HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-05-14, Page 17ilitt� �'>rl • • X.411.1.Yr,,.Y1QrI. �' s e M.. •A .,14•~4104.~414411011.40 is WITH OUR NEW 'S SUPE AD!! NOW You Can place Your Ad Anytime Ow p ,bn„t obvreers °t* et the .�1ce vim h Fri.we unlit ! is ramie panvMnM^f to nth to vs Sher,. coltt1" however it anyte+ me. Oar endans1 have mocyour vow eae nest moo. Dont Mewl d,w>mber la n*,atnentanc wick c *is and charge c•iO nu • CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges ore bused on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words Joined by hyphens count as separate, words. FIRST INSERTION • 20 words $4.00, 154 per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS • No copy changes, 154 per word, minimum $2.75. SIMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $6.00 per column Inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $4.50 per column Inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 Inch. Accepted in multiples of hall Inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office 52.50 per Insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words $4.25, 154 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES • Engagements, Death Notices • 20 words 54.25, each od• ditional word 154 IN MIMORIAMi • 54.25 plus 254 per line of verse. - COMING EVENTS - 20 words 54.25 each odditionol word 151. Three in- sertions for the price of 2. CARDS Of THANKS 30 words $4.25, odditionol words 104 each. Sot DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAY- MENT ON OR BEFORE DAY OR INSERTION. Deadlines for ctasslfled ads Is COO p.m. Mondays. Phone 235-1331 1 Lost, Strayed SILVER EARRING, bow -shaped Lost Sunday, April 27 on Andrew between Trivitt Church and Albert Street. Please call 235-2724 if found. I8.20c Adwrlbers *WO ons!, Ming ... RESULTS. Md that's what we guorontee when you ph** o SUPERAO with us. For only one low fee of 15 we'll run your od in our news aper until you gel the results you want. All you do is call w by Friday end ask for SUPERAO. You con take up to 40 words and we neenrntand you use o ark* kr whatever you ore advertising. N you do not ger results by tine following weekend; cull us on Mon• day and well glody repeat the ad of no chorge.And we'll keep running the ad as long as you wont. Plus Your Ad Will Reach Another 10,000 Extra Readers In Our Sister Paper, The St. Marys Journal -Argus At No Extra Charge1 . CALL YS AT 235.1331 . • classifications 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh. 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property For Sale 20 Property For Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted To Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 3 Situations Wonted QUALIFIED TEACHER will tutor Secon- dary English, History courses, all elemen- tary subjects. Reasonable rates. Phone 236-4038, 20:21• MATURE responsible woman will do house, cottage, commerciaholeaning by the hour - own transportation. Grand Bend area. Phone 243-2849. 20SA Financial Services Industry requires Persons to train in all aspects of business in- cluding management. Phone 294-0287 allege� n010gy Our Clinton Campus requires srpply Teacb.rs Clinton Campus requires individuals to teach during the day on on on-call basis in the following subject areas: - Math - Physics - English - Chemistry - Biology The teachers will provide relief duties for regular faculty who are absent due to illness, vacation, etc. These successful candidates will have previous teaching ex- perience and an appropriate educational background in their specific course area(s). Good human relations and communica- tions skills are essential. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. We encourage applications from retired persons. Interested persons should forward current resume, stating . preferred area(s) of teaching to: Personnel Officer 299 Doon Valley Dr. Kitchener, Ontario 1420 4M4 Competition #06-036 Closing date: Monday May 19, 1986 We are an equal opportunity employer DEALER FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Ford tractor has been among the world leaders in tractor sales since 1907. We ore o world-wide organization with dealers and branches in 130 countries. We are looking for an enterprising dealer for the Exeter trade area. We invite you to join us in a very rewording business. Our product line includes a complete range of agricultural trac- tors and related equipment, industrial products and lawn and garden products. Special inventory floor plans (new and used) minimize capitol requirements. Excellent Support from Ford including