695
Lynne Desjardine 238-8768
Roberta Walker 238-2471
Tom Turkey assists
kids during farm tour
Tom Turkey is obviously at ease'
with the children who visit the farm
and enjoys the job of tour guide.
Elaine Hayter, wife of Tom Hayter
and partner in the Hayter Turkey
Farms, Dashwood, created the
character Tom Turkey when she
found that a tour of the feeder and
processing plant was a popular outing
for many local groups of nursery
school and kindergarten classes.
Elaine designed and made the
costume herself, the fluffy white
fabric body authentically adorned
with real turkey feathers fluttering as
she walks. The bright red head piece
that completely hides her long
chestnut hair and attractive face is
brought into use as a teaching aid.
"The male turkeys are the ones
with the red colour on the bead," she
explains... hence her character has to
be a Tom Turkey.
Last week the various classes from
Grand Bend Nursery School who nor-
mally convene in the United&Church
basement, were treated to an excur-
sion to see the turkeys, from one week
old babies to full grown at 19 weeks.
The Monday afternoon group of a
dozen pre-schoolers were Jason Ben-
nett, Sean Maguire, Emily Miller,
Jason Moody, Kirstin McIntyre,
Jonathon DeJong, Ryan Heywood,
Ryan Chandler, Rickey Hamel, Karie
Jennison, Erin Jennison and visitor
Alisha Jennison, accompanied by two
mothers... Wendy Jennison and Elva
Teacher Sharon Kyle of Hensall
and assistant Connie Hodgins could be
justifiably proud of the well behaved
class. Each child listened with atten-
tion to Tom Turkey's story about the
3000 baby turkeys who came to the
farm and live first in the brooder
house where it is especially warmed
by the heaters. At eight weeks they
are moved to a covered barn and the
children were allowed to walk in
among the birds, this time with con-
siderable hesitation and some nose
"Now boys and girls just follow my
tail feathers, and I'll take you to the
pole barn where the grown turkeys
are kept" and everyone eagerly
scampered behind, some jostling for
the chance to hold onto Tom Turkey's
white gloved hand.
A gobble -gobble -gobble contest
erupted between the 10,000 mature
turkeys in the pole barn and the kids.
Needless to say who won. The tour
ended with our guide Tom showing
the children a plump cryovac wrap-
ped bird as you would buy it frozen at
the store.
In addition to turkeys, the Hayter
farm is also a feed lot for herds of
black angus and herefords.
Meet raffles continue
The Grand Bend Legion has con-
tinued with its meat raffle. and the
winners for the June 6 draw *ere:
Stuart Lasenly. Bev Desjardine, Anne
Jones, Pauline Brintnell, and Bill
Allen. The mystery prize was won by
Bruce Wilson.
Members of the Legion held a very
successful steak barbecue on June 7,
with a special thanks to their chefs,
Gib Roane and George Gallant. D.J.
Larry Pole provided some lively
music for dancing.
At last Friday's meat raffle, the
winners were: George Gallant, Vilda
Clark, Les Desjardine and Bill Alex-
ander. Jim Price was the winner of
the mystery draw.
The Grand Bend Legion Hall pro-
vided the setting on Saturday for a
"Surprise" 75th birthday party for
Bob Hedley. He' was very surprised
and delighted by the party. organiz-
ed by wife Marguerite and daughter
Brenda, who flew in from Calgary
especially for the event. She was even
on the same flight as anbther
Calgarian, Peter Lougheed, who was
flying in for the Scatcherd
Over 60 guests attended the party,
from Georgetown, Burlington, Exeter
and Grand Bend. Bob's brother, Matt
LUCKY WINNER Paula Thomas, left, wos the lucky winner in the
Lioness draw of the month last week. At the right Karin Humer con-
gratulates Thomas who chose a travel voucher at $750 instead of the
trip to New York. Next month'.; draw is a 750 travel voucher.
AWARENESS SESSION Constable Don Fraser from the Forest OPP
detachment speaks to students at Grand Bend Public School. He
spoke to all the pupils about his equipment, vehicle, procedures,
duties and how to avoid strangers. He told the students to be
especially aware in the summer when the village population swells
to the thousands.
Hedley, served as MC with a "This is
Your Life, Bob Hedley!" presenta-
tion, complete with photogr§phs and
anecdotes. The ,guests enjoyed a
delicious meal, a huge birthday cake,
and the birthday boy and his wife led
the dancing to complete'a wonderful
evening. •
7i s
Many events planned ft i ' weekend
Illurgerfest is chleken
Wby wu ale aumen cross the road'! urr wWAS, mow. Last weekend the us. Laurie Steckle sang a special, "He
To get to the Burgerstfest tent!. WhyGrand Bend Brownies enjoyed a trip Cares for You.
is the buff/wombs teeny Ask the to Goderich, with 18 girls and six Sunday evening Rev. Barnhart
Pineridge Barbeque Coal adults. They drove to the Goderich cited Proverbs 18:13 and James 1:19,
Chicken jokes are abundant the Conservation area for a two hour on communication. Listening is a
days in Grand Bend as everyone nature walk, to earn their Explorer form of caring for other people.
gears up for the fun and entertain- badge. Alta' Murch at MacDonald's un Richard Desjardine performed a
ment of the June 19-92 weekend. to the 'Pioneer Museum, for spoilt, solo, "Lord Keep Your Hand
"Burgerfest Is turning chicken" is demonstrations of rope and candle Me."
