HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-05-21, Page 23At Dashwood Ladies Aid Mothers, dauglit•rs h�iourod By MRS. IRVIN RADER Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid held a Mother and Daughter supper Tues- day evneing May 13. A large number were in attendance. President Mrs. Nancy Rader welcomed everyone and called on Sherrie Stade to toast to the mothers and Mrs. Earl Keller to give a toast to the daughters. Pre- sent was our sponsored student from the Concordia Seminary, St. Catharines, Les Hohner and Elmer -Mushamanaski also from the Seminary. Following the delicious supper, plants donated by Mrs. Mellecke were given out in draws. Special flowers went to the oldest grandmother, Mrs. Luella Tiernan; oldest daughter, Mrs. Pauline Pope; lucky chair, Stacey Rader; most rings, Mrs. Ward Kraft and youngest daughter, Jenna Becker. Mrs. Melvin Stade and her daughter sang a duet. Rachel Mellecke sang and played the guitar. Les and Elmer from the Seminary showed slides and discussed work at the Seminary. They were able to take back two boxes of non-perishable donations from the ladies for the Seminary. U.C.W. The World Outreach group of Calvary U.C.W. were in charge of the meeting held Tuesday, May 13. Mrs. Alice Tiernan, chairlady, opened with "Gentle Reminders" of the first few months of 1986. The white snow of January, red hearts in February, green shamrocks in March, yellow daffodils for April and red and white carnations in May, making a most colorful bouquet for Mother's Day. The hymn "There is beauty all Around" was sung. Mrs. Don Geiser gave the scripture lesson Proverbs, 31-10 to 31 followed by prayer. Mrs. Tieman introduced special guests Kelly Hoffman, Kathy Wagner and Honey Williamson who paid tribute to all mothers through recitation and song. Mrs. Clayton Merner shared a reading with the group, "Ways to honor Mother". The two plants of- fered in a draw for Mother's Day were won by Mrs. Mildred Kellerman and Mrs. Aldene Wolfe. The Worship portion closed by singing the hymn "Happy the Home". Refreshments were served. A brief business meeting followed conducted by Mrs. Don Gaiser. The Sunshine committee for May will be Mrs. Syd Neeb and Mrs. Bill Chandler. The an- nual strawberry supper will be held June 18. Personals• Mrs. Alma Genttner held open house for Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Elliott of St. Catharines. Guests were pre - DIFFERENT FLOWERS — Finding different flowers during a J.A.D. McCurdy -Huron Hope School visit to the CCAT experimental farm bush are students Taryn McKinnon, Wendy McLeod and Tanya Dubeau. T -A photo. sent Erato Toronto, London, Pontiac, Barrie, Kitchener, Parkhill and Strati roy. Stephen Genttner, Kitchener, returned home after spending some time with his grandma, Mrs. Alma Genttner. Mary Rader spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. Wellwood Gill, at CraigwielGardens, Ailsa Craig, also visiting with Wellwood. - A number of ladies from Dashwood Women's Institute attended the District Annual Thursday, May 15 at Grand Bend. They also presented a skit led by Mrs. Pearl Miller. Three young adults were confirm- ed Sunday, May 18, by Pastor Mellecke, namely, John Jason Luther, Timothy Dale Miller, and Robert Henry Vandeworp, at Zion Lutheran Church. Sunday guests with Mrs. Marguerite Luther and John were Tom and Janice Ryan, Julie and Terry Denomme, Zurich, and Earl Datars. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vandeworp and family were Mrs. A. Vandeworp, Exeter; Mrs. Redy Devine; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hen- drick and family, Crediton. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Miller and family were Mr. and Mrs. W. Berends; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green and family, Huron Park. Sharon Martene, Medicine Hat, Alberts is vacationing with tier mother Mrs. Florence Martene. Tracey Wolfe, Steve Hillman and friends from London were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Aldene Wolfe. Mrs. Jean Walper accompanied by Ed and Grace Wurm and Margaret Lawson, Exeter, Edith Campbell, Hensall, and Grace Stead, Thorold, flew to Edmonton where they attend- ed the Sylvester -Payne wedding at Morninville United Church and recep- tion. Later they motored through the Rocky Mountains to Red Deer, Lake Louise and Banff, returning by way of Calgary and Leduc. It was a most enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Slezak, London and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wurm were weekend visitors with Mrs. Jean Walper. FINDING VARIOUS VARIETIES — Sonya Lawrence and Karen Morley find a wide variety of plants and flowers during a Wednes- day visit by J.A.D. McCurdy -Huron Hope School students to the CCAT experimental farm bush. T -A photo. Baptism at Staffa By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN Staffa Women's Institute members met at the home of president, Kay Smale Wednesday afternoon to plan the programs for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Simons have a niece from Scotland visiting with there tor a few weeks. A number of people from the com- munity were guests at the Hove - Roney wedding, held in the Hibbert United Church on Saturday May 10. Cain Templeman was a guest of Nicholas Kellers on Saturday celebrating Nicholas birthday. Following the baptism of William Ian Kerslake Sunday at Cromarty Presbyterian church, dinner guests with Craig, Peggy, Heather and Ian Kerslake were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Young, Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. George Vivian and family Mit- chell and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thomp- son and family Seaforth. With Doris Miller on Sunday were Ron, Gretta, Christine and Adam Miller Cromarty and Dianne and Ricky Young, St. Marys. With John, Marj and Murray Drake on Mothers Day was Margaret Howard London, Dave and Pat Sim and girls Southwold, Brian, Lorraine and Kile Bromley, Blyth. Mothers Day visitors with .John, Roberta and Rick Templeman were Don and Darlene Ellison, Goderich, Ruth Templeman Stratford, Terry Templeman and David, Karen and Lindsay Templeman Mitchell and Mike, Mary Jane and Cassandra Par- sons, Staffs. Rob, Rev, Carrah and