HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-05-21, Page 1010 Times -Advocate, May 21, 1986
DISTRICT ESSAY WINNERS — Two students representing Lucan
Legion Branch 540 were winners in the Legion essay competition at
the District 'A' level. From the left are second place finisher Bob
Maslen, winner Shonna Maslen and Larry Hockey representing Branch
Revisal Contr� Blossom tea today
Rev. Roger Mason, Sunday morn-
ing, spoke frau Acts 2:14, about the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit) The
word Pentecost means fifty, 50 days
after Christ's resurrection. This is the
Jewish Feast of Pentecost or Weeks.
The Feast of Pentecost was a
memorial to Moses giving the law
from God, and also a day to celebrate
the end of harvest.
Pentecost was the birth of the
church. When the disciples first
received the gift of the Holy Spirit,
there were crowds of people of many
languages in Jerusalem for the Feast
of Pentecost. The disciples could
preach to them.
God sends Pentecost at the right
. time. Old Testament prophets, John
the Baptist and Jesus talked about the
coming of the Holy Spirit. The Holy
Spirit came at the right time. The
disciples were all in the right place
with the right attitude, spending time
in prayer.
The Holy Spirit came suddenly
without reservation to God's people.
With the coming of the Holy Spirit
there was the sound of a mighty wind,
speaking of the great power of the Ho-
ly Spirit. The disciples showed this
New VC
United Church
Lucan United Church received in-
to full membership three young peo-
ple and an adult at a service of Con-
firmation and Communion on Sunday
morning. Those making vows of com-
mitment to Christ and His Church
were Mary Holden, Kelly Thompson,
Ian Barr, and Elnora Raycraft.
Parents or close relatives assisted in
the service as they laid hands upon
those being confirmed.
Clerk of Session Linda Froats
presented each with a Bible as a
remembrance of this special
Rev.Brown's message was entitled
"The Church Jesus Made". The ear-
ly Church consisted of those who were
touched and redeemed by God's
Grace and whose lives were changed
as a result. They were Spirit -filled
people who were allowing the Holy
Spirit to take charge of their lives,
and who were filled with His joy as a
They were those who had
discovered Christ's overcoming
power through prayer, and who
shared Christ with others in a desire
to win them also. They were a caring,
loving people who broke down the
barriers that divide people, and a
worshipping people who were drawn
together with others who loved Jesus
and wanted to bring Him praise.
Mr. Brown challenged those pre-
sent to evaluate themselves personal-
ly by those standards, to reach out for
the help God gives, and thus to
become a church which can minister
effectively in our needy world of
service concluded ' with a
celebration of the Lord's Supper.
Sharon Blaine with Rebecca welcom-
ed the congregation to the service,
and later was assisted by Judy Camp-
bell in receiving the offering.
A short congregational meeting
chaired by Pastoral Relations Com-
mittee chairman Wes Stanley, follow-
ed the service. The congregation
voted unanimously to approve the call
of Revs. Darrell and Jewel Shaule to
Lucan United Church.
Coming events
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. the Friend-
ship Unit plans to attend the Lucan
Revival Centre Blossom Tea. The unit
will continue its meeting in the C.E.
Wing of the Church afterwards.
Thursday, Choir meets at the usual
7:30 practice hour. At 8 p.m. the
Couples Club meet for their annual
bowling party at Lucan Lanes. The
evening will include refreshments at
North Star Restaurant, Elginfield
following the bowling.
Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession
of land in accordance with the Weed Control Act,
R.S.O., 1983, Sections 4, 14 and 21, that unless nox-
ious weeds growing on their lands within the
Municipality of The Village of Lucan are destroyed
by date of June 2, 1986, and throughout the season,
the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and
have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against
the land in taxes, as set out in the act.
The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited.
Weed Inspector Hugh Baird Clerk E.M. Melanson
Municipality of the Village of Lucan
Seniors plan
Craig visit
power in their work for God.
