HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-06-11, Page 25Want them to look same as other kids on buses s001 No dross cods for new t•rst•p There will be "no dress code" for the Catholic students who have chosen to start high school in September in the first Catholic secon- day school in Stratford, the only one in the Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School system, ac- cording to its first principal, Dan Bishop. Bishop, addressing the board meeting in Dublin Monday night, said he thought it better for the dress to be "neat and appropriate" for the ex- pected 65 students entering the grade nine classes. Because the students will be shar- ing buses with students of other schools, Bishop said he "did not want the student's dress to be a point of derision or others mocking them". He said he was satisfied with the number of students attending the new classes -- 45 to 46 percent of the eligi- ble students who will be graduating POR SALE Baldwin Organ Good Condition For details phone 237-3212 J FOR SALE BY TENDER Approx. 20 Acres Mixed Hay Ontario Development Corpora- tion, Huron Pork, Ontario, will accept written tenders until 12:00 noon local time, Thursday, June 19, 1986, for approximate- ly 20 acres mixed hay. , For further information contact Supervisor Operations, On- tario Development Corpora Hon, Huron Park, Ontario or t I hone 519-228-6657 e ep from the various demean, schools in the system in Perth County and neighbouring Huron County schools. Bishop, with 18 years 01 teaching behind hime, started with the Huron - Perth Board the first of January. He said he believes the program is well in place for September with the bus routes laid out. Some of the students will travel a total of fifty miles to and from the school each day. In other business the board hired: Mary Ann Whittal as teacher for Family Studies at St. Michael Secon- dary School, Stratford (.25); Karen Wade as Special Education Teacher (40 percent) at St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge; and Andree Langlois, as French Immersion teacher (1.0) for St. Aloysius School, Stratford. All hir- ings effective September 1, 1986. • Two teachers will be transferred, effective September 1, 1986: Mary Jane Osborne from St. Patrick's School, Dublin, (.5) to St. Michael and Immaculate Conception Schools, Stratford (.5); and Patricia Wilby, St. Aloysius School, Stratford (30 per- cent) to St. Aloysius, St. Joseph's and • Immaculate Conception Schools, Stratford, (90 percent) . Two resignations were accepted, ef- fective August 31, 1986: Marcelle Boulanger, French Immersion teacher at St. Michael's School, Strat- ford; and John Milligan, Itinerant WANT TO KNOW HOW TO - LIE DOWN ON THE JOB? BE A4BLOOD DONOR Come and PiCK YOUR OWN at Lovell's First farm west of Kippen intersection on south side OPENING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 quart baskets allowed No picking in pots and pans HOURS: 8 a.m• - 8 p.m. Supply & weather permitting For information CaII Leonard Lovell 282-8418 Care French Teacher at Immaculate Conception St. Michael's and St. Joseph's Schools. ' Ramseyer Construction of Strat- ford was awarded the contract for the construction of a permanent corridor at St. Aloysius School, Stratford, to connect up to five portable classrooms to the main school for the sum of $122,370. Smith peat Roofing of Exeter was awarded the contract for re -roofing the original roof at Precious Blood School at Exeter for the sum of $18,384 plus contingency fund. Following his one-year term ap- pointment, George VanSlyck is to continue as principal at St. Colum ban School effective September 1, 1986. The Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board will offer Religious Education classes again for a second year at the grades 9 and 10 level, tentatively in three cen- tres, Seaforth, Zurich and Goderich for the 1986-87 school year. These DROP INTOYOUR SEE��HOW DEALER MONEYCAN GO. . I1CA OM -4111)1 1!1 tet It r shutS1'SISI0I \+A .urpnsnt,;lc. 1 •taw•, with nun) rel Ihr .ids,ntagcs r> M enlaced hl ksscr autnrnithde. h .tl•at utrncs wait'nnhns well armed rcputUI,0l Ior hmktnlg auto, nithdcs that run .tnd run anti keep tin running I) nlnnNlw'r,.0 tle.dcr.h,pt.tnd sec haw yunI I tour nt,rrlc) can dls.gtpcar l Ir pen tlur \idtn dcakr .1 Snit .mil get ettrX1 kk.l .1t) 10 Mtu 1.0 If tall IR, nEvawzsooi. M -W MOTORS LTD Sales, Service, Parts & Leasing 184 EAST ST., GODERICH 524-2113 •M nularlurer•. •ug,,.trd retail peke for IM %'oho, 210 DI. exclusive of l . option.. dealer prep. registration. destination charges and other fee, realer may .ell for 1e,. Peke. may change w1IMwt notice • douses ww tie oopditimal , • (ef- ficient • ficient student enrolment and the ac- quisition of qualified teaching staML A student who completes theft class* satisfactorily, ears► a secon- dary school credit. The religious classes are held once a week after the regular school day is completed in public secondary schools in the areas where there is no Catholic seconday school. The board will ask as represen- tative of the Royal Canadian Legion to come to a board meeting to explain the Child Video Identification Pro- gram being offered by District C of the Legion. The Legion is willing to carry out the identification program with the estimated 90,000 elementary students in this district. A letter from the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority express ap- preciation for the assistance of two teachers from the Huron -Perth system who have contributed as members of the curriculum commit - STEPHEN TOWNSHP NOTICE RATEPAYERS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN The second instalment of 1986 taxes for the Township of Stephen is due on or before June 16th, 1986. After June 16th interest will be charged on outstan- ding taxes on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month at the rate of 11/4 % per month. Willmar D. Wein Tax Collector Township of Stephen -jI 111111l111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11I,11111111111111111,111111L 3 Dashwood Village YARD SALE Sponsored by Business Association Sat., June 14th Rain pate: June 21st Wanted - donations for Firemen's yard sale - call Jim Hoffman (237-3763) or any 1:Tashwood fireman for pickup. tee of the Wawanosh Valley Conser- vation Education Centre by helping staff review/ and plan programs. The teachers are Kathryn)fiegier and Ed Cappelli of St. Joseph's, Separate School at Kingsbridge. Auctions by Coulter Sat., Juno 28 Tractor, implements, fur- niture and miscellaneous for Ed Dowdall, 3 mile north of Lucan on Ath line. Brute Coulter 294-6305 or 238-8000 WE WANT YOUR AUCTION ;aunnulnwlulnnnunwu11mmununnumm�nnunnanunnounnnnmann,11,nnnuun,n,unr: , 3110111 IEIM 'S5% 5100.000 or more. Term 30-59 days. All rates subject to change without notice ON YOUR MONEY 55.000-525,000. Term 30-59 days. $25,000-$50,000. Term 30-59 days. STANDARD TRUST 386 MAIN ST. S., EXETER 235-1060 BRANCHES IN .[AY/Vlll[ • PtEIMIfN • MA,IPTOM • CALOAPIY • OSMIUM • 11,1101 • Ifl1'! • aOOHICJI • MAYIITOM • MAf101AY 1•01111 11101. • powwow, • PAM • ITh • P,CTOM • PORT P[111YY • MOMA • SASKATOOM • TOM MYO • rMlLlrfMfOM • tAt.1OHAY • tI,f01IPEG • WOOOSTOC.f • MIIOOIMYI MEMBER - C anada Deposit Insurance CorpdYton ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER INVITING PROPOSALS FOR Authorized Issuer - Vehicle Permits and Driver's Licences Location - Grand Bend, Ontario Purpose Successful applicant to provide full service on behalf of the Ministry including office accommodations and staff to perform all transactions related to the issuing of Driver and Vehicle licences. Agent's income earned through commissions. Details provid- ed in the information packages. Selection Applicants and their proposals will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria: (1) Education (2)- Work Experience (3) Technical Skills (4) Communication & Interpersonal Skills (5) Proposed locution and Premises Information packages on which to base proposals, on are available from•Ministry office at: Ministry of Transportation and Communications, 2090 Wyandotte St. E., . Windsor, Ontario NOY 1E6 or contact R.S. Hay at 1-800-265-1341 Completed proposals must be received by the Ministry no later than: July 2. 