HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-06-18, Page 5FAIR CONTESTANTS — Jim Swan, CFPL TV, emceed the first-ever queen contest at the Hensall Spring
Fair. He is shown with Leigh Soldan (left), later chosen as queen, Karen Dietrich, Jacqui Cottrell, Angelina
Malik, Patricia Hackwell, Mavis Turner, Tammy Bell, Joanne Verlinde and runner-up Dana Bozzato.
ores q;.4 wx .0
PATCH PARADERS — Cabbage Patch Dolls were well represented in Saturday's Hensall Fair
From the left are Kelly, Amanda, Marcia and Terry Lynn Regier and Laura Lee Creces.
SENIOR SHOWMAN BEST — Don Pullen and Bill Kerslake at the left and lack Kinsman at the right
present awards to Hensall Fair calf club junior showmen winners Lisa and Michael Hern.
Car rally
By Mary Chesseli
The back roads of Stanley
Township will be a beehive of activi-
ty this Sunday, June 22. as another ex-
citing Sesquicentennial event takes
place. Whether you drive a car, truck,
bus or motorcycle, you're bound to
enjoy yourself in the Stanley
Township 150 -car rally. Registration
begins at 11:30 a.m. al. the Complex
near Varna, with the first car leaving
at aoaroximately 1:00 p.m.
at Varna:.
Participants can leave food for the
potluck supper at the Complex. It will.
be served at -6:00 p.m. in the
auditorium. Tickets for the first car
rally in the 150 -year history of the
township, are available in advance,
for $8.00 or at the door for $10.00. Ad-
vance tickets can be obtained by call-
ing 262-5340, 262-5351 or 482-3260.
Stan -Lee executive
A new slate of officers was elected -
at the June meeting Of the Stan -Lee
STANLEY SENIORS CELEBRATE - The Stanley senior citizens held
o Sesquicentennial dessert euchre, Wednesday. Shown with some
of the desserts are Anno Keys, Ruby Triebner and Eleanor McAsh.
8110111 TEIIM
S100.000 or more Term 30-59 days
All rates subject to change without notice
$5.000-525,000. $25.000-$50,000.
Term 30-59 days. Term 30-59 days.
MEMBER - Canada Davos,' Insurance Co,Acvat.on
Club. They are: past president,
Elmer Hayter; president, Mary
Rowntree; 1st vice president, Anna
Keys; 2nd vice president, Bill McAsh;
secretary, Jean Henderson;
treasurer, Keith Rowntree. Directors
are Margaret Dowson, Harold Peck,
Ruby Triebner, Jean McEwen and
Bill Reid.
A very successful. dessert euchre
was sponsored by the Stan -Lee Club
in connection with the township's Ses-
quicentennial, with 24 tables in play.
High prize for those wearing red
ribbons was won by Donna Tyndall of
Clinton; second prize went to Frank
Thompson, route 2 Bayfield. High for
blue ribbons went to Gretta Baird of
Brucefield; second to Gertie
F'leischauer of Zurich. Red low, Beth
Dutton of Bayfield, blue low, Verna
Glazier of Clinton. Lone hands for red,
Margaret Thorndyke of Clinton; blue.
Helen Pepper of Brucefield.
Draw prizes were won by Evelyn
McBeath, Florence Ludvigsen,
Rachel Johnston, Lloyd Batkin,
Gladys Peck, Bob Reid, Mrs. Lloyd
Batkin, Frank Thompson, Louise
lvanchenko, Edna Paterson, Willa
Taylor, Betty Thompson, Kathleen
Hill and Gladys Alexander.
Winning baby
Congratulations to Danny Peck, son
of Dale and Dianne, who won in the
five -to -eight-month category of the
baby show at Clinton Fair.
Attendance awards
Attendance awards were presented
to students of Varna Sunday School
during the church service on Sunday.
Co -superintendent Blaine Stephenson
(Joe Laurie is the other( announced
the awards which were presented by
the teachers.
Nine year seals: Susan Kirton and
Mary Ellen Webster; teachers.
Blaine and Joe. Seventh year seal:
Mark Webster; sixth year: Heather
and Raymond Beierling and David
Rathwell; teachers, Deb Rathwell
and Joan Beierling. Fifth year seals:
(leather Laurie and Sandra Coullis:
fourth year: Mary O'Reilly and Tony
Coullis; teachers, Julie Webster and
Elaine Stephenson.
