HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-05-21, Page 2The Huron County Health Unit Invites you to attend the Topical Fluoride Clinic For preschoolers; NO CHARGE DATE: Mon., June 2, 1986 Tues., June 3, 1986 HOURS: 9:30 - 11:30; 1:00 - 3:00 PLACE: Huron County Health Unit, Basement of Exeter Hospital (Anne Street Entrance) Please phone 235-1014 for your appointment 1 Page2,• Fou YINON4AdVOCate; Yey' men ne Four men were convicted of drink- ing and driving offences in Exeter court, Tuesday, and received fines up to $750. Judge Gary Hunter also im- posed licence suspensions of three months for three of the accused and those will be extended another nine months by the ministry of transpor- tation and communication to bring the total to one year. John W. Aikenhead, 101 Richmond St., Hensel), pleaded guilty to driving with a blood alcohol content over 80 mgs. and was fined $750 or 40 days in jail. It was his second conviction and he was told he was lucky the charge was laid prior' to the new reEillatioob brought into force in December as that would have dictated a 14 -day jail term. Aikenbead, who was charged on November 2,1965, was given 30 days in which to pay. He was charged after the in- vestigating officer saw a vehicle without headlights being driven in Hensall around 10:40 p.m. After detecting the odor of alcohol, the of- ficer took the accused to the OPP sta- tion where a breathallzer gave a reading of 260 mgs. Fined $500 or 25 days for driving CAMPING CHURCH SERVICE — A Targe crowd attended the Sun- day morning church service at the weekend Campout at the South Huron Rec Centre grounds. Shown here are service chairperson Bea Ersman, guest speaker Bob Heywood and organist Kim Talbot. with a blood alcohol content over the legal limit were Paul James Mullin, 138 Grange St., Stratford, and Carl Isaac, Victoria St., Centralia. Mullin pleaded guilty to the charge that was laid on Awl! 18 after be fail- ed to stop for a police spot check near Shipka. He was pursued by police and apprehended about two km. away. After failing an ALERT test, Mullin was taken for a breathalizer test and had a reading of 130 mgs. Isaac pleaded not guilty to the charge which was laid on February 17. A motorist called police after he passed a car near Centralia around 8:00 p.m. The car was parked near the centre of the road and the motorist became concerned when he noticed the person in the vehicle had his head against the side window and was not mgving. The witness told the court he was'concerned that the occupant may have been overcome by exhaust fumes, and after calling police from a nearby restaurant, went back, entered the car, turned the engine off and took the keys from the ignition. The witness said the accused was unsteady on his feet when he emerg- ed from the vehicle. Two members of the Exeter OPP detachment told the court they arriv- ed on the scene at 8:26 p.m. and found the accused was unsteady, had blood- shot eyes and a strong odor of alcohol. Two part bottles of whiskey were found in the vehicle. Defence councel argued there was insufficient evidence to conclude • beyond doubt the accused was im- paired and the: a was no evidence he had been driving. Fined $500 or 25 days for impaired driving was Richard Clark Weber, 315 Andrew SL, Exeter. He pleaded not guilty to the charge which was laid on September 15. 044„ CANCER CAN BE BEATEN brrite REMEMBER gookLegr lIpood IS OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS 3711411111 n, TILL 9 P.M. Weekly Specials Shepherd Cart Style, 30.000 BTU Gas Barbeque 400 sq. in. cooking surface West Coast, 3 cu. ft. bags 66 Ib. bags Asphalt Patch $597. Landscape, 20 kg. bag Marble $299 Chips Driveway Sealer $977 Tomato Cages Prices in effect May 28/86 or while supplies last 4 blocks west of the Fire Hall 235-2081 1 Two OPPtsa the court they were d e k vehicle at 3:50 a.m. in Ushorae Township when another vehide carpe aldag the road. The vehicle, backed into a driveway and up on the front lawn of a residence at which neither of the vehicle occupants lived. Because the breathanlzer was in- operative, the officers conducted an "alcohol influence report" and advis- ed that the accused smelled of alcohol, had a flushed face, bloodshot eyes, was antagonistic and swore at times. Defence council argued there was no proof beyond doubt the accused was too impaired to drive, noted there was no breath readings, no 12 -hour suspension and the car keys had been returned to Weber. However, Judge Carter said he was satisfied the accused was impaired and he gave him three months in which to pay the fine. In the ony