1986. Ministry of Transportation and Communications IA. Public Works Travaux publics Canada Canada II INVITATION OF PROPOSALS SEALED PROPOSALS (principals only) for the leasing of the pro- perty listed below, addressed to Chief, Contract Administra- tion, Public Works Canada, 4900 Yonge Street, (10th floor), Willowdale, Ontario. M2N 6A6, will be received until 1500 hours on the specified closing date. Proposal Documents can be seen, or obtained through the office of the Director General, Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, Tendering Office, 10th Floor, 4900 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario, and Public Works Canada, Tendering Office, 451 Talbot Street, London, Ontario. LEPROJECT PROJECT NO. 603451 -Exeter, Ontario Leasing of Office Accommodation Office accommodation comprising approximately 69.3 square metres of usable area, as defined in the Lease Proposal Documents, is required for occupancy by Employment and Im- migration Canada. To be eligible for consideration, accommodation offered must be in the area bounded by the municipal boundaries of the Town of Exeter. The accommodation will be required for occupancy by approx- imately September 1, 1986 for a term of five (5) years. CLOSING DATE: THURSDAY. JUNE 26, 1986 Proposals must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Department and completed in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Lease Proposal Documents. Enquires: (416) 224-4240 The lowest or any proposal not necessarily accepted. June 11, 1986 Page 13A Legal Notice Due to the recent enact- ment in Ontario of the FAMILY LAW ACT, 1986, it is possible that your Last Will and Testament may require revision to continue to have the ef- fect that you originally in- tended. We recommend to you that you give this matter your immediate attention, and your in- quiries con be made to your personal lawyer or law firm. Members of County of Huron Law Association c/o Court Housd, Court House Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 ********************************** Consignment Auction Sale * To be held at Ilderton Fair grounds, Friday June 20. Anyone wishing to consign machinery, etc., please con- tact auctioneers immediately for next week's ad. * Auctioneers * * Hugh Filson Tom Robson* * 666-0833 666-1967 * ********************************** ("('11 m(r1 • Auction Sale Appliances, furniture, scaffolding, tools, household effects at Richard Lobb's Auction Clinton Ontario for Bill Harris, Charlotte Bell of Blyth, Bertha McGregor of Hensall. Thursday. June 19 at 6 a.m. Almondcolour fridge, 2 yrs old, GewAir counter top stove, humidifier (new), electric clothes dryer, air conditioner, 2 yrs. old, floor model hi fi, Hoover vacuum cleaner, chesterfield and chair, 4 antique dressers, cedar blanket box, china cabinet, small chest of drawers, 3/4 Continental bed (new) chesterfield w/pull out bed, davenport, modern round chrome table and 4 chairs, 5 ft. bar, 3 bar stools, chrome table w/leaves and 6 chairs, 2 wooden rockers, wash basin and pitcher, bookcase, double continental bed, dresser w/mirror, 4 matching dining chairs, B & W floor model TV, trupk, wooden blanket box, several small tables, washstand, platform rocker, lawn chairs, tools, bedding, lamps, dishes and glassware, hooked mot, ping pong table, 2 crocks, odd chairs, wheel barrow, bar, 3 sets of scaffolding, 3 steel planks, patio umbrella, electric hedge trim- mer, jig saw, 3/8 electric drill, a few brick laying tools, more furniture plus our usual large offering of mise. items. TERMS CASH. Richard Lobb Auctioneer 482-7898 Additions to JITne 12' barn sale: Harvest gold automatic washer and dryer. ,;TW!MGHT AUCTION SALE Of household furnishings; riding lawn mower, antiques and mist. items. 