Times-Advocate, 1986-05-28, Page 12New tntranc.
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Page 12 Times -Advocate, May 28, 1986
Four area .ameitionts
Included ;14 the 44 general occur-
�d week elf-
ficers ofWean the
Ontario Provincial Police were four
motor vehicle incidents.
Sunda at 12:30 a.m. a vehicle
drivens y Robert Clements, Hyde
Park into the ditch of Coaoes-
sion 54 while trying to avoid striking
an animal. Constable Craig set
damages at $1,550.
The same day at 10:06 p.m. vehicles
driven by Ronald Hodgson, London
and Wayne MacGregor, Ailsa Craig
collided on Main street in Ailsa Craig.
Damages were listed at $11,100 by
Constable Wilcox.
Tuesday at 1:45 a.m. a vehicle
operated by Dale Baker, Parkhill
went : h the intersection of
Highway.4 from Middlesex road 22
and entered the ditch. Constable
Wilcox estimated dalatages at $2,000.
The same officer set damages at
$7,000 at 7:30 p.m., Tueeday when
vehicles driven by Clare Mitchell,
London and Inge Gemeinhardt, RR 5
London were in collision on Middlesex
road 28.
Criminal charges were preferred
against one (rale for failing to provide
a breath sample and three male per-
sons were charged with possession of
a narcotic.
One person was charged with im-
paired driving and two driving
suspensions of 12 hours were issued.
Four others were charged with viola-
tions of the Li ' udr Licence Act
BOWLERS HELP 110 mown — Lucan bowling leagues con-
tributed $2,41114n bowlathon pledges to the South Huron Big Brothers
and Sisters Association. Above, Albert Van Dyken presents prints
to Bob Moore and Ron Densmore who were the top male bowling
contributors. T -A photo
JOHN DEERE BEST — The 'B' title of the Lucan men's bowling league
was won by the John Deere team. Back, left, Robert Heckman, Jeff
Van Harlen and Bob Hidis. Front, Ron Dickey, Ray Koopman and Ray
Hands .. T -A photo
5111551111. 1111M
Choir to visit senidns
The meeting of the Lucan seniors
was held in the Scout and Guide Hall
with a large attendance. President
Harry Noels welcomed everyone also
two visitors Stewart Munro, an.
Marinus Pol. '
Birthday wishes went to Marion
Noels. Three members, Lulu•Culbert,
Roy Zinn and Laura Williams were
reported on the sick list, we wish them
a speedy recovery.•
A card of thanks was read from
Willemtje Yule for the donation to the
Lucan Scouting group. Jessie Lewis
also thanked the groups for her sym-
pathy card in the loss of her brother.
A reminder to everyone to be sure
and come on Thursday, May 29 to
hear Randy Martin's choir of children
at 1:15 p.m.
Iva Hodgins and Eva McLean con-
ducted two contests. Guessing how
many candies in jar winner was Mer-
na O'Neil and musical chairs winner,
Verna Dowdall.
Euchre winners were high, Helen
MacDonald and Harry Noels, lone
UCW group plan
Blyth Festival visit
Several members of the Friendship
Unit of the Lucan United Church met
Wednesday evening at the Kevival
Centre for the Blossom Tea.
The demonstration of varying your
wardrobe with different types or
scarves and accessories followed and
Grant Jeffries who spoke on Revela-
tions giving hope and encouragement
for the coming of Jesus Christ, were
enjoyed by all.
A short business meeting, chaired.
by Linda Frosts, followed. Linda
E 9
reported on a successful Lunch Out
for Seniors that day and reminded us
of the travelogue of Australia and
New Zealand on Wednesday, May 28.
Marguerite McRoberts notified us
of a change in the date of the June
outing to June '25 to go to the Blyth
Festival to see "Drift". Jean Brown
closed with a prayer.
hands, Verna Dowdall and Rose
Atkinson, low score Grace Brush and
Marinus Pol, craft winner Greta
GRAND CHAMPIONS — The Kingpins won the league and grand
championships of the Lucan men's bowling league. Front, left, Bob.
Smith, Brad Taylor and Jeff Park. Back, Kevin Lightfoot, Brian Noyes
and Mike Wraith. Missing was Larry Smith. T -A photo
BEST INDIVIDUALS — Brad Taylor, Don Watt and Harold Smith were
the top .individuals in the Lucan men's bowling league.
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'A' PLAYOFF CHAMPS — The 'A! playoff championship ci the Lucan
men's bowling league was Won by the 69'ers. Back, left, Paul Smith,
Don Watt and Bob Graham. Front, Pete Smith and Bob Moore.
WMS- meets
Wednesday evening Lucan Revival
Centre Women's Ministries, hosted
their annual Blossom Tea in the
Fellowship Hall of the church. Presi-
dent Mrs. Marlene Thornton greeted
all the guests. Mrs. June Henry open-
ed in prayer. When the guests had
finished their desserts; Mrs. Judi
Ross led in joyous chorus singing, ac-
companied by Mrs. Lorraine Ar-
mitage playing the piano.
Mrs. Thornton introduced Mrs.
Pauline Eizenga, of London, who
demonstrated scarves as accessories.
Mrs. Eizenga showed how to use an
accessory color to make an outfit
more interesting. Then she showed
how to fold a square scarf to make it
into a neck scarf, then use 8 belt with
a color to match a color in the scarf.
