Times-Advocate, 1986-05-21, Page 1928 Auction Sales
LAittiE t'LEARAN('ti & Consignment
Auction Eli. May 23, tO a.m. Approx. SO
traclons, cur and Over 300 pieces
of feral equipmcut, iuctu den trite -
ton. More infcxmatiuu did ( 1534-1638.
r Wayne Ward Manu Equipment Hwy. 6
Wiarton. • 21x
Many use
*pedal ed
Mord:. that 1,800 students in the
Huron County Board of Education
system utilise the services of special
education and Paul Carroll, Huron's
Superintendent of Studer Services
wants to further "beef \up" com-
Mimication to the parent community
• of the special education services that
are available.
He told board members at their
May meeting in Clinton that it has
taken five years of building and study
to meet the requirements of the
special education legislation Bill 82
and he noted, "we're bringing things
together after a five year building
periotl'and bringing consistency to the
Carroll explained that special
education needs and staffing re-
quirements are being reiularly
monitored and delivery of the pro-
gram is adjusted according to the cur-
rent needs.
Currently more than 1,600 pupils
are involved in the special education
services. Included are 740 exceptional
students, 300 remedial pupils, 300 re-
quiring additional speech and
language trailing and 300 involved in
enrichment courses.
The program's cost in Huron coun-
ty is $3.4 million, approximately 8.5
percent of the board of education's
total budget.
A major portion of the cost goes
towards the additional staffing re-
quirements. In each classroom every
teacher, to some degree, must pro-
vide special education training. As
well, the program involves 16
itinerant staff members who travel to
schools throughout the county, 30
school based special education
teachers, six designated special
education class staff members, five
resource teachers for the secondary
schools, three program resource
teachers at the elementary level, 30
teacher aides, as well as secretarial
and administrative assistance. -
Carroll explained to the board
members that the "school principal
is the key actor" in the administration
of special education services. He said
that the child is the central focal point
and all resources are brought to bear
to the child and the classroom needs.
Every school has a core group that
regularly meets to identify and
monitor the special education
He said that future directions for
special education services are lean-
ing towards greater program exper-
tise for all staff members.
"Additional time is being assigned
to behavioral needs and specialized
assignments. Support for enrichment
and gifted is being broadened to every
staff member," he reported.
His report further stated, "In the
secondary panel, the evolution of in-
dependent study options, small
tutorial groups and specialized cur-
riculum for exceptional pupils at all
levels of ability is particularly
noteworthy. A study is currently
underway to determine links among
truancy, drop-out rates and special
education history. The need for addi-
tional alternate approaches toeduca-
tion for troubled adolescents will be
Work with adolescents has also
been addressed at the community
level with a special committee
brought together with various social
service, health and educational agen-
cies and law enforcement taking part.
Carroll further noted that progress
is being made in the speech pathology
services, and while help is available
through Home Care, he noted, "the
hospital network is still very short of
The rung of a ladder was never meant
to rest upon, but only to hold a man's
foot long enough to put the other
somewhat higher.
Thomas Flux le,
NEW XI GAMMA NU EXECUTIVE --- The new executive for the Xi Gamma Nu Sorority consists of presi-
dent Barb Ballantyne, vice-president Barb Poole, secretary Barb Possmore and treasurer Nancy Chambers.
No representation
i�son dt Robeson
but some directions tFrl. May 23 6:00 p.m.
Household auction, Helen
with the representation on that Dr., Strathroy.
Although Exeter won't have
representation on a committee to
carry out a needs study for Hay
Township in respect to the feasibility
of an agri-industrial park north of the
town, council did offer some direction
for that committee this week.
On the recommendation of the ex-
ecutive committee, a letter will be
sent to the Huron planning depart-
ment advising that Exeter, as a par-
ty to the Ontario Municipal Board,
"would expect that the needs study
would address the specific area of the
Ontario Foodland Guidelines that
were part of the decision of the
Exeter had intended to have
representation on the needs study
committee, but were not satisfied
gets grant
Three automation grants totalling
$820,600 will enable further expansion
and improvements to Ontario library
services, Dr. Lily Munro, Minister of
Citizenship and Culture, announced.
The Ontario Library Co-operative
(OLC) composed of 19 county and
public libraries including Huron
County will receive $476,600 through
the Library Co-operative Automation
Program (LCAP) to catalogue their
collections on a shared database.
Once established, the database will
allow better access to the collection
of the participating libraries. The
creation of the database is also a
critical first step for future automa-
tion projects.