Third year seals: Valerie Laurie,
Meggin Reid, Shelley and Cheryl
Stephenson; second year: Marcy
Rathwell and Brian Webster; first
year diploma: B. .1. (bulbs; teachers,
.lanet Webster, Vianne Culbert and
Carol Stephenson.
Following the presentation, the
students sang "It's a Small World",
accompanied by Julie Webster.
Replacements arc needed for a cou-
ple of teachers who are resigning. if
you would like to teach next year.
please call one of the superintendents
or Carol Simons.
Bus tours
Bus tours of Stanley Township will
he available from the Complex dur-
ing Stanley Township's Sesquicenten-
nial homecoming week -end. A great
chance for those coming "home" to
see the changes in their former
Times -Advocate, June 18, 1986
Pvge 5
Expanded Fair
The 1906 Hetw1U Spring Fair was
bigger and better -than ever. The Fair
Board took a gamble in deciding on
a two-day event, and hit the jackpot.
Added attractions such as the queen
contest, the public school section, an
expanded ladies' division and a beef
barbecue resulted in gate receipts up
9700 from last year, and an increase
of exhbitors in the sheep show, the
amateur horse shoe, and similar
Nine young ladies sponsored by
local businesses competed in the fair
queen contest organized by the Hen-
sall Kinettes. Leigh Soldan topped off
her seventeenth birthday by winning
the contest.
She was presented with a crown
and a bouquet of roses from the
village of Hensall, a $100 cheque from
the Hensall Kinsmen, a sterling silver
pendant from the Hensall Fair Board,
a two-piece luggage set plus travel
make-up bag which were joint gifts
from General Coach, BSL Refrigera-
tion and Hensall Motors, a travel blow
dryer from Knight Electric, a $15
deposit at the Canadian Imperial
Bank of Commerce, a collector's
plate of the town hall from Signs and
Shirts, one year's subscription to
Startime Video, a crystal vase from
William's Hair Styling and a
microwave meat rack from
Drysdale's. .
Runner-up Dana Bozzato received
a travel jewel case from the Bank of
Montreal, a gold bracelet from
Shaw's Dairy Store, perfume from
Agripress and Reid's Cosy Corner,
and a 910 deposit at the Bank of
All nine contestants received
Australian crystaLearrings from the
Birch Tree. All but the two winners
'Were presented with crystal trinket
boxes by the Kinettes.
Kinette president Carolyn Knight
expressed her appreciation to area.
businessmen for their support and
generosity, and to the two judges,
Ruth Immense and Dennis Martine,
for carrying out the difficult task.
Frances Kinsman, president of the
Ladies' Dtvision, said the school sec-
tion was a welcome addition to this
year's Fair. More than 200 entries
came in, the majority from Hensall
Public School, and the rest from St.
Boniface in Zurich and Huron Centen-
nial at Brucefield. The volunteers
supervising the exhibit reported on
the excitement of the children bring-
ing friends and relatives to "Come
and see what I have here".
The Ladies' Division moved to the
main auditorium this year, and add-
ed cooking and flower arranging
demonstrations to the Saturday pro-
gram. Both events were well
In the draw, Kai -Uwe Wisch, RR 2
Kippen, ,won the $100 food voucher
from Solway's Food Market, Velma.
Robinson, Hensall, received the se-
cond prize of $50 in meat from
Volland's Meat Market, and John
McDougall, Hensall, won dinner for
two at Blackbeard's Restaurant on
Highway 4 near Clinton.
The final event on this year's pro-
gram was another innovation, a beef
barbecue. The 300 advance tickets
sold quickly, and Fair Board
secretary Beth Cooper said she heard
nothing but complimentary remarks
about the dinner.
Even the weather cooperated. Fri-
day's early morning rain cleared up
long before the Fair opened in mid-
afternoon with the sheep show, and
stayed sunny until after the Saturday
barbecue. .
Fair Board President Stewart
Brown pronounced the 1986 Fair an
overall success, and promised $ two-
dav encore next year.
Among the winners in the sheep
show at the Hensall Spring Fair were
best ram - Hugh Todd; best ewe - Dar-
ren Faber, grand champion flock -
Hugh Todd and reserve champion
flock - Louis Emke. •
Lou Sanders took first in the junior
class lambs, followed by Sherry and
Pam Lovell.
Hugh Todd's market lamb placed
first. and Don Dearing's came
Winners inthe poultry show were
Cliff Pepper - best solid colour stan-
dard and best parti-coloured
olden fimpiei
itis strawberry time again and we
sincerely thank Mrs. Aleida Hendrich
and Mrs. Alvin Gingerich for their
donations of the fruit freshly picked
from the vines so much enjoyed by
the residents.