the catchy title of the 12th annual tent making, and weaving, then over to
on the beach event and this year pro- the Historic sports;
Historic Gaol, for a tour, so they The newly formed bantam softball
mises to be a class event with lots of all earned a Provincial Heritage
fun,Ioodandfestivitiesforjustabout badge. Then last Tuesday, 19 team played really welt, in their
everyone. The beer tent is now being brownies went bowling at the Zurich season opener Cast week according to
called a Bavarian Garden with the lanes and had a great time. coach.Brian Pearen. They lost by dne
added attraction of an `official open- Leader Margrit Bruer is also plan -run in a good 7-6 game against Ailsa
ing - businessmen's lunch" at noon
g a summer fun day in Grand Craig. First pitcher Brian Baird
Friday. Saturday at lunchtime in the Bend, to go on the Water -Slide, and allowed only tone extra run, as he
Bavarian garden the popular mini golfing with her Brownies, the played well in the first game. Brent
guitarist-singer tot Labatt's Blue date to be set later. Zubyk and Claude Dykstra had two
fame) Paul Lottgille will entertain. $2 The Grand Bend Guides have plans bits each in front of a large crowd at
to enter the tent. the Grand Bend Stadium. Next game
Of course the main event is the
barbecue chicken dinner Friday and
Saturday nights starting at 7 p.m.'
with dinner and music by the rhythm
and blues Riverstreet Band from
Toronto included in the $10 ticket.
Wine and beer will be served. Tickets
are available in advance at Hotel
Mainstreet or Red Gables in the Bend
and Sam the Record Nan, Sarnia and
Thursdfly night Lions Bingo will be
set up in the tent and on Sunday as
early as 90.m. the tent transforms in-
to one of those irresistible beach front
flea markets. Admission 50 cents.
The Saturday morning high-jinks
on Main street include the waiters
race followed by the crazy bed races
with separate categories for men's
teams, women's teams, and the hotel
challenge cup. Committee chairman
Gerry Sanders Jr. is expecting at
least four or five teams in the waiters
race ( they must run the course in the
shortest time while carrying a huge
tray of glasses filled to the brim, yet
spill as little water as possible) a'nd
six teams of eight pyjama -clad con-
testants in the hotel challenge. Teams
are invited to enter the races on the
morning of the bed races, but chair-
man Sanders advises a little practice
Weather permitting, Grand Bend
Miss, Hawaiian Tropic will be chosen
in a swim suit contest on the beach at
2 p.m., Sunday.'
Like we said, something to interest
nearly everyone during this great
weekend. Not to be forgotten is the
fact that the funds raisl'd by the
Chamber of Commerce at Burgerfest
go to several community projects
There were still other activities in
Guides, Brownies
The Grand Bend Guides and
Brownwr's have nearly finished their
activities, with a Mother -Daughter
Fit-Nic held at the Forest arena in
early June. There were fun and
games for all, followed by a Selection'
of desserts, to replace those calories
burned off in the exercise. The event
was well attended, markio the of-
ficial "end of the season for the
Lambton guides and brownies.
COLLECTORS - -- Area postmaster Gar Johnston discusses the newest
collectable stamps from the catalogue with Bill Taylor and J. Ken-
nedy of Grand Cove Estates, Grand Bend. These two long-time col-
lectors displayed a selection of their stamps at the Grand Bend post
office on "customer appreciation day" Tuesday during Postal
Employees' Week.
for camping, as leader Paula Thomas
will be taking the younger guides on
a weekend camping trip to Arkona the
last weekend in June. Later the older
Guides will be going up north to Doe
Lake for a week of camping. Sounds
like a great summer.
Church of God
The Grand Bend Church of God had
a MB round of activities, as usual. On
Wednesday evening, the Youth Group
continued their study of the life of
Christ, on the parables, particularly
that of the parable of the sower. The
adults studied priorities in Christian '
On Thursday evening the Women of
the Church of God met, with Rev.
Cecile Barnhart as guest speaker. She
discussed the nature of prayer, as
"Drinking from Wells We have not
Sunday morning Rev. Barnhart
took his sermon from Luke 15, the tale
of the prodigal son, which reveals a
father's love, as God the Father loves
is Monday against Parkhill.
The girls peewee team have lost
one, and one win so far.this season.
According to T -bail coach Susie
Turnbull, her team lost their first
game last week as well. The mites
were rained out and the pee wees
finished their opener in the rain as
well. The pee wees lost 25-3 to a strong
Thedford team in Thedord. Jeff Far-
rington helped GB with a triple, bring-
ing in two runners ahead of himself.
Coaches are Ted Hayward and Gary
In the soccer play the GB squirts
lost to Arva at home Tuesday night
• with a score of 4-2. Matthew DeJong
scored the two penalty kicks. The
atoms played to a 2-2 tie with Nairn
II. Without the good.defensive play by
Ian Jean, GB would have come up
short as Nairn outshot the GB atoms.
GB goals were scored by Josh
Vermeulen and Mark Fluter. The
mosquito team was rained out in Ex-
eter. Pee wee team was idle.
Cordially invites the public 10
The Official Opening of:
The Township of Bosanquet
Municipal Office
3 Louisa Street,
Thedford, Ontario
Friday, June Twenty -Seventh
Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-six
2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Fred Thomas, Reeve
Township of Bosonquet
Thank You
Grand Bend, Stephen and Bosanquet Fire Depart-
ment would like to thank everybody who helped in
any way on our yard sale. Thanks for all the dona-
tions - everybody was great. Also many thanks to
Grand Cove Estates, it was greatly appreciated. •
The boys at the Fire Department
We have now completed our store expan-
sion and invite you to attend our
June 26 till8
9 a.m.
Doug Fluher captain of the famous charter boat
"Salmon Stacker" will be here with his boat to help
us celebrate.
Demonstrations will be given on the se
pf down riggers and graphs
Many show specials
in our fishing department
Life lockets and water skis now available
tome help us celebrate at
Rollie's Sports 8 Cycle
Hwy. 21 1 block North of Lights
Grand Bend 238-2418
Special prices are now available on
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