Simi* evening Rev. Roger Mason
ministered from Acts 2:37-39 how one
can receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
As the result of Peter's preaching
ple were convicted by theSpirit,
and asked Peter what to do. Peter told
them they needed first of all to repent
of their sins, then be baptized in
They needed to repent and turn
from their sins to be converted, to
receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. In
faith they had to believe God would
Four accidents in
44 OPP occurrences
The 44 general occurrences in-
this week by officers of the
Lucan detachment of the Ontario Pro-
vincial Police included four motor
vehicle accidents.
Thursday at 1:45 a.m., a vehicle
driven by Stephen Day, Ilderton left
the roadway of Middlesex road 16
and collided with a fence. Constable
Hodge listed damages at $3,300.
Constable Vance set damages at
$2,850 when vehicles driven by Ran-
dy Tebbutt and Bonnie Van'
diepenbeek, both of London, and Don-
na Carter, Arva, were in collision on
Highway 23 at 6:20 p.m., Friday.
The same day at 9:45 p.m., a vehi-
cle driven by Randall Rilett, London,
went out of control on the Cameron
siderdad and struck a hydro pole.
Constable Craig estimated damages
at $1,000.
Saturday at 5 p.m., a vehicle driven
by Leanne Dillon, Centralia, was
damaged to the extent of $800 when it
veered into the ditch on Highway 4.
Constable Wilson was the in-
vestigating officer.
Four persons were charged with
impaired driving and the same
number of 12 hour driving suspen-
sions were issued. Eight charges were
laid for violations of the Liquor
Licence Act. -
forgive them when they repented. In
repentance all bitterness, and car-
nality had to go. Wrongs had to be
righted before believers could receive
the Holy Spirit.
In Matthew 3:8 and 11 John the
Baptist stated the people's repen-
tance must show a change of living,
and they would be baptized with the
Holy Spirit. Repentance is essential
to receive the Holy Spirit.
Waiting is necessary to receive the
Holy Spirit. In Acts 1:4 Jesus told the
disciples to wait for the promise of the
Wednesday, May 21, at 7:30 p.m. is
the Annual Blossom Tea of the
Women's Ministries of Lucan Revival
Centre. Guest speaker is to be grant
Jeffrey from Toronto. Special music
is to be provided by Mrs. Marti Butler
and Mrs. Lorraine Armitage with
Mrs. Cathy Jeffrey. Mrs. Pauline Eiz-
engawill do a demonstration on Scarf
Variations and Colors.
Sunday, May 25, Special anniver-
sary services. Guest speaker is to be
Rev. Paul McPhail from Chatham
Christian Centre. Special music will
be by Mrs. Anna Mae McPhail.
Members of the Sunshine and Busy
Buddies groups met at the Scout and
Guide hall for their weekly meeting.
President Harry Noels opened the
meeting with the singing of 0 Canada.
One visitor Marinus Pol, from
Holland was welcomed. Birthday
wishes went to Mary Scott and Iva
Hodgins. June 10 was set to visit
Craighome in Ailsa Craig to entertain
the patients there. Hamilton Hodgins
read off the names in which order
they came for the different Summer
games which will be held June 23rd
and 24.
Jessie Lewis gave two readings,
Your Name and What Counts. Several
toe tapping numbers were played on
the violin by Roy Zinn accompanied
on piano be Muriel Cobleigh.
Euchre winners were high score -
Marjorie Steeper and Chris Hesse!.
Lone hands - Verna Dowdall and Mur-
ray Carter. Low score- Mabel
Needham, and Marinus Pol. Craft
winner - Gayle Cronyn.
Next Sunday at 11 a.m., Miss Jean
Darling R.N., a returned missionary
from India will be the special Mission
and Service speaker. A coffee hour
will follow. At 7 p.m. the congregation
is invited to attend a presentation on
"Teenage Suicide" at St. Thomas'
Anglican Church Granton, sponsored
by Granton A.C.W. and Youth Group.
Speakers will be Dr. Peter Johnson
and Mrs. Elizabeth Pearson of St.
Another upcoming event of special
interest is a Travelogue on Australia
and New Zealand presented by Marj
Park and Verna Ibbitson in the C.E.