other case on Tuesday's docket, Charmaine Wise, 21 Main St., Exeter, was placed on probation for six months on a charge of taking a 99 cent toothbrush from the Exeter Vig V drug store on February 13. She told the c ourt she picked up two toothbrushes and had them in her hand when she went to another department in the store as she thought she had a rain check for men's cologne. She took out her wallet w rivini to see if she had the rain check and put the toothbrushes into her purse. _Saying she didn't find the rain , and realizing that she had. previously bought toothbrushes, she put one back on the shelf, forgetting that she had pickud up two and put them in her -purse. The accused explained she was preoccupied. Two store employees said they saw the accused put something in her purse, but when confronted, she denied this and accompanied one of the employees and the store manager to an office and police were called. Defence lawyer T. Donnelly asked for a dismissal of the charge sug- gesting there was no evidence that the toothbrush was converted to the use of the accused and added that there was no evidence to exclusive possession because Wise never left the store with the item. Judge Carter denied the motion, saying that he didn't believe the ac- cused had to pass the cash register to be charged. While noting the store employees contradicted themselves in some of their evidence, he registered the penalty against the accused. CAMPING ROYALTY — Lynn and Phyllis Williams of London are On- tario and InternationaQl King and Queen of the Campers Associations. Mrs. Williams is the former Phyllis Gibson, of fhe Exeter area. They . are shown here with Iry Armstrong of the Ausable River Nomad's. Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF THE PASSING OFA•ZONING BY-LAW BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF EXETER TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Exeter, passed By-law No. 21-1986 on the 12th day of May, 1986 under Section 34 of the Planning Act 1983. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Exeter, not later than the 16th day of June, 1986 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law, describing the lands to which the by- law applies, and a Key Map showing the location of the lands to which the by-law applies are attached below. The complete by-law is available for inspection in the Municipal Offices during regular office hours. Dated at the Town of Exeter, this 13th day of May, 1986. Mrs. Elizabeth Bell Clerk, Town of Exeter Box 759 EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S0 235-0310. Schedule 2 BY-LAW 21 - 1986 i. By-law 21 - 1986 has the following purpose and effect. By-law 21 of 1986 changes the zoning in a total of 4 situations within the Town of Exeter. These changes which are identified on the attached map will allow for the establishment • of buildings, structures and uses in conformity with the amended zones. This by-law also includes a number of textual amendments to SK -law 30 of 1978. These changes add new,us- ..4 . es lit., some ztlnes; change regulations in other's and provide for a number of new definitions: yam, •s""This-by-lat4 teaccoNiifahled 14 a corresponding Official Plan Amendment and together they represent the results of a -major 5 year review which was conducted to identify and carp/ out appropriate changes to the Town's Planning documents. ii. A more detailed explanation of the changes is as follows: a) a fast food service restaurant and a church will be added as permitted uses in the Highway Commercial Zone. _ b) a day care/child care centre will be added as a permitted use in the Institutional Zone. c) Section 4:1.8. and Section 3.14.8 (b) shall be amended to.ensure that parking provided for commercial operations is located in commercial zones and not in residential zones. d) The minimum side yards for low density residential and medium density residential shall be reduced from 2 metres to 1.8 metres. e) to add reference to the Highway Traffic Act for the purpose of defining gross vehicular weight and commercial motor vehicle. f) to'add a new definition for group home and family and to add group home as a permitted use in the Institutional Zone. LOCATION MAP -----� - 1 ram. -1 NB - Hnu Ileim, l .11 L ■ Zone change to C5 (Highway Commercial from HL (Hazard Land). rz Zone change to I (Institutional) f R1 (Low Density Residential). Zone chnage to I (Institutional) not C1 (General Retail Commercial). Zone change to R2 (Medium Density Residential) from R1 (Low Density Residential). f rom MS WM MO IMP WIND ION Ei h 1_ i 141111111M 11111111111111 A • 1