HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-05-14, Page 24age12A
May 14, .1986
Ilirldsi *ow
for Creiserti
Betty Anne Mille', whale marriage
to Jack Christie is to take place later
this month, wast of honour at a
bridal shower in Cromarty Church on
Wednesday evening. About 6P guests
registered in the guest book which
was in charge of Taunya Van Allen.
Carol Ann Scott was mistress of
ceremonies for a short program
beginning with an accordion solo by
Susan Lachnit, Roberta Templeman
gave a reading, The Old Maid and the
Burglar, and five, girls, Chrissie
Miller, LariJo Gardiner, Sharia
Freestone, Julie Martyn and Carrie
Elsdon sang The Sandman. Lillian
Douglas gave a, reading, by Erma
Bombeck and contests were con-
ducted by Betty Dow and Ruth Laing.
Carol Anne read an address of good
wishes and Betty Anne was assisted
in opening her many gifts by Cindy
Miller and Sharon Docking.
WMS meets
Mrs. James Miller, Mitchell, was
hostess for the May meeting of the
W.M.S. Seven members and one
visitor, a former member, Mrs.
Marguerite Harper, were present.
Mrs. Charles . Douglas opened the
meeting with a poem, Silent Commu-
nion of Prayer.
Mrs. Tom Scott led the devotions on
the theme A Christian in Action bas-
ed on Galatians 5:22-26 and 6:1-2,
followed by prayer.
' Mrs. Mervin Dow choose the topic,
Making Sense of our Church -Going,
noting that our attitude towards wor-
ship is most important. As we
acknowledge Christ as Saviour and
Lord, we feel that He is with us as we
Hazel Harburn was in charge of the
mission study on Nishga and Cana-
dian Justice in Land Claims, and the
Life and Ministry of Floyd Steinhauer
of Saddle Lake, Alberta. Eleven cards
and 24 visits to the shut-ins were
reported. Mrs. Douglas spoke on the
Indian Potlach custom, then thanked
all who had taken part. The meeting
closed with the Lord's Prayer in
unison and a delicious lunch was serv-
ed by Mrs. Miller.
Mrs. Mac Lamond and Mrs. Tom
Scott attended the ladies' meeting in
the Pentecostal Church in Exeter,
Mav 2.
Father Nelligan
to Port Lambton
. Sunday April 26 the final euchre
was held at Mount Carmel with 13
tables in play. Winners were: men's
high and low Perry Cunningham and
Marilyn Thompson (playing man's
hand) ladies' high and low Philomene
Hogan and Gayle Cronyn and most
lone hands Dave Harrigan. Special
door prize winners were Hazel Glavin
and Marie Kearns.
Sunday May 4 the Crowning of the
Blessed Mother took place during the
14-a.m. Mass and 13 children had the
pleasure of placing hand bouquets of
flowers around the foot of the statue
while the crown was installed by
Giselle Vanneste.
Also, 17 children received their
First Holy Communion at Mass this
Sunday. Each child received a cer-
tificate and rosary to mark this hap-
py and holy occasion. Coffee and
donuts were served in the gym to the
parents and children.
After six enjoyable years, we are
regretful to say, Father Joseph P.
Nelligan will be leaving May 22 to his
new assignment in Port Lambton.
Following Mass Sunday, as a token
of our appreciation, the C.W.L.
Knights of Columbus and the Parish
presented Father with a fishing rod
and reel, tackle box and gear, a
beautiful plaque and gift of money.
Best wishes from all of us, we'll miss
you Father.
He who has health has hope, and he
who has hope has everything.
Arabian p,...r.
INDIANS AT USDORNE — Indians were part of the Going West concert this week at Usborne Central
School. Back, left, Karen Foster, Sherri Coleman, Sally 8ott and Anne Szabo. Front, Susan Grubb, Tobi
Taylor, Andreh Francis and Tina Taylor. • T -A photo
MII meets at Thames Road
Sy MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE community.
The May meeting of the United Miss Sandra Stewart of Montreal
Church Women was held on Monday spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs.
evening with 29 ladies ib attendance. Glen Stewart.