sales and service train- ing, computerized parts supply, merchandising aids, etc. Phone or write: MR. PETER BOND (416)841-2511 Ext. 1519 FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT OPERATIONS THE CANADIAN ROAD. OAKVILLE. ONTARIO L6.1 5N 3 Situations Wanted WANT A NIGHT OUT? Need a babysit- ter? Call a mom. 235-0621. I ltfn 4 Help Wanted DAILY PART-TIME POSITION starting May 25th, 1986 as cook for the Tuckersmith Day Nursery at Vanastra Park. Apply in person to Miss Cheryl Nuhn, Supervisor or phone 482-7634.20c A CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class A Licence. For pre-screening in- terview and job placement information, contact Mery Orr's Transport Driver Train- ing, London. 1400-265-1260. 41 tfn, 4 Help Wonted HOUSEKEEPER and Companion to elderly lady in Exeter. Live-in or a.few hours daily. Not -smoker and non-drinker. References. Apply Box 88P, c/o Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter, Ontario. I8 -20c HOMEMAKERS NEEDED: Work in your own home. No experience needed. For details send self-addressed stamped envelope to DJ Associates, RR 4, Thed- ford, Ont. NOM 2N0. _ 18-20• BUSY LAW FIRM requires experienced litigation secretary to fill a maternity leave. Job to commence August of 1986 and en- ding January 1987. Please forward resume only to Little and Evans, P.O. Box 1750, Exeter, Ont. 19:20c Help Wanted We Care Health Care RN's, RNA's, If you are a caring person, a dedicated health professional, come and be a part of a new Health Care Agency in South Huron. Our standard is Excellence. Send resume to P.O. Box 2068, Exeter Ontario. NOM 1S0 by May 21, 1986. 4 Emergency Planning CO -ordinator Required This is an approximately one year contract position to prepare an emergency plan for the Coynty of Huron Ind sample,pton; for the local municipalities. • The successful applicant should hove excellent communication skills, have had experience in working in community program planning, data collection abilities, and'a general knowledge of the county. Written applications will be received by the undersigned in- dicating experience until 4 o'clock p.m. Friday, May 23, 1986. , B.G. Manly Clerk Treasurer & Administrator Court House Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 Phone: (519) 524-8394 3rd CLASS STATIONARY ENGINEER Canadian Canners limited is one of Canada's leading manufac- turers of quality food and beverage products, _producing such brands as Aylmer, Del Monte, Hawaiian Punch, Chun King, and other major labels. We are seeking a part time 3rd class Stationary Engineer for our Exeter food processing operation for the period June 15th to October 15th and December 1 to April 1. This Is a modern gas and oil fired plant with 400 thermo hr rating. The successful candidate should possess a 3rd Class Stationary Engineers Ticket. Our organization offers competitive wages and an excellent benefit package. Please send resume in confidence to: T.H. RALPH, PLANT SUPERINTENDENT CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED P.O.ElOX220 EXE"ER. ONTARIO. NOM 1SO AMER �e131lonte FOOD PRODUCTS kntacky Fried Chicken • is coming to Grand Rend Interviews for management trainees, kitchen staff and counter people are being held at the new Kentucky Fried Chicken location, Ontario St., Hwy. 21, Grand Bend. (next to Brewer's Retail) Tuesday, May 20 4-ap.m. Please apply in person, no experience • necessary. Full training program. , aid ,l s Bt titpt1111�:' 114 psa. • Ma, 14, 190 Albite' ages for 6 air 6 ' 19:20c FULL . TIM$ P061TION available for domains parson. Mow 238-2371. 19:20c LAlt0U1oR•7RAINEE, Clan cut person round,required to within la ter mile radius )- ' Must W wiWng to frequently work out of stayintown, � oohspany - �«�: (onm 'weekends only). Tho- Js not a )Job for anyone wbo is weak, frail, or not physically At. Applicant must be Mains toperfotm extremely hard, dirty, physical labour for long hours. Starting wage is only 55.00 hour. but with immediate and sizable in- crease to anyone who shows promise as an intelligent, trustworthy, and responsible worker. Do.not phone! Only written ap- plications will be considered. Write to: Lumley Wrecking, 1185 Murphy Road; Sarnia, N7S • 2Y3; outlining your age, height, weight. education, marital status, previous employment. present method of transportation, hobbies, ambitions, etc. Drug -users and alcohol abusers need not aPoly1 20c PART-TIME MANAGER for.Grand Bend Chamber of Commerce. Applicant should possess some marketing and advertising • skills. Please send resume to: Grand Bend Chamber of Commerce, Box 248, Grand Bend, Ontario NOM ITO by May 23, 1986. 