Times-Advocate, 1986-06-18, Page 151
age 2A Times -Advocate. June 18, 1986
Insurance costs
After a presentation by a represen-
tative of O.M,E. insurance, members
of Zurich council decided at their
regular Jime meeting to renew their
policy. The premium has increased
from $7,342 last year to $11,759 for
1986-87 to provide the village with in-
surance, including a total of
10,000 000 in liabilit covers : e with
no deductible.
Agent Mike Duhig said the in-
creases stern from the Brampton case
where a young cyclist was awarded
a record $6.4 million. The case is
under appeal.
Councillor Ray McKinnon wanted
to know if prerniums would decrease
if the appeal was successful. Duhig
BEAN SPROUT GRADS — The Tuesday an • Thursday morning pupils
of Bean Sprouts Nursery School held their graduation at St. Boniface
School. Shown (top left) are Jessica Eld9r, Tara Masse, Benjamin
Rader, Matthew Eagleson, Nicholas Reg er, Amanda Graham and
(centre) Stever! Dawe, Kimberley Pals°, Sarah Van Aaken, Charlie
Rau and (front 'Dylan Culbert, Lindsay Rergier, Alicia Kester and Jor-
dan Jeffrey. issin • : Gregor O'Connor.
up �� aIrn . 50%
replied that this should be refloated Fisher said the evgioeer ww visit pprro-o-
in the premium costs, but he was perty owners on the Haberer, Thiel
pessimistic enough to think "thiggs and other tributaries to see if they
don't seem to reverse". He cited a re- would like work on those drains
cent case where an impaired y included.
male riding a motorcycle with Building permits totalling $149,925
helmet and no lights rammed into were issued in May. This represented
pole carrying a "No trespassing sign" two now houses and additions and
and was suing a municipality. Duhig renovations to six homes.
said just defending the case would David Groot sent a report noting the
cost $50,000, regardless of the difficulty in catching dogs. Fisher in -
o e, structed clerk Sharon Baker to send
In reply to McKin on's query about a letter to Hensall council asking if
considering a nine-month period so they would share the cast of buying a
• the amount of premiums could be in- tranquilizing gun, and to find out if a
eluded when setting the budget, Duhig bylaw enforcement officer can go on -
advised councillors to renew now for to private property while chasing
a year, and if the marketplace had dogs.
changed in eight months the policy The Zurich Agricultural Society will
could be cancelled and renewed apply for a grant to pay 25 percent of
without penalty. the cost of new drapes for the
Engineer Don Pletch of Middlesex auditorium at the community centre,
Engineering was appointed to bring Councillor Paul Morrison said. Other
in a report on deepening, widening, results of the recent meeting regar-
extending and providing proper outlet ding recreation costs were notifica-
for the Zurich drain after a petition tion the rec ball league is seriously
was accepted. Reeve Bob Fisher ex- considering completing the fencing at
plained the lack of signatures by say- the ball diamond, and the rec hockey
ing two affected property owners league will try to obtain a frig for the
wouldn't sign, two others had and the upstairs meeting room.
third farm was a numbered corpora- McCann Redi-Mix will be contacted
tion. The Co -Op and Hay Telephone to see what can be done about some
were not eligible, as they are on a portions of sidewalk poured three
branch of the main drain. However, years agoithat are now cracking.
Fastball team holding
car wash .on Saturday
BEAN SPROUT GRADS — The Wednesday and Friday students at
Bean Sprout Nursery School were among the graduates at a ceremony
at St. Boniface School. Shown are (back left) Joey Debus. Jeremy
Geoffrey, Jacob Hovius and (centre) Adam Masse, Joey Denomme,
Janet Thiel and (front) Sarah Wilson, Jan -Marie Fisher and Pam Love.
Missing: Jennifer Mittleholtz.
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The girls's fast ball team will be
holding a car wash this Saturday,
June 21 from 8 a.m.- 1 p.m. at the
Zurich Firehall to help raise some
money for their baseball season
• Visit Expo -
Twenty-five students of S.H.D.H.S.
in Exeter enjoyed spending last week
in Vancouver and going to Expo.
Among the group was Glen Regier of
RR2 Zurich.
Tammy Durand was one of three
students from S.H.D.H.S. who recent-
ly spent three days in Orangeville and
took part in an "Energy Simulation
Game", which was put on by Ontario
Hydro and discussed the best energy
mix for the future.
Golden Agers
Zurich Golden Agers held their
June meeting at the home of Louise
Ivanchenco. Gen. Doyle president
opened the business meeting. Verda
Baechler secretary, and Barbara
Strachan, treasurer, gave their
There were 32 in attendance, in-
cluding 2 visitors. Each member
answered the roll call by reading a
Blues Chaser.
Members . celebrating , ,June.. bir•,
thdays were Belle .Merner. and Ed ,1
Gascho. A sing song was enjoyed by;
all. Beatrice' Iden and her .June
group were in charge of sports. A
delicious pot -luck supper followed.
Marcel Robert LaPorte graduated
from Technical Theatre Production
and Design from Sheridan College in
Oakville. After completing a summer
stock tour he will be returning to join
the staff of the Music Theatre
SHYFC barbeue
A good time was had by all who at-
tended the annual Youth for Christ
Chicken Barbecue held at Ken,
Gascho's park on Saturday.
Gerald and Ursula Regier along
with Richard and Frances Ayotte
spent a few days visiting with the
girls' sister, Mrs. Mary Ayotte in
Howell, Michigan, last week.
The Bean Sprout Nursery School
held their graduation ceremony at St.
Boniface last Thursday evening with
parents and relatives attending.
Visitors for 12 days recently with
Ted and Vonny Oud at RR3 Kippen
and family were her two sisters, Afra
and Jenny, and a sister-in-law, Marie,
all from Holland.
It was their first time in Canada
and they thought everything was ve y
nice. They were anxious to see where
the Oud's lived. It's been eight years
since they Last saw Vonny and 34
years since they saw Ted.
Before returning home they are
now visiting with another sister who
lives in Sudbury, Ontario.
Congratulations toTed Oud Jr. and
Kiem on the arrival of daughter
Congratulations to Gordon and
Yvonne Wright (nee Oud) who were
married in Goderich on May 30 with
dinner held in Exeter. The reception
was held at the bride's parents, Ted
and Vonny Oud Sr. RR 3 Kippen.
Weekend and Father's Day visitors
with Clarence and Beattie Geoffrey
were sons Brian and Gale Geoffrey
from Michigan, Jerome and Betty
Geoffrey from Tillsonburg and Gary
and Anna Geoffrey and family of
Windsor. A long distance phone call
was received from their daughter
Mary -Ann in Germany.
Gary and some friends, who play on
a ball team in Windsor, had a game
in Seaforth on Saturday so his fellow
team mates also camped at the Geof-
frey's home over the weekend.
Richard and Cecile Hartman of
Windsor spent the weekend with his
mother, Mrs. Terese Hartman and all
attended the wedding of Susan Flem-
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ing, daughter of Greg and Jean Flem-
ing of Mt. Carmel to Peter Lemieux
at Mt. Carmel Church on Saturday,
June 14. Also attending from Zurich
were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Farwell and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hartman.
Michael and Yvonne Hartman of
Mississauga spent Saturday and Sun-
day with her mother, Mrs. Juliette
Denomme while they went to the
Flemings wedding. Juliette returned
home with them for a week's visit(
Dave and Irene Schilbe and two
girls spent last weekend in Toronto
visiting with friends.
May we offer our sympathy tt% the
relatives of the late Alice Haberer
who passed away last Wednesday.
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BEAN SPROUT GRADS — The Tuesday and Thursday afternoon
pupils of Bean Sprouts Nursery School held their graduation at St.
Boniface School. Shown (back left) are Laura Tiernan, Anita Bedard,
Pam Regier, Peter Lonsbergen, Paul Lansbergen and (centre)
Stephanie Rader, Kim Keller, Jason Finkbeiner, Giselle Durand, Mat-
thew Gelinas and (front) Damian Willert, Andrea Becker, Sarah Stire,
Candace Schilbe and Alyshio Gelinas.
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