HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1986-05-14, Page 9I Times-Advcxate, May 14, 1986 Pogo 9 WIN FOR KAMIKAZE'S — The playoff championship of the Lucian SRihday mixed bowling league was won by the Kamikaze's. Back, left, Wendy Appleman, Darlene Fevery and Chris Anderson. Front, Kevin. Windsor and Tony Martens. T -A photo BEST MONDAY BOWLERS — Winning individual trophies in the Lucan Monday ladies bowling league were Marg Young, Deb Thomp- son and Glena Tripp. T -A photo wows DONATE -- Sam Skinner g etir Oddfellows present a $300 ch dent Darlene Passmore. v Parsons of the Ex- rne minor ball presi- T-A photo Beit Prlces Guarant..d HOWIEUTETERRY TEXTRON .....d.rT.r, aw-.. d Sew.. camas Lloollod Authorised 'napper, Roper and Homelite /Jacobson garden tractors Dealer ROPER One stop • Sales • Service • Parts • • Warranties • Licensed mechanics COPPETTES WIN — The playoff championship of the Lucan Monday ladies bowling league was won by the Coppettes. Back, left, Glens Tripp, Liz Dale and Edie Burt. Front, Audrey Watt, Sue Wilcox and Muriel Kennedy. T -A photo es &refer golf 8ountrg 81u6 BOOK NOW Tournaments Special Parties Wedding Anniversaries Membership Fees Men 1200.00 Ladies $1120.00 Man & Wife '310.00 Student 16-18 *120.00 Juniors (restricted) '100.00 Green Fees Week days,18 holes 8.00 Sat., Sun. & ol 9 holes 8.00 18 holes 10.00 Twilight rates after 5 7.00 * Pro -shop Phone 235-1517 Located on County Road 6. Half mile E.. * Snack bar of Hwy. No. 4 Jhan� _lte _ 11,,,alier /ami/, am/ Wine don/ de many pep// an nma4'4 //reir Tani/// opening fall wee Jud a fremendoii JacceJJ/. / Mar comment! am/ 1/OO r wiJZeJ reins r/fe our ryPllP/ we ave pro- ,, rhe/ right dr'rel•fion to *pro- perly, Jerve rhe //automotive re- yuiremen/J o/ /hi., area. DRAW WINNERS Congratulations to Mr. Keith Robin - $on of london who won the televi- sion in our lucky draw and to Mr. Lloyd Thomson of St. Marys who won the luggage. HURON MOTOR PRSDUCTS GM Hwy. 4, South, Exeter 235-036$ "Under the bright lights" ,t MEEKER'S FLYERS WIN — Meeker's Flyers won the Lucan Sunday mixed bowling league championship. Back, left, Dave Smith, Larry Smith and Wayne Smith. Front, Doris Corless, Penny McRobert and Marlyn Smith. - 6 T -A photo Celebrities to visit' Scatcherd Classic This year's edition of the Scatcberd Charity Golf Classic at the Oakwood Inn at Grand Bend is expected to, draw a large number of excellent personalities. The fourth edition of the dinner and golf extravaganza will be held June 13 and 19 with all proceeds going to the Scatcherd Children's Centre in London. Master of ceremonies for the event will be former Edmonton Eskimos' stat fullback Normie Kwong. The list of professional hockey players will be Sports 1,, short Arms are sore ana:egs•are stat as the Exeter Ladies Slowpitch regular season is Underway. The league will consist of the same nine teams as last year but with many changes in team rosters. Play got underway in Exeter Mtly 8 with Good Times posting a late ral- ly to take the Inn-dianettes 12-7; South Huron Hospital downing the Sun - downers 1-3; Canadian Tire clipped the wings of Albatross Angels 12-5 and the JJ's posted a season opener win over the Huron Park Devils 10-8. Downtown Dollies will meet their first competition this week, May 15. * * * Jody Mosurinjohn and Steve Ven- ner each recorded scores of 24 to lead Sunday's regular competition at the claybird gun club. Tied for third place with 20 hits apiece were Russ Beaver and Doug Moore. They were followed by Dwight Monck 17, John Schwartzentruber 16 and Raymond Plavfoot 15. The first race of the season for the Lucan homing pigeon racing club was held May 3. The first of the young birds home from a 135 kilometre flight from Georgetown belonged to the Clarence Hardy loft who also had a third place finish. Birds from tie Jack Hardy barn were second, fourth and fifth. Com- pleting the first eight place finished were birds woned by Charles Barrett, Mark Ansems and Harry Winters. 4 4 Wednesday the ironwood ladies club started their golf season with a potluck supper and had over 40 women attending. The successful golfers of the night were Barb Dietrich with closest to the pin, Janet Wedlake with the longest drive and Ilelen Burton with the lowest number of putts. This week's ladies night will be May 14 and will be sponsored by Big V Drugstore and Greeting Card World. * .* Ernie Chipchase recorded a score of 549 to win Wednesday's shuf- fleboard cdmpetition at the South Huron Rec Centre. Next came Charles Hendy 480, John Pepper 365, Mabel McKnight 347 and Jean !fern 337. The new season for the ladies at the Exeter golf and country club opened Tuesday. Several enjoyed a round of golf in the morning and 23 enjoyed a tasty potluck dinner at noon. in the afternoon a short business meeting was followed by a draw and cards. Winners of the door prizes were Cathy hell, Note Smith, Lauret- te Siegner, Lois Snell and Jeanette Turner. headed by Paul Coffey of the Edmon- ton Oilers. Politicians will also be 'in atten- dance. Two of these will be former Ontario premier William Davis and the current premier David Peterson. NIL Lawn mowers Chain saws String trimmers Brush cutters Tillers Sprayers • Pressure washer Sherwood (Exeter) Ltd. 18 Wellington St. West., - PHONE: 235-0743 Weekdays 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to noon YOUR AUTHORIZED DEALER 44 q Q' PROO, FOR 't' -,, 0 i BRIGGS & STRATTON KOHLER. No fancy Showtoan No Fancy Interest Just Good Honest Deals a, BOB LAMMIE JUST ASK USt Rebates up to $ 1 ,000 Interest as low as 7.5% (specific models) DAN HEYWOOD do AT CHRYSLER, WE JUST WANT 70 BE Th DODGE EXCLUSIVE CANADA'S BEST TRUCK WARRANTY PROTECTION t. ENGINE AND POWERTRAIN 2. OUTER PANEL CORROSION PERFORATION SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS km AT NO EXTRA COST ,...led w.'.' walAlw .• . WM 1 ..M. Oretw i* K.,Ms AM b Ores.. (p...Aen Dore on ,..,4I wr...q A6'"'.-ow on•+•0 The Best of Everything You Want! AT MI 0 (13_9111 PlYme; aiR1'SLER1 (amisiER1 136 Main St. North Exeter, Ontario 235-1525 collect Don't be disappointed At Chrysler we just want to be the Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 8 - s Friday d - 6 Saturday 9 - 4 best. 1