6:30 p.m. Thurs., June 19/86. To be held of 63 Main St. Exeter, parking lot behind Marten's Furniture store, for Mr. and Mrs. Eldrid (Si) Simmons, Exeter Ontario. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Chesterfield and chair, love seat with fold down arms, 2 swivel drafting stools, floor and table lamps, book and wall shelf, cedar chest, dresser with wing mir- ror, 48" bed comp., 3 pc. bedroom suite, childs folding chairs, fireplace screen and grate. Westinghouse frost free frig, Westinghouse 30" self clean range, G.E. portable dishwasher, G.E. aut. washer and dryer, humidifier, 4 drawer filing cabinet, several dishes, pots and pans, linens, blankets, quilts, com- forter, 3 sets of cross country skis, poles and boots, set of mens size 9 roller skates, set of encyclopedias, Garden Master lawn mower, Roper 8 hp lawn tractof; elec. start, 36" cut, 4 propane camp stoves, 16' alum. extension ladder, 8' alum. step ladder, 6' wooden step ladder, step stool, snow scoop, elec. hedge trim- mer, steel wheel barrow, hand and garden tools, steel adj post and much more. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES Tiffany lamp fixture, oak wall telephone, (excellent condition) round pedestal table with 3 leaves, cut down to coffee table, dining room table with 4 leaves, bottom of flat to wall, secretory desk, wash stand, buf- fet, oak 4 drawer filing cabinet parlor table, rocking chair, 2 matching side chairs, settee, spindle rocking chair, arm chair, wicker chair, wicker fern stand, plant stand, mag. rock, wood box, trunk, book shelf, wicker stool, wall coat rack, with mir- ror, floor lamp, pictures and frames, small iron kettle, treadle sewing machine, stand, baking board, crocks, oil lamps, 2 shades for hanging lamps, depression glass; some dishes, cylinder records, old books and records, knick knacks, in- sulators, several other items. Terms cash. Auctioneer Norm Whiting. For further information call 235-1931 or 235-0680 * OWNER RETIRING — MOVING. *AUCTION SALE * Furniture, Antiques & Some Implements * For Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morley, Lot 18, Con. 13 McGillivray * * Twp., on,County Rd. 21, 5 miles north of Ailsa Craig on * SATURDAY, JUNE 14th, 1986, 10.30 a.m. * For information, phone 234-6441 or 293-3077 * * * IMPL MENT , etc; Farmall C tractor; Int. W4, not running; * * Int. steel cultivator; harrows; fuzz saw; 75' endless * drive belt; steel litter carrier pole; Pioneer chain saw; Home- * *lite chain saw like new• hand tools; rotary mower; 2 wheeled * * trailer; 36' extension aluminum ladder; Surge milker pump and * * piping' walking plow; milk cans; grinder and motor; skill saw; * * pile of wood, * * FURNITURE: Hotpoint gold refrigerator; square cherry ex- * * tension table over 100 yrs. plus 4 chairs; cherry cupboard; Woods * 21 cu. ft. deep freeze; Westinghouse 4 burner (gold) electric * stove; GSW wringer washer; Hotpoint electric dryer; 6 chrome *, chairs; lazy boy chair; china cabinet; studio couch; chesterfield * * and 2 chairs; coffee table; end tables; nursing rocker; maga- * zine rack; old glass antique; coal oil lamps; base of Gone With * * The Wind lamp; basin and pitcher; antique 3 -pc. bedroom suite; * * old wardrobe; 9'x12' rug; small mats; pictures and frames; * * antique gas lamp ()C lantern; antique wash stands; old lantern; * * 12 piece place setting Johnson Bros. dishes; linen; some bedding; * * 24 piece silver set; old chest; antique trunk with drawer in the * bottom; . 4 pressed back chairs; 3 antique bedroom suites; two * * blanket boxes; electric heaters; antique easel; old love seat; * antique chair; 2 hump -back trunks; crocks; antique high chair * * and crib; antique dishes; TV tower. * This is an old family home and many lovely pieces. * * Owners or Auctioneers not responsible for accidents sale day. * * TERMS -- CASH. * Plan to attend. — Last ad. * * * * Auctioneers: Tom Robson, Hugh Filson * *o.nfi.Id,Ont.. 666-1967 666•0633. 46.0833. 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