Mrs. Wayne Rowe welcomed Miss Brenda Ballantyne of Toron-
everyone and opened the meeting to spent the weekend with Mr. and
with a prayer"Lord Of All Pots and Mr' to ane Ballantyne bfpeople andWendy.
Pans". Mrs. Howard Cunnington read Quite a number of from this
the Scripture. area attended the concert "Going
A reading "These Mothers of Jesus West at Usbodo Central School
Time" was given by Mr. Barry Jef-
fery. a Mother's Day Prayer was Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne
given by Mrs. Rick Etherington and were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don
Miss Doris Elford gave a humorous Ballantyne and sons of Thamesford
reading "Sorting The Wash". The of- on Sunday.
fering was taken by Mrs. Jeffery and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rohde, Karen
Mrs. Cunnington and prayer by Doris and Kathy of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
,Elford. Mrs. Etherington gave a Calvin Rohde of KippeniMr. and Mrs.
reading "I'm A Guest In My Own Glenn Rohde, Danny and Tammy
Home". Miss Doris Elford closed the were Sunday guests with Mr, and
worship service with prayer. Mrs. Bill Rohde.
The president Mrs. Barry Jeffery Mr. and M. Donald Bray, Mr. and
opened the business part a the Mrs. Robert Bray, Vanessa and Kris -
meeting with a poem. The roll call ty, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dunlop of Lon
was with your mother's maiden don were Saturday supper guests with
name. Cards of thanks were read. We Mr. and Mrs. Robbert Hulley of
received an invitation from Caven Blyth.
Presbyterian Church on May 12. The Mr. and birs..Jack Duncan were
Mr. and
visiting committee for the next four Sunday with Mrs. Bar -
months are Group U Mrs. Glen rie Oliver and family of New
Stewart, Group CMrs. Bill Rohde, Hamburg.
Group W Mrs. Barry E. Miller. The Miss Mary Gardiner of London, Mr.
plans for the strawberry supper were and Mrs. Ken Duncan and Floyd, Mr.
finalized. and Mrs. Don Richardson, Erin,
Church news
Rev. Robert Matheson led the
church service on Sunday morning,
opening with the children's hymn
"When Mothers Of Salem'. Rev.
Matheson told the children's story
"No Time to be Alone". The choir
sand "A Christian Home" accom-
panied by the organist Miss Anes
The sermon was entitled "Common
ground: uncommon quality".
There will bene Christian Education
meeting on Wednesday, May 14 at 8
p.m. in the church basement.
Next Sunday May 18 at 11:15 a.m.
the Gideons will lead in worship.
Mission Sunday Worship service on
May 25th at 11 a.m. at Elimville
United Church. It is a combined ser-
vice with Thames Road attending.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
and Service of Confirmation on Sun-
day, June 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne
have moved to their new home in Ex-
eter. We are sorry to see them leave
our community. Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Bell of Mitchell moved into the house
Mr. and Mrs. Ballantyne vacated. We
welcome Doug and Brenda to our
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Brian and Lori attended church at
Mitchell United Church on- Sunday
when' Lesley Ann, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Rob Baxter of Mitchell was
baptised. The above mentioned then
were dinner guests with ttie Baxters.
Mrs. Jim Dunlop, Mrs. Robert Bray
and Mrs. Robert Hulley attended a
bridal shower for Miss Brenda
Ballantyne on Sunday afternoon at
the home of Miss Lisa Westcott.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strapp of Lon-
don, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gilmour of
Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray
were Sunday supper guests with Mrs.
Jennie Bray and Agnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Elford, Bren-
da and Nathan were on the Shun
pikers Tour from London.
Several people from this area at-
tended the Kirkton Horticultural
meeting at the Kirkton Woodham
Community Centre on Tuesday
A number of people ,called at the
Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, Ex-
eter on Sunday to pay their respect to
the late Morris Hern. Sympathy is ex-
tended to Mrs. Hern and family.