A total of $247,000 awarded through
the Automation Program for Small
Libraries (ASPL) will be used for
feasibility studies, conversion of titles
into the Tri -Regional Catalogue and
microcomputer based circulation
The Ontario Joint Fic-
tion/Biography Reserve
(OJFR/OJBR) received $97,000
towards the creation of a database of
its holdings. The OJFR/OJBR was
established as a depository collection
to preserve copies of older fiction and
LCAP is designed to develop
databases from library holdings and
foster local information networks..
The program encourages libraries to
band together to strengthen
reciprocal borrowing arrangements
through local automation projects.
APSL assists smaller community
libraries serving populations of
under 50ipo0 with automation pro-
jects such`ss database creation and
circulation control.
"These programs will greatly
enhance the services of Ontario com-
munity libraries." Dr. Munro said.
"The information needs of our socie-
ty are changing and we want to keep
in step with the times."
Evening Auction Sale
2 tractors, bean windrower, 17 ft. 'ravel trailer, antiques, farm.
machinery, bee equipment etc., combine swather, two corners
west and one mile no[,th of Hensall for Joyce Willert.
Monday, June 2 at 6 p.m.
See next weeks paper for full listing.
Richard Lobb Auctioneer 482-7898 Clinton
A.irefiee tale
Of household furniture, antiques, riding lawn mower end
On Sat., May 24/06 12:30 noon
0 miles north of Grand Mend and 10 miles south of Bayfield on
No. 21 hwy. For Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ducharme
HOUSEHOLD FURNiSHINGS Sofa bed, chesterfield and chair, 2 plat-
form rockers, leather chair, coffee and 2 end tables, pole and table
lamps, pictures, frames and mirrors, flower stand, mogazine rack, 8
8 W 14" TV, hi fi, console table with 3 leaves, corner cabinet, dresser
and mirror, cedar chest, single bed complete, 2 beds with springs, mat-
tress, kitchen table and 4 chairs, chrome table, chairs, and rockers,
almond G.E. refrigerator, 30" range (like new), almond Frigidaire
refrigerator, portable dishwasher, 6000 BTU air conditioner, Elec-
trohome 22 dehumidifier, kerosene heater (new), several small ap-
pliances, such as drip coffee maker, blendet, tooster, bun warmer,
deep fryer, iron, can opener, clocks, radio and several dishes, pots
and pans, linens, blankets, feather pillows, set of golf clubs, with large
cams. Elec. heater.
McCulloch 3 HP generator (like new), International hydrostatic 8 hp
riding lawn tractor, 36" cut, twin blade, lawn seeder, wheel barrow,
garden tools, and lawn chairs.
ANTIQUES AND COLLECTAULES 2 sets of 4, wooden chairs, wood
highchair, 2 dressers, silverware.
For further Information call Auctioneer Norm Whiting 233-1931,
committee. Mon: June 2 12:30 p.m. *
At a meeting with Hay represen- Clearing Est. Farm Auction
tatives, it had been initially agreed for Est. of Albert Deneire N.
that both municipalities would have of Granton.
two representatives as would the Fri., May 30 6:00 p.m.
developers of the proposed agri Limousin Sale, Kitchener.
industrial park, Huron Farms Ltd. t
However, shortly after, Exeter of-
f a Sot.. May 31 11.30 C eating.
ficials decided that wduld leave them
playing against a stacked deck and
argued that the developers should not
be represented on the needs study
However, Hay fought for the inclu-
sion of representatives from the
developers and received backing for
that from the county council. The lat-
ter also decided to go ahead with
study without any Exeter
"They don't even want to talk to
us," commented Reeve Bill Mickle
after Tuesday's council session
when the matter was discussed.
He said the terms of reference for
the study were aimed primarily at
determining the need for an agri-
industrial park whereas it should be
directed to look mainly at satisfying
the requirements of the Foodland
In ruling in favor of Exeter's objec-
tion to the park, the OMB noted there
had been no evidence given at the
two-day hearing to meet the re-
quirements of the Foodland
"The board could spend con-
siderable time on this decision in the
interpretation of the Hay secendarji
plan but believes approval of the
bylaw will stand of fall based on the
policies set out in the Foodland
Guidelines," board member Tom
Seaborn wrote in his decision.
Farm Sale for Ralph 3allast, *
Lobo Twp..
Tuesdays Denfield Livestock
Sales - Denfield.
Wed.. June 4 6:00 pm. ft
Clearing Auction farm equip-
ment, etc. for Jim Gloln Mt.
