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Go ahead - plan and
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Our limit Quality In Woodahl.ld
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BMW win. Used for ,•
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Said Delon
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Some grants forthcoming
Contract approve
Bids for conOrnselion of the'Bepn
rpm+picipal dram Were opened and
reviewed at Tuesday's regular
` meeting of Wean yWage council.
The lowest chive bids was submit-
ted by Roth Drainage In the amount
of $118.528 and it was accepted. The
Choir set b
tO.. ootertain
me weekly meeting of the seniors
was held In the Scout And Guide hall
with president Harry Noels presiding.
Everyone was welcomed.
A short meeting was held then Ver-
na Ibbitson showed a slide on The Bay
of Fundy.
We are sorry to hear one of our
members fell and dislocated her
shoulder. We wish her a fast
Plans are also being made to visit
Iva Hodgins announced that Randy
Martin's choir of four and five grade
children will be at the hall to enter-
tain us on May 29 at 1:14 p.m., so
please keep this date in mind.
Last week's craft winner was
Elnora Raycraft. This week was Kay
Armstrong. Euchre winners were
high score Marion Noels and Ed
Dowdall, lone hands Mary Kooy and
Murray Carter, low score Mary
Miekle and Wilma Hesse].
highest quote was $185,972.71.
Engineer Tony DeVos said the
estimate a year ago was $95,500 for
the portion tendered, but with in•
creases in the meantime it should be
about $110,000. The total drain cost is
set at 1121$,000.
Alex Scott and Ivan "Hearn of the
Ausable-Bayfield Conservation
Authority were in attendance with
some good news.
Scott said sourer monies would be
availably under a Conservation Ser-
vices Erosion Control project grant on
work undertaken inside village limits.
Cost of erosion centre) work in
Lucan is estimated at $47,000.
Elgineer Tony DeVos said all
assessments would be up about 12
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i t,C #t f }f of u, Times -Advocate, May 14, 1986
7' - ,1 ' k. 4, Nrat_
or .C�fli*ruction of Bonn drain
Palle 11
percent from the original report.
When the Roth contract was ac-
cepted on motion of deputy -reeve
Harry Wraith and councillor Don
Leitch, reeve Norm Steeper com-
mented, "It's got to be done".
Repctatives of the Conserva-
tion Authority will attend the June 3
meeting ot c:oOncil to discuss floodline
mapping in the village.
The resignation of Ron Glenn from
the planning co nmittee was accepted
and his rePlacement will be Howard
Solicitor Bob Benner explained the
procedures for land severance ap-
plications which will now be handled
by council and the planning advisory
board instead of Middlesex county.
councillor Bryan Smith reported on
fence repairs, sandb4ating and pain-
ting at the swimming pool.
Works superintendent Doug
Johnston said the second acidization
of town water wells had been,com-
pleled successfully.
Council was asked to assist in the
cost of moving the village Cenotaph
to a new location on Lucan Legion
A Lucan silo -pitch team will be
given 24 village pins to take to an up-
coming tournament in Lousiville,
Reeve Steeper and councillor Smith
continue on an ad hoc committee to
consider - the possibilities of a non -
other's Day at Revival Centre
Mother's Day Sunday Mr. Doug
Butler led the song service.' Mn Wm.
told while at University of Western
Ontario he met some members of
Campus Crusade for Christ, who led
him to an awareness of life for Christ.
Through this he felt led to go to India.
With a group of §0 members of Cam-
pus Crusade for Christ, he is leaving
this Wednesday for a two month stay
in India. They will travel in groups of
five presenting the Jesus Film to
villages and talking to the people thrown in the Nile to drown. Jochab-
about • the Lord. ed defied this genocidal decree and
Rev. Roger • Mason read Exodus spared her baby Moses.
2:1-10, the story of Moses being plac-
ed in a basket in the Nile and being
found by Pharoh's daugther. Moses'
"parents were people of faith. His
mother's faith spared Moses' Life, as
Jewish boy babies were to be killed.
Moses' mother Jochabed had a
courageous faith as the Pharaoh had
ordered all male Jewish babies to be
ST. PAT'S BASKETBALLERS WIN — The St. Patrick's Separate School team won the girls championship
of a recent London and Middlesex basketball tournament. Back, left, Melanie Chittenden, Erin Porter,
Trina Schiering, Melissa Damen, Loretta Foran, Jennifer Duskocy, Natasha Biro, Laura Duskocy, coach
Don Coleman and Daphne Damen. Front, Lori Vanneste, Joanne Ltinsink, Amy Sullivan, Elisabeth
Vandenberg, Marieke Vandenberg, Nicole McLaughlin, Katie Malone and Erin Schwart.•Missing were.
Cathy Lansink and Angela Finch. T -A photo
Mothers honoured
at United Church
Mothers' Day was recognized Sunday
at Lucan United Church with a
special Christian Family Service that
included a celebtat}on orthe Sacra
ment of Infant Baptism. Rev. Brown
baptized Noralee Adell, infant
daughter of Ron and Karen Peters.