20:21c POSITION OPEN in retail hardware. App- ly In person at 170 Main St. Luau), Ont.20* KITCHEN PERSONS, charbroller, cooks, experience preferred, but not necessary. Call for appointment today. Hotel Mainstreet, Grand Bend, 2384821.20:2Ic LICENSED HAIRSTYLIST: Salon in Ex- eter. under new management now inter- viewing for fulltime, first class stylist. Suc- cessful candidate will be self-starter, motivated,' committed, dependable, and able to demonstrate same by providing references. Only those individuals able to provide pleasant, efficient customer service need apply, with resume. to Box 328, Ex- eter, Ontario, NOM ISO, before May 23, 1986. 20e BAR TENDERS and waitresses full and part time. Experience not necessary will train. Apply to Box 1153, Exeter, Ont. NOM ISO. 20:21c DRIVER WANTED. Only Class D driver need apply in person -Wed. Thurs and Fri- day at Marten's Furniture, 63 Main St., Ex- eter, Ont. 20c DRUMMER and keyboard player, 18-35 for writing and weekend work along lines of The Who. Dire Straits, Simple Minds. Vocal•an asset. Phone 7-11 229-6883.20' WAITPERSON Experience not necessary, must be bf legal age. We will train. Depen- dable and wt it* to work weekends. Phone 235-2949 for interview. 20:21c SHORT-ORDER COOK for morning shift, must be dependable and willing to work weekends. Phone for interview 235-2949. 20:21c DRYSDALE Major Appliance Centre Ltd. Sales With Service the „loco to buy appliances NEW AND USED HensalI 262 2728 Closed Mondays Vo We thank the visitors to the Ex- eter Home Show for the fan- tastic response to our display. Anyone else that would like to get in touch with us, please phone toll free 1-800-265-5235 Our services include: COMPLETE RESTORING OF: Antique Fumiture Chesterfields & Chairs Diningroom Suites Bedroom Suites Occasional Tables Pianos REPLACEMENT OF: Curved Glass Convex Glass for Picture Frames Convex Glass for Clock Faces Caning and Rush Weaving Broken or Missing pieces 111OtNNaL mosnin RlSTOIERS LIMI�N 165 Oak'St. we, Bothwell, Ontario (Across from the beer store) Page SA FREE: 19116 guide to MYdyst-bome cor- respondence Diploms courses for prestigious awn: A000untmW, Aircdadi• tipniag, Bookkeeping, Business, o Lel/Medial Secyt. ton (SA?x.yebology.63 Adelaide West Travel, Toronto.a 1400-268-1121. 19x INVE1I'T'ORS you an profit from your ideas. Don't delay, write today to Pacific Inventions Inc., 2 Rina Court. Etobicok�e, SOUND INVESTMENT. Returns in U.S. funds. Five -yrs 15-18.25 percent per yr. 10 yrs - 25- (Projected). percent (Projected). 15 yrs. 40-50 percent ro ed). Tax deferral. Min. U.S. 55, Sweazey, 7310 Gladstone St., Vancouver B.C. VSP 4G8 (604) 324-1107. 20x CAREER CANADA COLLEGE. Toron- to, Ottawa, Hamilton. Dental chairside assisting, medical office lab assisting, hbtel/restaurant management, travel careers. day class and home study. 385 Yonge St., Toronto MSB ISI (416) 977 -?797. 20x H&R BLOCK Income Tax Franchise in Ei- der. Good potential for growth has increas- ed 35 percent to 40 percent each year since 1979. Contact Vera Brand Box 153, Forest Ont. NON 1 J or phone Exeter office 235-1301 10 a.m.-4 p.m. or 294-6641 even - 20t fn ven- 20tfn BICK'S CUCUMBER CONTRACT available now at Norm Kramers, lot one, concession two, Tuckersmith Twp. 527-0076 and at Shirley Kramers Dublin 345-2254. 20c BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, 85 hours of instruction. Next class Aug. 9 to 16th. For information contact Southwestern On- tario School of Auctioneering (519) 469-3936. (519) 537-2115. P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ontario NOJ IMO. 20x CARL GOWER Welding and Repair R.R. 1 Centralia - Open 6 Days A Week • Truck Boxes, Portable Welding Wrought Iron Railings and Hog & Cattle Stabling 229-6542 8t SEAMLESS TROUGH Farm - Residential Commercial Boom Truck available TLEAFSCREENING problem of plugged ughs and down -pipe able metal screening vers entire to0.9f,ttcough ii -.1 I Eugene Glavin jock Glavin 228-6801 -, 237-3707 hernias EAVESTROUGH nr• ALUMINUM • and VINYL SIDING Aluminum Storm Doors sad windows Aluminum Awnings Replae..et wiwdews Renovations & ' General Construction Spring Special ivory or Grey Eavestrough $1311 per ft. Installed "Free Esti - nes" JIM BECKER CONSTRUCTION l'•""0` .' 15:1 TrielNeer Electric Ltd. and Trenching Backho.ing Trenching, fqr * water lines * drain * under- ground wiring Call 535-1756 anytime ALIFT SERVICES 229-6747 R.R.6 St. Marys R.R. Marys Coll Bob McLoughlin Locol Service & Local Price 24 HOUR REPAIR SERVICE ON FORK LIFTS AND TRUCK CRANES -- ALL HYDRAUUE REPAIRS FOR INTRON ANO PERTH 1