HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-06-11, Page 17iT'S THE PITS — Hensall arena manager Roily Vanstone and assis- tant Tom Dickins try out one of the two new horseshoe courts recently' built on the community centre grounds. Vanstone also designed and built protective covers for pegs to prevent injury when the 'courts are not in use. The courts are o • en to the •'ublic without char riscilla and Danielle Lambert are momentarily distracted while having their teacups read by Pat Cook at Hensall United Church's old-fashioned garden party. Seniors month at Queensway Senior Citizens Month is now under- way here at Queensway. This past week we held our Grand Opening Celebration of Seniors Month. Mary Beth Jantzi spoke to our residents about Seniors month and all of the special events we will be having to celebrate. Everyone is very excited about our upcoming Bowl-a-rama on June 19, and Strawberry Social on June 26. To show everyone just how talented . and special our residents are, we ask - 'ed a few of them to be our entertain- ment for our Opening Celebration. Lloyd McDougal whistled a tune for us and Theodore Gray played the piano while Lorne Johnston accom- panied him on the violin. We had a wonderful time and ended our celebration off with a sing -song after Carol Gascho and Lorne Johnston got us in the singing mood with their duet "The Gay Cabellero." This past week was filled with many fun activities for our ents. On Monday, June 2, the nursi g home residents held a welcoming party for Mr. Roland Grenier. Welcome to Queensway "Roily". On Tuesday, our choir entertained at Blue Water Rest Home. We had a lovely afternoon! Our choir did a great job as did our pianist Joyce Pepper, and choir director Carol Gascho. Lorne Johnston and Theodore Gray played two duets and Lloyd McDougall whistled two tunes. Carol and Lorne also sang their duet. Everyone here at Queensway is very proud of them all! On Wednesday, June 4, the Exeter Christian Reformed Church ladies took several of our residents for car rides. It was a lovely day and our residents thoroughly enjoyed the outing. Also on Wednesday the residents and staff at Queensway held a bridal shower for Sandra Tower who is a cook at our home. We had a very nice time and we hope that our gifts will be useful. Sandra's big day is coming up on June 28. We wish San- dra and her fiance, Mark Consitt, all the best! On Wednesday evening many at- tended our movie presentation entitl- ed "White Mane." it was a very good movie. On Thursday afternoon, Rev. Jim 'Sutton of the Exeter Anglican Church performed our church service. Mrs. Ethel Forrest of Hensall was our volunteer pianist for the service. Father Mooney was in on Friday to perform a service for our Roman Catholic residents. Readers! Keep an eye out for pic- tures of Queensway Seniors in Action around Hensall. June 9 to 26 is our Seniors Month Poster Campaign. Quote of the week: "When someone says, "That's a good question," you can be sure it's a lot better than the answer you're going to get."- Chicago Tribune. Shuffleboard Quite a number of happy pushers were out to shuffle on Thursday at the Hensall Arena. High Ladies' scores were Eileen Dowson- 377; Mary Buchanan- 333 and Pearl McKnight - 307. High Mens' scores were John Pepper- 298; Walter Knowles- 272 and John Consitt- 260. Baseball On Wednesday the Atom boys hosted Huron Park in a very close game with the final score being Huron Park 14- Hensall 12. Tuesday evening the Atom girls' team beat Hibbert 18-17 for their first win of the season. Congratulations girls! Jim Dickens travelled to Toronto June 7 where he took part in the Molson Canadian Supercross at C.N.E. Stadium. The course was tight and very challenging. Jim had a bad start and was ninth at the first turn. He worked his way through the pack and was able to pick up fifth place in a class of 18. Jim will be riding his Hully Gully Honda at MotoPark near Durham on Saturday as he continues to train for the Cana- dian Championship in B.C. in July. Congratulations to Chris Campbell who won the "most improved player" award for midget volleyball at the re- cent South Huron High School athletic banquet. Also to Christine Rose and Jim Dickins who were —most valuable players" on their respective midget basketball teams. f,eb Smola, Hotpoint Microwave Consultant will bo giving a VIP MICROWAVE COOKIf 1G DEmOf1STRATIOf1 Leam how to prepare delicious meals with a Ho nt Microwave Oven. Actual dishes will be prepared during the demonstration. All Micro Cooking Dishes Less 10% for school only Over SO Micro Ovens In Stock All at Special sale prices At our Store on Tuesday, June 24 7-9p.m. Get your ticket now Limited to 50 people We Service What We DRYSDALE MAJOR CENTREft LTD. HENSALL 262.2728 Ontario CLOSED MONPAYS Our 41st Year OPEN ortienr NIGHT 'I<< P '•' Ti(RPt AC( TO Bur APPtiANCES Approve pion for motel Times -Advocate, Juno 11, 1966 Tenants promised support An eight- delegation attend- ed the r June meeting of Hen- sall council to present a petition from the tenants of the Elizabeth Court Apartments asking council's support in opposing the proposal by owner Don Crich to turn the 36 -unit building into condominiums. All tenants, ex- cept one who is in hospital, had sign- ed the petition. Dorothy Kipfer said she was con- tent to remain a tenant, but did not want to buy her unit. Among the com- plaints mentioned by other delegates were lack of soundproofing, no in- dividual heat controls in the apart- ments, smelly, undersized garbage bins, no security in the building, and no improvements for a long time. A letter sent to all tenants had quoted a sale price of 844,000 per unit. One woman said many of the tenants had sold their homes to get rid of the responsibility of ownership, and did not want to own their apartments now. Jack Davis Holdings, acting as agent for the owner, has scheduled two meetings with the tenants, to be held in the community centre on June 19 and 15. The first is to discuss proposed im- provements and details of the pur- chase plan. A professional con- diminium manager will attend the se- cond to answer questions. Reeve Jim Robinson assured the delegation they had council's upport. He advised them to all come out to the two meetings and raise the issues they had brought before council. Councillors indicated their intention of also attending the meeting. Jim Bozzato came to the session to get council's reaction to tentative plans for a ranch -style 10 to 16 unit motel on his property at the northeast corner of Highway 4 and King St., with access on King. He also wanted to know what grants would be available for the project. Clerk Betty Oke advised him to con- tact the provincial ministry of tourism and recreation. If they ap- prove the plan, they can recommend assistance through the Ontario Development Corporation. Bozzato said if the project goes through, he will hire "local hammers and nails and keep business in town, no outside contractors." Councillors agreed a motel would be an asset to the village. They assured Bozzato of their willingness to help, and wished him luck. Works superintendent John Baker reported he is awaiting to hear again from Ross Jackson of the MTC with an engineer's report and a price estimate before doing anything more to get King St. resurfaced from the post office to Highway 4. He is work- ing on,theElizabeth St. sidewalk from Ij ghway 84 to George Beer's corner, and next on the list is Queen from the nursing home to Wellington, and from Brock to Elizabeth, on the north side. Councillor Butch Hoffman inform- ed council that a knocked -down 12 by 15 foot construction shed he and Baker had taken to the landfill site to be erected and used for the dum, at- tendant had been stolen. Amor( from the BIA said a tourist booth staffed by SWOTA will be set up in the Village Walk for 10'weeks this summer. The BIA has cancelled plans for a chicken barbecue in conjunction with the Fiddlers' Contest because of high costa and minimal potential profit. • A severance application from Bob Rowcliffe to enlarge lots.4 and 5 and create another lot on Yark Creacent- Unit IV UCW Nan Britton read a poem "God in Every Sunrise" to open the June meeting. Hazel Luther read from John's Gospel to show the example that Jesus set on humility and love, She closed Devotions with prayer. Twelve members and two guests answered the roll call and 31 visits were reported. Card convener Mary Roobol sent two birthday and one get - well -card. Elva Forrest gave a favourable treasurer's report. In business Mabel Park tendered her resignation as social convener due to illness. Evelyn Flynn will take over as head of the committee. An invitation was read for a bridal shower in honour . of Mary Jane MacGregor, daughter of Betty and Jim, to be held July 8 in the fellowship hall. Congratulations to Mary Roobol for her grandson's achievement as top ploughman in Canada. Unit 111 UCW Marg Upshaw presided over ..he meeting of Unit III. The members answered roll call by telling of their favourite flower. Erla Coleman con- ducted the worship on "Windows in Dark Places". Helen Roberts gave the study on "The Inuits' Fight for Survival". Rosa Harris gave several readings titled "Sure way to a happy day" and "Btuebirds are for happiness". The meetings will resume in September. Hostesses were Erla Coleman and Sarah Dick. Elva Forrest continued the study Of native Indians. She said the United Church has given financial assistance to the Haida band of B.C. to help in their desperate struggle to retain aboriginal rights to theiilands. Elva spoke on the life style of theOjibwas on Georgina Island. Olga Chipchase and Rena Caldwell served a delicious lunch. UCW General Meeting The general meeting of the Hensall U.C.W. was held June 2 with Belva Fuss in charge. In business, donations are to be made to Medical Electives, seeds for Zaire and 850 for counsellor training for camps Bimini and Menestung. A camp experience will be held at Camp Bimini June 17 at 9 a.m. Bales were packed' for Zaire and Mission Services. The Fall Regional will be held at Crediton. The devotion was ably taken by Anita Cook on the subject of humility. Carol Simons gave a very in- teresting