Thurs. June 5 6:00 p.m. it
Large Misc. Auction, Ilderton
Curling Club from Thorndale *
Est. plus additions.
Fri. June 6 6:00 p.m.Thuss
Farm Equip., Property &
Tools Etc., Parkhill. -
Sat., June 7 12:30 p.m. *
Clearing Furniture, Ken
Campbell, Mt. Brydges.
Wed., June 11 7:00 p.m.
Swine Production Sale for
Stein Bros. Tavistock.,
Thur., June 12 6:00m. fe.Household and Antique•Auc-
tion for Walter Jones, *,
Lots -of good dates still *
available for your sales. *
vi * Hire the experienced Auc.
.c tionees for the success of
*your sale. We, need end
i appreciate your auctlon.
Hugh Filson Tom Robson
666-0833 666-1967
Evening Auction Sale
Antiques, appliances, at Blyth Arena for Margaret Nesbit.
Thursday, May 29 at 6 p.m.
Large antique corner cupboard, dining table w/3 leaves, six
matching pressback chairs, pressback rocking chair, fancy an-
tique sideboard w/mirror, large antique dresser w/tear 4rop
pulls, washstands w/side towel bars, fancy old cost iron dou-
ble bed, McKerbow jug w/blue finger painted flowers, Simplici-
ty washer 4 yrs. old, freezer, dryer etc. plus household effects,
other antiques, etc.
Richard Lobb Auctioneer 492-7898 Clinton
Remember: May 22nd sale at Lobb Auction and May 24 Farm
equipment sale for Doris Batkin. See last weeks paper for
Auction Sale
According to "Police Act of Ontario Section No. 18, The
Exeter Town Police will sell by Public Auction unclaimed
blcycles,answering machine and mist. articles to the
highest bidder.
Thursday, May 22/86. 7 p.m. sharp
Auction to be held behind Exeter Town Police office.
Terms cosh
Norm Whiting Auctioneer, Phone 233-0680 or 235-1931
For full listing see May 14 Issue of TA
* Estate Auction of Farm Machinery,Satellite dish,*
* Truck, etc. For the Est. of the late Albert 31
* Deneire, Lot 10, Concession 10, Blanshard Twp., *
* 3 mi. N of Granton. 1 *
* Monday Juno 2 - 12:30 p.m. *
* TRACTORS: Duetz Dx140 Power -Matic diesel, cab, low hours, *
* excellent condition, Duetz D6206 diesel (2000 hrs.)
* COMBINE: Clans Dominator 76 combine (like brand new), 4 row *
* corn head, Ford 217879 12 ft. grain head, Renn pickup.
* FARM MACHINERY: Amazon D7 40E 3 pt. h. drill, 12 ft. wide *
* with 4 in, and adjustable spocing, Jet 1201-12 Amazon 3 pt. *
* h. fert. spreader, Over -Rum 5 fur. triple K semi mount plow, *
* Amazon vibrating culti-packer roller, (Above equipment like *
* band new), Ford 4 row corn planter with insecticides, Ford 36 *
* plate wheel disc, Kongskilde cult., Coyle packer, 3 pt. h. cult., *
* Kongskilde 3 pt. h. 4 row cult. with rolling shields, Innis wind *
* rower with cross conveyor, bean pullers, '18 ft. cult., Ford 3 pt.
* h. 11 row corn picker, Lucknow double auger snow blower, 3 *
* pt. h. blade, Webster air compressor, chain saws, etc., grinder, *
* J.D. sprayer tank, Killbros-centre dump gravity bin and heavy *
* wagon, two JM gravity bins and heavy wagons, gravity bin with *
* J.D. wagon, older gravity bin, wogon, fert. auger and motor, *
* tools and misc. articles found at a clearing estate auction. *
*TRUCK: 1973 Ford Louisville 900 with hoist, 16 ft. large box with *
* steel floor. Selling as is. *
* CAR: Older 2 door Cutlass Supreme. Selling as is.
* SATELLITE DISH: Large dish with post and wiring.
:TERMS: Cosh sole day. Lunch booth.
* Hugh Filson
Tom Robson *
*666-0833 666-1967 *
Times -Advocate, Muy 21, 1986 Page 7A
allhig%rthe Auto of Mrs. Gladys Klknor,125
H• It., Alla Crolg. one b south of No.