Using a colored tie, Mrs. Eizenga
showed how to make an attractive
bow in front with it, using a brooch to
anchor the tip of the bow. Then she
put on a matching jacket, and belt to
make her outfit co-ordinated.
Mrs. Eizenga suggested laying out
outfits and scarves on a bed to match
them up for different occasions. Us-
ing an oblong scarf, she showed how
to fashion it into a butterfly bow, very
pretty. Taking a straight long scarf,
she showed how to make it into an
Mrs. Thornton called on Mrs. Mar-
. tha Butler to sing. Playing her guitar,
Mrs. Butler sang Come on In. Mrs.
Thornton presented a recipe card file
to a lady who tried out a new recipe
that day, to a lady who had recently
visited a sick friend, and shared a
scripture with them, she gave a book
of scriptures. The lady who put up a
wall plaque that day received a kit-
chen prayer plaque.
Mrs. Pauline Eizenga played the
piano while the offering was taken up.
Mrs. Eizenga accompanied Mrs. Ar-
mitage and Mrs. Kathy Jeffrey as the
sisters sang What a Day that Will Be.
Rev. Roger Mason introduced Mr.
Grant Jeffrey, from Toronto. Mr. Jef-
frey co-ordinates crusades for Terry
Winter, evangelist. -
Observe pAnivarsarr
Anniversary Sunday, Rick Thorn -
.09} fel the song service. Providing the
*mine were Mrs. Lorraine Armitage
playing the piano, while Mrs. Anna
McPhail played the organ. Mrs.
McPhail accompanied herself on the
piano as she sang Who, I Believe
There is Power in the Blood, and How
He Loves You and, Me.
Rev. Roger Mason introduced Rev.
Paul McPhail, of Chatham Christian
Centre, as guest speaker. From Acta
28:15, Rev. McPhail stressed the
apostle thanked God and took
courage. It is a solemn momeptwhen;
anera ends, and a new one begigs. He
commended the demo tre_ jilt. of
love for Jesus Chriil hs tiie buft
and care of this sanctuary.
Christians have a good heritage of
salvation, and service for. the Lord
Jesus Christ: Apostle Paul lived a
life of hardship In serving God, ung
with a difficult journey to Hoene to
prison thele. In these . moments of
uncertainty, God ministered to him.
Landing near Ronne, Christians came
to see him, which encouraged him.
As this congregation moves into
another era, Rev. McPhail encourag-
ed them .in the fact God does not
change, and they can depend upon His
word. Human individuals and nations,
change, but our God remains the
sante. His word, the Bible; continues
to nourish us spiritually. In I Peter
2:2,3 we are encouraged to desire the
Word of God. Let us thank God for the
benefits that are ours, and take
courage because the Holy. Spirit en-
courages us.
Sunday evening Mrs. Lorraine Ar-
mitage, playing the piano, and Mrs.
Anna Mae McPhail on the organ, pro-
vided the music as Mr. Rick Thorn-
ton led the song service.
Rev. Roger Mason called upon Mrs.
McPhail, who sang several songs, ac-
companying herself on the piano.
Rev. Paul McPhail, from II Corin-
thians 8:1-15, ministered on excelling
in graces God gives us. This verse
provides an example to all Christian
churches, to excel. We are compell-
ed to excel in faith, as by faith we
trust Jesus to be our Saviour. We are
compelled to proclaim the word of
God. Pastors and Sunday Scheel
teachers are compelled to met in
teaching the word. We are tp Motor •
God's word.
We are compelled to excel in
knowledge. We have the capacity to.
perceive, to listen, and to learn. To
apply the knowledge we learn con-
cerns Christian growth.
Upcoming events -Sunday, June 1,
Rev. Stan Crookail, president of. Bi-
ble Art Ministries, will be presenting
art in open session Sunday School,
and both services. Rev. Crookall also
will be showing his art to schools in
this area.
Missionary speaks
to United Church
Sunday, May 25 .vias Mission and
Service Sunday, a time when the
women of the congregation took
charge of the service. ,
Mrs. Gwen Lynn was the chairper-
son, Verna lbbitson read the scripture
passages which were Matt. 5:13-16,
Acts 13;44-50 and Sharon Newman
gave the prayer all on the theme "Let
your light shine".
The speaker Miss Jean Harling, a
retired missionary from India spoke
on the meaning of light, any light,
which could dispel the terrible
darkness of the country. Spiritual as
well as physical.
She went on to eicplain that the sor-
pent on leaving the Garden of Eden
surely found its way to India where
the Cobra is worshipped. Closing with
Matt 5:16 - Let your light so shine
before men that they may see your
good works and glorify your Father
which is in Heaven.
The children's story was given by
Marguerite MacRoberts, .the word
"obey" and the importance of it in the
life of a child.
A coffee hour followed ands time
of fellowship enjoyed by everyone.
Friday, May 30 at 7:30 p.m. in the
church pupils from Helen Stanley's
studio will present their piano recital
everyone is invited.
Dave Quinlin would like to announce the opening of
Lucan Motor Sales and Leasing and take this oppor-
tunity to invite all his past and future customers to
drop into our Lucan location at 166 Main St. and view
the fine selection of Ford Trucks and quality Mercury
cars ,for lease as well as the fineeselection of top
quality used -cars for sale.
At this time Dave would also like to welcome Art Bell
to our sales staff. Art brings with him many years
of experience in the automotive field
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