account of the three years spent by herself and her husband with the Indians of the Georgina Island Reserve. They went there as a minister -teacher team for 25 families. It was a rewarding experience even though they had to adjust to life without electricity, and isolation from the mainland. Dorothy Parker thanked the speaker. Lunch was served by Unit II. Riley Reunion The 38th Riley reunion was held of the Hensall Park on Sunday, June 8, 1986. Winners of balloon -throwing contest were the teams of Pat Riley. and Jo -Anne Thompson and Tracey Riley and Brett Thompson. Winners of ladies' kick the slipper were: Sheila Corbett and Michelle Bennewies; winners of men's kick the slipper were: Les Riely and Brett Thompson. Winners of three-legged race were: Pat Riley and Jo -Anne Thomspn and Tracey Riley and Michelle Bennewies. Winners of other races were: Anan- da and Sabrina Brickman. Winners of other contests were: ball throwing - Carly Riley; youngest member pre- sent - Lindsay Corbett; oldest member present - Madeline Harburn; drove the farthest Jo -Anne and Brett Thompson. Anniversary closest - Ross and Loretta Riley; closest birthday - Ross Riley; weight guessing contest Loretta Riley; number guessing con test - Wade Riely; lucky plate - Pat Riely and lucky draw - Roger Riley. Scout Weekend Hensall Scout Weekend will be held June 13-15 at Parkhill Conservation Area. Venturers, Cubs and Scouts will be camping out for two nights while Beavers will arrive for Sunday ac- tivities including swim -up ceremonies and a pot -luck supper. Motocross . John Kochan of Hensall travelled to Capetown on May 31 to compete in the C.M.A. Motocross races. The track was in perfect condition on Satur- day. John rode his Honda to a third place finish in tile qualifier and finish-. ed seventh in a class of 40 in the final of the 125 Junior B class. John will race again on June 14 at MotoPark near Durham. Personals Mrs. Evangeline Oliver and Mrs. Barb Plumb of Northcrest spent an enjoyable four days recently with Mrs. Oliver's family in St. Marys. Recent visitors with Sim,and Mary Roobol have been Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Van Dyke of Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. C. Veldhoen of Bramalea, Mr. and Mrs. Case Van Den Heuvel of Goderich, Mrs. A. Eagleson and Mrs. M. Lagerwerf of Parkhill. Sim and Mary also visited Saturday in Ridgetown with their nephew and in Blenheim with Mary's brother Tony Gelderland. ItAf • ROSEMARY FERGUSON • Ferguson Apiaries tw DIANE GERSTENKORN MARJ McLEAN The Flower Basket ,, Aloette Cosmetics BRIDAL SHOW — Five business women sponsored a bridal show for area brides-to-be. Hensall Civic Corner Increase of Sewer Rates for the Village of Hensall New Annual Sewer Se- rvice Rates for Hensall will be effective July 1st billing for June service, as follows: $4.70 annually $6.15 annually Comm. $10.85 annually $20.26 annually $50.65 annually Residential SmaII Commercial Combined Res. and SmaII Large Commercial Industrial Page 5A was approved in principle, subject to approval by the county planning department. Assistant clerk Kim Marsden's resignation effective August 15 was accepted with regret. Kim is to be married August 30, and move to Swift Current, Saskatchewan. Council will supply the roses and the crown for the Hensall Spring Fair queen. Filter Queen IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" 482-7103 Hensall Arena Events Hensall Spring Fair Frtdsy, June 13 7:00 p.m. Opening of the Fair 8:00 p.m. Jr. Talent Show 10:00 p.m. Queen of the Fair Crowning Saturday, June 14 12:00 p.m. Parade 5:00 p.m. Hensall Fair Board Beef BBO Oithrio Milers' Contest Friday, June 20 7:00 p.m. Eliminations Saturday, June 21 1:00 p.m. Step dancing competition 7:00 p.m. Playdowns 10:00 p.m. Workboot Stomp Dance June 22 12:00 p.m. oricboot Olympics and Bessy Bingo This advertisement sponsored by: Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. 262-2831 Stocker Barn P14 mles North of Hensen The Light Touch By JACK LAVENDER Sciehte is 'provinthat' man can live in outer space and at the bottom of the fea. It's the area in between that's caus- ing all the trouble. . . * What do turkeys call each other when they gel mad. . . . . A lot of people love their jobs. It's the work they hate. Every • baby resembles the relative who hos the most money. * * * * * About the time you catch up with the Joneses, they refinance. * • * Catch up with expert know how plus original equipment parts found at Jack's Small Engine Repair Service 107 Queen St. Hensall 262-2103 MARTEN'S ed. till 6; Thurs. t. 9-6 North America's Sleep Professionals 'HALCYON1 le King Klod• Sift• MOOur•5 6 Months Nointerest Example: 10 Yr. Orthopedic Sleep Set ✓ mattress & foundation pr rolling frame ✓ any size S,D,Q, Plus , Example: 10 pc. Waterbed Package ✓ complete waterbed ✓ padded rails ✓ bookcase headboard and more! 62 TAX REBATE Marten's will rebate you an amount equal to the provincial sales tax on your purchase BdOuo rtei'i N,,a-herr 3 s !Or_ est see ::no,� 63 MAIN ST. EXETER 235-1964 r _ a Elis: ". Hwy. 83 Morten's * 0 , •x 1