The choir sang a lovely prayer for
Mothers, and Barb Coughlin told the
boys and girls a story about a family
where each member did his part.
"God is happy when we share," Barb
Mr. Brown's sermon theme was
"Childlikeness", Even as He ap-
proached the cross, Jesus had time
CELEBRATES 95 — Mrs. Blanche
Haskett of the Craigholme Nurs-
ing Home and formerly of Lucan
celebrated her 95th birthday,
Thursday. T -A photo
for children and emphasized that
unless we become like little children,
we cannot enter His Kingdom. Their
-sense of wonder at all -God's creation-
reflects an attitude of reverence
before the God who made everything.
Their trust in their parents to pro-
vide for every need is a parable of the
sort of trust and dependence
God longs to see in us. Just as a child
knows obedience to his parents is his
duty, so we likewise need to recognize
our debt of obedience to Him and to
repent of our wilful ways.
Children have a wonderful capaci-
ty to forgive and forget the insutices
done to them by even the most well-
meaning of parents, a quality Jesus
requires of us if we are to be forgiven.
Christ's concern is that we give
Ourselves to Him like little children
and allow Him to recreate these
qualities in us. Only so may we
become true children of His Kingdom.
Coming events
The quilters will be at work in the
C.E. Wing this week, beginning at
9:30 a.m. on Tuesday. Thursday at
9:45 a.m., the Prayer and Share
Fellowship continue their informal
Bible Study discussion in the C.E.
Wing. All women of the community
are welcome. Choir meets for prac-
tice at the usual 7:30 hour.
Next Sunday at 11 a.m. is a service
of Confirmation and Communion. Im-
mediately following the service, there
will be a Congregational Meeting to
approve the call to the Revs. Darrell
and Jewel Shaul. Stewards meet in
the C.E. Wing on Tuesday, May 20 at
8 p.m.
Newly Arrived
Collectors Plate of
St. Patrick's Roman
A Perfect
Catholic Church, Lucan
Full Colour
in 22K Gold
Quantities are
Only available
Acting in courageous faith, she hid
.ger baby, realizing God hada purpose
for Upm g events: May 21 Wednes-
day evening, at 7:30 p.m. the
Women's Ministries of Lucan Revival
Centre invites all ladies to come to
their annual Blossom Tea.
May 17 - Saturday, at the K.O,A.
scamp south of Ailsa Craig, will be a
bake sale. Monies raised is for Chris-
tlanview Bible College.
May 25 Lucan Revival Centre An-
niversary services, Special speaker
Rev. Paul McPhail from Chatham,
: with special music by Mrs. McPhail.
June 1st - Bible Art Ministries with
Rev. Stan Crookall.
Please note! The Lucan Scouting
Movement is in need of new leaders
and group committee members for
the coming year.
Anyone who feels that he or she
would like to help with the Scouting
movement is welcome to attend our
next group committee meeting Tues-
day, May 20 at 8:15 p.m. in the Lucan
Scout and Guide Hall;
Plan to attend, give it some
thought, we would be pleased to have
you come. Call the following people if
you have questions: Chris Schatzler
227-1751, Dale Froats 227-4706 or Rob
Brady 227-4008.
profit senior citizen housing project
on the former turnip plant property
on Market Street.
A proposal sutxnitted previously by
Bill Niewland of the Villa has be'ii
-'+ •, fit
TOP MIXED BOWLERS — The top individual bowlers in the Lucan
Sunday mixed bowling league received trophies. Back, left, -Paul
Smith, Wbyne.Smith and Russ Smith. Front, Heather Smith, Marlene
Smith qnd Evelyn Smith. T -A photo
Fives- accidents in
loyal OPP area
Five motor vehicle accidents were
included in the 44 general occurrences
investigated this week by officers of
the Lucan detachment of the Ontario
Provincial Police.
Sunday at 10:50 a.m., vehicles
operated by John Egan, Granton and
Marie Veel, RR1 Lucan, collided on
Highway 4. Corporal Foley set
damages at $1,050.
The same day at 10:35 p.m., Con-
stable Hodge listed damages at $4,500
when vehicles driven by PattiDown,
London, and Keith McFarland,
Lucan, were in collision on Highway
Wednesday at 5:15 p.m., a vehicle
driven by Helen Bray, London, swerv-
ed across'the roadway of Middlesex
road 28 and struck a mailbox
Damages were estimate at 8350 by
Constable Wilcox.
About three hours later, a vehicle
driven by Todd Kohut, .Ailsa Craig,
went out of control on Concession 8
and struck a hydro pole. Constable
Vance set damages at $3,500.
Constable Holland set damages at
*6,000 when vehicles driven by Janet
Jenkinson, RR1 Tjrorndale, and
Howard Daniel, RR3 Denfield, collid-
ed on Highway 7 at 4:40 p.m., Friday.
Four persons wer charged with
break, enter and theft and possession
of house breaking tools. Two persons
were charged with impaired and two
driving suspensions of 12 hours were