1 P.M, MAY 24. 1 P.M.
including washstands, rocking Chair, hall tables, dressers,
cabinets, buffets, sk$s boards, chest, beds, bow front dresser,
picture frames, numerous chairs, lamps, arm chair, McClary kit-
chenwa9d stove, jugs, space heaters, wicker flower stand and
baskets. named milk bottles, harness bells, oil lamps, lanterns,
iron kettles, brdss spittoon, railroad tea kettle, dishes, lace
table cloths, ;ids board, hall lair, mantle clock, books, piano
bench, tools, box lots. 1978 Chrysler New Yorker.
TERMS: Cash Booth
Executors or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents sale day.
Auctioneer Murray McLean 232-4213 .
Auctions by Coulter
At Corbett Cornwell, Jt yy nell, tet.. Msy 24 et 1:00 p.m.
Hwy. 81 betwein PerfchilI enderond Send. Antiques. fur-
niture, motorcycles, dishes. cars, trudts, end many misc.
ANTIQUES: Harvest table leaves, Gone with the Wind lamp,
platform scale, wicker rocker, 6 pc. toilet set, 4 pressback
chairs, brass bed, safe.
VEHICLES: 1977 Dodge power wagon with Arctic blade, Stan-
dard.trans., 5th wheel towing pkg. Safetied. 1974 Chev pickup
with tool chest topper. 1974 Volkswagen bug, 1977 Firebird 350
4 bl, 2-200 cc Yamaha motorcycles.
FURNITURE: and misc., double water bed, queen size bed, box
springs and mattress, leatherette recliner (new), wooden table,
leather chair, electric sewing machine, reel to reel tope
recorder, record player, console stereo, chrome table and 4
chairs, electric coffee perk, colour TV and 8 & W TV, .acoustic
guitar, living room drapes and sheers, 4' x 8' pool table and
accessories, child's electric organ, 32' aluminum ext. ladder,
25 hp outboard motor, bicycles, clocks, 4 burner electric stove,
French phone. Roto -tiller, chain saw, power lawn mower, ex-
ercise bike, 2 -new Dashwood thermo windows, bedding, quan-
tity of dishes.
TERMS: Cash orcheque with I.D. day of sale, owners or auc-
tioneers not responsible fol• accidents day of sale. Consignments
accepted Friday evening 6:00 - 9:00, Sat. morning after 8 a.m.
Gwen Coulter, Brett Coulter, clerks, -.Bruce Coulter
• Auctioneer
Grand Bend 238.0000, Parkhill 294-6305
*********** *MINIM
Manor III ns!$$ sass ear•
Tq Be Held On The Premises:
(Toke Second Entrance To Southcott — Just Past Fourth Speed Bumps Follow Signs)
We have received lestrvcflons from the owner to sell the contents of her
summer home supplemented with items removed from the Goderlch
residence of the late Honore No icy Clements comprising: pair of antique •
walnut occ. chairs, pair of balloon back chairs, solid walnut Pembroke
table, turnover games table, Lawsonstyle sofa, Sylvania 26" console
color TV, "ph:crust:' single & 2 -tier tables, Cooper lounge chcir, bamboo
& other platform rockers, needlepoint footstool, Duncan Phyhe cocktail
table pair tall 4 poster st beds, pair sin9Ie beds, n French
Provincial leather top legal locking file, Co�rmchair, 2
oak china cabinets, v r Clodckk bwiith's fins.
o And�er roo" 'brosse�e Fra nsbsd, Itrnedboattt
stands patf6 i dsk furniture, bar stsbill 10 0~ Eftf
dinnerware Including many serving Piece& sat sterling silver fTofwors.
Limoges dinner & handpalnted plates, Royal Doulton figurine HN20027,
bisaue figurines,ueirMary Gr glass, neseinkwelll ms's,
"Baby Blue Aird",442, antiq figurines,
painted chino, fine early Canadian oil portrait, miniature port on
porcelain, Walling & Smith oils, hand coloured engravings, bird prints.
pattern, molded 6 depression glass, early Chinese attar -of -roses lar,
Canton bowl, tole lamps, antique bra ss�o►tdlesticks, Limoges shell bqx,
platters, blue transfer, flo blue, Wedgwood covered ufiineer, motor
Wedgwood vase, Japanese eggshell tea sof, set Royal Bavarian
Royal Crown Derby 2451 tea set, Royal Doulton picture plates, le
Burns plate, demi-tasse, fine china cups & saucers, early Ironstone.