Cain Templeman visited on Sunday with Carol Stewart Kitchener. "Mesin gives me the most ,Consistent broadleaf control ... " Jack Parnham tried other herbicides before discover- ing Afesin 2EC. "I've had no pmblem with crop damage with Afesin,"he says, "and it gives me the most consistent broadleaf control in this type of soil." Jack relies on Afesin 2EC for its time -saving applica- tion and its wide -spectrum control of troublesome broadleaf weeds. Afesin 2EC. For kill power plus! HOECHST CANADA INC HEAD OFFICE • MONTREAL AGRICULTURE DIVISION 295 Henderson Drive Regina. Sesketchewen SIN 6C2 Jack Parnham, White Bean. Grower, Klrkton, Ontario tFESIN 2BC NEMICODE Hoechst Gond thing. happen ..hen the che,nhrr, k rtRhr. • FAREWELL TO FATHER NELLIGAN — Students at Precious Blood Separate School said goodbye to Father Joseph Nelligan Monday morning as he prepares to leave for a new parish at Port Lambton. Shown presenting gifts are Rochelle Geoffrey, Shari Beierling, Ben Van Bergen, Jeff Sararas, Brent Miron, Giselle Charrette and Amy Relouw. T -A photo Inst• itute meets at Cl�ndeboye The May meeting of the Clandeboye Women's Ihstitute was held at St. James Church with Cloverdale and Lucan branches as guests. President Jean Hodgins, assisted by secretary -treasurer, hazel Cunn- ingham, conducted the meeting. The roll call, "An Improvement in Educa- tion Since My School Days," was answered by sixteen Clandeboye members as well as their guests. A presentation of a "Double Delight", Rose Bush, was made to past president, Elsie Lewis, in ap- preciation of her work in the past . three years. By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE Thirteen ladies from Thames Road attended tha ladies meeting at Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, Mon- day evening. It was a real interesting program and a delicious lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rohde wereTues- day supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cunnington and family. •Sympathyofthe communitjf is ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kernick and girls in the passing of their grand- mother, the late Mrs. Winnifred Cas- tle, London, who passed away last week. A number of relatives from this community called at the Heath -Leslie Funeral Home Saturday to pey their respect to the late Mrs. Jean Miller. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family and relatives. Mrs. Christina Moffatt, Ottawa, spent the weekend with her grandson and granddaughter Rev. Robert and Mrs. Matheson. Mrs. Clara Richardson, St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Duncan and Floyd were Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don Richardson, Erin, Brian and Lori- the occasion being Brian's 8th birthday. Happy birthday, Brian. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bray, Vanessa and Kristy spent the holiday weekend camping at Family Paradise. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rohde were Sun- day supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Orland Stewart, London. Church News The Sunday church service which was Pentecost Sunday was in charge of the Gideons. Earl Miller was in charge of the service. Corporal Dave Woodward told the children's story "The Story of Gi- deon". Earl Miller read the Scripture, Acts 16:19-32. Mr. Miller thanked the choir for singing their anthem "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" accompanied by the organist Miss Agnes Bray. Cor- poral Woodward gave the message entitled "In Jail For Jesus". He spoke of the good work the Gideons do. He told that the Gideonsgave nearly 800 New testaments to Grade 5 students in South Huron. Next Sunday May 25 is Mission Sun- day both at Thames Road and Elimville- congregations will meet at Elimville at 11 a.m. The Confirmation Class will be participating in the ser- vice, and midweek groups are invited to present Mission donations during the service. There is no Sunday School at Thames Road. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and Service of Confirmation Sunday, June 1 at 11:15 a.m. Sunday School members that wish to sing in the choir are to he at practice on June 1 at 11:15 a.m. Sacrament of Baptism will take place at the regular church service June 8 at 11:15 a.m. Thames Road Sunday School Graduation will take place on Sunday, June 19. The Christian Education Commit- tee is sponsoring a Vacation Bible School August 11-15 in the evening 6:30- 8:30 p.m. Please register prior to June 1. Contact Judith Parker or Brenda Ilovitis. BEST HATE 9 3/4% 3 yr. & 5 yr. GIC INS' F,STN1 ENTS I\ \\(t \I t I \ I I;I (,, ,I ;)_! 1-:', ,.i IIIII-_�li., A donation to 4he Erland Lee Memorial Fund was voted on, in lov- ing memory of recently deceased member, 011ie Hodgins. Ruth Hill was chosen to be a delegate at the District Annual, May 22. Resolutions convener, Irene Lynn, introduced guest speaker, Leba Silvert, special education specialist with the Middlesex County School Board. Folders were handed out, listing all the programs and services. Ms. Silvert described the many pro- grams and services for the 1985-86 school year. She answered many questions and explained to the Cancer can be beaten CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY 4 members about the various types of programs and services. Everyone really enjoyed her very informative and interesting presenta- tion. The president, thanked the speaker and presented a small token of appreciation. Lunch committee, Hazel Williams, Velma Hardy, Terry Heffernan and Eleanor Kestle served a nice lunch and a social time was enjoyed. The June 11 meeting will be held at Craigholme with Public Relations Convener, Hazel Williams and Group I in charge. Personals Wilmer Scott entertained in the Banquet Room at the Bavarian Inn, London, on Friday evening, to honour his wife, Mary, on her birthday. Twenty-eight family members en- joyed a delicious meal together, after which they returned to the Scott's home for a social time together. Hap- py Birthday, Mary. Tuesday evening, over 60 friends and neighbours dropped in for a sur- prise party, for Bruce and June Henry, at their home. The occasion was their 20th wedding anniversary. 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