Some people from this area attend-
ed the 80th birthday celebration of
Mrs. Beatrice Woods at the Kirkton
Community Centre. Happy Birthday
S&ntsbury familia
attend baptismal
The service of baptism was held at
St. Patrick's Church, Saturday eve$-
ing at a pre -Mother's day service
when Katie Scarlett. Davis
MacGillivray, daughter of Mrs. and
Mrs. Bob MacGWlvray was baptised
by Rev. Peter Derrick.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson, great
aunt and uncle, London were god-
parents. Great . grandmother Mrs.
Mary Davis sang, Mrs. Cheryl Carroll
was pianist, Rev. Derrick and Mrs.
Marg Carrollwere readers and Paul
Bedell server.
The rector spoke to the.chldren on
"Mothers" and gave each child
mums for them to present to their
mothers and grandmothers.
Holy Communion service followed.
Rev. Derrick continued on hit series
of sermons on the Acts of the
Apostles. The church was decorated
for the occasion with flowers from the
Davis family and Greenlee family in
loving memory of their parents and
Almarie "Davis" Young.
Following the service Mr. and Mrs.
Bob MacGillivray entertained Mr.
and Mrs. Jack MacGillivray, Lions
Head, Miss Stevenson, Toronto, Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Clarke and Patricia,
Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. 1. Simpson,
Nancy and Darren, . Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Davis and Crystal, Rev.
and Mrs. Peter Derrick, Jonathon
and Jana and Mrs. Mary Davis and
the reception which followed.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and Mrs.
Mary Davis attended Sunday Brunch
in London and joined the "Shun -
pikers". Mary was dinner guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tindall, Marylou
and Robert. -
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll enter-
tained Mr. and Mrs. 'Wayne Carroll
and family to dinner at Dashwood
Hotel on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis and
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Davis spent
the weekend at Niagara Falls and
Saturday attended the wedding of
Clarence's great nephew Graham
Benn Abbott son of Mr. and Mrs. Bil-
ly Abbott and Kerry Rose Showlder.
Baptismal service
Kirkton United Church Sunday
morning welcomed into the fellowship
of the church by infant baptism Tyler
Nathan son of William and Agnes
Denham; Erin Rebecca, daughter of
Mark and Joan Robinson; Cody
Jaden son of James and Darlene
Roger; Meagan Julia daughter of
Dennis and Linda Tuck.
Rites of baptism were administered
in St. Paul's Anglican Church Sunday
morning to Jessica Lee daughter of
Philip and Cathy Blackler and Deidre
Lynn daughter of David and Jayne
Molland. Readers for the : service
were Katie Paul and Andrea
Dinner guests following the bap-
tism were Mr. and Mrs. William
Molland, Mr. and Mrs. David Molland
and Deidre, Thorndale, Mr. Robert
Blackler, Sebringville, Mr. David
Blackler, RR1 St. • Marys, Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Blackler; Jessica-- and
Alia, Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Mclndoe, Grand Bend, Mr. Ross
Smith, RR 1 Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs.
Ron Artken, Lindsay and Matthew,
St. Marys, Mrs. Wm. J. Blackler, Mr.
and -Mrs. Harold Henry, Mr. Jeff
Henry and Miss Michelle Olds, Lon-
don, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne, Ardiel,
Ballymote, Rev. and Mrs. Peter Der-
rick, Jonathan and Jana, Mr. and
Mrs. Burns Blackler, and Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Davis, Kirkton.
Mrs. Mary Gartenburg, Kingston
and Mrs. Myrtle Hanna, Stratford
visited friends in the village, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton,
London were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McNaughton and
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Switzer and
Laura spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Johnston at Lowville.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Urquhart visited
with their family Sunday Mr. -and
Mrs. `Vanderloo and Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis Donohoe of_Mississauga.
Mrs. Myrtle Doupe, Mr. and Mrs.
Junior Doupe and family attended the
confirmation service of Tricia
Massey at St. James Anglican
Church, St. Marys Sunday morning
and were dinner guests following the
service with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Massey of St. Marys.
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GOING WEST FROM USSORNE --r Participating in Wednesday's Go-
ing West show at Usborne Central school were Jodi Horne, Steve
Siliery, Sheryl Oke and Lori Miller. T -A photo
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