crystal stemware Including "cross & olive", Coalport "Indian T ',
Bavarian handpalnted tea service, fine quality sitverplafed Items .1 ud-
I g odd servera,.water pitcher, ladles, cookie borrel, entree dishes, crv-
stol centre bowl etched crystal stemware, Mason's "Vista" dishes, fine
sterling silver 8 plates serving pieces, large sterling frame i1t
spoons, condiments, salvers, water pitcher, Dresden cam 1
library including Perth & Blanshard Counties, Maker's Of In sic)
walnut box excellent bedding, sheets, towels, pill ors,
fine lace & (Inen tableclothsa fireplace appointments, P vacuum.
gardens equipment, 3 window air conditioners, golf clubs- stands,
"Blue Mikado", sa New •Haven clock, copper tip kettle, pewter
Pitcher, carriage clock, beautifully caryChinese temple chest, Murano
crystal, crystal table lamp, unsigned choir boy o11, collection of S. W.
Armstrong watercolours, Moorcroft, excellent draperies, pottery. ame-
thyst hobnail pitcher, needlepoint wall clock, kitchen utensi sl tray lots —
hhar�dtop joada�72,N0 originaltmiles, exa�leott conditionrysler New,
Yorker +�.
On View From 10:00 A.M. DayOf Sale Onlylli'
6A5 -292v
41-************4>L4F4F4F4F4F4f*4f4}4F*4f4F41<***1f ft
* Cleariwg Auction I
* For Thuss Farm Equipment, on No. 7 Highway just *
* east of Parkhill.
* Friday eve. Juno 6 - 6:00 p.m. sharp 4
* PROPERTY: Will be offered at 8 p.m. Consisting of 2 separate-
*ly deeded lots with 250 ft. frontage on No. 7 Hwy., 365 ft. deep
* (Nearly 2 acres). Included - an office building 18 x 32, stock and *
* service area 30 x 60, storage building 40 x 40, washroom. sep-
* tic tank, Lake Huron pipe line. Excellent opportunity for so- *
* meone to start into on agriculture or other small business. *
* TERMS ON PROPERTY: 10% down, balance in 30 days. Subject *
* to a very moderate reserve bid. Owner is willing.to take a first *
* mortgage on the property.
* OFFICE EQUIPMENT: Desks and chairs, cheque writer, elec- *
* tric typewriter, calculators, 2 telephone answering machines, >t►
* billing machines, bill writers, porta pack, file cabinet, Labelle *
* video DVO 16 machine, Fiche machine, parts index, books - *
* Butler, Von Dole, Laidig, Oswald, Etc., Moto Rolo FM radio, base *
* extension, 4 mobile units, remote speakers and receiver with *
* charger, 70 ft. tower with 40 ft. lead in. *
4 SHOP EQUIPMENT: Drill press, air compressor, steel cut off *
* saw, 1 ton press, welders, 70 ft. welders hose and extension *
* welder cord, ram set, voltage testor, impact wrenches, ham- >F
* mer drill, grinders, welder table, work bench, adjustable *
* stands shop vacuum, mill hub puller, 4800 watt shop heaters, *
* Socket elevator erection; 2 portoble silo baskets, quantity of *
* rope, motor handler, pipe tools, proportioner repair stand with *
i f motor, overhead electric hoist, 4 ton hydraulic body frame *
* repair kit, hydraulic jacks, Greenlee knock -out punches, spray *
4 guns, chain falls, and alt kinds of other tools. *
* Assorted electric motors, and some Butler and Farm -O -Matic *
* stock. Motors from '/. to 5 h.p., three 5 h.p. mill motors, two
* 4 compartment proportioners, 6 comportment proportioners, *
* instant reverse motors, barn fans, water bowls and parts. *
* MISC. Bolt bins and bolts, port boxes and rocks, 13 section of i f
* scaffolding, grain bin jacks, 3 sets grain bin cement forms, us- *
* ed pipe and steel cement re -enforcement wire, 100 pcs. 1 in. *
* styroform sheetd, used. Steel storage racks, 80 ft. of 6/3 silo 4
* power cord, lengths of 8/3 silo cord, different lengths of steel
4 cable, electric switches, boxes, capacitors, overload switches, *
* cast pulleys and hubs, etc. etc.
* Mr. Thuss after serving the area very well for many 'years is *
* retiring from business. *
* TERMS On equipment, cosh sale night. Lunch booth. *
Auctioneers *
* Hugh Filson Tom Robson *
666-0833 666-1967 *
4t 4< 4k 4k 4F 4t 4} 4k 4k 4k 4< 4t 4k 4F 4t 4F 4k 4k 4F 4 4s 4F 4F * * * 4i 4f 4s 4k 416: