HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-06-11, Page 30WAY TO BRUSH — Marylou Stewart of the Middlesex -London Health
District was at Bidduiph Central School. Above, she shows Denise
Cowdrey and J.B. Mason. the proper way to brush teeth.
Revival Centre news
Rev. Roger Mason Sunday morning
spoke about the eminence of the blood
of'Jesus. Leviticus 17:11 tells us the
life is in the blood. This is true
biologically and true theologically.
We know one's blood circulates
through out bodies supplying our
bodies needs for oxygen and nourish-
ment, while cleansing our bodies. It
is amazing how God has made our
A major benefit of the blood of life.
Also it is the blood of Jesus that gives
us spiritual Life as in Ephesians 7:7,
while cleansing away our sin.
Through the shedding of Christ's
blood we are brought out of sin as in
I Peter 1:18-19, providing us with eter-
nal life. Revelation 1:5 tells us Jesus
releases us from sin because He loves
us. The only substance that can
cleanse a man from sin is the blood
of Jesus.
As our white blood cells attack and
kill infection in our bodies, so the
blood of Jesus Christ also protects us.
Exodus 12:15 speaks of the protection
of the applied blood of a slain lamb.
When we are covered by the blood of
God's lamb, Jesus Christ, we are pro-
tected from the wrath of God because
our sins are forgiven. Revelations
12:10 gives assurance that believers
are protected from the enemy Satan's
attacks by Jesus' blood.
Sunday evening Rev. Roger Mason,
from Acts 10:44-48 spoke on how to
receive the Hely Spirit. From this ac-
count we see that God moves in
unusual ways. To receive personal
salvation we have to come to Calvary
to Jesus. To receive healing we must
come to Jesus. To receive the baptism
in the Holy Spirit we must come to
Jesus. Matthew 3:11 tells us Jesus will
baptize believers with the Holy Spirit.
In John 1:29 John the Baptist points
out Jesus to be the Saviour of the
world. In verse 33 John told that they
would know Jesus as the Messiah
when they saw the Holy Spirit descen-
ding on Him as a dove, and that this
Man would baptize in the Holy Spirit.
This Holy Spirit empowers redeem-
ed man to take the message of the
gospel to mankind. In Acts 2:32-33
Peter tells that Jesus, the risen Lord,
had sent the believers the promised
Holy Spirit. in John 7:37-39 Jesus was
referring to the giving of the Holy
To receive the believer asks Jesus
to baptize one with the Holy Spirit.
Then the gift of the Holy Spirit is
received by faith, believing Jesus will
do it. Galations 3:2 and 14 assures us
we receive by faith. In John 7:37
Jesus said one must believe to
receive. Luke 11:13 tells us that one
must ask for the Holy Spirit.
Upcoming events: Tuesday at 6
The wise individual doesn't get too at-
tached to any of life's pleasures,
knowing that wonderful science is
hard at work proving it's bad for him.
MII V.u,A.n
p.m., will be the Annual Church
Family Picnic. It is to be held at the
Market Square Park.
Sunday, June 15, at 7:00 p.m. the
Lion Heart Musical group from Youth
with a Mission will take part in the
evening service.
Lucan Seniors
There was a good turnout for the
weekly meeting of the Lucan Seniors
groups. The meeting was opened with
the singing of 0 Canada. One visitor
was welcomed and he was returning
to Holland the next day.
Birthday wishes went to Audrey
Hodgins and Greta Gibson. Quite a
number of out seniors went on the bus
trip to Waterloo market and area. A
motion was made that we buy
Southern Fried chicken for our pot
luck dinner at end of the month.
The nominating committee
reported they were coining along
quite nicely with getting the new
Marjorie Steeper gave three short
readings. Bowling, three stades in a
man's life and 40 years after. She also
conducted a contest on guessing the
size of your waist.
Hazel Cunningham gave a reading
on An Invitation to Church. Wilma
and Chris Hessels and Jessie Lewis
were on the lunch and Hazel Cunn-
ingham on cards.
High score Mildred Hirtzel and
Tom Kooy, lone hands Marie Veal
and Charlotte Bajkert low Alma
Hodgins and Kay. Armstrong and
craft winner was Beth Neil.
Senior housi
At ,iusedey's�
first land dMstob a tion. '
Formerly handed by tbe county of '
Middlesex, the applications are now
being adminkteced by the council as
a• committee of the whole. • '-
Approval was given for severance '.
on property owned by Carl and Heim "
Beating_ at 210 Main street and 207 •
Butler street.
Reeve' Norm Steeper said his only
concern was the fact lots lett on Main
street would be undersized. He add-
ed, "But, they have always been like
On the subject of proposed senior
housing apartments reeve Steeper
said, "It's still in the mill. We are
waiting for the province to advise as
to what programs are available."
A letter was received from Bull
Nieuwland at The VWa advising be
was willing to help in any way with
committees or clubs on any seniors
Gal manager Tom Prout and
Lucaa's representative on the
Agsable-Bayfield Conservation
Authority Ivan Hearn peeiented plans
for flood 4ain plan mapping in the
village• ,
On call°co'st to the village for the
primed mapping will be 1166.67 and
approval was given t0 prttoeed.
Lucan Hydro Commissioner Dr.
Lloyd Hall presented his annual
report to council which included an
operating loss for 1965 0f $4,000.