Wing on May 28 at 8 p.m. Friday May
30 in the sanctuary of the church,
pupils from the studio of Helen
Stanley will present a music recital
which will include both private piano
pupils and those who have been in-
volved in the Music for Young
Children programme. A guest musi-
cian will also participate. All are
welcome to attend.
TREE PLANTING AT LUCAN PS — Ryan Nicholson is shown putting the finishing touches on planting
a mountain ash tree at Lucan Public School, Wednesday. Ryan represented the kindergarten students.
Teachers kneeling behind him are Beth -Anne Wasko, Beth Radcliffe and Sharron Barnes.
Humane Society
The May meeting of the Huronia
Branch of the Ontario Humane Socie-
ty was held at the O.M.A.F. Office,
Clinton. The Ontario Hydro's
charitable donations for '85 sent a,
very generous donation for the
building fund.
A booth has been reserved at this
year's Klompen Feest on May 16 and
At the South West Region Work
Shop in London. on April 26 it was
reported that the staff had been cut
back from 16 to 8 at the farm in
Newmarket due to lack of govern-
ment funding.
Arrangements were then made for
volunteer workers to be at the booth
in Klompen Feest and the garage sale
in the Suncoast Mall, Goderich on
May 23 and 24.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons in possession of land in
accordance with the WEED CONTROL ACT, R.S.O. 1983, Section
4, 14 and 21, that unless noxious weeds growing on their Iapds
within the MUNICIPALITY OF BIDDULPH are destroyed by date
of June 2, 1986, and throughout the season, the Municipality
may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed,
charging the costs against the land in taxes, as set out in the
The co-operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited.
Hugh Baird R.G. Hands
Weed Inspector Clerk, Township of Biddulph
DATE: June 5, 1986
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Medway High School
The Middlesex County Board of Education has approved the develop-
ment and implementation of public information sessions to be held
throughout Middlesex County relative to the recent release of the On-
tario Government's Report of the Commission on the Financing of
Elementary and Secondary Education in Ontario.
The report contains 54 recommendations wide ranging in scale which
require public input. Copies of the recommendations are available upon
request at the offices of the Middlesex County Board of Education and
Middlesex County schools.
It Is Important that all concerned Individuals be prepared to
attend this meeting open to the public.
The following matters will be considered in order to receive public
feedback regarding possible recommendation effects on
1. the provision for and delivery of education
2. the sources of funding for education;
3. the amalgamation of school boards;
4. the tocol community ratepayer;
5. the role of the elected school board trustee;
6. the shoring of educational services with neigh-
bouring boards of eucation: and
7. the teaching and non -teaching personnel
within the County's Public Education System.
Any individual or group wishing to submit a written response
outlining viewpoint(s) concerning the possible implications of one
or more of the Report's recommendotions should forword this
material to Mr. J.R. Gall, Middlesex County Board of Education,
Hyde Park, Ontario, NOM 1ZO, to be received not later than Juno
11, 1906. All oral and written communication will be token into
considerotion during the preparation of the Board's response to the
Macdonald Report.
The Middlesex County
Board of Education
Hyde Park Ontario, NOM 1Z0
LEGIONAIRE OF YEAR —. Gayle Riley has been named
Branch 540 legionaire of the Year. Above, president Gordon Clubh
looks on as Comrade Jim Simpson makes the presentation.
5 year term.
Rates subject
to change.
Security and
yiperftctd in
IN CHESS COMPETITION -- Six students from Bi • • u p Central
School participated and finished sixth and ninth in a Middlesex
elementary school chess competition. At the bock with teachers Brion
Lewis and les Howarth are chess experts Doug Hockey and Anson
Vince. In front are Greg Boshart, Rob McCarty and Matthew Accetti.
Missing was Chris Sleafofd. T -A photo
A A i)ivision of Victoria d Grey l'nlstco
$ to 8 Monday to hlday EXETER 425 MainNational 51., 235-0530an
0 to 1 Saturday v(.N m(.x