Residents are busily engaged in all
the programs offered by the adjuvant
during the mornings, and the Craft
room supervisor keeps .many of the
residents well occupied during the
afternoons. Of course, some of the
residents organize their own games of
crokinole, cards and shuffleboard
anytime of the day or evening.
Presently we are waiting for another
shuffleboard to be installed in the
auditorium floor so more people can
be involved at the same time.
On Thursday evening, the boys of
the Torchbearer's Group entertained
the residents. Organ solos were
played by Richard Gingerich, Jason
Erb favoured with piano solos, three
skits were presented and several
poems were read. Following the en-
joyable program, cheesecake, tea and
coffee were served by the mothers in
On Friday afternoon, a bus load of
our residents were invited to Maitland
Manor in Goderich to play bingo and
have coffee. Our thanks to Mr. Chalut
for making the arrangements.
Bingo was enjoyed here on Friday
evening, followed by refreshments.
The Sunday evening chapel service
was conducted by Rev. Stan
McDonald of Hensall United Church.
Michael Becker had the best solid -
colour bantam, and Doug Gill the best
parti-coloured bantam. Glen Jeffrey
won for best pigeon.--
Parade winners in descending
order included Jacob Bruxer, Jeff
Campbell and Jennifer Masse for best
bike uner 10 years and Mary Taylor,
Jeff Cardiff and Gordon Hamiitgn
won for those over age 10.
Best children's floats were entered
by Blair Moir, Janet Traquair and
Jason Philips. Best clowns or com-
ics were Bradley lljartman, Kate
Farwell and Steve Brock.
The United Church, Queensway and
Hensall Public School took the rib-
bons for non-commercial floats. The
commercial category was won .by
Hully Gully, Huron Tractor and
Spring Creek Farms.
Thomspon's, Cook's and Hensall
Co -Op took the prizes for horse-drawn
vehicles, while Parker and Parker,
Kinsmen and Kinettes and Cabbage
Patch Kids won for freak or comic
outfit. ,
The best decorated car was enterer
by the Flower Basket, Harold Cud
more and Orland Reichert had th(
best antique cars.
Best dressed horse or pony clas$
was won by Lillian Panos, Marten
Regier and Carl Tyler.
Lee Holt was high point horse and
rider in the Friday night horse show.
Brenda Koehler, Joy Elliott an(
Grace Evans won the Calf Club':
draw for steaks and ground beef
Guessing the weight brought foo(
vouchers to Jim Lobb, Wilbur
Kerslake and Lisa Campbell.
Food voucher prizes in the crosscut
saw competition were won by Bol
and Wayne Campbell, Cecil Pepper
and Jim Robinson and Elvey
Broadhagen and Len Patterson.
The team of Keith Lovell and Nor-
ma Coleman edged out Jim Bozzato
and Dave Kyle for first place in the
horseshoe pitch contest.
Emma Cox won the best of show
quilt prize, and garnered the most
overall points in the ladies division.
Hazel Corbett was runner-up.
SAYING THANKS — Frances Kinsman, president of the Ladies Divi
sion of the Hensall Spring Fair, liresents a gift in appreciation to talent
show MC Ken Van Allen.
BEST EWE -- Darren Faber receives the trophy for best etEve in the
sheep show from Hensall Spring Fair board president Stewart BrdKvn.
Deb Smale, Hotpoint
Microwave Consultant
will be giving a
L eam how to • ;. • : re delicious
mealswitha • I • •' Micraltivave
Oven. Actual • '-' - swill be
prepared during the demonstration.
All Micro
Cooking Dishes
Less 10%
for school only
Over 50 Micro
In Stock
All at Special sale
At our Store on
Tuesday, June 24
Get your ticket now
Limited to 50 people
We ervrce W of We
HENSALL 262.2728
9 P
Last Week's Shop Exeter
Prize Winners
• M. Brenner, Grand Bend
'25 Certificate from Exeter Decor Centre
• Jim Duddy, RR 3 Dorchester
1 gal. of paint from Fisher's Hardware
• Lynn Tardoff, Exeter
'50.00 Certificate from Image Cleaners
• Barb Tiedeman, Exeter
Electric Weed Eater from Macleans
• Mary Westlake, Exeter
'15.00 Certificate from Exeter Flowers
Winners are asked to pick up prize vouchers at
Russell Electric, Exeter