On the loss Dr. Hall said.`"We don't
severance application
like to see thie h.p$lin, but, it wasn't
our fault: We .stayed within two or
three pro deur budget. Our main
p for an est
power. We are charg-
edor based on peak
periods and our demand load went
away• The
service and in �c� commit-
tee report included meetings with
bylaw enforcement officer Karl Mac-
Naughton, building oftidal Dan Scar-
borough and animal control officer
Howard Currie. •
MacNaughton reported parking of-
fences were down and people seem-
ed to be aware of what if ted.
The few who are consistent o
will come into line once the Provincial
Offences 14Wlation Is changed and
parking offences are attached to
Scarborough reported 39 buildings
permits were issued to date this year
with a total value of $571,406 and be
was spending 30 to 36 hours per month
on building -inspections.
Howard Currie told the committee
21 dog tags were still outstanding to
date and there are approximately 131
dogs in the village. He also recoil-
mended an amendment to the dog
licence fee structure.
The new fees would be 110 for the
first dog, $20 for each additional dog
and 135 for a kennel licence.
The public works report included
calling tenders for a new water main
on Beech street.
LUCAN SENIORS BOWL — Trophies were awarded Wednesday to the top Lucan senior citizens bowlers.
Bock, left, Harry Noels, Charlie Grieve and Frank DeStock. Front, Norah Wassell, Verna Dowdall, Marion
Noels and Elsie Dunn. T -A photo
Two killed in area
Two accidents in the area patroll-
ed by the Lucan detachment of the
Ontario Provincial Police claimed the
lives of two persons.
Kenneth Bestardof Thorndale was
killed when the light truck he was
driving collided with a dump truck
driven by Gerritt Gransma of
Strathroy on Concession 8 of London
township. • -
The mishap occurred at 2:35 p.m.
on Thursday. Dr. K.A. Johnston was
the attending coroner. Constable
Wilcox set damages at 123,000.
Charges will not be laid according to
A three car mishap at 9:20 a.In.,
Friday on Highway 7, east of Elgin -
field claimed the life of 18 month old.
Allanna, Tallon of Toronto. The,
youngster Was a passenger along with,'
a four -month-old brother Brennan in
a vehicle driven by their mother
Katherine Tallon, 28 of Toronto. Both
survivors in the Tallon vehicle are in
serious condition.
Other vehiclesinvolved in the crash
were driven by Gerda Henze and
Murray Howard, both of London.
Constable Hodge who set damages
at $26,000 said both the Talion
children were in child restrainer
The other accident during the week
occurred Sunday at 9:40 p.m. when
the vehicles driven by Mary Lane of
Seaforth and Alex Wilson, London col-
lided on Highway 7. Damages were
listed at *2,200 by Constable Hodge.
During the week 41 general occur-
rences were investigated. They in-
cluded two thefts over 11,0000uftln
cidents of wilful damage, fts
under $1,000 and one cheque fraud.
BIDDULPH STUDENT — The new student council at Biddulph Central School has been named. From
the left are secretary Shannon Nevin, presidents Carrie Lane and Derek Hardy and treasurer Lisa Moore.
Lucan Affair starts Friday
The annual Lucan Fair scheduled
for this coming weekend has taken on
a different name.
It will be known as the Lucan Lions
Affair and goes Friday night at 7:55
p.m. with a giant bingo and a
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guaranteed jackpot of 12,500. The
Beechwood musical group will be
entertaining in the pub area.
Saturday's activities begin with a
free pancake breakfast from 9 to 11
a.m. It is sponsored by Nevin Motors.
At the conclusion of the breakfast, a
Molson Canadian Fitness Challenge
gets underway.
A fashion show gets underway at 2
p.m., Saturday. This will be followed
by a family chicken barbecue and a
Nature's Bounty
We Apologize
The name of the guest
speaker at South Huron
Hospital's annual
meeting on June 16 will
be Mr. John G. Gray,
Executive Director, of
South Huron and District
Association for the Men-
tally Handicapped and
not as printed in the
June 4 issue
dance beginning at 9 p.m. with Socie-
ty providing the music. Spice will be
entertaining in the pub.
Affair chairman Glenn Nevin
stresses the fact admission to the
grounds is free both days.
Included on the grounds will be a
midway, arcade, games of skill and
chance, a petting zoo and fish pond.
Nevin says the midway will be as
big as ever.
UC anniversary
is celebrated
The 124th anniversary of Lucan
United Church was celebrated ,
"musically" with the Rev. Colin
Paterson on guitar. John MacDonald
in his very humorous talk to the
children emphasized the importance
of practicing either a musical instru-
ment or a game - practice to make
Practice is an important attitude of
faith in being a Christian.
This all became very clear to us as
we listened to Mr. Paterson sing and
play with such beauty and reverence.
His sermon was taken from Colos-
sians 3:12-17 and spoke to us on the
responsibility of being God's chosen
Born again, the term can breed ar-
rogance and we hesitate to admit to
being God's chosen people, not
because we are special, but because
the job is to difficult, so much is
demanded, we must be Holy as He is
Holy, humble, gentle, have patience,
endure insults and bear with one
Sunday, June 22 at 11 a.m. is
Flower Sunday. The Sunday School
will be in charge following the service
st 12:30 p.m. The church picnic will
be held in Market Park. All the
church families are invited.
Six persons were charged with im-
paired driving and driving suspen-
sions of 12 hours each.
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